Reply #39 dafiza's post
pe lagi cite usol selam laa... cite porn mane lepas kat wayang malaysiaaa.... hahahahah |
Reply #26 beta_carotene's post
mistik aku tgk kat asterokk... ngan abg aku hahah kitowang tau cite tu bangang... but x penah tgk..so saje la nak tgk.. then tau tau je la tgk cite melayu konon2 seram..g la tutop lampu satu umah.. hahahah cam hampagassss..... |
Reply #41 krepek_pisang's post
O....Gerak khas....ingat citer apa la tadi.... |
wall e... very the boring..tgk sorg2 lak tu..to kill d time |
the mist - bli dvd...ending mcm haramm...
pathfinder...tgk wyg...cam haram gak...
no country for old men...terlebih artistik utk otak aku digest..
bridge to terabithia...lagi mcm siyol...
troy...effect je gempak...plakon sume (kecuali eric bana) mcm haram..
pearl habour...sama gak..effect je gempak..jalan cite & lakonan bosannn.. |
ad 1 citer tuh tp ak xingt ap tjuk dier...
mmg hampeh...hbis duit ak jer.....
dh org kiri knn ak wat mksiat...ak jer baik
...nk je ak sepak diaorg....tergedik2 tepi ak..arghhhh
tmbh2 citer xbest..lg panas hati ak nih...:@ :@ :@ :@ |
the happening...............tak paham.............
cicak man...... |
don't mess with the zohan
the love guru
don't mess with the zohan
the love guru
Reply #53 aYuGiLeR's post
Hahhahaha !!! aku pun terkena ngan 2 citer ni... hampas tahap lubang najis! tak sangka aku adam sandler leh belakon citer macam tu.... aiyooooo!! |
erm...klu cinema....ade laa beberapa.....contohnye cicakman..CGI gempak....citer ampes.... |
The Love Guru xbest keee.......baru berangan2 nk tgk |
Love Guru
naseb baik donlod jek
hahahahaa |
Reply #57 mizz_red's post
gile tak best... aku sampai ngantuk2 tgk...nasib kucing aku asik gigit jari kaki aku...aku tertengok tengok la jugak.. punyalah hampas...last2 citer tu yg tgk aku.. |
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