Reply #21 faraway's post
padan muka big kena hempuk ngan bunga tu
deserved it  |
Reply #41 MzDiNa's post
Tgk kat negara mana?...
Best tak?....apa jer scene yg rasanya akan dipotong kalau tayang kat Malaysia?

Reply #41 MzDiNa's post
kannnn..ngengada mr big tu...tiba2 hr tu la plak nk feel insecured |
Reply #42 mayutaka's post
yg pasti part neighbour samantha mandi tu mmg wajib kena potong |
Reply #44 bayieng's post
Mandi bogel ker?...huhuhuhu......
Ko tgk kat mana huh?...nak tgk gak...hehehehe

Reply #26 sayangidaku's post
tulah saya pun tengah wondering, tak kan tak de scene yg kena sensored. for sure mesti ada punya. |
Dah lama dah ... tinggal series Sex n City ni .....
dah ada movie dah .....lak |
Reply #44 bayieng's post
part neighbour dia romen pun mesti censor..nama movie pun sex n the city  |
mm..yup..i look forward to see this movie in M'sia but syg..pasti nk masuk sni kan
filem ni antara hot summer box office kt USA skang ni...minggu prtama kuar no 1 kalahkan Indiana Jones...i like esp the bling bling and fashionista element of the film |
x sabarnye nak tgk sex and the city...... |
oleh disebabkan nak realease kat sini lambat sangat...
aku sanggup turun singapore ngan kawan aku...
tak sabar nak tengok carrie ngan mr big punye BIG DAY....
:pompom: :pompom: :pompom: :pompom: |
aku tgh dlm proses marathon season 1 smpai abis...lagi due dvd tinggal. pastu baru nk tgk movie. |
bila tayang kat malaysia ya |
Originally posted by eddysheddy at 25-7-2008 11:40 PM 
bila tayang kat malaysia ya
oh, dah tayang dah, bermula smlm 24 julai 2008..
x sure bnyk mana kena cut, huhu.. |
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