
Turkish Van

amboi, mata kaler merah ngan biru....lawanyerrr..:love: |
Originally posted by blueharp at 14-1-2005 09:25:
nak tau local cat.....ini ada info sket
Kucing Malaysia @ Piawaian Kucing Malaysia @ Malay Cat
Kucing is Malaysian for "cat". Similar in type to Tonkinese, colour similar to Ragdo ...
harp.. ada perbezaannyer antara local cat dgn malaysian cat tau.. (kalo yg expert rasa ummi salah, then harap betulkan pandangan ummi)
local cat ada di semua negeri/negara.. mostly stray cat di define as local cat.. sbb x tau berasal dari breed mana (kalo feature dier x menyamai mana2 breed).. sbb takan stray cat yg di america, (yg sama serupa ngan stray cat kat malaysia) dipanggil american cat dan stray cat kat malaysia dipanggil malaysian cat.. payah jugak kan..
malaysian cat pula, setau ummi merupakan breed yg look alike kucing siam tapi bahagian bawah perutnyer kaler putih.. dan masih belum diapprove lagik breed ni sbb dlm pengawasan TICA?? TIFA?? amende ntah ummi x ingat.. sbb depa kene prove yg breed ni boleh mengeluarkan anak yg exactly mcm feature dan coloring nenek, moyang nyer selama 5-7 keturunan.. hmmm.. mcmana nak explain.. korang paham ker?? kalo x paham masuk laman web kelab kucing malaysia lah.. ade depa explain panjang lebar |
Originally posted by mrsaafifi at 2005/1/14 09:57 AM:
harp.. ada perbezaannyer antara local cat dgn malaysian cat tau.. (kalo yg expert rasa ummi salah, then harap betulkan pandangan ummi)
local cat ada di semua negeri/negara.. mostly stray cat ...
yup, tu betul le.. pasal local cat depend pada tempat dia datang.. maybe betul apa yg ummi ckp...malaysian cat tak sama ngan local cat..:no: |
trimas finnie.. aku hanya nak memeriahkan lagi bod ni..:bgrin: |

egyptian mau...
The role of the Mau in the religion, mythology, and everyday life of the Egyptian conveys the degree of affection and respect in which these cats were held. They were worshipped as deities, cherished as pets, protected by laws, and mummified and mourned upon their death.
[ Last edited by nashra on 18-1-2005 at 01:45 AM ] |

Korats have extraordinary powers of hearing, sight and scent. They are gentle pets, moving softly and cautiously, disliking sudden, loud or harsh noises. |

maine coon... |
aritu, masa aku gi klinik haiwan kat tmpt aku...ada kusing dr jenis bombay bebas je ke hulu ke hilir..nak je aku kidnap..hihihhi..tapi vet tuh nyer..ngk ajer le.. |
Originally posted by blueharp at 2005/1/19 05:04 PM:
aritu, masa aku gi klinik haiwan kat tmpt aku...ada kusing dr jenis bombay bebas je ke hulu ke hilir..nak je aku kidnap..hihihhi..tapi vet tuh nyer..ngk ajer le..
ehehe....kot kucing yg lawa-lawa berpeleseran di jalan-jalan tu percayalaa kebanyakannya org punye tu...kot lari dari umah atau jalan-jalan makan angin tu... |
semalam nengok WHI, ada le cerita pasal kusing kat SPCA..mak datok..punye la comei2 kusing kat situ.. so..sape2 nak adopt kusing local mahupun yg mahal2 cam siam or parsi..ada kat situ..tapi tak tau le samada diaowg bagi free or ada kena bayor.. so..anybody leh check tak?? kalu aku kat kolumpo leh gak aku survey tapi aku ada jauh sket ngan kolumpu nun.. tolong ekk... |
Originally posted by blueharp at 26-1-2005 11:49:
semalam nengok WHI, ada le cerita pasal kusing kat SPCA..mak datok..punye la comei2 kusing kat situ.. so..sape2 nak adopt kusing local mahupun yg mahal2 cam siam or parsi..ada kat situ..tapi tak t ...
rasanya ada depa boh dlm laman web spca kot harp.. try la cek kat situ |
ni ... extra info on Kucing Malaysia
The Characteristics of Kucing Malaysia or Malaysia Cat
The ideal Kucing Malaysia or Malaysia Cat is a medium sized cat with
medium boned muscular body. The main feature will be the egg shaped head
and together with the openness of the eyes, should give the
characteristic alert appearance of the breed.
Wide and rounded at the top with a good height and soft round lines.
Full cheeks, medium long nose with medium strong chin. Profile showing a
gentle convex curve giving an oval impression.
Medium sized, almond in shape with a good width set; giving an open
alert expression. Colour should be blue or blue green with bleu
Short and close lying . silky with nearly no undercoat.
Medium in size, slightly rounded tips with good width between. Flaring
out a little and with a slight tilt forward.
Medium in length and broad chest, with good depth and strong muscle
tone. High legs, medium to slender in size (more slender for females)
with slightly oval paws.
Medium thick with a rounded tip, of medium length and up to the shoulder
blades. Tail should be full colored.
All colours recognized in the Pointed patterns with white. A white blaze
in the face and muzzle is desirable. |
:: mak ai... kiut nya 'mimi mimi' ni semua... jenuh gak nak hafal mimi mimi ni ek... aku selama ni tak tahu jenis2 kucing... suka cop mimi si anu tu mimi jalanan la, mimi manja la, mimi malas la, mimi kampung, mimi somong n cam cam jenis mimi... |
aku teringat kat Ah Pong... kucing pertama sekali yg aku sayang.... dah arwah dah... ade gak le mcm2 kucing2 kat atas ni... ekor panjang dan bulu lebat lebih2 lagi kat ekornye... |
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