[2012] THE BOURNE LEGACY (Aug 3rd 2012)
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film score bagi i crucial untuk create mood film...dan Bourne series is one of the best film yang utilizing good film score to create mood...bagi i the best film score ialah the dark knight...
trailer bourne legacy ade sample bourne punya theme tapi di modified untuk kasi feel dark...aku rase 4 notes je dok ulang2 tapi dia punya feel..gila build-up excitement  |
korang cter la lagi pencerahan pasal bourne ni... sbb aku mmg tak tgk Bourne series sebelum ni.... payah bebenor aku nak concentrate citer ni.....hmmmmmm.... silly me i guess! 
that day tgk Identity je on dvd.. insyaallah akan ku sambung nonton yg lain... |
film score bagi i crucial untuk create mood film...dan Bourne series is one of the best film yang ut ...
cmf_king_kong Post at 14-2-2012 13:32 
ade jugak poignant scenes...kan? but i won't tell it here , eh by the way you suka rambut kreutz tu multicolours or just dark  |
Reply 43# mbhcsf
aku suka rambut kreutz mase kat india...
bagi aku poignant scene ialah mase kat india, dalam jeep...that few moments between marie dgn jason before...opps..taknak spoil  |
Reply mbhcsf
aku suka rambut kreutz mase kat india...
bagi aku poignant scene ialah mase kat ...
cmf_king_kong Post at 14-2-2012 16:59 
whe he letting her go deep into the water of Assam River... |
Reply 45# mbhcsf
aku ingat lagi dulu dekat discussion board supremacy imdb.com, ade satu thread bincang pasal scene tu
1 party believes jb was truly affected by the incident which trigger his rage yang jadi backbone plotline pada supremacy dan juga ultimatum. Argument diaorang is because of marie, jb nekad nak trace dia punya origin so that he can take revenge...
satu party lagi believes jb tak rase apa2 pun sbb he's a multi-million dollars killing machine...he was brainwashed not to have feeling or show any emotions...as an asset, dia hidup berpandukan order, execute dan achieving the objective..since dia amnesia, dia terpakse came up dgn some goals utk survive..so his own identity jadi guide dia utk survive (which is what identity series is about..)..dan dia kena capai goal tu in order not to go insane, audience can see that from his sudden rage explosion where he sometimes cannot control himself due to that confusion...dan incident dekat india tu just add more to his confusion..dan panjang lagi lah...
aku rase that thread alone running dekat beratus-ratus page and dekat 2 tahun sampai administrator website tu lock that thread...aku setia follow hari-hari....
and the guy who started it, bukak lagi satu thread nak sambung discussion tapi kena sound dengan administrator...
so orang2 dekat situ panggil thread tu "threadstone".... |
Reply mbhcsf
aku ingat lagi dulu dekat discussion board supremacy imdb.com, ade satu thread bin ...
cmf_king_kong Post at 14-2-2012 17:47 
i read yours later as soon as i got home, ye. |
Reply mbhcsf
aku ingat lagi dulu dekat discussion board supremacy imdb.com, ade satu thread bin ...
cmf_king_kong Post at 14-2-2012 17:47 
but then , there is something about him - yg has awaken a sense of rationale in Agent Pamela Landy back at Langley - that this guy is innocent...i mean Pamela also could sense something in him. well..she has helped him till the end, is not it amazing...
Bourne...your name is David Webb...
You look tired , go and get some sleeps. ahahahah..class betul that scene
i guess in ultimatum - dia terjun dan lay still in water then Nicky gelak je kan ..she knows that is Bourne - and alive ... |
Reply 48# mbhcsf
pada pendapat aku plak...david webb is not innocent..."jason bourne" is...
pamela landy tak kenal david webb dan tak pedulik langsung pasal jason bourne...all she care is doing the right thing...itu yang aku suka pasal pamela landy...one of the finest female character ever presented on silver screen...no bullshit, focus, pragmatic and highly professional...
bila kali terakhir karekter perempuan di potray kan dengan begitu exclusive sekali?...emotionally-detached, takde setitik air mata pun yang kluar..takde scene dia meraung-raung...dalam situasi genting pun dia boleh keep her composure...respek that lady...
bagi aku the trilogy, yang menjadikan experience bourne tu satu adventure comes down to a single line of dialogue yang albert hirsh cakap dalam ultimatum...
"we didn't pick you...you picked us...you volunteered...right here" |
Reply mbhcsf
pada pendapat aku plak...david webb is not innocent..."jason bourne" is...
pame ...
cmf_king_kong Post at 14-2-2012 22:30 
well in the novel itself Webb is an ordinary guy, an academician in foreign affairs / studies - specialises in SEA....and if you 'd read the Novel the history of Kedah was also mentioned - i pun like hmmm? this is in supremacy.
he is well...in the novel , pretty ordinaryla.
just that something bad happened to his family.
but in the film - well...we do not know , don't we? how 'innocent' the two characters are ? who is david webb in this film version? - and what has Nicky to do with all of this?
about Nicky - we first saw her in identity - a helper in that small CIA - rented house in Paris - had known Conklin, etc etc , was called back by Landy - to give some info about Bourne profile...well she is quite an expert in profiling Bourne - she would just said - this guy is not doing thing at random , he is .....
liman said thsi Nicky was actually based on historical figure , how 'historical' was she i have no idea and in what context - the actual figure in espionage or in this film - the trilogy ?? we would never know.
but she also had contact with other threadstone member - Clive Owen ...
oh ya Clive Owen driving bmw .... |
Reply mbhcsf
pada pendapat aku plak...david webb is not innocent..."jason bourne" is...
pame ...
cmf_king_kong Post at 14-2-2012 22:30 
bourne asked her : why she was doing this ? remember the scene where bourne is heading to that building ?
i mean my question is to Gilroy : why can't he proceed with the same hero Damon ? or is it because damon is old ? well david webb is old in ultimatum ...the novel ... |
Post Last Edit by cmf_king_kong at 15-2-2012 13:56
Reply 51# mbhcsf
Bourne legacy supposed to be a total spin-off dari Bourne series..
timeline aku agak mungkin parallel dengan supremacy dan ultimatum sebab aku tgk dalam trailer hirsh, kramer dgn vosen ade lagi...sbb dlm ultimatum 3 ekor tu dah kena tangkap...
lagipun gilroy sendiri tak deny yg mungkin matt damon & paul greengrass akan make a comeback dgn new Bourne installment..
maybe mase tu akan ade pertarungan maut di antara jason bourne dan aaron cross... |
aaron cross , who?
tapi in the three novels , bourne has his own 'archenemy' = the jackal namanya... |
Reply 53# mbhcsf
"aaron cross" ialah codename untuk aset project outcome...macam jason bourne untuk treadstone..
jeremy renner plays a character named kenneth gidson who goes by the name of "aaron cross" when he enters project outcome |
Reply mbhcsf
"aaron cross" ialah codename untuk aset project outcome...macam jason bourne untuk ...
cmf_king_kong Post at 15-2-2012 22:59 
have you read the books yet?
sejauh mana profile penulis tu mempengaruhi gaya dan content tulisannya ? sebab the late mr Ludlums was an ex SEAL |
Reply 55# mbhcsf
not yet..are u kind enough to borrow me the books 
Reply mbhcsf
not yet..are u kind enough to borrow me the books
cmf_king_kong Post at 19-2-2012 17:10 
well i do not have the books now...kat rumah mak abah ler  |
Reply 57# mbhcsf
aaawwwwwwww....snap! |
Reply mbhcsf
cmf_king_kong Post at 19-2-2012 21:36 
pardon me? |
Reply 59# mbhcsf
takde ape lah..gurau je...just quoting some line from some movie that i can't remember what...but the dude who said it is ben stiller..ha ha |
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