Keagungan Chenta : pic fasha penuh keibuan basuh berak baby rayfal pg 91
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babyridz posted on 14-4-2013 08:50 PM
ya betul cakap sepupu dia tu.. ramai yang lupa agaknya
Org follow FS nokss.... Bukannya follow cousin jejai tuh...
Anyway, harap baby dan ibu selamat...
Dan selamat berpantang 100 hari yea FS...
kaogi posted on 14-4-2013 08:50 PM
Btw, kenapa FS delete gambar 2 heroes di IG tu?
Jejai & Rayqal berkuda.....
adalah sebabnya tu.
maklumlah banyak org berprasangka buruk dari yg positif
kaogi posted on 14-4-2013 08:52 PM
Org follow FS nokss.... Bukannya follow cousin jejai tuh...
Anyway, harap baby dan ibu selamat ...
yg pantang tu sudah seharusnya dan semestinya akan dilakukan... dan dia jugak akan kurus balik mcm dulu.. insyallah
Iyolah... Baik minta FS update kat IG yg dia sdg sakit bersalin..
Fans & haters akan mendoakan yg baik2 sahaja..... |
Semoga dipermudahkan.. Amin... |
sama2 lah kita doakan agar Allah permudahkan & fasha selamat melahirkan |
babyridz posted on 14-4-2013 08:53 PM
yg pantang tu sudah seharusnya dan semestinya akan dilakukan... dan dia jugak akan kurus balik mcm ...
Pasal kurus tu, bukan ke ada slimming center yg nak taja FS...
X pyh pikir nak kurus sgt... Harap2 FS boleh fully breastfeed baby ..
Ala tomey2....
selamatlahhh |
aik...umah lama dah rentung eh..ahaks
umah lom rentung..umah baru dah kuar... |
Generally, a normal human pregnancy last around 280 days, which is slightly more than nine months. During this time, the baby slowly develops enough to survive and grow outside of the womb. Each pregnancy is slightly different, and women can give birth slightly earlier or later and still be considered normal. However, in 1945, a young woman gave birth after 375 days. This is a period of almost a year and a half. The woman, Beulah Hunter, was 25 when she gave birth. Doctors claim that the length of her pregnancy is accurate by looking at the date she first tested positive for pregnancy, as well as the date of her last menstrual cycle. Beulah Hunter claimed she had her last menstrual cycle on February 10th in 1944. The first time she tested positive for pregnancy was on March 24th of that same year. Doctors believe that the cause of this long pregnancy was the extremely slow development of the fetus. The baby developed much more slowly than a normal child while in the womb. However, Beulah Hunter's daughter, Penny Diana, was born healthy and normal, ready to face the world, with no outstanding developpmental issues apparent at the time.Beulah Hunter's pregnancy is the longest known in which a living child was born. There have been many instances in which a stillborn fetus did not dissipate properly, meaning that the woman did not give birth at the correct time. This gives the appearance of what would seem like an abnormally long pregnancy. Because the children did not survive, though, medical professionals and record keepers do not consider these to be true long pregnancies. Before Beulah Hunter, the longest pregnancy resulting in a living chil |
kaogi posted on 14-4-2013 08:42 PM
Leonarzi & babyridz org yang samakah?
Sekadar bertanya... Sbb kat benang lama, babyridz ada komen ...
tu la..babyridz shud sambung kat sini je..
harap momod cek benang mana bukak dulu n merge benang yg kedua bukak tuh...
ahahaha.. masin pulak mulut iols kat umah lama tadi, nk sharing2 bday ng iols ye.. auwww so sweet la anak pashah niii.. hhehehe.. thanx for the birthday wish @azie.dz |
Maybe ni dugaan FS pregnant lama....x baik korang fitnah dia mcm mcm.... |
Nak wat camne..
Babyidz admin kipasusahmati FS..
Haruslah membuka thread yg menonjolkan sisi positif FS..
Menantu chomel.... |
Leonarzi posted on 14-4-2013 09:07 PM
Maybe ni dugaan FS pregnant lama....x baik korang fitnah dia mcm mcm....
Xde maknanya dia pregnant 11 bulan..
Kandungan dia normal jah mcm org lain... 40weeks..
Org x pitenah dia... Dia yg redha... Hohoho
Takpe lahhh..janji dia selamat bersalin bayi cinta agung... |
makan tmpoysk .. wau bau kuat |
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