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Author: rhoyo

OBE/Astral Projection atau Roh Keluar Dari Badan

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Post time 20-5-2004 08:33 PM | Show all posts
best jugak

Astral Projection ni lebih kurang pengembaraan roh yg membolehkan seseorang berhubung dengan roh lain dengan cara telepati. Bende ni lebih mudah dengan kaedah pernafasan meditasi & yoga.

..pernah kena tapi sedikit menakutkan kerana kita tak boleh pulang ke badan sesukahati...

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 Author| Post time 27-5-2004 02:21 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by H猷L鰃頧 at 20-5-2004 08:33 PM:
best jugak

Astral Projection ni lebih kurang pengembaraan roh yg membolehkan seseorang berhubung dengan roh lain dengan cara telepati. Bende ni lebih mudah dengan kaedah pernafasan meditasi &am ...

so roh dan jasad di pisahkan lah.. macam begitu kah Heal ?

Hmm .... sampai sekarang masih lagi tidak bejaya saya buat OBE ni :hmm:

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Post time 28-5-2004 11:46 AM | Show all posts
:hmm:...dari pendapat HeaL,

semasa tidur boleh menyebabkan gelombang otak berfikir di 'luar tahap kesedaran manusia' .....

Ini boleh menyebabkan otak mampu mengawal teras tenaga roh yg boleh menyebabkan OBE/ Astral Projection, secara tidak langsung memboleh minda & roh merasa, melihat bahkan berkomunikasi dengan makhluk lain, jin, imbasan qarin, melihat arwah ibu /bapa atau manusia lain yg jauh.

Begitu juga proses telepati, penguasaan minda, tenaga dalam, 'chi' pengembangan aura, puncanya pengaruh kuat minda yg melampaui kelogikan akal manusia

OBE juga boleh membawa maut seperti mati didalam tidur/ mimpi dimana 'roh' ini tidak dapat kembali (sesat kot :bgrin. Orang yg sihat pun boleh mati dalam tidur apabila roh dijemput dengan cara aman.

Kedudukan roh tetap berada didalam manusia semasa tidur kecuali minda diluar tahap sedar keluar sebentar bersama roh dengan tujuan tertentu. Mungkin juga ini juga cara nabi terdahulu kita menerima wahyu,

umpama "Jasad ditanah Roh di Langit"

Originally posted by rhoyo at 27-5-2004 02:21 PM:
so roh dan jasad di pisahkan lah.. macam begitu kah Heal ?
Hmm .... sampai sekarang masih lagi tidak bejaya saya buat OBE ni :hmm:

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Post time 28-5-2004 04:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by H猷L鰃頧 at 28-5-2004 11:46 AM:
OBE juga boleh membawa maut seperti mati didalam tidur/ mimpi dimana 'roh' ini tidak dapat kembali (sesat kot )

Ni saya rasa tak akan terjadi. Kecuali masa seseorang tu dah betul2 sampai. (Kalau ada yang mati pun diorg tak dpt nak bagitau kita).

Kedudukan roh tetap berada didalam manusia semasa tidur kecuali minda diluar tahap sedar keluar sebentar bersama roh dengan tujuan tertentu.

Pendapat aku tak semua dari kita yang keluar sbb aku pernah alami "kesedaran aku berpindah2' antara tubuh yang sedang tidur dgn tubuh yang satu lagi. Aku rasa yang keluar tu bukannya nyawa atau "keseluruhan roh"  tapi sesuatu yg lain:hmm:. Lebih kepada sejenis kenderaan yang boleh digunakan oleh kesedaran kita utk ke kawasan tertentu...

Pendapat aku laa..

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Post time 28-5-2004 09:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rhoyo at 27-5-2004 02:21 PM:
so roh dan jasad di pisahkan lah.. macam begitu kah Heal ?
Hmm .... sampai sekarang masih lagi tidak bejaya saya buat OBE ni :hmm:


Mental Blocks
A common problem in learning astral projection is the development of mental blocks. These seem to make any attempt at projecting impossible. Below are some examples...

Many people tend to doubt that they抣l achieve anything when attempting their first ever projection, and it is this self-doubt that seems to make it so. If you believe that you won抰 succeed in projecting, you won抰. It should be realized that if 憃ne

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Post time 29-5-2004 11:10 AM | Show all posts
aku x pnah lagik kene

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Post time 31-5-2004 02:42 PM | Show all posts
Pendapat aku tak semua dari kita yang keluar sbb aku pernah alami "kesedaran aku berpindah2' antara tubuh yang sedang tidur dgn tubuh yang satu lagi. Aku rasa yang keluar tu bukannya nyawa atau "keseluruhan roh"  tapi sesuatu yg lain. Lebih kepada sejenis kenderaan yang boleh digunakan oleh kesedaran kita utk ke kawasan tertentu...

:setuju: Setuju,

tapi... HLX merasekan kenderaan tu perlukan sokongan minda & roh untuk bergerak. Tenaga yg bercampur minda di luar tahap kesedaran & kemampuan manusia mampu mengolah kedudukan 'pra'-roh keluar ke alam yg lain. Tetapi tidak semuanya keluar kerana ada lagi bahagian mesti mengawal gerakan tubuh.

Seperti mana permainan mimpi, ia mungkin benar2 berlaku kpd roh tanpa melibatkan jasad. Umpananya selepas seorang yg mimpi dikejar hantu bangun, keadaan fizikalnya berpeluh & LETIH.

Jadi kemanakah halatuju roh ni keluar berlari:hmm: ?

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 Author| Post time 17-6-2004 10:06 PM | Show all posts
Ni ada aku terbaca method si Robert Monroe dari

dia kata :

Robert Monroe's Method
In his book Journeys out of the Body [Mon71] Monroe describes a complicated-sounding technique for inducing OBEs. In part it is similar to other imagination methods, but it starts with induction of the 'vibrational state.' Many spontaneous OBEs start with a feeling of shaking or vibrating, and Monroe deliberately induces this state first. He suggests you do the following. First lie down in a darkened room in any comfortable position, but with your head pointing to magnetic north. Loosen clothing and remove any jewellery or metal objects, but be sure to stay warm. Ensure that you will not be disturbed and are not under any limitation of time. Begin by relaxing and then repeat to yourself five times, 'I will consciously perceive and remember all that I encounter during this relaxation procedure. I will recall in detail when I am completely awake only those matters which will be beneficial to my physical and mental being.' Then begin breathing through your half-open mouth.

The next step involves entering the state bordering sleep (the hypnagogic state). Monroe does not recommend any particular method of achieving this state. One method you might try is to hold your forearm up, while keeping your upper arm on the bed, or ground. As you start to fall asleep, your arm will fall, and you will awaken again. With practice you can learn to control the hypnagogic state without using your arm. Another method is to concentrate on an object. When other images start to enter your thoughts, you have entered the hypnagogic state. Passively watch these images. This will also help you maintain this state of near-sleep. Monroe calls this Condition A.  

so kalau nak buat ni mesti betul betul relaks ler atau macam mana ? .....

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Post time 17-6-2004 11:10 PM | Show all posts
Realxation aku masa tu lebih dari tidur biasa. Time aku masih sekolah dulu aku selalu jugak praktis relaxation masa nak tidur. Sekarang ni aku tak praktis relaxation sgt dah. Cukup dgn relax utk tidur, kemudian aku relax lagi dlm rilex tu.

Org boleh tidur tapi ott2 masih tegang.

Dulu aku biasa relax dari bhg bawah ke atas. skang ni lagi senang dari kepala ke kaki.

Kalau nak tahu cukup relax ke tak, masa nak bangun lepas tu mesti rasa mcm "groggy" sikit. Otot2 pun rasa stiff sikit. Mcm seluruh badan tertidur.

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Post time 18-6-2004 09:46 AM | Show all posts
Memang benar relaxation is one of the keys to achieve OBE. Berzikir is one of the ways to achieve it. I quote below some of the OBE experiences which I had: -

1. Running out of my prayer room towards my car which was parked in the driveway. I noticed my signal light dislodged from its housing. I ran back upstairs and saw ME sitting on my prayer mat. Then I realised that I had travelled out of my body. I gave Salam to ME and woke up immediately. To my surprise what I have seen during OBE really took place in the morning.

2. Flying out of my house and hovering from about 200 feet above ground. I recognised clearly my daughters' school, its playing ground, my neighbour's brand new vehicle which I never saw before and my cats. When I came to my senses, I rushed back to my room and to my surprise, I saw ME lying on my prayer mat. Again I gave Salam and woke up immediately. Two days later my neighbour brought back a brand new NAZA RIA, exactly as the one I saw during OBE albeit the color being silver instead of green.

The trick of giving Salam was taught to me by an old man in 1999. Nobody seems to know his background till he died that same year.

I dont't know if I can pass down this trick to you guys, but if you have some control of yourselves during OBE, maybe its worth giving it a shot.

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Post time 18-6-2004 11:02 AM | Show all posts

kita ni dah panjang lebar bincang pasal OBE, tetapi adakah ia boleh diterima secara logik sains & akal ?

Definasi OBE ni mungkin berasakan analisis saintis barat, tetapi bagaimana pula huraian & kesimpulan dari segi sains. Bagaimana jisim 'roh' tenaga keluar badan secara halimunan ?. Berbeza dengan pengamal ilmu ghaib, batin, yoga, chi gong, hynotis, telepath dsbnya, mereka lebih menganggap ia bukannya sains yg boleh diperjelaskan.

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Post time 18-6-2004 11:21 AM | Show all posts
by H猷L鰃頧

kita ni dah panjang lebar bincang pasal OBE, tetapi adakah ia boleh diterima secara logik sains & akal ?

Definasi OBE ni mungkin berasakan analisis saintis barat, tetapi bagaimana pula huraian & kesimpulan dari segi sains. Bagaimana jisim 'roh' tenaga keluar badan secara halimunan ?. Berbeza dengan pengamal ilmu ghaib, batin, yoga, chi gong, hynotis, telepath dsbnya, mereka lebih menganggap ia bukannya sains yg boleh diperjelaskan.

Kalau tengok dr sudut sains pun, Tuhan pun tidak harus dipercayai kerana ianya sesuatu yg tidak boleh dijelaskan oleh Akal. ;)

Bila melihat sesuatu dr sudut pandangan ahli sains Barat dan Timur, anda harus melihat siapa yg buat andaian2 tersebut.

Di barat sejak beratus2 tahun, yg digelar sains adalah mereka yg ada peluang utk belajar di universiti2 tertentu. Asalkan mereka ada sehelai kertas yg mengatakan mereka adalah scholars (golongan terpelajar), maka andaian mereka ( yg mereka sendiri tak mampu menjawabnya secara keseluruhan) adalah lebih baik dr andaian seorang petani.

Cuba bayangkan sebuah masyarakat di mana seorang saintis yg tak pernah turun ke ladang, menberikan huraian tentang tanah, tumbuhan dsbnya dan masyarakat boleh menerimanya dgn lebih baik dr huraian seorang petani yg tak berpelajaran tetapi berkesimpungan di ladang sepanjang hari.

Di Timur pula, lain sikit. Semua orang boleh mendapatkan pelajaran asalkan mampu, tetapi pendapat orang ramai, terutamanya mereka yg terlibat dlm sesuatu aktivity turut diterima dan dianalisa bersama.

Sekarang pun, di barat, mentaliti mereka yg tersempit masih diteruskan. Pengalaman manusia lain yg tidak diiktiraf oleh seseorang pakar akan dianggap sbg khayalan dan adakalanya, orang yg mengalami pengalaman tersebut dilabelkan kurang sihat.

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kilroy This user has been deleted
Post time 18-6-2004 03:18 PM | Show all posts
memang betul waktu kita tidur roh akan keluar dari badan. tapi untuk mengawal roh yang keluar merayau tuh tak pasti ler plak.

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Post time 20-6-2004 05:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by seribulan at 25-4-2004 10:36 AM:
pernah rasa time tidur...rasa cam kita trying to get back into our
body but couldn't...n satu lagik rasa cam nak terjatuh time tidor...
the u woke up...

Yang rase time jatuh tinggi2 tu selalu kena... rase gayat segayat gayatnyer... tol tak seri?

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 Author| Post time 22-6-2004 12:44 PM | Show all posts
Explanation for out of body experience
We keep hearing chilling stories of out of body experiences by people who were near death and suddenly recovered. Some of the tales are so vivid they have a surrealistic edge of reality to them. But now researchers say they've found an explanation. A new study suggests these "out-of-body" and "near-death" experiences may be influenced by a portion of the brain misfiring under stress. The paper, which describes one patient's visions while she was being evaluated for epilepsy, does not wrestle with issues of the soul. Nor, researchers said, do the brain-mapping results entirely explain these strange reports...

Ni aku ambik dari website...

Nampaknya OBE ni berlaku kepada orang yang tengah nazak atau nak mati ...

Bagaimana pendapat korang pulak ...

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Post time 24-6-2004 11:53 PM | Show all posts
ko biar benar??? aku penah alaminya...aku mimpi nampak diri aku diselubungi asap hijau.....dan depan aku ada satu lembaga paras perut,botak dan bermata merah tiba-tiba bertukar menjadi asap macam nak selubung aku...tiba-tiba aku terbangun mak aku kejutkan....mak aku kata aku jerit2 meracau....

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 Author| Post time 12-1-2005 12:21 AM | Show all posts
Ok . kepada sesiapa yang pernah alami ni , korang boleh lah ceritakan kat sini .....

Soaring Out of Body
by Joann

For as far back as I can remember, I have had strange and frightening experiences, which I now understand to be sleep paralysis. It has taken different forms, but always I am lying in my bed (or other place of rest), either when I am falling asleep or awakening. Suddenly, a strange and familiar feeling sweeps over me. It doesn't feel like I am sleeping. Many times there is music and/or smells. Most often, there is the feeling of an ominous presence, creating an impending feeling of terror inside of me.

Once I awoke to see my double right next to me. I remained in a state of paralysis until I finally was able to touch it it; then it disappeared next to me. (I was definitely fully awake at this point.) I have had a couple of experiences waking up and seeing my double. These episodes have always been marked by feelings of terror, then paralysis.

Last year, I found out that other people also have similar experiences to mine, and I was absolutely elated. I have tried to talk about this with my family, boyfriend and friends, and have never really been taken seriously. I have been told that I am just dreaming, but I have always known deep inside it was something more.

When I found this out, a change began to take place. Now when I slip into this state, I seldom am afraid. I can leave my body and soar to wonderful heights full of abundant energy. Many times it is like I am speeding through a tunnel. It is like I am rising, falling and spinning in different directions, all at the same time. I will usually begin by rising upwards, then rise right through my ceiling, or downward, right through my floor, but It is essentially the same thing either way. I want to master this ability and be in full control. Now I feel lucky and blessed every time these wonderful opportunities arise, and it is just the beginning of my journeys. I feel like I am in the gateway to something spectacular, but I am also sad because I can't discuss it with anyone.

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Post time 12-1-2005 03:53 PM | Show all posts
ntah ahh
aku pnah kot
aku x tido sgt
aku nampak aku bjalan
pastu jatuh dalam longkang
pastu teros terbangun
lawak tol aku x pandai kontrol ah

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Post time 13-1-2005 12:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rhoyo at 22/6/04 12:44:

Ni aku ambik dari website...

Nampaknya OBE ni berlaku kepada orang yang tengah nazak atau nak mati ...

Bagaimana pendapat korang pulak ...

kan tido tu dikatakan spt mati seketika.....dimana roh terpisah dr jasad. ketika ni otak kita dibwh pengaruh alpha....keadaan separuh sedar. ketika dibwh pengaruh alpha, kita bulih flashback ape yg kita telah blaja (student) atau ape2 perkara yg kita nak igt,cth nyer nak set time bangun pada esok pagi nya....insyaAllah, ingatan makin kuat dan esok pagi kita akan bangun hampir2 dgn waktu yg kita setkan sblom jasad terpisah dr roh sepenuhnya....


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Post time 14-1-2005 10:06 AM | Show all posts
camane nk control ek?

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