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Author: bluezink


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Post time 12-5-2014 09:09 AM | Show all posts
setakat gozila ni atromen fire je terus hancur

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Post time 13-5-2014 07:42 PM | Show all posts
Sementara tunggu 15.hrbln nie nak tgok meh tgok The TRAILER 2 sikit kat sini..ubat rindu he2
Last edited by pfiza on 13-5-2014 07:46 PM


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Post time 13-5-2014 11:42 PM | Show all posts
layan Godzilla di Channel 5, Spore

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Post time 14-5-2014 07:52 AM | Show all posts
sekngucing posted on 11-5-2014 09:13 PM
aku rasa yg terbang tu adalah Mothra versi baru

Ha gitu la...aku pun lupa nama tu


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 Author| Post time 14-5-2014 04:16 PM | Show all posts

Godzilla also does atomic breath don't worryGodzilla aint fat! It's just big boned. It's got really big, radioactive bones..

Facebook Q&A with Director Gareth Edwards - May 4, 2014

May 4, 2014 at 12:34pm
From Facebook fan Ryan Tesone: Gareth, when will you decide if you want to make a sequel?
It all depends on when you guys go see the film (whether it's a hit), so get out there May 16th!

From Facebook fan Roy Amar: Why  should we view this movie in 3D? from wikipedia: "Seamus McGarvey (the  film's cinematographer) himself decided to shoot the film if it were  only 2D, as he dislikes working with 3D filming equipment and the  experience of watching 3D films in theatres." in other words... please  tell us more about the process of 3D post conversion used this time  around. (Pacific Rim's conversion still looked amazing)
We  put a lot of effort into the 3D. Initially, I was skeptical as I wanted  to make the best 2D film possible, but by the end of of the process, I  think some of the shots looked the best they could in 3D, and so it  would be a shame to miss those... go see it in 3D if you get the chance.

From Facebook fan AdamCarebear Dennany:Atomic Breath? Yes? No?

You'll have to see the movie...

From Facebook fan Richard Nahamko: What is the height of your Godzilla?
350 feet.

From Facebook fan Teddy Pryor: If you could give any advice to aspiring directors what would it be?

Never give up, and make a film that you want to see.

From Facebook fan Jeff Holleran: What was the most difficult part of settling on the new Godzilla's overall look?
Trying to find a strong silhouette from all angles was like solving a Rubik's Cube.

From Facebook fan Ashby Proctor: Gareth, which is your favorite film of the Godzilla franchise, excluding your own film?
The 1954 classic, but also Destroy All Monsters.

From Facebook fan Kiroo Elia: Gareth, what's the difference between this movie and the other Godzilla movies ?! except the visual effects. thanks.
I'd  say there's probably a lot more suspense, and we tried to create  characters that you can relate to that feel real. We were harkening back  to the style of filmmaking that we grew up with in the '80s like those  early Spielberg films where an everyday person is thrown into  extraordinary situations.

From Facebook fan Josh Loper: Were did u get the name MUTO from?
It stands for Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organism. It's basically the UFO of monsters.

From Facebook fan Milan Gregory R: godzilla and screen time?
2 hours.

From Facebook fan Marcy Hartwick: Did you include the song Godzilla by Blue Oyster Cult?
His roar is actually that song played backwards really slowly.

From Facebook fan Michael C Swithers: Gareth  its my understanding you previewed the movie for reps from Toho. What  was their response? Were they pleased with your efforts?
I  wasn't there in person, but I was told that they were thrilled and felt  excited that there was finally a Godzilla movie for adults as well as  for kids.

From Facebook fan Joseph Vagasky: Will Godzilla have a decent amount of screen time?
You'll get to see him in all his glory for sure.

From Facebook fan Jonathan Collett: I really want to know if Godzilla's theme song or any of the Akira Ifukube masterpieces will be in the film.
No,  but Alexandre Desplat has done an amazing job with the score that has  all the same qualities as those classics. I think if you like Ifukube's  work, you'll love what Alexandre has done.

From Facebook fan Vijay Jayant: Gareth,when  I see behind the scenes footage of you directing, I see so much passion  and dedication. What would you say are your top 5 favorite films of all time?
Star Wars, Close Encounters, Apocalypse Now, Baraka, and Reservoir Dogs.

From Facebook fan Edgar Bravo: Which Toho monster besides Godzilla would you like to see to be realistic in the sequel film?

If I told you that, it would spoil all the fun...

From Facebook fan Andy Vazquez: Gareth, were there any funny moments while u made the Godzilla movie?
Every single take with Bryan Cranston. He loves to mess around in between shots.

From Facebook fan David Jeremy Palacios: Mr. Edwards, what was the hardest part of making this movie and what was the best part of making this movie?
The  hardest part by far was filming. The best part was in development when  we were storyboarding and could do anything we'd like.

From Facebook fan John Cook: Are you still part of the monsters sequel_ if so do you when monsters dark continent coming out
I believe they've nearly finished it. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

From Facebook fan Victor Lopez: How long you took to make this awesome movie?

I got the call 3.5 years ago, but it's been 2 solid years since we had the green light.

From Facebook fan David Cabrera Jr.: Was it hard for walter white to adjust from making meth to running from giant monsters?

Maybe he imagined the whole thing whilst high... who knows?

From Facebook fan Richard Gonzalez: Wouldn't Godzilla be attracted by red flares? Just like the T-rex in jurassic park?

Not when he's on a mission to get something (don't want to ruin it for you).

From Facebook fan Joe Hostage: Gareth, are you doing a complete director's cut version after the theatrical release?

There will be deleted scenes on the Blu-ray and DVD.

Read more about GODZILLA from Gareth's first Facebook Q&A here:



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Post time 15-5-2014 02:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dah tgk. Br je td. Best. Cuma rasa kelakar sebab the real hero dlm citer ni ialah godzilla tu sendiri nnt aku bagi review panjanv sikit eh. Malas nak taip guna tab ni button kecik



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Post time 15-5-2014 02:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tapi si aaron muka dah matured lah. X nampak nerd. maybe sebab berambut pendek imej tentera kan.

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Post time 15-5-2014 02:13 PM | Show all posts
hanakikan posted on 15-5-2014 02:05 PM
Tapi si aaron muka dah matured lah. X nampak nerd.  maybe sebab berambut pendek imej tentera ka ...

pilihan kaka anne tak pernah mengecewakan kan?


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Post time 15-5-2014 03:35 PM | Show all posts
dh tgk storyline dia mcm bersepah sket..xkemas
mcm byk watak yg xperlu ade..bini hero ni cam xberfungsi pun ade hehehe boleh la...hero mmg encem banding dgn filem anna karenina dulu tu yg ni lg rembes ...

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Post time 15-5-2014 03:40 PM | Show all posts
nk tengok mlm ni.


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Post time 15-5-2014 06:00 PM | Show all posts
sayangidaku posted on 15-5-2014 03:40 PM
nk tengok mlm ni.

sama dengan.. tiket dah beli....yeahhh...

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Post time 16-5-2014 09:44 AM | Show all posts
esok nak tngok movie ni..sbb dah terjebak tngok trailer dia aritu..mcm best jer..

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Post time 16-5-2014 05:19 PM | Show all posts
KOmen setelah menonton... Sorry klu ada spoiler

Merry kenal Godzilla hanya dari 1st movie dia sebab tak pernah baca buku ker atau novel.. so tak tau asal usulnya

Utk movie ni pada awal nya memang best sebab dia bagitau mana dtg nya Godzilla jalil ni pastu macam mana dia survive dengan makan apa segala.. debaran tu memang wujud masa memula tu..dan boleh diterima akal..

Masuk tgh2 bila start parasit tu kluar hati berkata "Aikk ada raksaksa lain ek".. pastu bila dia realize yang parasit tu ada dua "oo ok lah sebab dia preggy so nak la lagi makanan utk bertelur"

pastu last tu cam tak berapa syok sebab bak kata forumer sebelum ni si Godzilla ni jadi penyelamat kekdah cam dia super hero.. mungkin orang yang baca buku tak sependapat ngan merry mintak maaf lah yer..


Hero tu tak berapa hero sangat la.. muka tu cute la suara tak hero langsung
Klu la hero berganding ngan bapak dia mungkin lagi best...
Godzilla tak begitu menyerlah CGI dan character nyer
Godzilla pada awalnya tunjuk partially jer dah time gadoh last tu baru nampak tapi tak hensem
Pengarah patutnya letak sikit comedy dalam movie baru balance...

Mak aii panjang benor nak menaip.



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Post time 16-5-2014 09:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MerryPropa posted on 16-5-2014 05:19 PM
KOmen setelah menonton... Sorry klu ada spoiler

Merry kenal Godzilla hanya dari 1st movie dia seb ...

Eeeewwww, elemen komedi dalam cerite serius akan spoilkan cerite. Kalau nak tengok komedi, bek pi layan bad neighbors jah.

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Post time 16-5-2014 10:33 PM | Show all posts
GOZILLA yg hero selamatkan bumi...

aku bagi 3 like dari 5 sebab..byk penonton keluar sebelum abih wayang hehehe..mendata sgt cerita dia.. hero tak macam hero

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Post time 17-5-2014 12:13 AM | Show all posts
bluemenx posted on 16-5-2014 10:33 PM
GOZILLA yg hero selamatkan bumi...

aku bagi 3 like dari 5  s ...

dalam filem-filem godzilla jepun, byk jugak yg godzilla jadi hero, watak manusia hanya penggerak cerita sahaja


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Post time 17-5-2014 09:11 AM | Show all posts
ai nk petisyen produksi hollywood please filemkan gamera. aku nangis masa tgk filem gamera the brave


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Post time 17-5-2014 01:25 PM | Show all posts
myakayina posted on 16-5-2014 09:44 AM
esok nak tngok movie ni..sbb dah terjebak tngok trailer dia aritu..mcm best jer..

sila jgn tertipu ngn trailer...

movie gozilla mmg mengecewakan n tak best pun....

biasa2 je.... aku bagi 4/10

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Post time 17-5-2014 02:12 PM | Show all posts
godzilla 1998 ada sebut pasal sept 11

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Post time 17-5-2014 03:25 PM | Show all posts
so far, the best movie of the year !!

masa aku tgk wayang tadi, bila part action..
ramai yg duduk tegak, takde bersandar pun..
ramai kagum menengoknya..

siapa suka filem monster, sila tengok..
banyak action !!
takde meleret2 nak cintan cintun, takde nak mesej humanity apa kejadah..
cuma mula2 movie, ada banyak cemolot..

kira logik la filem ni hero tak macam hero..
kali ni takde manusia yg jadi hero..
2,3 monster gergasi berlawan..
takkan nak tengok hero manusia poyo interframe macam movie transformers pulak..

sesuai dgn quote dalam movie nih..
“The arrogance of man is thinking nature is in our control, and not the other way around.”

aku malas nak komen banyak, nanti spoiler..
aku rate 8/10..

giler kuat gojiraaa.. ada power macam naga..

bagi orang2 yang tak pernah dengar apa tu EMP?
lepas tengok movie ni hendaknya ramai dah tahu kenapa EMP ni di panggil superweapon..

kalau rajin survey pasal military & www3..
EMP effects di masa depan (di sebabkan EMP weapon, nuclear weapon, scalar weapon, polar-shift)..
semua ada possibilities..
Last edited by capiloton on 17-5-2014 03:56 PM



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