Berkenaan Berkhatan. (merged: toaster, jurai77)
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gennosukesama This user has been deleted
berkhatan? sakit? tak. bersalin, sakit? ya. |
Karumba This user has been deleted
Hadis sahih menyebut BERKHATAN termasuk sunnah Rasulullah SAW. Sabda Nabi SAW mengenainya yang bermaksud: 揃erkhatan itu sunat bagi kaum lelaki dan suatu penghormatan kepada kaum wanita. |
gennosukesama This user has been deleted
Will it make any difference if the surgeon who performs the procedure is a Muslim, a Christian, a Jew, a Buddhist or an atheist ?
Thanks. |
Originally posted by Normala17 at 24-5-2006 10:31 PM
Will it make any difference if the surgeon who performs the procedure is a Muslim, a Christian, a Jew, a Buddhist or an atheist ?
Since tradisi berkhatan ni adalah dari tradisi Yahudi, maka disyorkan pak mudim hanya dilantik dari kalangan Yahudi sahaja. Perlu diingat yg puak Yahudi membuat perjanjian dgn Tuhan mereka untuk memotong hujung kulit kemaluan sebagai tanda kepercayaan kpd Tuhan dan bukan sebaliknya. So much ttg "Bencikan Yahudi", tapi bukti yg melayu sayangkan Yahudi ada pada hujung kemaluan masing2. What a mind job.
Regards, |
Originally posted by M5 at 25-5-2006 02:55 AM
Since tradisi berkhatan ni adalah dari tradisi Yahudi, maka disyorkan pak mudim hanya dilantik dari kalangan Yahudi sahaja. Perlu diingat yg puak Yahudi membuat perjanjian dgn Tuhan mereka unt ...
Tak perlu panngil Yahudi datang ke malaysia nak khatan anak kau...
aku pun boleh buat...
kalau kau nak khatan pm aku.. |
Originally posted by M5 at 25-5-2006 02:55 AM
Since tradisi berkhatan ni adalah dari tradisi Yahudi, maka disyorkan pak mudim hanya dilantik dari kalangan Yahudi sahaja. Perlu diingat yg puak Yahudi membuat perjanjian dgn Tuhan mereka unt ...
salah tuh.meh sini aku betulkan.yg sebenarnya berkhatan ni..tuhan jesus yg wajibkan umat kristian berkhatan.Tapi memandangkan budak Paul yg datang dari turki lebih bijak..maka ditukarnya tulisan dlm buku injil tu.tak payah berkhatan pun tak pe.sunat je.yg penting iman.
Sepatutnya umat kristian mengkaji kepintaran si Paul ni.Dia ni lebih bijak dan boleh dianggap tuhan umat kristian.Bayangkanlah, senang2je dia pegi tukar2 ayat dalam kitab injil.Habis ditukar2 ayat2 dlm injil sampai pecaya dek bangsa2 lain kt dunia ni..cina india..etc.Terror betul lah.Aku respek gila dgn paul ni.Aku dengar masyarakat berugama kristian kat turki dah anggap dia pun sama macam tuhan jesus.biasalah..tuhan kristian memang boleh nampak kt dunia.
Sumber : Turki Post
-Manusia tuhan- |
gennosukesama This user has been deleted
Originally posted by back_hand at 25-5-2006 09:22 AM
salah tuh.meh sini aku betulkan.yg sebenarnya berkhatan ni..tuhan jesus yg wajibkan umat kristian berkhatan.Tapi memandangkan budak Paul yg datang dari turki lebih bijak..maka ditukarnya tuli ...
itulah, terpancar kebodohan M5. |
Originally posted by gennosukesama at 25-5-2006 01:39 PM
itulah, terpancar kebodohan M5.
Gennokesumatwijaya, or whatever, jangan le jadi pak turut aje, org tu suruh ko makan taik pun kau nak ikut. Pakai le otak tu sikit. Dlm Torah, (kitab yg lebih awal dari Bible umat Kristian) isu berkhatan ni disebutkan dalam kitab Genesis, the first book of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament).
Genesis, Chapter 17
17:9 God [then] said to Abraham, 'As far as you are concerned, you must keep My covenant - you and your offspring throughout their generations.
17:10 This is My covenant between Me, and between you and your offspring that you must keep: You must circumcise every male.
17:11 You shall be circumcised through the flesh of your foreskin. This shall be the mark of the covenant between Me and you.
17:12 'Throughout all generations, every male shall be circumcised when he is eight days old. [This shall include] those born in your house, as well as [slaves] bought with cash from an outsider, who is not your descendant.
17:13 [All slaves,] both houseborn and purchased with your money must be circumcised. This shall be My covenant in your flesh, an eternal covenant.
17:14 The uncircumcised male whose foreskin has not been circumcised, shall have his soul cut off from his people; he has broken My covenant.'
New Testament olahan John, Luke, Paul, Matthews, etc yg dijilidkan kpd bab Genesis, Acts, Pauline Apestles,etc adalah antara lain sedutan dari Old Testament. Tok guru ko si back hand tu kata Paul reject fahaman bersunat. So Muslim sekarang ikut Yahudi le dalam justifikasi bersunat.
Lihat kembali sedutan dari Genesis, Chapter 17:9-14 diatas. Kalu Tuhan yg turunkan arahan bersunat dlm Torah, kenapa Tuhan yg sama TIDAK nyatakan sama sekali didlm al Qur'an yg bersunat itu diwajibkan keatas umat manusia?
That's why burung kat bawah kamu tu membuktikan betapa kamu sayangkan Yahudi. Ada fikirka? Dok selalu menampakkan kebangangan dalam berhujah, hampehh. |
gennosukesama This user has been deleted
Originally posted by M5 at 26-5-2006 01:43 AM
Gennokesumatwijaya, or whatever, jangan le jadi pak turut aje, org tu suruh ko makan taik pun kau nak ikut. Pakai le otak tu sikit. Dlm Torah, (kitab yg lebih awal dari Bible umat Kristian) i ...
apa kaitan burung ngan yahudi plak. dah la cakap yahudi kena jadik tok mudim. apa ke bodoh tu. ko ni agama apa?
[ Last edited by gennosukesama at 26-5-2006 12:54 PM ] |
Originally posted by gennosukesama at 26-5-2006 12:49 PM
apa kaitan burung ngan yahudi plak. dah la cakap yahudi kena jadik tok mudim. apa ke bodoh tu. ko ni agama apa?
Benda simple macam ni pun payah awak nak faham. Burung dalam seluar awak tak disunatkan ke? Amalan bersunat tu adalah tradisi yg diikuti manusia arab hasil dari pengaruh yahudi. Ada faham dak?
Kalu nak lebih afdal, maka ikutlah sebaik mungkin dari sumber asalnya, so saya syorkan kalau ada yg nak bersunat, gunakan service Tok mudim@Mohel depa.
Saudara bersunat atas nama agama. Saya ketengahkan kenyataan berlandaskan rujukan yg diberi dari Tuhan yg menolak fahaman saudara. So, the burden of proof is yours. Infact, saya yang patut bertanya, apa AGAMA awak?
Ada fikirka? |
gennosukesama This user has been deleted
Originally posted by M5 at 26-5-2006 10:43 PM
Benda simple macam ni pun payah awak nak faham. Burung dalam seluar awak tak disunatkan ke? Amalan bersunat tu adalah tradisi yg diikuti manusia arab hasil dari pengaruh yahudi. Ada faham da ...
ko bersunat ke? |
Sebagai pembuka thread, saya berterima kasih kepada forumner yang sudi memeriahkan topik yang saya mulakan.
Kehadiran anda dialu2kan tapi perminataan saya satu jer (tak tau ler lepas nih boleh jadi 2 ke 3) bincanglah elok2 dengan berlapang dada dan hikmah. Kalau ada maklumat, kongsi. Kalau ada hujah, bentangkan. Masing2 ada pegangan.
sekian terima kasih.
:tq: |
yg aku tau...bende2 ttg agama mmg patut ditanya..tp kalo....tanye dan x plore lbh...boleh jadi dose..cth org inggeris nak kaji roh dlm bdn nduk katne..smpi skrg x dpt.....so sape yg tanye 2..better bergurulah ngan ustaz kalox bercaye kami yg biase2 nie yg aku tau khatan adalah sunat dr mane yg aku tau segala2 kebaikan ade dlm Islam..so I prefer Islam dr yahudi..tp perlu ingat once Yahudi dlu pon beriman pd Allah juz..sbb utusan akhir Adalah dr Bani Hasyim kaum Arab tu yg diorg x puas ati..n hal2 lain.....so dr mane segala2 nye......ingat yahudi sentiase menyesatkan kite..please org Islam wake up.... |
Originally posted by lonso at 28-5-2006 05:45 PM
..so I prefer Islam dr yahudi..tp perlu ingat once Yahudi dlu pon beriman pd Allah juz..sbb utusan akhir Adalah dr Bani Hasyim kaum Arab tu yg diorg x puas ati..n hal2 lain.....so dr mane segala2 nye......ingat yahudi sentiase menyesatkan kite..please org Islam wake up....
so maknanya jangan berkhatan kerana tak elok meniru yahudi ?
:hmm: |
nasib baik aku bersunat ..tak payahlah aku tiap kali kencing asyik nak belek kulup buang taik .. dan setiap kali sembahyang aku tak rasa was was yang aku masih bersalut dengan najis...kalo semua ciptaan tuhan tak boleh nak ubah susah wo ..rambut kuku bulu ...ish tak dapat nak magine mesti macam pontianak laki n pontianak pompuan... :bgrin:
[ Last edited by antiQue at 29-5-2006 07:17 AM ] |
Question of Fatwa
Dear scholars, as-salamu `alaykum. There is an issue that raises a great deal of controversy among people, that is, the issue of circumcision, especially female circumcision. What is your point of view in that regard? Jazakum Allah khayran.
Name of Mufti
Yusuf Al-Qaradawi
Content of Reply
Wa `alaykum as-salamu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
The least to be said about male circumcision is that it is a tradition pertinent to nature. Some jurists are of the opinion that it is obligatory and the majorities say it is a Sunnah.
As for female circumcision, it is a controversial issue among scholars and doctors. Some argue for and some argue against.
Shedding more light on the issue, Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi states:
Circumcision is an act pertaining to fitrah (pure human nature). Male circumcision means removal of the foreskin of the penis, and female circumcision means removing the prepuce of the clitoris [not the clitoris itself].
Jurists have differed on the issue of circumcision with regard to both males and females.
Concerning male circumcision, Imam Abu Hanifah and Imam Malik maintain that it is considered a confirmed sunnah, whereas Imam Shafi`i and Ahmad ibn Hanbal see that it is mandatory (wajib).
This means that male circumcision is an important ritual in Islam. Consequently, if a whole community of Muslims agreed to give up this ritual, the ruler of the Muslims would have to fight them for this, the same as if a community collectively abandoned calling to Prayer (Adhan).
From the medical point of view, circumcision has many benefits for man抯 health and personal hygiene.
First, circumcision helps the penis remain clean. Microorganisms flourish in the warm, moist area under the foreskin, leading to a foul odor and infection.
Second, circumcision reduces the possibility of the penis becoming infected with syphilis, especially since the foreskin is the place where the germ breeds.
Third, the foreskin is most likely to be exposed to inflammation due to repeated friction, especially during sexual intercourse.
Fourth, it has been proved that circumcision (especially during the first five years of life) also reduces the incidence of penile cancer.
Fifth, circumcision helps man prolong the period of erection. This is because the nerves related to sexual stimulation are mostly located at the head of the penis. If the foreskin is present, it would prevent the penis' head from constant touch with other materials, which makes the penis sensitive to any kind of touch. When the foreskin is removed, the head of the penis becomes less sensitive due to its repeated friction against clothing.
The medical benefits of male circumcision prove the wisdom of Islam in emphasizing the importance of this practice.
There is a difference of opinion among scholars regarding female circumcision.
The Maliki school holds that female circumcession is Sunnah, while Hanafi school as well as a reported view from the Hanbli school maintain that it is not sunnah; rather it is merely a makrumah (customarily recommended act, but no provisions in the Qur抋n or Sunnah obligate nor recommend it).
The Shafi`i school, on the other hand, and the famous view of the Hanbali school are of the opinion that it is mandatory as in the case of male circumcision.
The latter group cites as evidence for their opinion the Qur抋nic verse: ( And afterward We revealed to you (Muhammad, saying): Follow the religion of Abraham, as one by nature upright. He was not of the idolaters ) (An-Nahl 16: 123).
It was authentically reported that Prophet Abraham circumcised himself after he had passed the age of eighty years.
This evidence can be argued against as follows:
Following 搕he religion of Abraham |
Ya Allah normala.....maksud aku....yahudi dulu beriman pd Allah gak..so segala ajaran dtg dr Allah s.w.t.....so berkhatan adelah sunat nak buat dpt pahala..x buat xdpt ape2....fhm x............please......bace betoi2......x kate pon x yah khatan....abis kalo pose 2....yahudi pon pose..gak....jumaat je......sbb tu kite xleh puasa ari jumaat aje..kene tambah 1 hari sblm../sehari selepas..jgn biarkan tunggal..fhm x.. |
Originally posted by Normala17 at 28-5-2006 05:54 PM
so maknanya jangan berkhatan kerana tak elok meniru yahudi ?
ye betul.jgn lah berkhatan kerana berkhatan ni ikut yahudi.Klau ada org tanya..ckp ramai manusia pun tak berkhatan.Kalau boleh ko kempen skit , berpiket kat klinik2, hospital kat mesia ni..ajak kawan2 tulis poster besar2.Jgn berkhatan kerana berkhatan ni macam orang yahudi.orait.
Jgn lupa bawak anak beranak ko sekali tau masa berpiket.kehkeh.
-Sammy Vellu-
[ Last edited by antiQue at 29-5-2006 10:20 PM ] |
Originally posted by lonso at 29-5-2006 12:30 PM
Ya Allah normala.....maksud aku....yahudi dulu beriman pd Allah gak..so segala ajaran dtg dr Allah s.w.t.....so berkhatan adelah sunat nak buat dpt pahala..x buat xdpt ape2....fhm x............pl ...
OK thx.
I was just seeking some clarifications on your stand because your first posting could be interpreted both ways. In fact you sounded like you were against things jewish because it is jewish, itu sebab saya tanya further. I was not making a conclusion, certainly not judging you.
Wassalam. |
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