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Author: OnEdge

Writer's Blog (merged with Tok_Batin)

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Post time 19-8-2004 07:32 PM | Show all posts
Ahmad Izham's 8tv off the record...(taken from our bod Malaysian Idol)
which he visited...n he is one of our forummer...
cool...he praised this forum!!

link 4 his blog...

EMBRACEABLE YOU  by Ahmad Izham Omar  8/2/2004 at 14:20  
"Embraceable You" is an old jazz standard that jazz students usually come across in their studies of the great masters.

Have you noticed that a lot of Malaysian songs don't really approach the subject of embracing? You know, hugging, letting your heart out fully at someone, something.

I've looked through my dusty CD collection and it's hard to find lyrics that talk about submission to something, hugging someone, letting your emotions pour out. (Before you guys point out dumb lyrics about "Oh sayang aku cinta pada mu disaksikan bulan bla bla bla,"purleeze. What I'm talking about are lyrics about letting your entire heart out, not declaring love. Those that can't tell the difference can stop reading right here. Yup, here. I said here.)

Maybe it's because us Malaysians always "control handsome". We rarely let our guard down cos it's "frowned upon". Oh yeah, I've been getting the heat too about ever letting any of our Idol contestants hug on stage.

But what is all this hoo-ha about?

I think giving your all and yes, letting your feelings get in the way are the basic ingredients of achieving seemingly-impossible things. Put everything into it, man, and miracles usually happen. The list of people who have done seemingly-incredible feats have this trait of "wearing your heart on your sleeve" in their character: Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Dr. Mahathir, even Osama.

Wouldn't it be great if everyone put their entire heart and soul into everything they do? Wouldn't it be great if they were not afraid to get their hearts into the line of fire knowing there is the risk of getting hurt? Wouldn't it be great that nobody does things because of routine or "it's a job" but they put everything into it? Even activities like picking up the kids at school?

Putting your heart in it means really living the thing that you do. Old-time marketers call it "living the brand". I call

I think Confucius said it best with this line:

"Wherever you go, go with all your heart."

Fight the good fight, people.


[ Last edited by seribulan on 20-8-2004 at 12:16 PM ]

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Post time 20-8-2004 12:12 PM | Show all posts
one of the MI's contestant's blog...Zamil..
cilok from Tok_Batin:lol

Sunday, August 01, 2004
Malaysian Idol: TV3 'Sure Heboh' Carnival & The Results of Workshop 3
What a fantastic day it has been! Arrived at Berjaya Times Square at 9.30am and met up with Dina (my sista!) and the contestants from Workshop 3. It was so good to meet them. After all, it has been a while since the last time I met was when we were in the Top 30 briefing with Ahmad Izham Omar. As always, all of us including Paul Moss hopped into our Malaysian Idol van and we were off to Bukit Jalil for the TV3 'Sure Heboh' Carnival. Apparently this carnival is in its second year and it has been attracting a lot of people, especially thoses residing outside of KL. I didn't manage to go last year but it looked like it was a bigger affair this year.

We arrived in style, being escorted by the 8TV people and all. It felt so different now that people actually recognise us. Throughout the day, we made 3 appearances:
1) At the Blue Hyppo booth, each of us were introduced and we had to sing a snippet of a song of our choice. And then we had to take groups photos with the public.
2) At the TV3 'Sure Heboh' stage, we were introduced again and sing a song.
3) At the TMNet booth, Dina and I were interviewed for being the first 3 finalists. Too bad Vick couldn't come or he would have rocked the house. But it looked like Saiful had the most attention that day. It was so amusing to see him pose for the cameras.

By 3pm, we left the place and headed back to Berjaya Times Square because the Workshop 3 contestants needed to get ready for their live results show. I wish them all the best!

10.30pm: The results are in. Here are the top 3 from the third workshop:
1) Jac - highest votes!
2) Saiful
3) Fahmy

Congratulations to them and welcome to the finals!! Personally I feel sad cos Farah did not get thru to the finals. I'm a bit biased because she is a dear friend of mine. Heard that she got into the Wildcard round. I really hope she gets thru.

Well, now that Fahmy is in, I'm beginning to get paranoid of my choice of song now. After a few panicky phone calls to my friends, I decided that I will stick to the song (since I will be singing it differently anyway) and let fate (or more like the Malaysian public) decide. After all, it's already too late to change the song so I'll just try my best. Seriously, I have nothing against Fahmy for getting into the finals with that song. He did it his style and he got in. It was the same way I got in, by singing 'My Baby You' in my own style. Good thing Zanim made a very good point. How did I get thru to the finals with a Marc Anthony classic when that song is already relatively old and had been sung by so many people? True that! I just have to sing the song in my own style. We'll see what happens...

For now, there are 7 guys and 2 girls. Hmmm.... tough competition between the guys, I must say. Heard that in the Wildcard round, we will see all the girls battling against each other. I would reckon that there's going to be a battle of the divas! Hehehe... quite interesting, I must say. It's not even the finals yet.

posted by Zamil | 11:40 PM

[ Last edited by seribulan on 20-8-2004 at 12:16 PM ]

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Post time 20-8-2004 05:33 PM | Show all posts

From Asha Gill's Diary

July 22, 2004 10:41 AM

slacker slacker
Dear All,

I have been a complete slacker on my diary on account of many things. But I shall use none of them as excuses and just apologise profusley. I guess my abilities at multi tasking during high stress weren't really up to much at all. However let me make ammends.

Firstly, thanks for all my birthday cheers!! when I finally got my server up and running I was gobsmacked and tickled pink, so thanks all, really nice of you.

Secondly, A huge thanks to everyone who managed to make it down to the Massive Appeal day, I'm not so sure my banashas were all that but the fact you came down to support a cause I so dearly support with all my heart was astounding to say the least.

Thirdly, I'm off today. Leaving Malaysia for the start of filming for Six Degrees again. Feeling sick and tired and very very stressed out but looking forward to focusing on one thing, and making it as fab as possible. I have a brand new team to work with and whilst that is nerve wracking in itself, it's also a brilliant challenge. I'll be gone for a couple of months and who knows whether I'll be able to get online at all but am gonna try. New Zealand is my first stop and if I meet any Hobbits, wizards or evil mud monsters made by dark forces I'll be sure to jot it all down in my diary.

I've packed my toothbrush, cut my hair, cleaned my room, kissed my dogs, wearing comfortable shoes and am presently trying to fit in one last item in my stash of chili, chili padi, dried etc....I am an addict yes. and proud to be one. My last meal in K.L. for the next almost two months will be nasi kandar and I'm looking forward to it with great gusto...!! seeing as I will only return to K.L. for 5 days before I take off for another two months I'm sure you can imagine what's top of my food food....why I'm telling you this I don't know. I must be more tired than I thought. Having separation anxiety for my curry I suppose!

Be good, be safe, need to go check I have my books in order for plane reading. much love

Blessed Be


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Post time 20-8-2004 05:39 PM | Show all posts
Beautiful Quotes from The Datin Diaries...

...So ladies, unless you're into gadgets, choose carefully. My advice, try him out for size. He needs to be big enough so you can both take cover under his coat when it rains. Small enough for you to wrap your arms almost around. Strong enough to restrain you from leaving too easily. Gentle enough to know when to leave you alone. And man enough to know when to give you his hand.

That's the mark of the right one. You're the only one who can confer him that title. And yes, these days I do feel like I am in love....

Hmmm... datin betul ke datin tipu ni..???

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PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
Post time 21-8-2004 01:20 PM | Show all posts

Friday, August 13, 2004

i've just had the most tiring week ... in a while. heh!

it all began last friday... a grp of us met up to celebrate colin's bday & we went to the chocolate buffet at Fullerton Hotel. oooh yummy yummy chocolate! esp the hot chocolate! there was a variety of chocolates to choose from.. and i chose the 72% cocoa dark chocolate for my drink... ooh, it was heavenly! but, for $28... its not really worth the trip. the buffet selection wasnt great, but it was quite yummy.... i'll definitely go back again... but not anytime soon. hehehe... someone told me, there's a chocolate buffet at Marriot Hotel too... when i get a chance to check that out, i'll let you know =)

after all that chocolate, babes and i were pretty hyper... so, most of us ended up at China Jump for some dancing. hehe... it was my first time there... its definitely very different from cheeky's.... the crowd was older! and the music was quite varied... but it was alright... i had fun =) me first time dancing with the boys... hehehe

so i reached home ard 4am-ish.... then, i had to get up at 7am... coz i had a full day shoot at Swisotel. hehee... nuts! i was tired, but it felt good to dance again. its been abt 4 mths since i last went clubbing.

so the shoot lasted from 11am till 12:30am... holy cow! i've never been surrounded by so many men with nice rounded butts and firm looking chests before... hehehe... it was a Dance Sport event... a competition for the ballroom and latin dancers..... i've never seen so many jiggly-wiggly butts and bone-snapping movements before! i've always thought that ballroom dancing was a very gentle and graceful dance... but the couples on the dancefloor were snapping their heads back and forth, kicking here and there... and they hardly looked at their partners! there was even a junior category and i must say... its unnatural for 7-yr old kids to wiggle-jiggle their hips like that... and even more unnatural for them to be dancing that close to boys at that age! i was in a bit of a shock, but some of them really do have talent... ah well... -shrugs-

it was a pretty interesting event... and a whole new experience for me. i was sitting next to steve... all i did was watch the final output to make sure that the colours were right, that we had enuf coverage of the right dancers... its all good. we've got a sports shoot soon... and i guess i'll be doing the same thing again.

come monday, i had to start the edit the show. its an hour long special, and it'll be airing this sunday at 1pm. if you wanna see wiggly-jiggly butts and 3/4 naked women... do tune in to Channel 5 this sunday =)

other than on tuesday, i've juz spent this whole week working from 8am till 1am. *collapses on her bed and snores*

i finished editing today and i did my soundmix in an hour! its quite amazing actually..... coz normally, it takes me 2 weeks to edit a half hr prog and 3 hours to do the soundmix! hehe... nothing like a tight deadline to test your limits!

i even edited the opening titles for this prog... so i got a chance to do everything- the graphics, opening titles, the edit... long form editing is tiring! but its all great experiences =)

i had a bit of problem while dumping out tho... sigh! the M.C. logo juz refused to appear on screen. *&^%$#@! i gave up ard 9pm... i was juz too tired to spend another hour looking at the wiggles and the jiggles.... so San took over... i hope she managed to get the tx tape out. -crosses fingers, eyes & toes-

many many thanks to my sweetie for being there for me! *hugs* for all the lovely surprises on tuesday... and for keeping me company while i edit and send me home... *muacks*

im gonna try to find time to rest and relax this weekend.... next week is the start of a new battle...

hv a good weekend guys! *huggies*

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PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
Post time 21-8-2004 10:47 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by PeNinGLaLaT at 17-8-2004 07:17 AM:
From a blog of a 22-year old who just started work 3 weeks after graduation....

From the same blog....

Friday, August 20, 2004

super size me

Dear elves/ fairies/ gnomes & sprites

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Post time 30-8-2004 07:53 PM | Show all posts
Ako's punya blog...lupa je nak taruk sini..happy reading...

Monday, Aug. 30, 2004 - 14:21

Domo Arigato Gozaimas...

Found out from my sensei 2 days ago I passed and got my yellow belt! Haven't received it yet though. He thought he could've given it to me yesterday. But I had work; rehearsals for a merdeka show in Putrajaya tonight. I don't have to do much, not even talk. Just sit and stand and pretend I'm a sultan. Gosh! work is so tough... :-) I'm really anticipating getting my yellow belt. I'm wondering how I'll feel as I wear it for the first time. For some reason, I picture myself having a big stupid grin. I'm grinning now anyway.

My test was actually done 5 days later than then when I said. Miscommunication. It was a thursday and usually there's hardly anyone there. But, of course, not this night. There were three new kenshis (students) and and about 5 observers. And so, I had to do my test in front of all of them. *sigh* Being nervous doesn't help when you have an audience. I've been learning that the foundations in my legs are very weak. So, I've been strengthening it by doing and holding the horse stance until I'm shaking and about to fall (I kept picturing myself in a Jacky Chan martial arts movies as I did this) as well as doing squats. Not smart to do this just before a test... which is what I did. So having weak legs already and then weakening it further with exercise sure made the test a wobbly procedure. In front of an audience, somemore. Why oh why do I like to make things harder than they already are?

Anyway, going shopping now. Buying metal plates for my new tap dancing shoes.

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Post time 1-9-2004 12:22 AM | Show all posts

Gillian Anderson (Dana Scully)'s Blog

July 6, 2004

Okay, here we go. I have to warn you, I am really tired and I have a plane to catch and I'm transitioning so my brain is a bit... you know.

Most of the questions have been about 'what the hell is going on' and even though I always tend to veer from anything close to answers -- not out of avoidance but just because I do -- I am actually going to attempt to answer. What the hell.

I have just completed my first draft of "Speed of Light" and, normally, I would be afraid of speaking about the whole thing but I have a clear understanding of the fact that this is still just the very beginning and that I'm the only one who has set eyes on it and it may be a long way off but at least that stage is complete.

"The Mighty Celt," hopefully, eventually, with a different title, was a fantastic experience all around. I loved the director, producers, actors and crew and I loved Belfast and I think the whole movie is really special and I can't wait to see it. Oh, and everyone on the planet is going to fall in love with the boy who plays my son.

It does indeed appear that the XF movie will be underway in the next year but a lot has to happen between now and then and a lot can happen between now and then. But it looks promising. Chris does not want to reveal at this point who or what will be in it but I got the impression it's going to be one scary mother.

Other projects are floating around. Few things I really don't want to do, a few things I would like to do, and I hesitate to say that some things will fall into place by the end of the year, but it looks good.

I feel like I'm writing some disjointed dispassionate horoscope or something.

Other than that, I need a good sleep and a hot bath and I think I might actually take care of the latter at this very moment.

Oh, and my nails are dirty. But soon to be clean.


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Post time 1-9-2004 12:24 AM | Show all posts

Anna Kournikova's Journal

Hi, everyone -

Even though I'm not playing in the Kroger St. Jude tournament in Memphis this week, I still wanted to participate in some way and to offer my support to the event and to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. So I decided to fly to Memphis this past Monday and spend the day there.

One of the highlights of my trip was having the opportunity to visit St. Jude's facilities. St. Jude is the leading research hospital for pediatric cancer, and they treat kids from all over the world. My hosts were kind enough to give me a tour, including the treatment center and a research lab, and I was able to spend some time with several of the children who are there receiving treatment. I also stopped by Target House, a wonderful facility that provides free housing for the families of St. Jude patients so that they can be together while the children are in the hospital. These visits meant a great deal to me, and I'm very grateful to those who made this experience possible.

My last stop of the day was The Racquet Club of Memphis-the tournament site. I had a good time visiting with the tournament staff and some of the sponsors while the matches were going on. I participated in an on-court presentation before flying back to Miami that night.

This was a special trip for me, and I'm really glad that I had the chance to go.

My back continues to improve, and I'm concentrating on my fitness training. I'll be back in action at Key Biscayne.

Bye for now!

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Post time 1-9-2004 12:25 AM | Show all posts

Barbara Streisand's Blog

For over 40 years, I have read lies about myself and have had people take advantage of my position ... but I have never before sued anybody. Sometimes people send me unauthorized books that have been written about me. I usually read the first page and if they can抰 get the first page right, I don抰 read on. They usually don抰 do their own research or verify facts

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Post time 1-9-2004 12:26 AM | Show all posts

The Offfspring's

Yesterday I surfed with Dexter, Brian Morris (our pilot buddy), and their friend Tory who seems to be able to surf for a living. We went out at San Onofre where there were some really fun overhead sets coming in. I surfed on my 10" single fin and had some really fun waves, walking up and down the board. Dexter has really been going out a lot and is a legitimate "surfer" now. He's only recently picked it up, but he's totally into it and is really getting good. Next Friday we are heading down to Los Cabos again for some warm water surf. Let's hope there are some waves.

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Post time 1-9-2004 12:28 AM | Show all posts

Beck's Journal

we found an excellent feature on the cameras we bought in japan. it will merge two images together, which works well for splicing two human faces together to often disturbing results. we've explored what the love child of many of our associates would look like. here I've shared a few of the experiments.

the first is both members of the black keys merged as on super blues beast. the second is nigel godrich merged with beth orton.

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Post time 1-9-2004 12:30 AM | Show all posts

David Hasselhoff's Blog

....The commercial shoot in London went well and I'll let you know when viewers in the UK will be able to view it. Thanks to you the fans the album is doing well and we're trying to put a tour together in the very near future. Again, stay tuned for more info....I'm looking forward to getting on the road and performing again! By the way, heard there were some strange news reports about me and the Berlin Wall! So here's the real deal: I recently enjoyed a very nice visit to the Checkpoint Charlie museum and I explained that I was very honored and humbled to perform at the Wall in 1989. End of story! All for now....but keep smiling!

Love David

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Post time 1-9-2004 12:31 AM | Show all posts

Marilyn Manson's Journal

no salvation, no forgiveness
The exitainment has begun. Let the panic attacks and nervous breakdance sink their comforting cancer into the sweaty palms of our hands like well prescribed press-on nails. Our stigmata will stagnate and we will shake, shake hands like little boys--if boys were just like puppies--spreading our ring worms. ATTENTION MY CRIPPLING ORCHESTRA! I am your Cracked Atom!!!......drum roll please......At least our death wishes will come true. We don't even need to blow out the candles. I hear that thunder, I hear it too. It's all my goddamn Frankensteins coming back for some sick closure. Listen, the world can't be an opera when it needs an operation. The second coming of Christ will require more than softcore porn, mini-bar gin and Viagra. Don't ever answer the door and remember that most authorities believe that the side effects of this breeding ground of talentless chaos will not leave any permanent damage.We are the "good monsters" that are only chipped away by the banality of "enter"tainment, and our black encrusted beehives harden into hideous-honey-diamonds, too personal and nervous for idiots to hold or cherish. Only your love is uncanny and only you can feel that all of our art is muscle. Your beauty will be edible or it will not be beauty at all---no salvation and no forgiveness. We are the ones with the bloody knuckles.
It has taken ten years, boys and girls to climb this ugly hill and these are the Songs of Golgotha. We have put together the best of what we have made and this is only a reminder that you can cut off the head but it only grows back harder.
The band is in the studio, still growing and there is no sign of our knuckles healing.


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Post time 1-9-2004 12:35 AM | Show all posts

Quentin Terantino's Blog

Director of Kill Bill 1&2, Natural Born Killers, Pulp Fiction, etc..

Real or fake?? Macam fake jer...


As many of you know, each of my movies tends to jumpstart a failing actors career. John Travolta and David Carradine in particular. I don't wanna steal credit or anything because my ego's big enough, alright, but basically that's what I'm known for so I've been searching for expired actors for INGLORIOUS *****S -- people I like who've been in moviemaking hell for a while. I had my eye on Mickey Rourke but Robert used him in ONCE UPON A TIME IN MEXICO and I doubt I could do much better. Other than Adam Sandler (who I've talked to recently and is definitely interested) I'd like to take either a veteran failing actor and/or a film director and get them in front of the camera, give them a chance. It'd be fun and I think it would work. We'll see where it goes.

For all you sitting on your hands and fingers crossed, Adam Sandler has unofficially agreed to star in INGLORIOUS *****S. We discussed it last week and he told me he's very interested after reading what I've written so far, and thinks it'd be a good chance to stretch his image as an actor. So prepare to get your pants blown off by Acting Adam Sandler next year if nothing goes wrong.

[ Last edited by Tok_Batin on 1-9-2004 at 12:36 AM ]

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Post time 4-9-2004 03:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Tok_Batin at 20-8-2004 05:39 PM:
Beautiful Quotes from The Datin Diaries...

...So ladies, unless you're into gadgets, choose carefully. My advice, try him out for size. He needs to be big enough so you can both take cover un ...

TOK...Ninz tgh baca gak ni...terasa mcm tertipu plak ke?

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PeNinGLaLaT This user has been deleted
Post time 10-9-2004 10:06 PM | Show all posts
Update from TheDatinDiaries....

Tipping The Balance

Apparently, like the elusive Weapons of Mass Destruction in Bush's sweet dreams, the war wages on in this blog.

Since I am an alleged "typical" airhead of a Datin with little to concern herself with besides shoes and handbags, I won't indulge in lengthy philosophical discourse except to clarify:
1. Vellu and gang from various dubious governmental watering holes have no clue who I am
2. I am NOT mad with anyone. I am entitled to my thoughts and so is everyone else.
3. This is NOT some crazy dating/porn site thinly disguised as someone's journal.

So please children, before I remove my commenting system, stop flinging sand in people's eyes.

Besides, playing in the sandbox is horror for a girl's French manicure.

Now, on to more important things.

Last week, M came to me with an intriguing proposal. One that found me deliberating at length about its possible consequences, and my husband somewhat nervous.

According to M, a young soon-to-be-wed couple had miscalculated their wedding date and ended up with child. The baby was due in exactly one week. Since the couple come from a small town and had already used up their wedding savings to sequester the mother-to-be in some rented room in Imbi, they were hard-pressed and wanted to give up the baby. Understandable when in their situation, especially seeing that the wedding had not yet been planned.

In fact, their parents didn't even know yet. It turns out, both parents were opposed to the idea of the two even dating, let alone be married. Because, the bride was Malay and the groom Indonesian. They had met in the town market where she works in her father's stall. He, is a labourer in a nearby quarry.

Or at least he was, until five months ago when she started showing and needed to brave the bright lights of KL and apparently find a new job.

I asked M then why me. What made her think I would be a good mother? Or even want a child. And her response shocked me into a week-long silence.

"You know, when we grow old, there won't be anyone to look after us. Our husbands will most probably be gone, married to some young thing, and if we're lucky, we'll have a decent roof over our heads, with a fat fixed deposit. Who's going to look after us then?"

I have often dreamed of motherhood. I have frequently wondered what my life would have been if my daughter had lived. But my thoughts on those occasions had always been of the present and not the future. If she were alive she would be almost a young woman by now, and I would be faced with the reality of trying to explain the birds and the bees in greater detail beyond a science chart. How would I school her in the art of love, and the nuances of searching for the one true person you are meant to bind yourself to for the rest of your life?

Never, had I imagined an old and incapacitated me, head propped up by an adult her, sipping porridge from a cup.

My husband, sensing something was wrong after the third day, gingerly approached me at dinner one night. He said, "I don't know what I did, but I sense this is bigger than a printer."

I couldn't help but laugh.

And when I told him the story, he too fell silent for a minute. His eyes fell onto his plate of half-eaten rice and he fingered his spoon absently, while his left hand held mine loosely.

Finally, he looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Do you want this child?"

I had no answer. I knew he didn't want another child, not after what he saw his daughter go through when Ex-Datin and he split up. I knew he didn't want another baby, for his own reasons and fears of it changing the delicate balance of our household and marriage.

For the next four days, we went through every single possible argument why we should or shouldn't accept the child into our home. It was a gift from God, we shouldn't turn it away. He doesn't want to be a parent to yet another child at his age. I wasn't sure a child was what I wanted. Yet I yearn to be a mother - sometimes. He was afraid it would drive us apart. I was afraid it would make me less centered on our marriage. He didn't want to upset his daughter. I wanted to upset his wife. He was worried Cook and Erra wouldn't be able to care for the child if we weren't at home. I was afraid he would leave me and I would grow old alone.

Last night, our marriage took a deep breath. Datuk led me by the arm to the study and opened his safe. In it, were documents I had only seen fleetingly before and vaguely remember signing at some point, in the heady early days of our marriage. That was when I learned the house belonged to me. As did half his shares in his company.

I don't yet fully comprehend how all this changed things between us, but today we went to visit the baby. He was quietly sleeping, a tight, red-faced bundle in a blue hospital-issue blanket. We saw him through the nursery window. Datuk held my hand tight and held his breath. I suppose he assumed he knew my response.

I looked at the baby and led my confused husband back to the car. At home, I invited M over for tea. She told me the couple was really hoping we would say yes. I asked her how much they needed to start a new life.

Datuk looked at me and rose quietly from the table. When he came back, there was a blank check for a sum of money. Enough for them to put a down payment on a small low-cost apartment, or buy three tickets to Indonesia, or window shop for a semblance of a fresh start.

The only condition we both stipulated was that we remain unknown to the couple.

I wish the baby well. And that he may share a long, happy life with his own mother and father.

In the end, that was perhaps what tipped the balance for us.

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Post time 28-9-2004 04:48 PM | Show all posts
sumbody's mokcik..kuang3x...

Monday, September 27, 2004

Leaps and Bounds

(Paul Kelly)

I'm high on the hill
Looking over the bridge
To the M.C.G.
And way up on high
The clock on the silo
Says eleven degrees I remember I remember
I'm breathing today
The month of May
All the burning leaves
I'm not hearing a sound
My feet don't even
Touch the ground I remember I remember
I go leaps and bounds
Down past the river
And across the playing fields
The fields all empty
Only for the burning leaves I remember I remember
I go leaps and bounds

You know how music brings you to a certain time, a certain place? This song delivers a specific memory because the words are so exact.

And the memory is this : it is late on a mid- winter afternoon in Melbourne and I am nineteen again, trying to keep warm in a cheap peacoat and in Saiffuddin's yellow Honda Scamp, nicknamed "The Lemon". We are driving along Punt Road, where the road crawls up a hill, past a building with a huge silo on which a digital clock stood, alternately telling the time and temperature. To my right is the Melbourne Cricket Ground, and beyond that the Yarra, snaking through vast parklands.

I remember Melbourne not as a physical entity, but as a landscape of emotions. The truth is I find it hard to recall the names of places and streets and where they would be charted on the Melway. But I remembered the first time I saw my husband like you would an epiphany : Malaysia Hall, end of March, the way the light streamed in at an angle through the glass doors, the jacket that he wore, the sure gait with which he bundled upstairs.

"That's Tengku Saiffuddin", someone announced, a hint of amusement and warning. "Lots of girlfriends. And very bad temper".

Melbourne was a watershed, I grew by leaps and bounds. During my last year as a teenager, I made one decision with amazing clarity : to marry this man, the one with the many girlfriends and the very bad temper. It turned out that he wasn't a lothario after all, but the part about the hot-headedness, unfortunately, was all true.

So I gave up, gave in, left my studies halfway to follow him home. He never asked me to, because it wasn't the right thing to do, but he hoped that I would and I never regretted not being sensible about it. Not a minute of it. For the last 17 years, we have been each other's echo and shadow.

We're older now, and the city must have changed, too. After years of promising, Saiffuddin and I will finally return to Melbourne next Tuesday. Once there, we'll retrace our steps, and see how far we've come.

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Post time 19-11-2004 10:07 AM | Show all posts
dis wan one of our forumner...dun be cool...heheh..


The blog's owner feels delightedly if you could call her PAT. She's 26, she's married with a 4-years old daughter and working as a Personal Assistant attached to Civil Department. Besides of being a mother and a housewife, she's also rocking her voice in a band called Kraton, she manages a recording studio namely Streamline Studio and to kill her free time she enjoys to read novels, magazines, cooking and girls' no one hobby; Window Shopping! At this blogpage, she expresses her daily zestious, yet hectic merry-go-round's life! It's a Cokelat's World!

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Post time 14-12-2004 07:51 PM | Show all posts
I luv the SKA song on dis blog...heheh...


just finished downloading 'crazy' by javier..
been looking for this song for ages..
u guys should listen to this song..
especially whenever you miss your special someone..
wut else?..hmm.. let's see..
my holiday's finishing..
meaning in a couple of weeks i'll be posted to a school..
scary isn't it? i'm actually gonna be a teacher.. :
neway,my bro called and told me dat k.linda's 5 week pregnant..
meaning next eid i'll have 5 'anak sedara' to be given duit raya..
anyhoo..,tomorrow i'm going to kuale terengganu..
lepak @my sis' for a few days..
babysitting lil' haziq n his bro hasif..
so, won't be able to blog coz there's no internet connection @my sis'..
take care, guys....

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