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Author: hitamputih

Internet di handphone: perlu ker?

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Post time 20-7-2008 09:06 PM | Show all posts
aku pakai n95. konon nak pakai hp ada wi fi.. tp lambatnya nak connect, memang leceh.. skarang dah mls nak pakai wifi kat n95. pegi cc aje...lg senang, laju, puashati......

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Post time 21-7-2008 12:51 AM | Show all posts
aku suka hp ade wifi
senang nk check paper

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 Author| Post time 30-7-2008 11:10 AM | Show all posts
just nak share

Nokia: WiMAX Mobile Phones in 2008
By Scott M. Fulton, III, BetaNews
October 11, 2006, 3:26 PM

At a WiMAX technology conference this morning in Boston, representatives from Nokia told the press that consumers should expect to see WiMAX capable mobile devices from Nokia sometime during 2008. This news came as the company rolled out a WiMAX-enabled version of its lightweight base station, previously used just for transmitting HSDPA and W-CDMA third-generation cellular signals.

Nokia's timing is pretty much on target, since mobile carrier Sprint Nextel announced last August it intends to roll out a 4 Mbps WiMAX network by the fourth quarter of next year, as a complement to its existing W-CDMA and EV-DO services.

To that end, Intel helped out tremendously today, by formally announcing the availability of a key WiMAX system-on-a-chip (SoC), previously known as "Rosedale 2," now as WiMAX Connection 2250.

Installed in a mobile radio that includes a broadband modem, the SoC enables high-speed broadband handsets to connect to both fixed WiMAX networks, and mobile ones like those enabled by Nokia's new Flexi base station model.

At WiMAX World today, Intel executive vice president Sean Maloney touted that the number of carriers currently providing wireless broadband service worldwide now numbers 40, with the number performing trials has risen to 225. Intel will be partnering with Motorola and Clearwire to conduct a mobile WiMAX transmission test throughout the city of Portland, Oregon, throughout next year.

While carriers tend to cast WiMAX as a kind of high-speed data carrier that can be paired with existing cellular service, it’s easy to mask over the fact that a single WiMAX connection could conceivably take over the whole mobile circuit. Intel says its 2250 SoC is capable of handling a discrete WiMAX channel of up to 10 MHz bandwidth. Couple that figure with the WiMAX Forum’s recent independent estimate of spectral efficiency at 1.9 bps per hertz, and you have a system with a theoretical maximum throughput approaching 19 Mbps (WiMAX Forum admits the perceived maximum throughput today is more like 14 Mbps).

By comparison, 3x EV-DO -– which is two generations hence from what most Americans and a good chunk of Europeans consider “mobile broadband” today -– has a perceived maximum of about 4.2 Mbps, with a spectral efficiency of less than half that of WiMAX.

Intel’s news today didn’t mention Nokia, which is unusual, though perhaps just an oversight. The two companies have had a standing agreement since June 2005 to collaborate on WiMAX, and Intel SoC chips will very likely be powering Nokia WiMAX handsets. Though while Nokia has stakes in HSDPA, EV-DO, and WiMAX for wireless broadband, Intel is mainly concerned with just the latter, as the champion of that technology and perhaps the most prominent advocate in favor of its IEEE standardization.

Source: _2008/1160593019

Needless to say Samsung already ahead of everyone else with H1000
and M8000 wiBRO phones (wibro=korean version of wiMAX)

Source: .asp?seq=20051114_0000214752


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Post time 30-7-2008 12:03 PM | Show all posts

Balas #42 zarul427\ catat

check paper bhgn mana tu???

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Post time 31-7-2008 03:39 AM | Show all posts
bagi aku yg addict surfing nie...memang penting ade wifi or internet or 3G...

kalu bukak wifi batery hp tak tahan lame...maksimum korang bleh surf pown lam 2-2.5 jam..

kalu nak surf pakai line tepon korang..daripada gune pakai 3G pon compare to 3.5G@HSDPA ...laie lagu arr connection pakai 3.5G...

senang nak check mail ker...ym ker..or kadang kadang nak check myspace ker...bleh aje....bukannye nak donlod pon...kalu nak donlod aku rather pakai streamyx kat umah...jimat batery and aku leh surfing puas2.hehehehe

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Post time 1-8-2008 10:24 PM | Show all posts
wah..aku perlukan wireless internet connection nie...cuma sekarang nie bcoz of addiction jer la...kalau dah kerja nanti no kompromi la kalau xder wifi/wimax...wohooo

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Post time 1-8-2008 11:25 PM | Show all posts
perlu sgt

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Post time 2-8-2008 05:47 PM | Show all posts
perlu. aku mmg memerlukan internet dgn kije n aktiviti aku setiap hari. sebab tu aku xrase rugi dgn henpon aku. separuh org tu aku tgk henpon canggih manggih bagai. paling canggih pun dia reti 3g kol @ mms. nk setting pon dekat sebulan. org pki henpon canggih ko pun nk pki henpon canggih. tp xreti guna. ape da



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Post time 3-8-2008 05:42 AM | Show all posts

Internet di handphone: perlu ker?


sebab bila aku keluar rumah , tak kan nak bawak Lappy pulak..
aku guna Handphone untuk masuk forum ini dan reply post dan PM
cuma , ye la, screen tak besar, tapi, cukupla nak hilangkan
gian berforum.. Ahaks.

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Post time 3-8-2008 10:21 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sweet_charcoals at 2-8-2008 05:47 PM
perlu. aku mmg memerlukan internet dgn kije n aktiviti aku setiap hari. sebab tu aku xrase rugi dgn henpon aku. separuh org tu aku tgk henpon canggih manggih bagai. paling canggih pun dia reti 3g ...

tu la.. kekadang tu aku tengok orang pakai canggih gile beli dah beribu ringgit ...
tapi setakat pakai buat tengok video / dengar lagu ..
hehe..paling canggih pun buat 3g call .. itu pun just nak try .. mahal...

bukan nak dengki, just kekadang tu nak pakai henset tu memadai la dengan profession. at least pakai la features, tak la membazir sangat ...

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Post time 3-8-2008 12:31 PM | Show all posts
Meh lah nak cerita. Internet kat handphone ni best jugak terutama jika pakai PDA phone yang skrin besar seperti bersaiz 3.5" dan resolusi VGA, ataupon skrin lebar seperti Nokia E90.

Perlu atau tak perlu Internet nih? Bila sebut Internet, orang akan ingat surfing Internet, Namun bagi aku Internet ialah connectivity.
Yang paling penting ialah aplikasi Internet pada handphone, seperti email dan Yahoo Messenger/Gtalk.

Bayangkan orang lain klasu kat depan pc atau laptop baru boleh YM, aku sambil driving pon berYM  Begitu juga email.

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 Author| Post time 3-8-2008 01:07 PM | Show all posts
Ada booth wimax kat pc fair, kalalu le wimax punye speed boleh diguna dlm henset, tengok youtube agaknya mcm tengok tv lah ye.. korang tak pegi try ke wimax? katanya ada free trial boleh bawak balik rumah sebulan.

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Post time 14-8-2008 05:51 PM | Show all posts
perlu la jugak sebab kalau pi mana2 bosan menunggu boleh bukak tenet layan ym tak pon layan cari....
misalan kata pergi bercuti boleh la check e-mail ke apa2....

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Post time 14-8-2008 06:13 PM | Show all posts
saper yang guna hp sbg modem?..ok tak?..ada masalah hp cepat rosak ke?..mana lebih elok kalau pakai datacard atau hp sbg modem?..

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Post time 15-8-2008 08:55 PM | Show all posts

Balas #54 illa\ catat

Ok je problem..

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Post time 29-9-2008 12:48 PM | Show all posts

Balas #56 strawbenna\ catat

Kat Jamban sedap ooo main YM ni...

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Post time 29-9-2008 12:55 PM | Show all posts
n73 aku lom bulih


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Post time 29-9-2008 02:22 PM | Show all posts

Balas #58 Ax\ catat

kalau N73 + 9 =N82 konpem buleh...

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Post time 29-9-2008 04:26 PM | Show all posts
penting utk haku browse internet
guna aku guna e71 utk berporum
di sini

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Post time 29-9-2008 07:00 PM | Show all posts dah cam addicted..asyik dok tekan jer kat luar...

staff unlimited gprs..huhuhuhu

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