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Author: zahliahani

pempuan pregnant

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 Author| Post time 7-7-2008 10:58 AM | Show all posts
skrg nih aku takut sgt2..aku pernah citer pasal aku mimpi kan?pg ni hubby tanya,"nak tau knp org peluk awk semalam time tidur?"
hubby kata sebab dia mimpi kitorang balik kg dia.then aku kejutkan diasuruh bgn solat subuh.dia bgn nak cr kain pelikat dalam laci,bilikparents tp sumenya koyak.then tetibe ade bunyi baby nangis dr belakangdia.makin lama makin dekat....
aku x la percaya sgt tp akak2 nih ckp tu maybe nak gugur ke,x pun ada family members nak aku x percaya sgt la....

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Post time 7-7-2008 11:51 AM | Show all posts
aku percaya dgn hal macam ni..

ekceli mula2 dulu aku tak percaya tahap ke real an 'makhluk halus' amik baby ni...

tapi baru2 ni kat area opis aku...
ade kakak ni kja satu blok ngan opis aku...
dia mengandung...dah sarat benar, tggu hari nak bersalin je..
tapi ade mlm tu dia tido cam biasa then mimpi ade org amik tarik baby dia kuar...
so dia tersedar esok pagi tu...perut die dah check up kat doktor panel yg sama...
baby dah takde..

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Post time 7-7-2008 01:00 PM | Show all posts

ai akak oi

Originally posted by zahliahani at 7-7-2008 10:58 AM
skrg nih aku takut sgt2..aku pernah citer pasal aku mimpi kan?pg ni hubby tanya,"nak tau knp org peluk awk semalam time tidur?"
hubby kata sebab dia mimpi kitorang balik kg dia.then aku kejutkan ...

so ?

ada dua pilihan

duk pi tidoq kat masjid lah.

keep maintaining rasa takut tu - sebab well u memilih this way.

do something - gi klcc ker uknow gi kinokuniya baca buka mommies ker

or gi dok dengan kawan , ajak kawan party kat rumah u know - baca yassin ker or apa ker u know

just do not be alone sebab yalah i tatau napa u tak bawak mama or mama in law dok sekali ni i musykil and then dok  cakap i takut i takut well ...

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Post time 7-7-2008 01:29 PM | Show all posts

Reply #43 mbhcsf's post

ape la ko merepek ni oii

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Post time 7-7-2008 01:44 PM | Show all posts


Originally posted by naQi-tiRa at 7-7-2008 01:29 PM
ape la ko merepek ni oii

it's not for u lah...but which bit yg you tak faham?

i cakap yg  tuan rumah ni ada dua pilihan - duuk kat masjid - may be that thimng tak kacau dia kot OR pilih nak rasa takut tu memanjang
suggestion dah diberi so yg paling realistik i think  ajak org duduk dgn dialah.

Sebab pada saya, why kita kalah pada emosi?sedangkan bebenda tu ( kalau wujud lah ) tak der ap akuasa kalau dok cerita bebenda macam ni menolong dia dari segi  apa?
1) adakah dapat mengembalikan ketahanan psikologi Tuan Rumah?
2) atau lebih menakutkan dia?

so tuan rumah pada saya ada kekuatan so sebab tu dia perlu do something to allay the fears

1) kuatkan hati dan YAKIN yg ALLAH shj yg mmg powerful
2) ajak org dok sekali ( the more the merrier kan) - alah ajak lah gang usrah ker etc etc baca yassin ker etc
3) talk to her husband - move out i dunno whatever

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Post time 8-7-2008 12:36 AM | Show all posts
so tuan ghumah pd pendpt aku klu blh jgnlah ko tu tinggal sorang2 kat umah especially waktu mlm. klu blh ajak la family members ko temankan. jgn lupa tiap2 hari ko pasang dan dgr ayat2 ruqyah cm sorang member kita suggest kan td. tu mmg insyaallah baik utk diri dan baby ko. sediakan payung sblm hujan. beringat sblm kena. skrg ni the choice is yours. wassalam....

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Post time 8-7-2008 05:05 PM | Show all posts
benda gini pon ader

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Post time 9-7-2008 01:24 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2 Potpouri's post

yer betol baca la ayat kursi....basuh kaki tuh krg percayaker basuh kaki sebelum tido...tuh kata2 org tua jer tapi x bermakna kan

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Post time 9-7-2008 01:26 AM | Show all posts

Reply #39 zahliahani's post

ko sarat mengandung dok la umah mentua atau family kau selamat sikit
pepehal sng...tapi dulu2 pakcik2 makcik2 yg tua kerepot tuh selalu cerita
balan2 atau dikenali hantu penanggal dia suka mengacau org nak bersalin
dia nakkan darah yg mengalir bila org bersalin tuh..

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Post time 9-7-2008 02:23 AM | Show all posts

molar pregnancy

What is a molar pregnancy?

A molar pregnancy happens when there are certain abnormalities in the fertilized egg at conception. The fertilized egg either never develops into an embryo (this is called a complete mole) or it develops abnormally and can't survive (this is a partial mole).

In normal pregnancies, the fertilized egg contains 23 chromosomes from the father and 23 from the mother. In most complete molar pregnancies, the fertilized egg contributes no maternal chromosomes and the chromosomes from the father's sperm are duplicated, so you end up with two copies of chromosomes from the father and none from the mother. In this case, there's no embryo, amniotic sac, or any normal placental tissue. Instead, the placenta forms a mass of cysts that looks like a cluster of grapes.

In most partial molar pregnancies, the fertilized egg has the normal complement of chromosomes from the mother but double the chromosomes from the father, so there are 69 chromosomes instead of the normal 46. (That can happen when chromosomes from the sperm are duplicated or when two sperm fertilize the same egg.) In this case, there's some normal placental tissue among the cluster-like mass of abnormal tissue. The embryo does begin to develop, so there may be a fetus, or just some fetal tissue, or an amniotic sac. But even if a fetus is present, in most cases it's so abnormal that it can't survive.

It can be scary and sad to lose a pregnancy this way. But as long as you get proper treatment, you're unlikely to have any long-term physical consequences.
How common are molar pregnancies?

About one in every 1,000 pregnancies in the United States is a molar pregnancy. If you're under age 20 or over age 40 or if you've had a previous molar pregnancy or two or more miscarriages, your chances of having a molar pregnancy are higher.
How would I know if I had a molar pregnancy?

Early on, you might have typical pregnancy symptoms, but at some point you'll begin to have some spotting or heavier bleeding. It might be bright red or a brownish discharge, continuous or intermittent, and light or heavy. This bleeding could start as early as six weeks into your pregnancy or as late as 12 weeks. You might also have severe nausea and vomiting, abdominal cramping, and abdominal swelling (your uterus may grow more rapidly than usual).

Some women develop preeclampsia before midpregnancy if they have a molar pregnancy. However, because ultrasound helps practitioners diagnose molar pregnancies earlier these days, it's rare to carry one long enough for this condition to develop.

Call your doctor or midwife right away if you have any spotting or bleeding during your pregnancy. It doesn't necessarily signal a molar pregnancy, but your practitioner will probably order an ultrasound to find out what's causing it and may do a blood test to measure your levels of the hormone hCG. If you do have a molar pregnancy, the ultrasound will show cysts that look like a "cluster of grapes" in your uterus, and your levels of hCG will be higher than normal.

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[ Last edited by  aurorae at 9-7-2008 02:49 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 9-7-2008 09:11 AM | Show all posts

Reply #50 aurorae's post


neway,bkn la aku nih sengaja nak duk sengsorang tp famili jauh...
that's y la nak tanya,selalu ke jd menda cemnih?
sebelum nih aku x pregnant x la aku tau.tuh yg aku tanya.mmg la aku amalkan baca ayat2 quran,tidur dlm keadaan wudhu' tp aku rs still mcm ada gak..aku x la takut tp benda tu asyik iut...bila aku tidur rs cam ade je x semalam aku terbangun tetibe tanpa sebab..

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Post time 9-7-2008 10:22 AM | Show all posts
page ______________

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Post time 10-7-2008 01:37 PM | Show all posts
byk kan bace alquran ..espcly time ngadong 1 citer nk share kat cni..maksu aku penah ngandung(6bln)ank die ilang ble bgun pagi...bayangkan ble bgun pagi perut die kempis...truz pengsan die..g brubat(bomoh@dukun)..ckp bunian amik..terpkse redha la..die ngandung baby ke 3...

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 Author| Post time 15-7-2008 08:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by isnelfiqwa at 10-7-2008 01:37 PM
byk kan bace alquran ..espcly time ngadong 1 citer nk sharekat cni..maksu aku penah ngandung(6bln)ank die ilang ble bgunpagi...bayangkan ble bgun pagi perut die kempis...truz pengsan ...

aku skang nih kalau ternampak buat x tau jer la...nih hubby aku xdelg.baik kg.aku pelik la.tiap2 kali hubby aku xde mesti ade org beruslantai kat luar umah kul 4 5 td pun ade...sib baik akupenat,tidur jer.
tp aku rs mesti org yg mengalami peristiwa cam maksu ko rs trauma kan?pelik tul..hilang mcm tuh jer...

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Post time 15-7-2008 12:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nurakashah at 4-7-2008 03:05 PM
mula2 tu hb x percaya apa nura ckp. pastu ader satu hari tu dalam pkl 2 pagi nura dah start dengar orang mengemas rumah nura, menyapulah siap boleh dengar org tuang air lagi kat dapur nura kejutk ...

smlm aku baru baca suratkhabar ada ruangan kisah seram, pasal satu laki ni yg sewa satu rumah yg dekat ngan tmpt keje dia. bila malam2 dia dgr cam ada bunyi org buat keje rumah... dahtu bila besok pagi dia tgk rumah dia kemasss aje. macam ada org kemaskan.

bagus la jgk kan. macam ada maid, dahtu tkyah bayar gaji lak. keje percuma je. heheh...

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Post time 15-7-2008 12:54 PM | Show all posts

Reply #55 shiq's post

nura rase 'benda' yang dok rumah nura tu dah pindah..sebab nura dah x rase ape2 pun lg. hr sabtu lepas nura dok sorang2 takde rase ape2 dah. mcm biasa dah. dah skrg penat sbb kena mengemas rumah je sbb asyik bersepah je..laki nura la kat mana dier duduk mesti bersepah..paper la, gelas la..gerammmm.

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Post time 15-7-2008 12:58 PM | Show all posts
dulu adik nura no 3 pun ader mengalami benda nie jgk..lagi teruk..masa tu dier study kat ipoh. memang lah benda tu suka mengemas, tapi siap alih2 barang lagi..buat kalau kita tumpang rumah dier, memang tak boleh tdo..

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Post time 15-7-2008 02:20 PM | Show all posts
Kakak ipar haku kena gangguan lagi teruk dari ko, dia ngandung sulong, rumah sewa jauh2 lak dari jiran, hubby balik memang malam. Setiap kali dia solat, budak kecil tapi hitam legam akan duduk depan sejadah dia, ko bayangkan macam mana dia waktu tu??? Time dia tidur, lembaga hitam duduk kat hujung katil lah, atas siling lah. Mula2 dia fobia, stori ngan hubby tak percaya. Dia bacalah al-quran, yasin, surah2 semua dia baca. Tapi gangguan still ada.

Last2 dia citer tak tahan sgt asyik kena ganggu, perasaan takut tukar jadi berani. Dia citer, setiap lepas solat dia konon2 berinteraksi dgn benda tu, kata jgn ganggu dialah, alam dia dgn alam ini tak sama dan apatah.....2-3 hari jugak dia buat, akhirnya benda tu hilang.

Haku masa tu baru kawin, hangguk jelah, sekarang ni tak tanya balik pun orgnyer dah jauh...........

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 Author| Post time 15-7-2008 04:28 PM | Show all posts
nura,aku paham perasaan ko..sama la..mana laki aku duduk,situ mesti bersepah.ishk
nanti la aku tgu laki aku balik kl br aku berinteraksi yer..

ape ape pun,aku selalu ternampak cam kelibat bila tgk xde pape.itu maknanya benda tuh ader ker?

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Post time 16-7-2008 03:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #59 zahliahani's post

kuatkan semangat tau..jgn bg bende tu sentuh badan kita..kalau kite lemah lagi benda nie suka..nura skrg buat x tau je..walaupun kadang2 rase mcm benda tu ader kat dlm rumah. Alhamdulillah perasaan tu skrg hampir dah xde dan gangguan2 pun dah xde.. ayah nura dah pagar rumah nura..

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