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Author: dru_helle


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Post time 5-1-2012 09:39 PM | Show all posts
bile nak kuar cite nih........................

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Post time 5-1-2012 10:05 PM | Show all posts
bile nak kuar cite nih........................
lonso Post at 5-1-2012 09:39 PM

    aku suspek diorang nak hantar ke Cannes......Festival Filem Cannes tu tetiap tahun pun bulan 5, so aku agak lepas bulan 5 la kot baru masuk wayang.

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Post time 5-1-2012 10:28 PM | Show all posts
aku suspek diorang nak hantar ke Cannes......Festival Filem Cannes tu tetiap tahun pun bul ...
cmf_GAIA Post at 5-1-2012 22:05

  ada gak baca mcm tuh... sbb ada ulasan dari Adi putra katanye pilem nih nak masuk cannes. mekss x hingat dah .. pg tdi meks baca..

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Post time 5-1-2012 10:35 PM | Show all posts
BAKAT lakonannya memang sudah terserlah, wajahnya juga tidak pernah lekang menghiasi skrin tv melalui drama-drama tempatan.

Pemilik nama Adi Putra kini ligat mengambil segala peluang yang ada waima drama, filem dan pemantasan teater.

Pelbagai watak yang diberikan kepada jejaka berusia 29 ini tidak pernah gagal untuk direlisasikannya dengan baik. Menurut Adi, dia bukan hanya mengambil semua tawaran yang datang secara 'membabi buta' tetapi turut mengambil kira kekuatan skrip dan watak yang diberikan.

"Setiap tawaran yang datang saya akan nilai dari segi kekuatan jalan cerita, selepas itu watak yang bakal saya bawakan, jika ia bersesuaian saya akan terima.

"Kalau boleh watak tersebut memberi impak walaupun bukan watak utama dalam cerita tersebut," jelas Adi.

Menurut Adi, dia juga tidak pernah memikirkan bayaran yang tinggi, baginya bayaran hanya soal ketiga selepas mengambil kira aspek-aspek cerita namun perlulah setimpal.

"Berlakon adalah rezeki saya dan untuk lama dalam bidang ini saya juga perlu memilih. Namun pemilihan saya bertujuan menjadikan cerita tersebut lebih kuat.

"Bagi seorang pelakon bayaran memang antara yang diambil kira namun biarlah setimpal dengan lakonan kita," ujar Adi yang turut terlibat dalam penggambaran filem Hanyut arahan pengarah terkenal U-Wei.

Selain itu Adi turut mengakui lakonan adalah maruahnya, sesebuah lakonan di drama, filem atau teater mampu memperlihatkan kredibiliti seorang pelakon.

"Setiap lakonan saya adalah maruah bagi saya, jadi saya perlu menunjukkan lakonan yang betul-betul bermutu yang boleh dibanggakan.

"Saya ingin dikenali dan disegani sebagai seorang pelakon dan mampu mencapai ke peringkat yang paling tinggi," ujarnya. Dalam pada itu, pelakon Akukah Tanggang ini juga mahu namanya menjadi sebahagian daripada kejayaan sebuah filem. Adi yang ditemui pada sidang media filem Hanyut ini yakin filem tersebut mampu membawanya ke satu tahap lakonan yang boleh dibanggakan.

"Filem ini akan dibawa ke Festival Filem Cannes seperti filem-filem U-Wei yang lain, jadi saya mahu lakonan dan nama saya menjadi sebahagian daripada kejayaan filem itu," ujar Adi.

crt to mstar online

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Post time 5-1-2012 11:16 PM | Show all posts
wow...jadi betul lah ni....aku rasa memang akan kesana pasal penerbit dia Julia Fraser tu mcm active je hantar filem diorang kat festival....utk Hanyut, kenalah aim festival nombor 1...iaitu Cannes...

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Post time 6-1-2012 01:47 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by dauswq at 6-1-2012 01:50

Reply 45# cmf_GAIA

filem dr novel yg sama ditayangkan pada akhir tahun 2011 lepas
tp ni versi french...

camne leh jadi begini? kebetulan ke?
lagiler kecik peluang nak menang kt Cannes


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Post time 6-1-2012 01:51 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by dauswq at 6-1-2012 01:56

tayangan lmbt sbb bersaing ngan filem yg sama dr novel yg sama???

camen boleh bertindih ni?

                      Venice and Toronto 2011. Chantal Akerman's "Almayer's Folly"         

Written by David Hudson


Published on 09 September 2011  /  Last Updated on 30 September 2011

"Liberally adapted from Joseph Conrad's first novel, Almayer's Folly is Chantal Akerman's most satisfying fictional feature since La captive," writes Gabe Klinger in Cinema Scope. "Like that earlier film, which mined from Proust, it boils down its richly detailed source to a few austere gestures that balance the cross-cultural impulse of her recent documentary work (De l'autre côté comes to mind) with her better-known European narratives. There's not much in the way of plot, but rather a lot of emotive intensity in the mise en scène that suggests, while at the same time eluding, the deeper literary structure of Conrad's story."

"The film's prologue is deceptively thriller-like," writes Neil Young in the Hollywood Reporter. "A man wanders through an unidentified southeast Asian waterfront town until he pulls a knife and kills an outdoor music bar entertainer, leaving one of the accompanying dance troupe alone on stage. This turns out to be Nina (Aurora Marion), the girl around whom the whole plot revolves. As a child, she was taken from her home in a remote corner of the jungle to be educated in the city. Throughout her schooldays, she harbored a burning resentment towards her father, Almayer (Stanislas Merhar), a European who dreams of making a fortune and returning to the distant continent his mother described as paradise. Almayer is delighted when Nina, now an adult, unexpectedly comes back home. But after meeting insurgent militant Dain (Zac Adriansolo), she's implacably determined to forge her own future elsewhere. The main problem with Almayer's Folly is its focus on two main characters who are, for various reasons, less than engaging."

"For all its awkwardnesses," writes Derek Elley in Film Biz Asia, "Conrad's first novel, published in 1895, contained all the regular themes of his later works: a westerner, lured to Southeast Asia by the prospect of riches, goes mad from a mixture of love and loneliness. But Akerman has simply co-opted bits and pieces of Conrad's novel into one of her artier contemplations of isolation and anomie, throwing narrative coherence out of the window for a typically exotic and dream-like francophone view of far-flung Asia."

"Although Conrad's novel is set in Malaysia during the late 19th century, Akerman resets the action to the present day," adds Leslie Felperin in Variety. "That's fine, but it's rather odd she makes no attempt to disguise the fact the pic was shot in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, where the locals speak Khmer instead of Malay, even though the characters keep talking about the fact they're in Malaysia." Felperin also notes that Akerman "approached the making of the film in the same way she shoots docus, with an extemporaneous attitude, but unfortunately the result is something that feels slapped together and ill-considered rather than spontaneous and light."

"To harmonize with the slow pace and solemn, almost theatrical tone of her film, Akerman needed a cinematography free from the coldness of HD images and she opted for a shoot in Super 16," notes Domenico La Porta at Cineuropa. "The emulsion of the film adds the dirty and damp beauty which the film needed in order to make the setting — that jungle, that river, that hole in which Almayer awaits death — a character in its own right and decisive in this story of love, waiting and death in the soul."

For those who read German, Cristina Nord has met up with Akerman for die taz.
Update, 9/12: "Akerman's decision to take Conrad's 19th-century, Malaysia-set story to modern-day Cambodia without acknowledging the changes comes to strike less as an eccentric gesture than as a purposeful extension of the narrative's inquiries into cultural identity and colonial uprooting," suggests Fernando F Croce at the House Next Door. "Still, the film works most evocatively not as a visualization of a literary source, but as a companion piece to Akerman's 2000 masterpiece La Captive, another tale of obsessive drives hitting like tropical maladies. A work of engulfing jungles and rivers, vehement and incantatory speeches, and piercing female gazes in front of and behind the camera."

Update, 9/18: Phil Coldiron at the House Next Door: "Akerman shares none of Conrad's concerns, and treats the text as a stock from which to pull names, images, and narrative threads in order to weave them into a Denisian tapestry — though unlike Denis, the focus is less on the unraveling of the fabric than on studying the emotional-political forces that arrange the strands into this particular pattern. The guiding idea is a reversal of Conrad's imperialist and sexist tendencies, one that does not seek to put Akerman in Conrad's position, but to create a fluid vision of the decay of empire in which the same forces that drive imperialism are laid bare to show how sorely they lack on the human level."
Update, 9/30: Michael Sicinski for Cargo: "Through langour, halted movement, drunken paralysis, and the sheer physical effort of wading through the dense jungle foliage or negotiating the steep banks of the river, the characters in Almayer's Folly are stranded in a sort of colonist's nightmare projection of 'the dangerous Orient,' the Dutch East India Company as Samuel Beckett bug-box. Akerman shows the stresses within the family unit as always having been those present among unequal political powers, and gradually allows those power relations to inscribe themselves across raced and gendered bodies. Almayer's Folly, which inexplicably received a mixed reaction at TIFF, is without a doubt one of the best films of 2011."

Venice Film Festival director Marco Müller had hoped to screen Almayer's Folly in Competition, but Akerman insisted on keeping it Out of Competition. Screens Monday, Tuesday and the following Sunday in Toronto, and then it's on to London. For news and tips throughout the day every day, follow @thedailyMUBI on Twitter and/or the RSS feed. ■

filem U-wei agak lambat sket rilis berbanding Akerman...agak-agakleh camne penerimaan western terhadap hasil buatan anak melayu berbanding acuan mereka sendiri?

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Post time 6-1-2012 10:02 AM | Show all posts
"liberally adapted...", tu pun dah tunjuk yg u-wei punya filem tak sama dgn yg french ni
locals cakap khmer tp keep referring themselves at malaysia, WTH??

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Post time 6-1-2012 11:08 AM | Show all posts
wah mcm mana filem ni leh bertindih lak...
sedih nyer...mesti filem keluaran Malaysia akan awal2 out dari list...

by the way apa kah citer ni akan bakal tayang pada tahun ni..?

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Post time 6-1-2012 11:09 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by cmf_GAIA at 6-1-2012 11:12
Reply  cmf_GAIA

filem dr novel yg sama ditayangkan pada akhir tahun 2011 lepas
tp ni  ...
dauswq Post at 6-1-2012 01:47 AM

a'ah....aku tau pasal yg french version ni, tapi don't worry lah...uwei punya ada 'magic' dia sendiri.......part nak menang mmg la susah sbb Cannes jarang memenangkan filem2 bajet besar or filem2 epik, asalkan masuk list 'in competition' dah bagus dah.....filem versi french tu dah tayang kat Venice so tak layak menyertai Cannes dah....nak masuk Cannes syarat dia filem tu tak pernah sertai festival lain.

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Post time 6-1-2012 12:05 PM | Show all posts
Reply 50# cmf_GAIA

u-WEI punya tidak dipromosikan lagi...
selepas ditayangkan kt Cannes, baru dpt limelight kot...

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Post time 6-1-2012 12:06 PM | Show all posts
Reply 49# isabel

entahler kak bel..
kebetulan sgt kedua-dua filem bertindih gituh

tp yg pasti, filem keluaran French ni mendapat bad review..
so kita ade chance lar nak tunjuk filem kita lagi hebat...

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Post time 6-1-2012 12:43 PM | Show all posts
Reply  isabel

entahler kak bel..
kebetulan sgt kedua-dua filem bertindih gituh

tp yg ...
dauswq Post at 6-1-2012 12:06 PM

   apa maksud korang dgn bertindih tu?

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Post time 6-1-2012 12:47 PM | Show all posts
Reply 53# cmf_GAIA

bertindih tempoh tayangan...2-3 bulan jek dh dpt filem baru dr novel yg sama
tak pelik ker nanti?

aku igt filem french ni dibuat 2 tahun lepas, rupanya baru ditayangkan bulan sept tahun lepas...

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Post time 6-1-2012 12:51 PM | Show all posts
haha..takpa, kalau tayangan dia sept lepas, Hanyut mungkin May depan...dah banyak bulan tu....lagipun filem French tu takkan masuk Cannes

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Post time 6-1-2012 01:20 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by lonso at 6-1-2012 13:23

byk cite yg bgs2 bertanding taun ni kan.. mksd me filem yg berat2 lah cthnye bunohan, songlap  n hanyut.. so best lah nak tgk anugerah . rasenye OR bleh menang tapi bkn kategori yg berat2

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Post time 6-1-2012 01:23 PM | Show all posts
wah mcm mana filem ni leh bertindih lak...
sedih nyer...mesti filem keluaran Malaysia akan awal2 ou ...
isabel Post at 6-1-2012 11:08

lps cannes kak bel rasenye tayang... ada tiket pree kah

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Post time 6-1-2012 02:23 PM | Show all posts
lps cannes kak bel rasenye tayang... ada tiket pree kah
lonso Post at 6-1-2012 13:23

mmg akan sentiasa ada free ticket tapi kena msk contest yg Cari bagi tu..
ala ko org msk je register nanti diorg akan bagi free passes nyer...

nanti kbel akan make sure suruh management jadikan citer ni msk dlm list filem melayu terpilih utk contest..
tapi tu ler klu dpt free ticket tu..bukannya terus dpt tgk masa minggu pertama tayang tapi cuma akan dpt tgk minggu ke-3 or ke-4...

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Post time 6-1-2012 02:30 PM | Show all posts
mmg akan sentiasa ada free ticket tapi kena msk contest yg Cari bagi tu..
ala ko org msk je r ...
isabel Post at 6-1-2012 14:23

kak bel nk ngadu nih.. aritu dah menang yg jack n jill tp x bukak email..........terlepas.. dah kak bel

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Post time 6-1-2012 02:52 PM | Show all posts
kak bel nk ngadu nih.. aritu dah menang yg jack n jill tp x bukak email..........terlepas.. da ...
lonso Post at 6-1-2012 14:30

nama aje contest sebenarnya tapi semua yg msk akan dpt free ticket..

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