cuba TT cerita d ...
nurabella Post at 5-6-2012 15:44
alkisah suatu zaman purba sang nadim kancil tiang seribu...
semasa hamba berkecimpung dlm LDR ni dgn seorang gadis sunti jauh nun di utara tanahair...
our relationship was very close indeed...met her during varsity setiap semester she will be in KL...boleh dikatakan setiap weekend keluar dating...hehe
after a few years, masing-masing habis belajor, she went back to her was quite tough because we use to see each other very often...madly in love katakan...but suddenly out of the blue, i got a call from her saying that she is not interested anymore...i don't know what went wrong...but i should have seen it coming since my friends told me that this girl is not suitable for me...
ops!!baru perasan tajuk.."frm Man perspective.." belasah ajaaa..
oh begitukk...btww...kdg2x bila kita madly in love,kita memang tak nampak kekurangan or rather accept as what she/he is..
but outsider,they sometimes put a comment like "she not suitable with you etc etc"...
i got that from outsider too sometimes..hmmm...well..we can't please everyone you see....
in your case,what is the reason they say so?
ops!!baru perasan tajuk.."frm Man perspective.." belasah aja ...
nurabella Post at 5-6-2012 16:23
true, love blinds us all...well, she kinda the social type...or too friendly to everybody...generally she's really nice, helpful, easy going, open-minded, etc...but looking back, maybe she is not the long-term material type...some relationship is a blessing in disguise, u learn something from different it positive or negative...
im in LDR for almost 6 years now...
so far rase ok je...sbb masing2 ade fokus masing2 kan...dulu sibok study, skrg sibok keje,masing2 ade komitmen masing2,sbb tuh mungkin tak terase sgt..for the record,since jun 2012 nih,baru 2x ktrg dating...heheh
rasenye ldr or sdr nih atas org jugak, ade yg jenis kne slalu jumpe, ade yg jenis xkisah jumpe skali sekale, mcm saye,i occupy myself with girl friend...zmn blaja dgn kawan2, skrg dgn housemate, sbb dorg pon ramai yg ldr,,so weekend tuh xdela bosan sgt...leh kua ngn housemate.hihi
ape yg penting communication kot, and sanggup ke x nk temph ldr nih..klu pompuan mmg kne independent sket la..sume kne wat sendiri...huhu
1. LDR in a marriage kind of sense where both are married but either parties is working far away or another country...
2. LDR in a non-marriage kind of bf gituk...
but the ultimate question is, can love exist without the existence of a person...put aside the love to god because we believe in god and we love god and we know god exist...but for a human being? is it enough just on a communication basis? meet your love once in awhile?
if u have a wife/husband...i don't think u want to meet them once in the time age passes...everybody will find a replacement for someone...
it boils down to trust and loyalty...but as i mention on my first post, matters of the heart is easily corrupted...can u bear seeing other people in happiness while you're suffering in a dramatic LDR?
Aku nak katakan LDR ke ek? Dia posting kat sabah je, pedalaman. Aku kat kerja kat Pahang. Nak contact susah sebab tak de line. Pepandailah nak hidup berdikari. Masih lagi bersama dan dah 7tahun dah.
Bagi aku, LDR ni, kena saling percaya kot. Tak payah la sikit2 nak sentap. Nak merajuk rasa tak dapat perhatian. Masing2 masih ada kerja masing2 kena galas kan,
alkisah suatu zaman purba sang nadim kancil tiang seribu...
semasa hamba berkecimpung dlm ...
ifanonline Post at 5-6-2012 15:58
and as for replacement of your void heart , may i ask how soon then the empty chamber being re-filled by a new lady ? hahaha well..kalau tak keberatan , kalau ya then well..forget i ask...
r u proposing something here...?
ifanonline Post at 6-6-2012 11:30
i think it is a question to satisfy my curiosity i guess...pretty straight forward... i always thought a guy like you would by now have already found the god given roses...? yes?