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Author: white pearl


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 Author| Post time 16-9-2002 08:28 AM | Show all posts

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: BAE YONG JUN

[quote][b:633199bdbe]tkosong1 wrote[/b:633199bdbe]:
[quote][b:633199bdbe]white pearl wrote[/b:633199bdbe]:
[quote:633199bdbe][b:633199bdbe]polaris_sonata wrote[/b:633199bdbe]:
[quote:633199bdbe][b:633199bdbe]white pearl wrote[/b:633199bdbe]:
[quote:633199bdbe][b:633199bdbe]tkosong1 wrote[/b:633199bdbe]:
nih ade latest artikel on byj....nampaknye byj diminati gak oleh shu qi actress hongkong nih

Betul tu... Mmg ade article ni dlm BYJ fan page...
Click kat situ kalau nak tau...
Ade tak sape2 yg volunteer nak send ringtones theme song Winter Sonata tu??? Sbb hset tak boleh compose la... Org bagi boleh la...
Pearl... ur email add ape???

actually pearl lebih suka ngan lagu only you ngan my memory, tapi takder lak yang nak bagi lagu tu, theme song WS tu lak, tak berapa best la, bila dah compose, mendayu2 semacam jer... kalau polaris nak kasi e-mail kat pearl, klik jerla kat nama pearl tuh.. ok...

pearl...ost w sonata tuh dlm bentuk vcd or cd...bape harga die....akupun suke lagu my memory & lagu yg ade translation depan die chest\'moi ke ape tah...lagi satu lagu yg kat pantai mase die nak pisah dgn u-jinn tuh....bestttt.....aku kalu gi kedai tuh dgr je ape2 yg ade kaitan dgn w sonata terus tertoleh cam u-jinn jumpe jun sang lak...hehe....

setakat ni vcd takderla jumpa lagi.. tak taula kalau DoK dah jumpa... yang ada cuma cd jer... lagu yang ada c\'estmoi depan tula lagu only you... best kan?? lagu yang sedih masa kat tepi pantai tu lak, lagu moment, ryu jugak yang nyanyi...

satu lagi yang best, back up muzik masa diaorang nak kawin dalam gereja tu... sayu jer dengar, dengar muzik jer pun, air mata dah nak menitik... btw kalau ada sesaper yang jumpa vcd ost winter sonata.. inform pearl cecepat yerk... kat mana beli ngan price dia skali... he he he.. fanatiknya..

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Post time 16-9-2002 01:27 PM | Show all posts

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: BAE YONG JUN

ada translator rupanyer... patutla... pearl lak tgk gamba jerla.. satu hapah pun tak paham... betulker... si CJW tu mmg macam yoo jin tu... bukannya apa DOK, tgk kat website dia ni cam lincah semacam jer, tak taulaa... si BYJ tu lak, kalau betul he behave lak joon sang masa sekolah tu mmg la best, kira cam slamberdekss jer... kepala dia jer..

err...mmm... dia gi visit PYH kat drama location?? jangan orang kata dia gay dah laa... eee. tak rela.... he he he...

btw.. DoK, u punya Duke of Kent tak kisah ker minat sangat ngan WS n BYJ nih... sesetengah lelaki tu, jeles... cam hubby pearl asyik kondem pearl jer... dia kata minat cerita tu ker minat ngan hero dia tu... pearl cakat dua2 pun pearl suka.... makan hati member....

elloooo .... baru balik cuti daaaa.... PEARLLL ... hehehe hubby I OK jer .... in fact dia kata \"From my point of view as a man, Ming Hyung tu memang HENSEM kekekeke\"...  Dia pulak minat kat CJW so fair la I minat kat BYJ.

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Post time 16-9-2002 01:56 PM | Show all posts

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: BAE YONG JUN

setakat ni vcd takderla jumpa lagi.. tak taula kalau DoK dah jumpa... yang ada cuma cd jer... lagu yang ada c\'estmoi depan tula lagu only you... best kan?? lagu yang sedih masa kat tepi pantai tu lak, lagu moment, ryu jugak yang nyanyi...

satu lagi yang best, back up muzik masa diaorang nak kawin dalam gereja tu... sayu jer dengar, dengar muzik jer pun, air mata dah nak menitik... btw kalau ada sesaper yang jumpa vcd ost winter sonata.. inform pearl cecepat yerk... kat mana beli ngan price dia skali... he he he.. fanatiknya..

Scene yang dia pakai spec tu memang ensem aaa .... scene yg paling best sekali masa dia jual mahal ngan U-jinn pasai dia caya kat si gedik chea rin tuh .... isskkk kesian sungguh kat u-jinn. Satu lagi paling touching masa mak jun sang suruh pilih, 1)Awak berpisah atau 2) Saya beritahu dia, then Jun Sang pause jap then sambil nangis dia cakap \"saya berpisah\" fffooooooohhhh .... lelehhhhh ....
I balik kampung baru ni pon siap bawak balik VCD set tuhhh hehhee my mom & my sister nak tgk .... pas tu nak balik sini depa kata toksah bawak balik VCD tuh .... abah nak tgk pulak kui kui kui .... punya la dahsyat ahakss .... nasib baik la ada OST. Kalo korang nak cari OST, rasanya kat Speedy Mid Valley dah ada dah (ari tu sold out). Tapi I beli kat SOGO (Tkt atas sekali bahagian muzik). Ni kira kedai ke-7 yg I jenguk baru ada .... OST dia ni ada 2 CD. 1 untuk CD saja, satu lagi Bonus VCD MTV Video Clip. Cuma ada 4 lagu yg paling best dr WLS. Tapi kira puas hati gak la boleh beli ni ... harga dia RM 29.90. Ada minus one kalo tak silap (hehehe tak dgr abis lagi pasal dok ulang trek 1&2 jer hehehhe). Kat tokeikedai tu kan Video Clip lagu tema dia tuh. ok gak la.

Bawah ni gambo masa depa buat fesyen show kat Sydney Opera House. Depa didtgkan khas dr Korea and BYJ is the only male model on that day hehehehe ...... cam real jerrr ..


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 Author| Post time 16-9-2002 02:21 PM | Show all posts

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: BAE YONG JUN

[quote:5c09dc979c][b:5c09dc979c]duchessofkent wrote[/b:5c09dc979c]:
setakat ni vcd takderla jumpa lagi.. tak taula kalau DoK dah jumpa... yang ada cuma cd jer... lagu yang ada c\'estmoi depan tula lagu only you... best kan?? lagu yang sedih masa kat tepi pantai tu lak, lagu moment, ryu jugak yang nyanyi...

satu lagi yang best, back up muzik masa diaorang nak kawin dalam gereja tu... sayu jer dengar, dengar muzik jer pun, air mata dah nak menitik... btw kalau ada sesaper yang jumpa vcd ost winter sonata.. inform pearl cecepat yerk... kat mana beli ngan price dia skali... he he he.. fanatiknya..

Scene yang dia pakai spec tu memang ensem aaa .... scene yg paling best sekali masa dia jual mahal ngan U-jinn pasai dia caya kat si gedik chea rin tuh .... isskkk kesian sungguh kat u-jinn. Satu lagi paling touching masa mak jun sang suruh pilih, 1)Awak berpisah atau 2) Saya beritahu dia, then Jun Sang pause jap then sambil nangis dia cakap \"saya berpisah\" fffooooooohhhh .... lelehhhhh ....
I balik kampung baru ni pon siap bawak balik VCD set tuhhh hehhee my mom & my sister nak tgk .... pas tu nak balik sini depa kata toksah bawak balik VCD tuh .... abah nak tgk pulak kui kui kui .... punya la dahsyat ahakss .... nasib baik la ada OST. Kalo korang nak cari OST, rasanya kat Speedy Mid Valley dah ada dah (ari tu sold out). Tapi I beli kat SOGO (Tkt atas sekali bahagian muzik). Ni kira kedai ke-7 yg I jenguk baru ada .... OST dia ni ada 2 CD. 1 untuk CD saja, satu lagi Bonus VCD MTV Video Clip. Cuma ada 4 lagu yg paling best dr WLS. Tapi kira puas hati gak la boleh beli ni ... harga dia RM 29.90. Ada minus one kalo tak silap (hehehe tak dgr abis lagi pasal dok ulang trek 1&2 jer hehehhe). Kat tokeikedai tu kan Video Clip lagu tema dia tuh. ok gak la.

Bawah ni gambo masa depa buat fesyen show kat Sydney Opera House. Depa didtgkan khas dr Korea and BYJ is the only male model on that day hehehehe ...... cam real jerrr ..


lamanya tak dengar citer... welcome back!  lepas cuti mesti banyak citer sensasi kan DoK?  btw dalam cd tuh ada lagu moment tak?? sebab pearl dengar citer, lagu moment tak termasuk dalam ost WLS tu, betul ker??

pearl ada gak baca article pasal diaorang pegi buat fashion show kat sydney tu, dan dengar khabarnya orang sydney pun memang minat abis ngan si BYJ, kalau tak silap pearl la...  ayat dia lebih kurang camnila... \'our man of the day, bae yong jun\'

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Post time 16-9-2002 09:15 PM | Show all posts


BYJ sememangnya pelakon terbaik.cuba tengok
citer winter sonata, cara dia hayati watak
memang menjadi betul dan touchingnya waktu
dia mengalirkan air matanya lagi membuatkan
aku nangis habiss....
aku harap sungguh agar tv3 tayangkan citer
Hotlier. aku harap agar BYJ berpasangan kekasih dgn chinwoo ( ujin -WS) sesuaiaaan gitu.......)

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 Author| Post time 17-9-2002 08:34 AM | Show all posts


[quote:e67ca2258e][b:e67ca2258e]haizan wrote[/b:e67ca2258e]:
BYJ sememangnya pelakon terbaik.cuba tengok
citer winter sonata, cara dia hayati watak
memang menjadi betul dan touchingnya waktu
dia mengalirkan air matanya lagi membuatkan
aku nangis habiss....
aku harap sungguh agar tv3 tayangkan citer
Hotlier. aku harap agar BYJ berpasangan kekasih dgn chinwoo ( ujin -WS) sesuaiaaan gitu.......)[/quote:e67ca2258e]

memang betul pun, dia mmg pandai menghayati watak jun sang dan min hyung tuh.. sampai berkesan dalam hati.. CJW pun sama pandai menghayati watak yoo jin tu.. nampak naif jer...

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tkosong1 This user has been deleted
Post time 17-9-2002 08:55 AM | Show all posts


korang paling suke dialog & scene ape dlm winter sonata...kalu aku suke dialog mase jun sang doa dgn ujinn kat church tuh....bestla & terharu gitu...scene yg best mase 1st time jumpe jun sang & mase depa main kat salji tuh....korang lak...

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 Author| Post time 17-9-2002 09:44 AM | Show all posts


[quote:7979ee7d01][b:7979ee7d01]tkosong1 wrote[/b:7979ee7d01]:
korang paling suke dialog & scene ape dlm winter sonata...kalu aku suke dialog mase jun sang doa dgn ujinn kat church tuh....bestla & terharu gitu...scene yg best mase 1st time jumpe jun sang & mase depa main kat salji tuh....korang lak...[/quote:7979ee7d01]

semua scene best la, awak! Tapi yang pearl suka sgt tgk sampai gelak sorang2 scene yang diaorang kemas rumah tu, romantik & a bit naughty... he he he.. pastu scene yang min hyung kiss dahi yoo jin tuh, terharu, yang main salji tu of course la best, dan satu lagi scene diaorang kat tepi pantai tu, yang tgh baring kat tepi pantai pastu dtg sekor puppy kat diaorang, kelakar pun ada, sedih pun ada..

kalau dialog lak, pearl suka dgr dialog masa diaorang kat dlm church tu ngan masa diaorang tgh berdoa depan batu masa nak main salji tu, lebih kurang camnila dialognya..

Jun Sang : apa yang kamu minta
Yoo Jin  : saya minta supaya saya
           dapat bersama2 kamu
           selama2nya, kamu pula?         
Jun Sang : sama macam kamu.....

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Post time 17-9-2002 01:14 PM | Show all posts

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: BAE YONG JUN

lamanya tak dengar citer... welcome back!  lepas cuti mesti banyak citer sensasi kan DoK?  btw dalam cd tuh ada lagu moment tak?? sebab pearl dengar citer, lagu moment tak termasuk dalam ost WLS tu, betul ker??

pearl ada gak baca article pasal diaorang pegi buat fashion show kat sydney tu, dan dengar khabarnya orang sydney pun memang minat abis ngan si BYJ, kalau tak silap pearl la...  ayat dia lebih kurang camnila... \'our man of the day, bae yong jun\'

Sorrylah PEARL .... dalam dok minat minat sgt nih, I tak tau plak lagu moment tuh hat mana??? becos kat VCD ni sumer tulis korea jer ..... tulung bagitau sat kat CD no baper & scene mana lagu ni dimainkan? TQ..

hehehe .... mesra semacam jer gambor ni .... ada sesaper jeles ke ahakss ... kekekeke


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 Author| Post time 17-9-2002 02:03 PM | Show all posts

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: BAE YONG JUN

[quote:0b8ed9c008][b:0b8ed9c008]duchessofkent wrote[/b:0b8ed9c008]:
lamanya tak dengar citer... welcome back!  lepas cuti mesti banyak citer sensasi kan DoK?  btw dalam cd tuh ada lagu moment tak?? sebab pearl dengar citer, lagu moment tak termasuk dalam ost WLS tu, betul ker??

pearl ada gak baca article pasal diaorang pegi buat fashion show kat sydney tu, dan dengar khabarnya orang sydney pun memang minat abis ngan si BYJ, kalau tak silap pearl la...  ayat dia lebih kurang camnila... \'our man of the day, bae yong jun\'

Sorrylah PEARL .... dalam dok minat minat sgt nih, I tak tau plak lagu moment tuh hat mana??? becos kat VCD ni sumer tulis korea jer ..... tulung bagitau sat kat CD no baper & scene mana lagu ni dimainkan? TQ..

hehehe .... mesra semacam jer gambor ni .... ada sesaper jeles ke ahakss ... kekekeke



DoK, tadi takde keje pearl dok browse info pasal BYJ.. he he he.. rupanya fan dia kat sana pun sibuk nak tau apa relationship between him and CJW... and the answer is...

\"going back to the byj and cjw thing..i read in an article that byj said that he did have feelings for her..but like.. A LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTLE bit..not a lot. like after he shoots a film with a female actress, he usually just goes home and forgets about the other actress..but with choi ji woo, he didn\'t really ..just go home.. he kinda stayed with her a little. that\'s where the media got this scandal thing started. but he was interviewed and he said that if he was actually going out with someone, then it would be that he was getting ready to get married (if he\'s not gonna get married to a girl, he wouldn\'t date her) otherwords..he wouldn\'t be dating choi ji woo because he\'s not gonna marry her.. but even tho he might not be dating choi ji woo, i think they\'re REALLY good friends or something. and i like his way of thinking...don\'t u??!! like he wouldn\'t cheat on a girl or have any scandals..he hasn\'t had a scandal until the media started that rumor after gyu ool yun gah.\"

mmmm... tahla... tapi pearl still nak tau gak... because they seems to be a good couple..

lagu moment tu lagu yang slow and sad scene kat tepi pantai tu... besh... ni tgh on kat pc pearlla nih...

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tkosong1 This user has been deleted
Post time 17-9-2002 02:19 PM | Show all posts

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: BAE YONG JUN

[quote:6a98e0ce06][b:6a98e0ce06]white pearl wrote[/b:6a98e0ce06]:
[quote:6a98e0ce06][b:6a98e0ce06]duchessofkent wrote[/b:6a98e0ce06]:
lamanya tak dengar citer... welcome back!  lepas cuti mesti banyak citer sensasi kan DoK?  btw dalam cd tuh ada lagu moment tak?? sebab pearl dengar citer, lagu moment tak termasuk dalam ost WLS tu, betul ker??

pearl ada gak baca article pasal diaorang pegi buat fashion show kat sydney tu, dan dengar khabarnya orang sydney pun memang minat abis ngan si BYJ, kalau tak silap pearl la...  ayat dia lebih kurang camnila... \'our man of the day, bae yong jun\'

Sorrylah PEARL .... dalam dok minat minat sgt nih, I tak tau plak lagu moment tuh hat mana??? becos kat VCD ni sumer tulis korea jer ..... tulung bagitau sat kat CD no baper & scene mana lagu ni dimainkan? TQ..

hehehe .... mesra semacam jer gambor ni .... ada sesaper jeles ke ahakss ... kekekeke



DoK, tadi takde keje pearl dok browse info pasal BYJ.. he he he.. rupanya fan dia kat sana pun sibuk nak tau apa relationship between him and CJW... and the answer is...

\"going back to the byj and cjw thing..i read in an article that byj said that he did have feelings for her..but like.. A LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTLE bit..not a lot. like after he shoots a film with a female actress, he usually just goes home and forgets about the other actress..but with choi ji woo, he didn\'t really ..just go home.. he kinda stayed with her a little. that\'s where the media got this scandal thing started. but he was interviewed and he said that if he was actually going out with someone, then it would be that he was getting ready to get married (if he\'s not gonna get married to a girl, he wouldn\'t date her) otherwords..he wouldn\'t be dating choi ji woo because he\'s not gonna marry her.. but even tho he might not be dating choi ji woo, i think they\'re REALLY good friends or something. and i like his way of thinking...don\'t u??!! like he wouldn\'t cheat on a girl or have any scandals..he hasn\'t had a scandal until the media started that rumor after gyu ool yun gah.\"

mmmm... tahla... tapi pearl still nak tau gak... because they seems to be a good couple..

lagu moment tu lagu yang slow and sad scene kat tepi pantai tu... besh... ni tgh on kat pc pearlla nih...

best gile kalu diorg bercouple....sesuai gitu...tapi kalu diorg takde perasaan nak buat camne....kenala terima hakikat diorg bercinte dlm winter sonata je...tapikan pearl dlm interview with cjw mase burfday party die, pyh kate cjw punye karakter sebanar mcm watak die mase mula2 tuh kalu aku tak tersilap fhm la....mcm tuh kirenye karakter diorg time sekolah tuh yg betulnyer la....kelasss....

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 Author| Post time 17-9-2002 03:20 PM | Show all posts

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: BAE YONG JUN

best gile kalu diorg bercouple....sesuai gitu...tapi kalu diorg takde perasaan nak buat camne....kenala terima hakikat diorg bercinte dlm winter sonata je...tapikan pearl dlm interview with cjw mase burfday party die, pyh kate cjw punye karakter sebanar mcm watak die mase mula2 tuh kalu aku tak tersilap fhm la....mcm tuh kirenye karakter diorg time sekolah tuh yg betulnyer la....kelasss....

tak kisahla.. tkosong1, yang penting pearl ttp minat kat diaorang.. ececeh... tapi ada lagi komen peminat diaorang tu, kira diaorang pun berforum cam kita ni gak laaa...

\"I want to know if Bae Yong Jun and Choi Ji Woo are dating. They apparently are saying that they are not dating, but BYJ admitted that he had curious feelings about her and that he never felt the way he did after filming a drama with someone. They make a really good couple. It would be really cool if they were going out.\"

\"they are!!!!! and umm.. there were BIG rumorz they had a wedding datE~
dat wood b coool hehe... dai make a rilly good couple~\"

\"TO the curious person who wants to know about Choi Jiwoo and Song Seung hoon-> No, I dont think they were going out in the first place...just rumors...and whos aid that they were engaged!? Thats a bit off...but anyway... Choi Jiwoo and BYJ do seem to be close whatever relationship they want to call it\"

haaa... camner... kira konfiden skit la kan?? memintakla lepas ni ada lagi drama yang mengcouplekan diaorang nikan???

\"tak berani kata aku menyintaimu\"
\"tak berani juga mengaku aku menunggumu\"  
- my memory...

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 Author| Post time 17-9-2002 04:20 PM | Show all posts


[quote:72e31fa25c][b:72e31fa25c]misya wrote[/b:72e31fa25c]:
ish...misya geram tu la picture yg pearl send tu...BYJ memang sesuaiiiii ngan CJW memang sedondong..ahaks!!!sama

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Post time 18-9-2002 08:28 AM | Show all posts

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: BAE YONG JUN

[quote][b:99cab81afe]white pearl wrote[/b:99cab81afe]:
lamanya tak dengar citer... welcome back!  lepas cuti mesti banyak citer sensasi kan DoK?  btw dalam cd tuh ada lagu moment tak?? sebab pearl dengar citer, lagu moment tak termasuk dalam ost WLS tu, betul ker??

pearl ada gak baca article pasal diaorang pegi buat fashion show kat sydney tu, dan dengar khabarnya orang sydney pun memang minat abis ngan si BYJ, kalau tak silap pearl la...  ayat dia lebih kurang camnila... \'our man of the day, bae yong jun\'
[quote][b:99cab81afe]duchessofkent wrote[/b:99cab81afe]:
Tak sempat lah nak cari news baru pasal sibuk sket lama dah cuti ..... BTW memang banyak fansites kata BYJ ni ada hati kat BYJ and they all hope they are coupling. tgkler gambo bawah ni ..... mesra jer ... .luar drama nih... kalo CJW ada BF, mesti jeles abis... tu si SangHyuk tu memang ler suka jadik pengacau hehehhehe


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tkosong1 This user has been deleted
Post time 18-9-2002 09:02 AM | Show all posts

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: BAE YONG JUN

[quote][b:89de04e835]duchessofkent wrote[/b:89de04e835]:
[quote][b:89de04e835]white pearl wrote[/b:89de04e835]:
lamanya tak dengar citer... welcome back!  lepas cuti mesti banyak citer sensasi kan DoK?  btw dalam cd tuh ada lagu moment tak?? sebab pearl dengar citer, lagu moment tak termasuk dalam ost WLS tu, betul ker??

pearl ada gak baca article pasal diaorang pegi buat fashion show kat sydney tu, dan dengar khabarnya orang sydney pun memang minat abis ngan si BYJ, kalau tak silap pearl la...  ayat dia lebih kurang camnila... \'our man of the day, bae yong jun\'
[quote:89de04e835][b:89de04e835]duchessofkent wrote[/b:89de04e835]:
Tak sempat lah nak cari news baru pasal sibuk sket lama dah cuti ..... BTW memang banyak fansites kata BYJ ni ada hati kat BYJ and they all hope they are coupling. tgkler gambo bawah ni ..... mesra jer ... .luar drama nih... kalo CJW ada BF, mesti jeles abis... tu si SangHyuk tu memang ler suka jadik pengacau hehehhehe


comelnye Dok...ish mmg bestla kalu depa couple...camne la diorg takde feeling yek....

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tkosong1 This user has been deleted
Post time 18-9-2002 09:13 AM | Show all posts

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: BAE YONG

[quote][b:e3350027a7]tkosong1 wrote[/b:e3350027a7]:
[quote][b:e3350027a7]duchessofkent wrote[/b:e3350027a7]:
[quote][b:e3350027a7]white pearl wrote[/b:e3350027a7]:
lamanya tak dengar citer... welcome back!  lepas cuti mesti banyak citer sensasi kan DoK?  btw dalam cd tuh ada lagu moment tak?? sebab pearl dengar citer, lagu moment tak termasuk dalam ost WLS tu, betul ker??

pearl ada gak baca article pasal diaorang pegi buat fashion show kat sydney tu, dan dengar khabarnya orang sydney pun memang minat abis ngan si BYJ, kalau tak silap pearl la...  ayat dia lebih kurang camnila... \'our man of the day, bae yong jun\'
[quote:e3350027a7][b:e3350027a7]duchessofkent wrote[/b:e3350027a7]:
Tak sempat lah nak cari news baru pasal sibuk sket lama dah cuti ..... BTW memang banyak fansites kata BYJ ni ada hati kat BYJ and they all hope they are coupling. tgkler gambo bawah ni ..... mesra jer ... .luar drama nih... kalo CJW ada BF, mesti jeles abis... tu si SangHyuk tu memang ler suka jadik pengacau hehehhehe

comelnye Dok...ish mmg bestla kalu depa couple...camne la diorg takde feeling yek....

Dok..mane ko dpt gambar diorg tuh...jelesla gini

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Post time 18-9-2002 01:43 PM | Show all posts

Re: Re ;re ;reBAE YONG JUN

ada ker kaset soundtrack dijual selain dari
vcd.berapa harganya. aku betul -betul minat
habis dengan kesemua lagu winter sonata.
aku tak sabar utk tengok waktu saat-saat
jun sang ingin berpisah dgn u jin sewaktu mereka berada di pantai.
memang menyedihkan.

falling in love with Bae Yong Jun

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Seablue This user has been deleted
Post time 18-9-2002 03:03 PM | Show all posts

Re: Re: Re ;re ;reBAE YONG JUN

[quote:cccb4cf4b2][b:cccb4cf4b2]haizan wrote[/b:cccb4cf4b2]:
ada ker kaset soundtrack dijual selain dari
vcd.berapa harganya. aku betul -betul minat
habis dengan kesemua lagu winter sonata.
aku tak sabar utk tengok waktu saat-saat
jun sang ingin berpisah dgn u jin sewaktu mereka berada di pantai.
memang menyedihkan.

falling in love with Bae Yong Jun[/quote:cccb4cf4b2]

Setakat nilah koleksi Winter Sonata yang diketahui :
1. VCD WS subs Malay (of course le)
2. CD OST + 4 bonus MTV
3. Kaset OST
4. NG VCD ( behind the scene + NG scene tak jadi)-cutenye BYJ dalam ni
5.CD Korean Drama Soundtrack + 4 bonus MTV- beli ni semata-mata untuk lagu Moment Ryu yang dalam episod 18 tepi pantai tu
Apa nak buat minat kat BYJ tahap max sekarang ni.

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Post time 18-9-2002 04:12 PM | Show all posts

Re: Re: Re: Re ;re ;reBAE YONG JUN

[quote:c2a7d1d21c][b:c2a7d1d21c]seablue wrote[/b:c2a7d1d21c]:
[quote:c2a7d1d21c][b:c2a7d1d21c]haizan wrote[/b:c2a7d1d21c]:
ada ker kaset soundtrack dijual selain dari
vcd.berapa harganya. aku betul -betul minat
habis dengan kesemua lagu winter sonata.
aku tak sabar utk tengok waktu saat-saat
jun sang ingin berpisah dgn u jin sewaktu mereka berada di pantai.
memang menyedihkan.

falling in love with Bae Yong Jun[/quote:c2a7d1d21c]

Setakat nilah koleksi Winter Sonata yang diketahui :
1. VCD WS subs Malay (of course le)
2. CD OST + 4 bonus MTV
3. Kaset OST
4. NG VCD ( behind the scene + NG scene tak jadi)-cutenye BYJ dalam ni
5.CD Korean Drama Soundtrack + 4 bonus MTV- beli ni semata-mata untuk lagu Moment Ryu yang dalam episod 18 tepi pantai tu
Apa nak buat minat kat BYJ tahap max sekarang ni.

Seablue.... hihihi ... samer le kiter ... cuma I takder no 3 (pasal takder radio) & no 4 jer. Kat ner nak cari NG collection tuh? baper ringgit eh? opppssstt ada lagi satu koleksi. Rantai Polaris!

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 Author| Post time 19-9-2002 08:09 AM | Show all posts

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re ;re ;reBAE YONG JUN

nampaknyer sumer pun minat BYJ tahap maksimum skang nih, pearl pun kena la beli sumer yang seablue listkan tuh... btw DoK rantai polaris tu silver ker... memang sebijik cam yang Min Hyung kasi kat Yoo jin tu ker...  tak penah jumpa la... tak silap pearl kengkawan kata RM19.90.... kena gi usha cepat nih..

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