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Author: venez

ORBAT TUDM, adakah mencukupi berbanding negara jiran?

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Post time 2-3-2009 04:04 PM | Show all posts

Reply #38 venez's post

senang kira...semuanya tak mencukupi.... tactical airlift tuh macam rojak, ngan maritime patrol pon dia, airlift pon dia, tanker pon dia....
cuba buat 2-3 airlift command ngan 12 A400 setiap command ka...baru la senang nak mobilise...

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Post time 2-3-2009 04:05 PM | Show all posts
anyway planning ttg masa depan mrca minimum 6 skdn tuh perlu dimaintain dan dilaksanakan secepat mungkin...

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 Author| Post time 2-3-2009 04:16 PM | Show all posts

Reply #42 windof's post

hu3, sumer takut bila budget pertahanan dibentang... bukan setakat kerajaan, pakatan pembangkang pun silap2 x setuju....

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Post time 2-3-2009 05:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #39 venez's post

hahaha... jgn tatau army dulu takmo rooivalk dan nak apache. pastuh kena booo dgn RMAF.

maka terpaksa la mereka terima rooivalk. tapi depa kena cekap dlm operasi heli dulu, hence the A109.

RMAF akan dpt apache.

itu citer dedulu.

lni dah jadi lain.

rooivalk punya purchase rasanya dah terkubur (which is a good thing).

army mungkin dpt Tiger.

tapi wa tetap tak bersetuju dgn pembelian attack helos.

byk pertempuran yg tunjuk yg konsep attack helos nih cuma berjaya kalo ada complete air superiority dan musuh takde manpads.

kalo kedua- dua prerequisite nih tak dipenuhi, any attack helos mission is doomed to  fail. wa rasa A109 dgn FFAR dan ATGM dah cukup dah untuk anti tank dan CAS.

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Post time 2-3-2009 05:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #40 innocentti's post

sadly, RMAF top brass don't know how to play power politics.

they should learn it from the army and the mmea

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Post time 2-3-2009 05:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #41 windof's post

kalo A400M tak delay lagi

to me, better acquire C-295 for interim air transport solutions rather than acquire C-130J. then we are in a better position to bargain more from EADS since we also one of the earliest A-400M customer.

rather than buy it, why not just lease it?

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Post time 2-3-2009 05:08 PM | Show all posts

Reply #45 tin's post

keyword ehsan..tak cukup ngan penerbangan ehsan..huhu

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Post time 2-3-2009 05:09 PM | Show all posts
Aku rasa la ven, kalau hang pecahkan orbat tu ikut kategori lagi nampak...

Weh, ALUDRA tak nak masuk sekali ke? banyak sikit figure tuh...

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Post time 2-3-2009 07:01 PM | Show all posts
mana cukup ..

sbb air force la yg akan beri sokongan tempur ke darat dan laut ..

kalo boleh, mintak pakej yg lengkap amunition utk pelbagai jenis serangan, dan juga khas utk keje keje recon ..

ada mirage ke dgn recon equipment .. boleh kesan kedudukan rumah sewa bangla bangla di malaysia utk rujukan mindef ..  

ada su 27 .. long distance bomber ker ..

tak pon carrier tu tmbh lagi utk kegunaan paratroopers ..

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Post time 2-3-2009 07:50 PM | Show all posts

Mmg tak cukup ... nengokkan keadaan ekonomi skrg, mmg parah lah defence procurement kita, take a back seat cakap omputeh.

Tp, susah sgt ker nak beli replacement bagi pesawat tempur yg dah terhempas, cam (2) MiG-29N, (2) Hawk 108 & (5) Hawk 208. Bukannya perlu tambah 18 bijik ker aper ker, cuma kembalikan operational status of previous aircraft losses jer melalui pembelian semula aset yg musnah dulu.

Sepatutnya orbat pesawat tempur kita by 2010:

- 18 Su-30MKM
- 16 MiG-29N, 02 MiG-29NUB
- 08 F-18D
- 18 Hawk 208
- 08 Hawk 108

---> 70 pesawat tempur. Ok lah tu ... tp Gomen buat bodo jer bila TUDM mintak wat replacement utk aircraft yg terhempas.

Kalau ikutkan, boleh jer Gomen set aside funding utk ganti balik 2 MiG-29N, 2 Hawk 108 & 5 Hawk 208. Bukan membazir pun, ia adalah penggantian aset tempur yg musnah.

Bagi aku, utk next phase of RMAF procurement dlm jangkamasa terdekat, ganti balik aset tempur di atas. Pembelian 18 unit MRCA baru leh delay lg.

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Post time 2-3-2009 08:27 PM | Show all posts
Tak pernah cukup.

Kita kekurangan segala2 nya.

Cadangan saya kita perlu lagi :

2 Sqn MRCA = 24 Jas39 Gripen atau Mig 35 atau superhornet(Kalau kaya sgt angkat eurofighter )
1 or 2 Sqn Air Superiority =18 Su30MKM
1 Sqn Electronic Warfare = 8 ermm ada country sudi utk jual EW-Aicraft yang bagus?  

24 EC725/NH90 for transport and CSAR
10 EC635 Light Utility helicopter
retire semua alloute

8-12 C-130J ganti C-130 yang lama
2 A330 Tanker
2 Maritime Patrol. Convert C-130 yang nak buang kepada MP
addition 4 A400M
2-4 C17. Utk angkat PT-91M kalau perlu rapid deployment
4 CN235 Tactical transporter

Local made UAV
Invest into R&D of Own Mid-Long Endurance and range UAV

Start on paper and R&D of indigenous Light Combat Aircraft, Utility Helicopter, Short range A2A Missile, Guided smart Bomb and UCAV.

More BVR Missile.

According to wishlist atas tuh, kena +manpower lagi

Alang-alang dok cakap pasal kapal terbang, saya nak meluahkan cadangan saya utk PUTD


Retire semua alloute

30~40 EC-725 or NH90  (10 on assault/Gunship Config)
12 Attack Helicopter - Euro Tigre. Rooivalk dah tak boleh, DENEL might scrap the heli .

Bnyk2 locally made Tactical UAV.


Semua perlu di realisasikan dalm masa 6~8 tahun.

Tetapi, semuanya akan berlaku dalam Mimpi kita semua golongan2 patriot negara.

Sekian cadangan saya yang tak seberapa

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Post time 2-3-2009 08:35 PM | Show all posts

Balas #50 robotech\ catat

wa kurang bersetuju.

ada satu dua pesawat TUDM yang patutnya dah disarakan dan digantikan dengan pesawat yg lebih capable.

contohnya F-5E/F dgn Hawk 208 boleh digantikan dengan pesawat mcm Gripen yang boleh wat semua spt maritime strike, CAS, recon, light fighter dan precision strike.

MiG-29N pulak digantikan dgn lebih byk MKM.

so, less fighter types while increasing capabilities.

kalo ikut wa, itu F/A-18D pon patutnya di mothballed dan digantikan dgn SH untuk appease pakcik sam

itu aerotiga pon kasik korban gak laaa untuk streamline basic trainer aircraft jadi satu jenis jer - PC-7/ Mk. II.

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Post time 2-3-2009 08:35 PM | Show all posts
Lupa nak add:

Kalau ikut list tuh, Modern trainer kena tambah, tapi tak sure model apa.

Simulator utk semua pesawat tempur frontline. (Kita ada ke tak? saya dah lost track )

andddd kenapa pangkat saya turun ke junior ? dan saya tak boleh vote

[ Last edited by  StellarEagle at 2-3-2009 08:38 PM ]

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Post time 2-3-2009 08:50 PM | Show all posts

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Sdra Mod,

Saya nak tanya satu perkara, kenapa ada pengecualian didalam suatu pengundian  untuk  sesuatu seperti tajuk diatas. Adakah saya dibawah umur (belum baligh lagi)? Adakah  memerlukan sesuatu kriteria  kepada saya untuk membuat pengundian diatas? Saya  amat kecewa dengan langkah-langkah yang sedemikian..

Mohon penjelasan.

[ Last edited by  xwo2gk at 2-3-2009 09:02 PM ]

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Post time 2-3-2009 10:59 PM | Show all posts
Tuan Mod,
Kenapa saya tak dapat mengundi di tajuk ini? Adakah saya tak layak mengundi?

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Post time 2-3-2009 11:25 PM | Show all posts

Balas #53 StellarEagle, #54 xwo2gk & #55 curryjames71

Selepas penyelenggaraan 1.30pm +8 GMT hari ini, Cari buat sistem baru, maka Reading Access (RA)/ Capaian Bacaan dah bertambah kelas. Secara automatiknya, RA forummer sedia ada menurun, ikut jumlah kredit yang ada

May ko chai

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Post time 3-3-2009 12:07 AM | Show all posts
28x   F-5S Tiger   air defence  9x   F-5T Tiger   operational conversion

There are currently 3 operational F-5S/T squadrons. Total numbers are around 45-50(49 according to IISS). Singapore should still be operating RF-5S Tigereye recon planes too. But I think they are using UAVs now. If you stay around Paya Lebar, you can see them clearly.


Comparisons of the changes from F-5E/F Tiger II
Before the upgradeAfter the upgrade
Flight performance data
Read through the numerous dials and switches from the control panel.Read through the Heads Up Display (HUD), allowing pilot to keep his focus to the front.
Position determination
Use of printed maps, compass and ground control information.Inertial Navigation System automatically computes the position with error margin of 0.8 nautical miles per hour.
Weapons selection
Involves taking hands off the controls and flipping the switches.Selection through buttons located on control and throttle sticks. Buttons also used for selection of screen displays.
Weapons accuracy
Dependant on pilot's judgement and experience.Computer calculations ensure greater accuracy.
Mission plans
Scribbled on note pads and changes had to be done manually by pilots in mid-air.Done on computer and fed into the aircraft's computer through a cartridge.
Digitised maps can be downloaded and displayed on the screens making mid-flight changes easier.
Back-up instruments
No back-ups.Two computers and one serving as back-up due to larger space for back-up instruments and fuel level gauges. Ensure fail-safe reliability and higher mission success rate.

Performance of the plane
Maximum SpeedMach 2.0 (2,125 km/h)
Maximum Ceiling15,790 m
Combat Radius (with 2,358kg weapons load and 2 AIM-9)222 km

Some other information:

  • The entire fleet of the F-5 E/F Tiger II had been upgraded by Singapore Technologies Aerospace (STA) at a cost of S$6 million a plane.
  • A brand new F-16 costs S$43 million.
  • The upgrading had increased the lifespan of the F-5 by an additional 10 - 15 years.
  • It was in 1989 when the Ministry of Defence initiated to upgrade the 30 year old planes.
  • The upgrading work started in 1991 and flight testing in 1994.
  • The F-5Es were acquired in 1975 and it was at that time, Singapore's first supersonic planes.
  • When the pilot does something wrong, a computerised voice dubbed "Bitching Betty" would come through the cockpit to warn them.
  • A new radar system and computerised cockpit control was added.
  • There are currently 3 F-5S squardons that are fully operational.
  • The Turkish Air Force had also opted for the F-5S upgrade.
Weapons: Amraam 120C series, Aim-9 series sidewinders, Mavericks, various bombs, etc. Not too sure if they can also shoot Pythons and Derbies.

[ Last edited by  belacan79 at 3-3-2009 12:08 AM ]

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Post time 3-3-2009 01:42 AM | Show all posts

Balas #56 lipanlapan\ catat

yup. harap semua bersabar

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Post time 3-3-2009 01:47 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by xwo2gk at 2-3-2009 20:50
Sdra Mod,

Saya nak tanya satu perkara, kenapa ada pengecualian didalam suatu pengundian  untuk  sesuatu seperti tajuk diatas. Adakah saya dibawah umur (belum baligh lagi)? Adakah  memerlukan s ...

tuan telah diturunkan pangkat.....

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Post time 3-3-2009 01:49 AM | Show all posts
mod2 yg bertugas,sila rendahkan RA untuk mengundi tu..sesuai dgn banyak anggota telah diturunkan pangkat pada smlm...

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