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Author: blur_cherry


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Post time 31-10-2003 03:01 PM | Show all posts
memang best..dah try pun....cuma nak tanya beat cheese tu sampai kembang ker atau sebati jer....?????apa jenama cheese yg harga RM6.00 tu..pasal yg i beli kraf punya...mahal ler sikit......????

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blur_cherry This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 3-11-2003 08:32 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by insignia at 31-10-2003 03:01 PM:
memang best..dah try pun....cuma nak tanya beat cheese tu sampai kembang ker atau sebati jer....?????apa jenama cheese yg harga RM6.00 tu..pasal yg i beli kraf punya...mahal ler sikit......????

hi insignia..

Cream cheese ngan gula tu, beat sampai kembang..yg pasal jenama cream cheese tu pulak, blur pakai philladelphia...RM 6 tu, kire mahal gak tu. Sbb ade tempat yg jual yg murah. actualy, ape2 brand pun boley...kalau nak jimat, beli cream cheese yg 1 kg punye. Boley dpt 4x250g. Lg murah. Satu tu, lebih kurang 4.20 je..

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Post time 3-11-2003 01:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blur_cherry at 3-11-2003 08:32 AM:
hi insignia..

Cream cheese ngan gula tu, beat sampai kembang..yg pasal jenama cream cheese tu pulak, blur pakai philladelphia...RM 6 tu, kire mahal gak tu. Sbb ade tempat yg jual yg murah. actua ...

a'ah... I didn't beat it quite well... cake tu jadi elok... cuma a little bit dense... tak light and airy... rasa dia still sedap! Am trying again tonite... wish me luck..!:re:

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Post time 3-11-2003 01:53 PM | Show all posts
blur, tapi Anchor cream cheese kurang sedap la... water ontent dia very high... Philly is a better choice...

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blur_cherry This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 3-11-2003 02:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Amelie_Poulain at 3-11-2003 01:53 PM:
blur, tapi Anchor cream cheese kurang sedap la... water ontent dia very high... Philly is a better choice...

ala ame...yg tu blur tak tau la pulak..Blur slalu gune philladelphia cream cheese..kalau tukar cream cheese yg lain, blur takut tak sedap nanti. tp, my fren penah ckp kat blur die buat pakai cream cheese yg dlm pek 1kg tu & rase die still same...sedap jugak...& murah pulak tu...nantila blur try...kalau sedap nanti, blur bgtau..

ame nak buat kek mlm ni?..gud luck la ye..make sure pukul gula&cream cheese sampai kembang dulu, baru masukkan telur..Lepas masuk telur, jgn pukul lame2 sgt, ok...

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Post time 3-11-2003 02:37 PM | Show all posts
philly = philledelphia....

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Post time 3-11-2003 02:46 PM | Show all posts
blur, tq...this time i nak try bakar dlm boiling water plak... so that the cake masak slowly & the sided tak berkerak...

on more thing, bila buat crust utk cheesecake... make sure guna butter for better taste & none of those easy spread thing... dia tak akan keras... so defeat the purpuse nak bind the biscuit crust dgn fats tu to make it hard....

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blur_cherry This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 4-11-2003 02:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Amelie_Poulain at 3-11-2003 02:46 PM:
blur, tq...this time i nak try bakar dlm boiling water plak... so that the cake masak slowly & the sided tak berkerak...

on more thing, bila buat crust utk cheesecake... make sure guna butter fo ...

cammane u nak bakar dlm boiling water? kukus ke tu?:stp:
nanti, kalau u dah try & jadik, bgtau kat blur eh...blur nak try jugak..ok, thanx for the info...

ps: dah buat ke cheese cake smalam?...

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Post time 4-11-2003 02:44 PM | Show all posts
tok de... abe kelik ajok gi berbuko denge client... hahahaha speaking kelantanese plak saya hari ni... Ame tanak buat tgh2 malam cam hari tu... takut kena sumpahan lagi... blur tahu lepas Ame jatuhkan cake tu... the next evening I accidently jatuhkan our wedding picture's frame yg sandar kat dinding (tadak masa nak gantung lagik...) Pecah kaca dia... nasib baik gambar tu we all laminate hari tu... kalau tidak sayang gambo tu koyak! So Ame ni skang tgh takut la sumpahan ketiga ni, kan bad things come in threes......

tgk la kalau sempat malam ni kot... tu pun kalau cheese belum habis my sister buat brownie cheesecake!

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blur_cherry This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 4-11-2003 03:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Amelie_Poulain at 4-11-2003 02:44 PM:
tok de... abe kelik ajok gi berbuko denge client... hahahaha speaking kelantanese plak saya hari ni... Ame tanak buat tgh2 malam cam hari tu... takut kena sumpahan lagi... blur tahu lepas Ame jatuh ...

larrr..lain kali bebaik ok...yg pasal sumpahan tu, jgn sebut2..kalau ame sebut, menjadi la nanti...ok, hopefully, cake u menjadi mlm ni...

ps:ur sister buat brownie cheesecake?...u all ni, satu family 'antu' cheesecake ke?..he,he,he...same2 le kite antu cheesecake eh?....

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Post time 4-11-2003 03:25 PM | Show all posts
bukan takat antu cheesecake... antu makan la!

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Post time 4-11-2003 04:06 PM | Show all posts
sedapnyerr cheese cake........

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blur_cherry This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 5-11-2003 09:17 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lobak_oren at 4-11-2003 04:06 PM:
sedapnyerr cheese cake........

bkn setakat cheesecake, carrot cake pun sedap jugak..kalau lobak nak, besok blur leh post resipi tu kat sini.....carrot cake ni, icing die gune cream cheese gak...

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Post time 5-11-2003 12:39 PM | Show all posts
walnut carrot cake with lemon cheese icing! lamanyer tak buat! cake paling senang dalam dunia... tak payah pukul2... gaul jer... & tak pakai butter, cuma corn oil jer!

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Post time 5-11-2003 02:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Amelie_Poulain at 5-11-2003 12:39 PM:
walnut carrot cake with lemon cheese icing! lamanyer tak buat! cake paling senang dalam dunia... tak payah pukul2... gaul jer... & tak pakai butter, cuma corn oil jer!

Ame...tolong le ghoyak resepi walnut carrot cake tu...gue kalau dengar cake paling senang nak buat, terus je nak cuba...

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Post time 5-11-2003 02:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blur_cherry at 5-11-2003 09:17 AM:
bkn setakat cheesecake, carrot cake pun sedap jugak..kalau lobak nak, besok blur leh post resipi tu kat sini.....carrot cake ni, icing die gune cream cheese gak...

blur...kalau boleh blur postkan le resepi carrot cake...dan kalau ada juga resepi kek coklat pisang@ kek pisang coklat....eish...orang dah bagi betis nak paha.....apa la gue ni...anyway thanks blur...cheese cake tu dah ada orang tempah, gue jual RM30.00 sebiji, wokey ke!!

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Post time 5-11-2003 03:07 PM | Show all posts
Cheesecake ni nampak macam mudah amattt... boleh try.. tapi kalau kita nak buat macam.. bluberry cheesecake tu, kita letak blueberry kat atas je kan.. blueberry jam boleh ke?

Macam Amelie kata nak try bake atas boiling water.. cam ne tu amelie.. kongsi dengan kismis ni..  suka sangat makan cheesecake tapi sebab mahal.. tak bolehlah makan selalu.. dah mengidam niii..

lagi satu... Amelie.. kongsi cara buat walnut carrot cake tu sekali... TQ!

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blur_cherry This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 6-11-2003 10:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zazizu at 5-11-2003 02:26 PM:
blur...kalau boleh blur postkan le resepi carrot cake...dan kalau ada juga resepi kek coklat pisang@ kek pisang coklat....eish...orang dah bagi betis nak paha.....apa la gue ni...anyway thanks blur ...

resipi sarrot sheese cake tu, nantila next week blur pos kat ni blur busy sikit...

cheesecake tu, 30 ringgit kire murah la tu...letak 40 ringgit pun, orang kate murah, ok la tu..nanti memahal, takde pulak org nak beli, tol tak?...
yg resipi kek pisang tu, tanye ame ke ninoz ke kot diorang ade...blur takde la....sori arr...

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Post time 6-11-2003 12:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kismis at 11-5-2003 03:07 PM:
Cheesecake ni nampak macam mudah amattt... boleh try.. tapi kalau kita nak buat macam.. bluberry cheesecake tu, kita letak blueberry kat atas je kan.. blueberry jam boleh ke?

Macam Amelie kata  ...

rasenye amelie maksudkan bake lam water bath kot. normally to get an excellent texture of cheesecakes kiter tak bake cenggitu je (though kitikat bake mcm bake kek biasa jugak).

kene ader 2 bekas, satu yg lebih besar drp yg isik cheesecake td tuh, masukkan air lam bekas yg besar tuh, and taruk bekas sheesecake tuh lam bekas berisi air tadi tu, tp jgn sampai paras air tuh tinggi sgt ler. then bake mcm biasa. hasilnye better drp bake cheesecake stret camtu jek.

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Post time 6-11-2003 01:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kitikat at 6-11-2003 12:16 PM:
rasenye amelie maksudkan bake lam water bath kot. normally to get an excellent texture of cheesecakes kiter tak bake cenggitu je (though kitikat bake mcm bake kek biasa jugak).

kene ader 2 bekas ...

a'ah... betul cam kitikat cakap tu... tapi make sure u use boiling water, so cake tu hangus kat atas & tak masak kat dlm sementara nak tunggu air tu mendidih kat dlm oven tu. Satu lagi, kalau nak guna waterbath ni... seeloknya jgn guna springform pan... nanti air masuk ke dlm cake tu... guna pan biasa, line kat dlm pan dgn alumn. foil for easy removal. If u have to use springform pan, guna at least 2 layers of alumn. foil to wrap the outside of the pan.. to prevent leakage.

Hah... air panas tu have to be same level dgn cake tu... jgn rendah, jgn tinggi sgt...  so better jgn buat cake tu tinggi sangat dlm pan.... sebba nanti cake tu akan rise during baking.

to make blueberry topping, use can blueberry, masakkan oven small fire, add some water... bila dah mendidih, add some water & cornstarch solution to thicken... kacau sampai dat the consistency yg kita nak... pour ontop of cooled cheesecake.... chill as usual.

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