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Author: sent626

Mudskippers in Gurney Drive

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Post time 26-4-2009 01:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 25-4-2009 19:52

well i suppose that you are not an ornithologist either..aren't you? well


Originally posted by mbhcsf at 25-4-2009 19:52

so a mudskipper is a freshwater fish or i dunno salt water ?

macam salmon kan boleh hidup dalam freshwater and saltwater, so i wonder whether the same implies with the mudskippers?

both... kalau u terfikir nak bela mudskippers dalam 'akuarium', nisbah freshwater : saltwater = 3 : 1... & make sure area 'darat' lebih banyak daripada area 'air', dengan nisbah 2 darat : 1 air

pastikan jugak ada akuarium yg cukup luas sbb mudskippers ni sejenis binatang yg tersangat la territorial...

Originally posted by mbhcsf at 25-4-2009 19:52

tapi dalam citer tu i ingat mak ? tanjung tu single mother so bapak dia tak baut apaer aper if the wife merajuk  sebab tak dan makan seekor belacak?

mak tanjung tu memang single mother sbb pak kantan tu mati masa pekan & melur masih kecik... tak pulak diberitahu kenapa pak kantan tu mati... mungkin sbb kempunan jugak kot?

yg pastinya, pak kantan tu la yg tunjuk kat mak tanjung tu kat mana letaknya batu belah batu bertangkup... masa awal2 cerita, masa diorang husband & wife tgh kutip2 sayur hutan, ada terdengar bunyi yg menyeramkan... mak tanjung dah cuak, then pak kantan la yg kata "tu la batu belah batu bertangkup"...

so, what do u think about that? suami menunjukkan lokasi strategik utk membunuh diri kpd isterinya?

Originally posted by mbhcsf at 25-4-2009 19:52

how logical is that you think?

logical about what?

Originally posted by mbhcsf at 25-4-2009 19:52

so what is the morale of the story?
a) jgn mkn belacak
c) euwww mudskipper you can have all of it....kalau cencaru my favourite it is a busy fish sebab it went home at dusk ( cencaru pulang petang )

moral of the story... learn to respect others... nafsu & tamak itu membunuh... & jangan emosional sangat sbb boleh membunuh jugak

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Post time 26-4-2009 06:45 AM | Show all posts


let just say that you are ..oh a mudskipper enthusiast, okay lah kan?

anyway - judging by the salwater to freshwater ratio i would say the mudskipper is pretty much a freshwater fish

about the tale - lorr boleh tanya how logical is what ???

well about the plot the logic behind the story lorr

how logical is it to have a mother who i shall say .. lacking of what i called as selflessness attitude, bukan bila ibu ni apa apa pun anak dia buat  like in this case anak depa are so hungry there 's not even cake or scone pun nak makan let alone  bengkang ubi kayu mak depa tangkap ikan what ? kalau anak anak you makan? depa kecik lagi..not that they are 23 yrs old and what not kan?

and her mother has low EQ ..betul how would the kids learn ypu suppose?
respect your mom who was being too bog down on that ikan tembakul?

no...what else yer ..sedap ker ikan tembakul ni ? kalau cencaru or terubuk tak pa lah kot...

[ Last edited by  mbhcsf at 26-4-2009 23:37 ]

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 Author| Post time 26-4-2009 11:01 PM | Show all posts
Dah terlanjur cerita pasal Ikan Tembakul meleret sampai Batu Belah Batu Bertangkup
kita minum dulu sambil tengok cerita ni.....

Sayang betul Pak Pekan ngan Melur ni kat bini dia...sampai ribut2 pon p cari ikan tu.....selfish ka bini dia tu....


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Post time 26-4-2009 11:36 PM | Show all posts
ok i am confuse

Pak Pekan and bini Melur ???/ which version pulak

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Post time 27-4-2009 12:01 AM | Show all posts

Reply #42 mbhcsf's post

nope (about 'mudskipper enthusiast' tu)

tak berapa sure sangat, tapi rasanya mungkin mudskippers ni lebih banyak kat area paya/muara, berbanding kat laut... so mungkin mudskippers boleh tahan air tawar & air masin berdasarkan lokasi/species... ntah, i dunno?

tentang cerita batu belah tu, imho - tak kira kalau seorang ibu tu low EQ or being too bog down about something(s)... sebagai keluarga, kena la ada juga tolak ansur, saling memahami, etc... maybe u boleh buka thread pasal ni @board family dicussion or brain & epistemology... dah lari topik sesangat dah ni

tak tau la apa rasanya ikan tembakul or telur ikan tembakul ni sbb tak pernah rasa lagi... tapi itu la, lain orang lain tastenya & lain lidah lain penerimaan terhadap sesuatu rasa... mungkin bagi mak tanjung, ikan tu sedap... sama juga macam ur opinion - lebih baik makan cencaru or terubuk... tapi mungkin faktor geografi & lokasi family mak tanjung tu takde cencaru or terubuk; & tembakul tu kiranya ikan yg paling 'wow-factor' kat situ - who knows?

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Post time 27-4-2009 12:05 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 26-4-2009 23:36

ok i am confuse

Pak Pekan and bini Melur ???/ which version pulak

kebanyakan orang2 zaman dahulu, memang macam tu cara pertuturannya...

contohnya macam dalam youtube yg kat atas tu, pak kantan panggil isteri dia (nama : mak tanjung) sebagai mak melur... meaning = mak kepada melur... ada juga orang yg panggil suami dgn pak _____ (nama anak)...

macam til zaman sebelum merdeka pun ada lagi orang yg masih bertutur/memanggil dgn cara yg macam tu... contohnya - "mak nya" (panggil isteri), "pak nya" (panggil suami)...

sama macam zaman sekarang bila ada sesetengah couple yg dah/berlum berkahwin akan panggil pasangan dgn nama "mama" (kpd pasangan perempuan) & papa (kpd pasangan lelaki)

sekian penerangan

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Post time 27-4-2009 08:23 AM | Show all posts
why there is so much of this icon  being used? hmm...

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Post time 27-4-2009 07:28 PM | Show all posts
belacak ni bukan banyak kat ecosystem mangrove ker?

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Post time 27-4-2009 07:29 PM | Show all posts

Reply #45 niq's post

so what happened to those kids? JAsmine and Towny ?

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Post time 28-4-2009 09:04 AM | Show all posts

Reply #48 mbhcsf's post

Muddy ecosystem to be precise. And it happen that there are plety of mud at mangrove swamps!

As for what happen to Melur and Pekan.....maybe you can watch Batu Belah Batu Bertangkup on Astro Prima...check their programme listings

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Post time 28-4-2009 11:40 AM | Show all posts

Reply #50 alphawolf's post

hmm..i do not have astro in my hostel...

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