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Author: Victorioussss


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 Author| Post time 10-12-2016 03:14 AM | Show all posts
just finished watching movie : Snowden. yup, based on ed snowden yang leak info nsa dan cia.

sangat sangat best. dari segi jalan cerita, olahan, flash back, detailing, props..memang dah masuk senarai movie faveret i.

sape yang belum tengok, recomended sgt.
sori kalu korang dah tengok awal movie ni, bukan movie baru..i just donloded it. malas nak gi gsc

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Post time 19-1-2017 08:33 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Chesire_Epilog at 20-1-2017 03:10 PM

- Shawshank Redemption

- Death Race 2, Death Race Inferno, Death Race
- Escape Plan
- Homefront
- Unbroken (based on a true story)
- Lone Survivor (based on a true story)
- 3 idiots
- PK
- Case 39
- Orphan
- The Skeleton Key
- I Fine..Thank you..Love you


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Post time 19-1-2017 07:04 PM | Show all posts
Edited by hanakikan at 19-1-2017 07:06 PM

suka banget filem2 thriller ending twist

paling best and paling suka : memento, the usual suspects, fight club, the prestige, the prisoner, shutter island, gone girl, the inception

antara yg tak suka utk ending twist : the game (mcm b#bi), se7en (tak tahu kenapa org cakap citer ni best), gone baby gone (ending mmg twist tapi tak best), THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN (EMILY BLUNT KONON2 NAK TIRU ROSAMUND PIKE TAPI TAK JADI ;p)

filem2 perang pasal ww2 and holocaust suka gak : the pianist, schindler's list, valkyrie (tom cruise), son of saul, the counterfeiters


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 Author| Post time 19-1-2017 11:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hanakikan replied at 19-1-2017 07:04 PM
suka banget filem2 thriller ending twist

paling best and paling suka : memento, the usual suspect ...

The girl on the train pernah tengok dan dia ade twist sikit. Cuma agak boring bile scene sama dalam train. Patut dia elaborate lebih konflik kenapa hubs dia curang. Cite ni pun suke viewer jump conclusion cepat cepat dan twist akhirnya.

Thriller/horror yang i tgk dan shitbrix jgk, autopsy of jane doe.

Sangat mindfuk

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Post time 22-1-2017 11:31 AM | Show all posts
thanks sapa2 yg recommend shawshank redemption tu. very good movie.

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Post time 22-1-2017 04:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by kosukeconan at 22-1-2017 05:32 PM

Shawshank Redemption
Mean Girls
The Inception
Cast Away
Forest Gump
Star trek movies
Green Miles (i tgk masa kecik kat tv nasional, impact besar jgk ngn i)
A series of unfortunate events (kat sini i baru kenal n tau ngn khebatan meryl streep berlakon)
The devil wears prada
Beauty &  the beast (animation tahun 1991)
Lotr movies
Paprika (japan animation)
Lupin III. Castle of Cagliostro
Pom poko
From up the poppy hill
Princess mononoke
Ponyo (superbbbbb lukisan/coloring)
Castle in the sky
The sound of music


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 Author| Post time 6-2-2017 11:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ok i baru setel tgk Passenger.

I bagi solid 4.5/5
Sangat fun dan menarik. Buat kita bermain dengan emosi antara nak sokong chris patt atau jenifer.

Walaupun cast tak ramai, tapi memang tabik. Another good movies dari sony.sesape yang belum tengok, donlod and xnyesal

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Post time 8-2-2017 01:10 AM | Show all posts
film diminati
1) film disaster spt 2012, twister, titanic, poseidon, dente peak, into the storm, day after tomorrow,
2) film medieval knight braveheart, muskeeter, robin hood, troy,13 warior, knight tale
3) film fantasi spt haripotter beas lotr hobit narnia scorpion king,
4) film ganas  - jaw,wrong turn, saw, hill hv eyes, chainsaw masacre,  halloween, chucky,
5) film horror -shining, pyscho, conjuring, sleepy hollow, elm street, drag me to hell,  1408, skeleton key
6) film adventure king solomon, indiana jones, congo, mummy, persia, city of amber, pirate o caribean, sahara,
7) film sain fiksen alien, jurasic,back future,apes, avatar, terminator, time machine
8) film survival spt 127 hour, flight poenix, cast away,  28 day later, grey, im legend
5) lain2
shawhack redemp, budapest,princess bridal,
fugitive,bourne  crank, austin power, chappie
don breath, inferno, mi, mib, elysium
nationnal lampooon, home alone, salt
redesent evil, top secret, thelma louse, true lies, con air

film tak diminati
1) film konsep drama slow
2) film konsep percintaan


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