Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part One : starts 19 nov
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gsc dh start tyg 17hb.
tp mostly gold class. |
Boleh senaraikan x movie2 hP yg sblum2 ni..?
Kite smpat tgk kt tv sngapore yg
-chamber of secret
-pris0ner of azkaban
-goblet of fire
...sbb nk tau mne2 yg i miss sblm dn slps yg tiga tu...(baru nk jinak2).. |
Post Last Edit by owen81 at 14-11-2010 23:24
Reply 44# edmundo
Semua ade 8 (sebab yg 7 ade part 1 & part 2)...
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (2010)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (2011) |
yeay dh nk kuar!!! aku pon x pasan yg 7 dh nk kuar next week..tertgk kt web tgv ms nk book muvie lain last friday..
kena baca balik ni...kalo x aku lupe dah.,..seb bek ada 2 part..harap2 x sejahanam mcm HBP... |
Post Last Edit by wa'ah at 15-11-2010 09:50
kat e@Curve start tayang 17 Nov...Raya Haji
tiket rm11 |
rm11? awat tiket kat tgv wangsa walk rm 13 chis...apepun tak sabarnye! |
aku dh booking tiket kat JB 17hb ni.... yeehaaa |
dh beli tiket tuk 21st nov  |
waaa...ieja tengok dalam 27,28 gituuu......jelesnya korang tengok awal2........ |
hehehe..can't wait diz film..msti best kn.. |
dh booked 18hb ni kt signatures. 
can't wait.  |
nak tunggu DVD jek..huhu..mls nk p tgk wyg.. |
hrp2 esok leh tengk kat panggung....
Nak tgk malam esok kat panggung....  |
dah tgk petang tadi....rase tak puas sangat..kena tunggu bape bulan lagi untuk sambunga
2 jam lebih sikit yang berlalu amatlah tidak terasa..
part yang sedih bagi aku, of coursela time hedwig..!@#!
byk scene yang best,
tapi kalau nak tgk bawa orang yg tak follow harry pottter, sape yg follow at least terangkanlah horcrux tuh hapa, kenapa voldemort x dapat bunuh harry, apakah itu deathly hallows and citer ttg elder wand..grindelwald n dumbledore je..
best arr citer tuh!!!sgt tak puas!!!
suka lakonan Helena Bonham Carter jadik bellatrix..
hermione n harry ade scene nekkid together!!huhu |
dah tgk petang tadi....rase tak puas sangat..kena tunggu bape bulan lagi untuk sambunga
2 jam lebih ...
MrBriteSide Post at 17-11-2010 21:32 
ley bagi bape bintang pas tengok movie tue...?
ieja tak tengok ag......hujung minggu ne bawu dapat g tengok.....
tak sabar dah nee.... |
dah tengok petang smlm  
best...... yg buat tak best, kena tunggu part 2 lak..
walau badan letih, tp ku gagahkan gak layan movie ni.. |
dah tgk. huhu
tak berapa best.. the book spoiled me . lol
there are no climax this first.. its kindda just hangging.. |
da tgk semlm...aku bg 4 bintang...lambat lgi nk tggu part 2..... |
berita sedih buat peminat filem harry potter di jitra, kedah
dr rozmey | herba prima marketing Harry potter hya maybe di mainkan pada 21 NOV di aneka jitra Mall kena penagan ddr dan 2 alam..iniupdate dari manager panggung.
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