Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (July 2009)
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Reply #38 baduglyu's post
ade buku BM..try aaa cari kt MPH, Popular, Kinokuniya tak pun Borders,& times.... |
Reply #37 Ustaz_SUFI's post
terpulang laa....
sbb bahasa dlm buku English tu...easy je...klu tak paham...leh cari dictionary Oxford Fajar adik2 kite pakai utk wat karangan BI tu....tapi klu rasa mcm xnk baca english ver. beli je yg BM...mungkin keseronokan membaca sama je kut....
sy xde buku BM tu...tapi ape kawan sy kata...buku BM pun sama je ngan BI.... |
Originally posted by hermione_twin at 20-1-2008 11:29 PM 
Buis <- topi singa dlm book 5 lah bukan book 6
aku rasa buku 6 la.. yg masa dia tgk game quidditch yg slytherin buat lagu kat ron tu.. aku rasala.... |
Originally posted by buiscasey at 22-1-2008 01:58 AM 
aku rasa buku 6 la.. yg masa dia tgk game quidditch yg slytherin buat lagu kat ron tu.. aku rasala....
tu book 5 lah..kan lepas tu yg harry, fred ngan george pukul draco sampai dia org tiga kena banned dr main quididitch for life dr umbridge. ron duk tak leh jaga gol sbb slytherin nyanyi lagu "Weasley is our king" |
cant wait for the film...i just not really get it why helen mccrory is narcissa malfoy..she looks fierce not pale and soft... |
Originally posted by MrBriteSide at 22-1-2008 04:46 PM 
cant wait for the film...i just not really get it why helen mccrory is narcissa malfoy..she looks fierce not pale and soft...
she suppose to be Bellatrix in The Order of Phoenix but withdraw from the movie because she's pregnant. So that's why they change it to Helena for Bellatrix's role. I think they dont want to do another round of casting for that role so they offered back to Helen (different role but almost similar). Can wait for the final movie on who'll become Andromeda....then we've the 3 Black Sisters (hmmm so far only Bellatrix has black hair) |
nov 2008?
lama lg la ni.. |
Reply #42 maxxwu's post
nak beli yg BI ah ...  |
Reply #47 hermione_twin's post
erm..rase2 Andromeda ni muka lebey kurang sama ngan Bellatrix...sbb dlm DH...kan ade perenggan kt bawah ni...
" As shed moved forward into the room, Mrs. Tonks抯 resemblance to her
sister Bellatrix became much less pronounced. Her hair was a light, soft brown
and her eyes were wider and kinder."
antara diorg nk kalerkan rambut Helena ke color mcm Narcissa or diorg kene cari pelakon baru utk Andromeda... |
Reply #49 Ustaz_SUFI's post
Reply #51 maxxwu's post
better cari new person jer kot...tapi just utk 1-2 scene..maybe produser malas lak nak ambik org baru. |
Reply #54 maxxwu's post
twin tgh ulang balik baca book 1...esok lusa abis kot. |
bestnyer HP deathly hallows dh kuar!
satu lagik scene yg mesti ade..
part yg fleur kawen..
ngeee....tp tetibe aku sedih ble snape mati..
he's so deep in love with harry's mom!!! |
macam mane diorg nk twist citer yg involve dgn dobby ar??
siape yg akn tolong diorg mase kt umah malfoy tuh nanti??
sbb bnyk gak yg kne guna house elf but since dlm movie x bnyk psl house elf
psl s.p.e.w dulu pun xde! |
Reply #57 penglipur's post
hmmm takkan dia nak letak kreatcher kot utk selamatkan harry...
yg twin tahu masa utk order of phoenix..skripwriter nak buang watak kretcher tapi jk rowling tak bagi..dia kata kalau buang watak tu..sripwriter tu sure mati camna nak tulis skrip utk final movie. sure lawak nengok house elf serang death eater tu nanti... 
tapi rasa awal sangat kot nak bincang pasal deathly hallows...better kita stick ngan topic yg ni....deathly hallow nya topic ada kat Book & Literature -> http://forum3.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=304546 |
Reply #56 & #57 penglipur's post
rasenye terlalu awal nk cite psl DH.....nnt bile dh nk kuar film tu br leh cite....
btw....sj nk kongsi ngan korang....

The Weasley's family tree...plus Draco Malfoy & Luna Lovegood |
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