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What If Israel Had Never Been Created?

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Post time 28-10-2006 08:12 AM | Show all posts
Ak nk tmbh sket nape dorg ni pyh sgt nk bebaik ngn umat islam...
zmn dlu xwujud istilah muslim musuh tradisi yahudi atau yahudi musuh tradisi muslim
utk kedua-dua pihak...sbabnye:

1.Yahudi Ashkenazi (Yahudi Eropah Timur&Barat) xder ap2 hubungan pun ngn org2 islam sbelum kewujudan Israel.
2.Yahudi Sephardi (Yahudi Eropah Selatan&Afrika Utara) dan Mizrachi (Yahudi Tanah Arab) idup senang lenang di bwh empayar Islam di Andalusia dan tanah Arab...maka muncullah ulama2 Zaman Pertengahan yg penting utk perkembangan agama dn kebudayaan Yahudi mcm RAMBA''M, Sa'adiah Gaon,Ibnu Ezra,Ibnu Daud,Ibnu Tibbon...

tanpa rabai sa'adiah gaon al-fayyumi,x wujud kitab siddur (kitab sembahyang sehari-harian)..rambam yg terpengaruh ngn Ibnu Rushd&Ibnu Sinna pun adlh pengasas 13 ikkarim (13 prinsip2 keimanan agama Yahudi) dan Mishneh Torah (Komenteri Taurat) yg xder sape2 bley bantah sbb die digelar de unjudgeable rabbi..tanpa ibnu daud, xwujud jewish philosophy..tanpa ibnu ezra,xder la pengasas hebrew grammar yg jd rujukan utk eliezer ben yehudah (penghidup semula bhs ibrani yg mati hampir 20 abad)..dan ibnu tibbon la yg mentranslatekan sume kitab2 agama yg ditulis oleh rabai2 sebelumnya dari B.Arab kpd B. Ibrani Abad Pertengahan....

Kiranya zmn pertengahan (5 M-Permulaan Renaissance) dulu, dorg terhutang budi kt umat perang salib, rambam yg jd penasihat n physician utk Salahuddin al-Ayubi..klu korg tgk citer Kingdom of Heaven, korg perasan mamat yg pakai bj itam tu...kononnya die masuk Islam sbelum mati tp die lebih cenderung kt mazhab pemikiran mu'tazilah..

Sume ni xdipedulikan langsung oleh umat manusia zmn skrg...org2 yahudi tau hal ni tp dorg wat senyap je...

Hubungan umat islam ngn yahudi hanya keruh bile Israel xditerima oleh negara2 Arab n khususnya negara2 Islam...zionists diasaskan oleh kaum ashkenazim yg xder sbarang sejarah baik ataupun buruk ngn umat islam..dorg ad sjarah buruk ngn umat kristian je...

macam manapun,hubungan ashkenazim dgn rakyat palestin ms awal aliyah (penghijrahan kaum yahudi ke tanah suci) adlah baik...dorg jd petani...dan masa orang samaritan (kaum yg berasal drpd campuran bani israel n kaum semitik lain yg dh lama tinggal kt palestin) mndapat layanan buruk ngn penduduk arab setempat kt palestin, dorg minta pertolongan ngn org2 ashkenazim yg berhijrah ni sbb dorg ad hubungan baik ngn org palestine..

bile zionisme smakin bkembang,smp mnjadi ideology utk jewish survivors yg telah kematian keluarga ms WW 2,dorg pun berhijrah ke palestine n dorglah yg mengasaskan underground forces cm irgun dan hagannah (yg sekarang drpd pasukan pengganas jd tzahal-idf/tentera rasmi israel)..jewish survivors ni pendendam n dorg igt sume org cm dorg buat keganasan kt palestine yg di bawh mandat british mase tu...

konflik ngn org palestine bermula sehari sbelum pengiktirafan israel oleh ben gurion...pasukan pengganas lakukan penyembelihan deir yassin...dorg halau ramai org palestine n ms tu,org palestine dh setkan dorg nyer mind yg yahudi ni xleh dipercayai langsung...

peperangan ngn negara2 arab (mesir,jordan,syria) mnyebabkan org zionists mule buat research n dorg dpti yg jews ms zaman nabi muhammad s.a.w. pun diperangi umat muncullah konsep yahudi ni musuh tradisi muslim n muslim ni musuh tradisi yahudi...padahal zmn selepas nabi xder sape pun ungkit psl kisah lama tu...

kaum sephardi n mizrachi yg tggal kt negara2 islam pn kene dorg buat aliyah ke pndapat ckp,pengboman synagogues kt iraq tu sbenarnya zionistz yg dalang...sbb dorg nk yahudi iraq anggap org arab iraq da benci kt dorg sbb kewujudan dorg pindah ramai2 ke israel...

konflik ni berterusan n makin buruk..smpaila skrg...bile sebut yahudi je kite  mst rase anti sgt n jews ni pun anti gile ngn kite...igtla,org2 kristian pn da bnyk kene basuh utk sokong israel (tmasuk sesetengah org2 kristian kt msia ni khususnya yg bukan katolik)...xkn la yahudi ni xkene basuh ngn zionists...dorg telebih dahulu di ajar utk taat kt pyh nk cr yahudi yg kesian kt org palestin...dorg pn bengang bile konflik ni asyik berlarutan...

ap2 pun...benarlah dlm al-quran yg yahudi ni xkn redha kt umat islam...mungkin konflik ni adalah asbab utk tu...dr zaman yg kite tgk btapa dorg ni ad hubungan baik ngn umat islam tp skarang ni kononnya adlah MUSUH spanjang zaman untuk org2 islam


migdal_bavel ... age%3D1&page=15

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Post time 28-10-2006 08:17 AM | Show all posts
Ahmadinejad: Israel Will Soon Disappear

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Friday that Israel no longer had any reason to exist and would soon disappear.

"This regime, thanks to God, has lost the reason for its existence," Ahmadinejad told a crowd of thousands gathered at a rally in support of the Palestinians in the capital Tehran.

"Efforts to stabilize this fake (Israeli) regime, by the grace of God, have completely failed... You should believe that this regime is disappearing," he said.

Ahmadinejad has before called for Israel to be "swept off the map," and his comments frequently come on days when Iran holds huge national rallies in support of the Palestinians. Friday was "Jerusalem Day" in Iran.

Israel considers Iran- which already has missiles capable of carrying payloads to the Jewish state- to be the greatest threat to its survival.

Before the Iranian president's most recent comments, Israel's Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, made some of his toughest remarks to date aimed at Iran and the Islamic republic's nuclear program.

Olmert warned that Iran would have "a price to pay" if it does not back down from its nuclear ambitions, hinting broadly that Israel might be forced to take action.

Talking to reporters Thursday on his way home from a three-day trip to Moscow, Olmert did not specifically threaten to cripple Iran's nuclear program in a military strike, as it did 25 years ago in Iraq when it sent combat planes to destroy an unfinished nuclear reactor there.

But he repeated what he said a day earlier after meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow- the Iranians "have to be afraid" of the consequences of their intransigence.

"They have to understand that if they object to every compromise, there will be a price to pay," Olmert said.

Israel rejects Tehran's claim that its nuclear program is peaceful, designed solely to produce energy. In the past, Israel has said it would not lead a campaign against Iran's nuclear program, rather acting in concert with world powers that are similarly worried about Iran's intentions.

But with Iran rejecting various compromise proposals and insisting on enriching uranium- a process key to developing nuclear weapons- Olmert been raising the stakes with increasingly defiant rhetoric.

Israel cannot reconcile itself to a nuclear Iran, he said- and "there comes a time when you have to do damage control."

"A red line must be drawn that cannot be crossed," he said, without specifying what that line was.

Britain's ambassador said he expects a draft U.N. resolution on Iran to be introduced in the Security Council early next week. Diplomats said it will seek sanctions on Tehran for refusing to suspend uranium enrichment.

France's U.N. Ambassador Jean-Marc de La Sabliere had said Tuesday he hoped to circulate a draft by the end of the week. But France, Britain and Germany, who have led negotiations with Iran on its nuclear program, were still discussing the text with the United States on Thursday, and had not yet shown it to Russia and China.

Russia is building Iran's first, $800 million atomic reactor and has impeded U.N. sanctions against Tehran. It has also agreed to resume shipment of fuel for the reactor, which experts say could be diverted and used to build bombs.

After meeting for four hours with Putin and Russian defense officials, Olmert said he was convinced they understood the gravity of the situation and don't want to see a nuclear Iran. But at a news conference with Olmert at the Kremlin on Wednesday, Putin pointedly made no mention of the Iranian nuclear threat.

On the plane, Olmert also reiterated his willingness to meet with the moderate Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, to try to jump-start long-stalled peace talks. But he said he would not agree ahead of the meeting to release some of the thousands of Palestinian prisoners Israel holds - a gesture Abbas seeks to prove the meeting will yield concrete results for him.

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Post time 28-10-2006 01:43 PM | Show all posts
Israel takder kenalah USA fikir cara lain nak jual segala senjata api dia, its all about money.  For all we know USA jual to both sides, yelah no more Cold War sure banyak timbunan senjata api perlu dijual.

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Skillganon This user has been deleted
Post time 2-12-2006 06:40 AM | Show all posts
Inshallah one day the Zionist regime will be removed.

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