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Author: mmc

May 13, 1969 Revisited. An Old Soldier's Perpective.

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Post time 24-5-2008 09:14 PM | Show all posts
Berita berkaitan peristiwa ini ada yang di tulis dan ada yang hanya di ceritakan dari mulut ke mulut. Sebuah buku yang di anggap laporan kertas putih peristiwa 13 mei di keluarkan oleh kerajaan untuk memberi tahu rakyat tentang peristiwa itu . Saya masih ingat kempen jangan percaya khabar angin yang di siar melalui radio dan tv . TV masa itu hitam putih dan saya rasa program yang paling menarik masa itu ialah ultraman.

Pertempuran berlaku hanya di KL dan ia tidak berlaku di Kelantan atau Terengganu. Memang pada masa itu saya masih kecil dan saya tidak mendengar pun orang melayu bunuh orang Cina di Terengganu. Perkara ini telah di puji oleh ramai bangsa yang bukan melayu kerana ia menunjukkan Islam mengatasi segala nya dalam tindakan orang melayu terengganu.

Mengikut cerita , terdapat kejadian menyedihkan dan boleh dikatakan pembunuhan beramai ramai terhadap orang Melayu Islam di KL dalam kekalutan rusuhan. Di sebuah panggung wayang di kawasan majoriti Cina , penonton melayu melihat tulisan cina disiar pada screen. Orang Cina mula keluar tetapi orang melayu yang tak tahu bahasa cina masih terus menonton. Selepas itu lampu di padam dan orang melayu yang keluar melalui pintu yang sempit di bunuh seorang demi seorang. Sampai sekarang kalau saya tengok panggung wayang lama di KL saya akan teringat kisah sedih itu.

Mengikut cerita orang tua , Sungai Klang penuh dengan mayat orang Melayu dan Cina dan india yang menjadi mangsa tragedi 13 mei. Terdapat serang menyerang kampung stinggan dan usir mengusir . Begitulah kelam kabut nya keadaan. Mujurlah Ankatan Tentera Di raja berjaya mengembalikan keamanan dan peristiwa itu berakhir dengan cepat walau pun perasaan marah masih membara di kalangan mangsa di semua pihak.

Peristiwa 13 mei membawa cerita sedih tetapi 13 mei juga lah yang menyebabkan kesedaran di semua pihak betapa penting nya semua bangsa di malaysia menghormati dan toleransi antara satu lain. Punca ketidak seimbangan pemilikan ekonomi yang di anggap faktor penyebab 13 mei telah cuba di perbetulkan dengan program socio ekonomi Dasar ekoonomi baru yang bermatlamat menjadikan sasaran ekuiti bumiputera 30 peratus walaupun mereka merupakan 60 peratus penduduk dan penduduk asal Tanah Melayu.

Peristiwa 13 mei sudah berlalu tetapi ia masih segar dalam ingatan. Namun bagi setengah dari mereka yang mengejar kekayaan dunia, mereka kadang kadang tidak begitu berhati hati bertindak dan berinteraksi . Sekarang orang bukan melayu sudah bercakap' go to hell with DEB'. Go to Hell with social contract dan go to hell with bumiputera. Kita risau sikap tidak bertanggungjawab boleh mencetus rusuhan yang lebih besar namun ada orang kata jangan ugut kami dengan 13 mei. Kita memberitahu mereka , semua rakyat malaysia tidak mahu berlakunya peristiwa 13 mei dan pemuda yang membawa 'penyapu besar' pada 10 mei itu pun tidak menjangka penyapu besar nya boleh membawa kepada peristiwa pembunuhan yang besar dalam sejarah Malaysia.
Kita berdoa kepada Allah azzawajal agar kita tidak menemui lagi peristiwa 13 mei tetapi hanya Allah yang akan menentukan apa yang akan berlaku dalam hidup kita. Kita hanya hamba Allah yang menerima segala Qada dan Qadar .

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Post time 24-5-2008 09:24 PM | Show all posts
Malaysian Tragedy - May 13th 1969. Time Magazine-Friday, May 23, 1969  

Tuesday, May 13, 2008  

MALAYSIA'S proud experiment in constructing a multiracial society exploded in the streets of Kuala Lumpur last week. Malay mobs, wearing white headbands signifying an alliance with death, and brandishing swords and daggers, surged into Chinese areas in the capital, burning, looting and killing. In retaliation, Chinese, sometimes aided by Indians, armed themselves with pistols and shotguns and struck at Malay kampongs (villages). Huge pillars of smoke rose skyward as houses, shops and autos burned.

Firemen drew sniper fire as they attempted to douse the flames, and outnumbered police watched helplessly at times as the street gangs rampaged. One man, trying to escape from his burning car, was thrown back into it by a howling mob, and died. By the time the four days of race war and civil strife had run their course, the General Hospital's morgue was so crowded that bodies were put into plastic bags and hung on ceiling hooks. Government officials, attempting to play down the extent of the disaster, insisted that the death toll was only 104. Western diplomatic sources put the toll closer to 600, with most of the victims Chinese.

No Longer Satisfied. From its inception, Malaysia has been haunted by racial divisions. By tacit agreement, the Federation's 4,300,000 Malays under Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman wielded political power. Economic power was largely in the hands of Malaysia's 3,400,000 Chinese. There are also the 1,000,000 Indians and Pakistanis who make up the third major ethnic group. What made it all work was the Tunku's Alliance coalition, in which Malay, Chinese and Indian parties participated. But for some time the Chinese and Indians had feared that eventually they would be pushed out as laws favoring Malays for schools and jobs bore fruit.

The trouble began two weeks ago, when newly formed Chinese opposition parties cut heavily into the Alliance's majority in parliamentary elections. It became suddenly apparent that many Chinese were no longer satisfied with just economic hegemony, but wanted a protective share of the political power as well. Nothing was more surely calculated to frighten the Malays, in particular the Malay "ultras" (right-wingers), who have long preached the doctrine of Malaysia for the Malays. Alarmed, the ultras began to discuss ways of retaining control. At a Malay post-election meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Chinese onlookers began to taunt those in attendance. Infuriated, the Malays attacked. At least eight Chinese were killed and within 45 minutes fast-spreading riots forced the Tunku to clamp a 24-hour curfew on the capital.

Returning to Singapore. Struggling to restore order as the fighting mushroomed, the Tunku and Deputy Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak took power into their own hands. Parliament was suspended, as were constitutional guarantees. Total administrative power was taken by the newly formed, all-powerful National Operations Council headed by Razak, which proceeded to suspend publication of all Malaysian newspapers for several days. Arrests began. Ninety-three alleged terrorists were bagged in a swoop on a Chinese apartment building in Kuala Lumpur, and Razak reported that all Communists and known sympathizers were being rounded up. Razak and the Tunku blamed all the troubles on Communist China, which, they charged, had funneled large sums of money to Communist agitators in Malaysia. Later, however, the Tunku backed off slightly, and praised "loyal Chinese elements," adding that he had been mistaken when he blamed Chinese Communists for all the troubles.

As tensions eased late in the week, curfews were lifted long enough to allow householders to go out and buy food. The fires burned on, however, and there were still occasional racial clashes. For some time to come, Malaysia would be a bitterly divided society. Already many Chinese have given up hope: one senior government official spoke of abandoning everything in Kuala Lumpur and returning to his native Singapore. There was no doubt that if many others followed his example, severe damage to Malaysia's once-prospering economy would result. Beyond that was the question of whether the wounds opened last week would ever sufficiently heal to permit Malaysia's diverse peoples to resume their quest for a working multiracial nation.

Taken from :,9171,900859-2,00.html

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Post time 24-5-2008 09:37 PM | Show all posts
Apabila Melayu tercabar di Tanah Melayu maka banyak lah implikasi nya... Negara berdaulat yang ber Raja menjadi tonggak maruah bangsa Melayu yang beragama Islam. Aku tidak setuju jikalau, Melayu dinafikan hak sebagai tuan di Tanah Melayu. Mungkin ramai yang kurang ngerti akan siapa kah Melayu itu sendiri.. Meh kita kongsi sikit sejarah... walau dalam menyelami siapa bersalah dan sebagai nya di sebalik 13 Mei..

SAHIBUL hikayat, tersebutlah seorang Raja Melayu bernama Sang Sapurba yang bertakhta di Bukit Siguntang, Mahameru, Sumatera. Baginda dikatakan berasal daripada keturunan Iskandar Zulkarnain yang mempunyai hubungan dengan Nabi Sulaiman a.s.

Apabila baginda meminta mana-mana pemimpin negeri lain memberikan baginda puteri untuk dikahwininya, ramailah yang memberikan, sebagai mengakui ketuanan Sang Sapurba.

Bagaimanapun selepas pasangan itu berhubung kelamin, dengan tidak bersebab permaisuri baginda itu akan terkena penyakit kulit yang teruk.

Arakian disebutkan sehingga sampai ke-40 puteri raja yang dikahwini oleh Sang Sapurba, kesemua selepas ditiduri mengidap penyakit yang sama, dan semua ditinggal atau diceraikan oleh baginda.

Ada seorang hamba rakyat bernama Demang Lebar Daun sanggup menyerahkan anak perempuannya yang cantik jelita untuk dikahwinkan dengan Sang Sapurba tetapi dengan bersyarat jika raja itu sanggup membuat perjanjian dengannya.

Maka sembah Demang Lebar Daun, ada pun syarat tersebut ialah segala anak cucunya sedia menjadi hamba kepada keturunan Sang Sapurba. Dan, jika ia berdosa, sebesar-besar dosanya pun, jangan difadihatkan, dinista dengan kata-kata yang jahat; jikalau besar dosanya dibunuh, itu pun jikalau berlaku pada hukum syarak.

Maka ia dipersetujui oleh Sang Sapurba dengan syarat kelak anak cucu Demang Lebar Daun tidak akan menderhaka kepada keturunan baginda walaupun ia zalim dan jahat pekerti sekalipun.

Oleh kerana itu, segala raja-raja Melayu, tidak pernah memberi aib pada segala hamba Melayu; jikalau sebagaimana sekali pun besar dosanya, tiada diikat dan digantung dan difadihatkan dengan kata-kata yang jahat.

Jikalau ada seorang raja memberi aib seorang hamba Melayu, maka negerinya akan binasa. Syahadan, segala anak Melayu pun tidak pernah derhaka dan memalingkan muka pada rajanya walaupun budi pekertinya sangat buruk.

Inti daripada perjanjian antara Sang Sapurba dan Demang Lebar Daun tersebut ialah kesetiaan dan pantang derhaka dalam masyarakat Melayu - sosiol kontrak (perjanjian setia) yang pertama orang Melayu terhadap rajanya.

Seperti yang ditulis oleh Tun Sri Lanang dan W.G Shellebear dalam Sejarah Melayu, perjanjian antara Sang Sapurba dan Demang Lebar Daun melambangkan 憄enyerahan diri

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 Author| Post time 24-5-2008 11:35 PM | Show all posts

Reply #39 tankee1981's post

well tankee..if you had taken the trouble to google this title, you would find the link easily

May 13, 1969 Revisited. An Old Soldier's Perpective.

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Post time 25-5-2008 02:17 AM | Show all posts
camne 13 mei nie boleh dikaitkan dgn parti DAP? sedangkan parti Gerakan yg jadi pencetus?

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Post time 25-5-2008 02:33 AM | Show all posts

Reply #45 Acong's post

Aku tak sure, tapi bukankah perarakan kemenangan DAP di KL yg membuat peristiwa tersebut? Tak silap perarakan itu menjadi tegang akibat cemuhan dan hinaan.

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Post time 26-5-2008 09:22 AM | Show all posts

Balas #45 Acong\ catat

DAP pernah menulis ke Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu meminta PBB mengambilalih negara ini selepas peristiwa 13 Mei 1969...

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Post time 26-5-2008 10:18 AM | Show all posts
May 13, 1969: Truth and reconciliation

Closure: 慉 bringing to an end; a conclusion... A feeling of finality or resolution, especially after a traumatic experience,

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Post time 26-5-2008 10:19 AM | Show all posts
Choosing to live or die together

MAY 13, 1969. On that day I had finished with a case at Court Hill and returned home a little earlier than usual. My wife and children were out and got back just before sunset.

By twilight, all hell had broken loose. A shouting mob seemed to be coming from the junction of Princess Road (now Jalan Raja Muda) and Circular Road (Jalan Pekeliling and Jalan Tun Abdul Razak) which was less than half a mile from our house on the corner of Jalan Gurney Dua and Satu.

Datuk Mahadev Shankar
We were well within earshot of the commotion. We were out on our badminton court when a young Malay, face ravaged with shock, ran past us, intermittently stopping to catch his breath and then run on.

The panic he radiated was very contagious. A few moments later, my neighbour Tuan Haji Ahmad shouted from across the road that a riot was in progress at the Princess Road junction and that we should immediately get back indoors.

Soon afterwards as the darkness set in, we saw red tongues of flame crowned with black smoke go up from the direction of Datuk Kramat. From town there was a red glow in the sky of fires burning. The acrid smell of smoke was coming from everywhere. Fearing the worst, we locked ourselves in and huddled around the TV set. Then I heard this high-pitched wail: 揟olong, buka pintu, tolong. buka pintu!

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Post time 26-5-2008 10:23 AM | Show all posts

civvie story

One day in 1969

IT was around 4pm, May 13, 1969. I was taking my usual leisurely walk home from St John抯 Primary School on Bukit Nanas in Kuala Lumpur to nearby Kampung Baru. It seemed like any other day except that we were let off early. I didn抰 know why, but as a 10-year-old I didn抰 care.

On the bridge that divided the then Jalan Ampang commercial heart of KL (where British trading houses like Inchape and Wearne Brothers were located) from Kampung Baru, I saw my mother.

籎ust as we were locking up, one of my sisters said, 慙et抯 go over and join Kimi Chi.

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Post time 26-5-2008 10:25 AM | Show all posts
Driving into trouble

WE had just launched the Malaysian news agency, Bernama.

I joined on March 15 to head the Malay editorial, recruited from Nanyang Siang Pau where I was a reporter.

On May 13, I noted how the atmosphere seemed bleak on the streets. There were rumours of disturbances and some people were seen sharpening parangs on Jalan Raja Muda, KL.

I had to attend a cocktail reception at the American information attache抯 residence in Jalan Conlay that evening with my wife. People were talking about the tense situation. Around 9pm, we left. My car was running low on fuel and I was trying to locate a petrol station.

Around the Pekeliling flats and Petaling Street area, people were scrambling around kelam-kabut. Many petrol stations were closed.

As we turned into the road near the Information Ministry, I realised there was no streetlights but there was a roadblock ahead.

Seconds later, a flowerpot was hurled through the window. The broken pieces cut my wife抯 lip.

Suddenly I saw several chaps wielding parangs running towards our car. They were shouting Allahu Akhbar (God is great). I quickly rolled down my window and shouted the same and they stopped.

I was fortunate to be given curfew passes so I could move about freely. We organised communal cooking at the Bernama building for the 100-odd staff.

I bought food for my Chinese and Scandinavian neighbours who could not leave their homes. My late mother-in-law grew vegetables in our backyard so we had sweet potatoes.

I saw few clashes on the streets. The police and military ensured order was restored. No particular group of people was allowed to attack another, and if it happened, it was dealt with immediately.

The hot spots of Batu Road (now Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman) and Gurney Road (Jalan Semarak) were under constant watch. Of course, it was very tense for the first two weeks.

To me, May 13 is a lesson for everyone. Nobody can benefit from such an incident, especially those who had perpetrated and incited the ill feelings that started it.

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Post time 26-5-2008 10:26 AM | Show all posts
Helping in the aftermath

I WAS on the way home from Bukit Bintang Boys

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Post time 26-5-2008 11:12 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by razhar at 24-5-2008 02:40
mu sumpah sapo tu?

proksi Babi Natang.......

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Post time 26-5-2008 11:13 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by RainbowSix at 25-5-2008 02:33
Aku tak sure, tapi bukankah perarakan kemenangan DAP di KL yg membuat peristiwa tersebut? Tak silap perarakan itu menjadi tegang akibat cemuhan dan hinaan.

tu gerakan laa......... parti komponen Babi Negara......

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Post time 26-5-2008 11:14 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SangSaka at 26-5-2008 09:22
DAP pernah menulis ke Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu meminta PBB mengambilalih negara ini selepas peristiwa 13 Mei 1969...

ada source tak?

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Post time 26-5-2008 11:34 AM | Show all posts

Balas #55 Acong\ catat

Yeap ada.... satu dokumen di tunjukkan oleh Arkib Negara yang membawa bahan-bahan dokumen yang ditulis oleh pegawai kedutaan British semasa Peristiwa 13 Mei 1969.... pameran berkenaan dibuat selama sebulan di Arkib Negara tahun lepas.... termasuk beberapa surat dari DAP.... salah satunya ialah meminta PBB mengambilalih negara ini diletakkan dibawah tentera pengaman PBB

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Post time 26-5-2008 12:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SangSaka at 26-5-2008 11:34
Yeap ada.... satu dokumen di tunjukkan oleh Arkib Negara yang membawa bahan-bahan dokumen yang ditulis oleh pegawai kedutaan British semasa Peristiwa 13 Mei 1969.... pameran berkenaan dibuat sela ...

TQ 4 da info..!

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Post time 26-5-2008 12:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Acong at 26-5-2008 11:13

tu gerakan laa......... parti komponen Babi Negara......

But in 69, Gerakan masih di luar BN kalau tak silap lah? Can anyone verify?

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Post time 26-5-2008 12:42 PM | Show all posts

Reply #58 zenslack's post

mungkin kot sebab kalo diikutkan pakatan politik yang terdiri dari pelbagai parti ini dikenali secara rasminya sebagai BARISAN NASIONAL (BN), didaftar secara rasminya pada 1 Julai 1974

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Post time 26-5-2008 12:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SangSaka at 26-5-2008 11:34
Yeap ada.... satu dokumen di tunjukkan oleh Arkib Negara yang membawa bahan-bahan dokumen yang ditulis oleh pegawai kedutaan British semasa Peristiwa 13 Mei 1969.... pameran berkenaan dibuat sela ...

Di mana boleh disemak lagi dokumen itu, iaitu surat DAP untuk serahkan negara pada UN ?? Di arkib negara lagi ke?

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