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Author: mziskandar

[Dunia] Maklumat Rasmi KEHILANGAN MH370 [Hari ke X]

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Post time 10-3-2014 01:07 PM | Show all posts
Finally.....a no nonsense thread about MH370

thnk you

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Post time 10-3-2014 01:07 PM | Show all posts
In Search For MH370 - DCA Director General Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman: "There has been sightings of objects that look like tails of aircraft, however when we send our dispatch, they appear to be logs." #prayforMH370
#nowairing on #ntv7 CH107.



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Post time 10-3-2014 01:08 PM | Show all posts

In Search For MH370 DCA Director General Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman: There has been various reports that various agencies have reported, however they have not been confirmed to be of the aircraft. #PrayforMH370

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Post time 10-3-2014 01:09 PM | Show all posts
UNTUK RENUNGAN - Sebab abang lokman tengok mana2 TV or media xda pun jemput mana2 ustaz utk ulas ttg kejadia ini.

Ucaplah ”Subhanallah..”.Siapa yang tidak tahu tentang kisah tragik kapal RMS Titanic tenggelam di tengah laut Atlantik Utara tahun 1912.Ramai sedia maklum bahawa kapal gergasi yang paling mewah ketika itu tenggelam kerana melanggar bongkah ais gergasi.Dengan sedikit sahaja kebocoran,kapal Titanic yang dibina dalam masa 3 tahun itu tenggelam dalam masa 3 jam sahaja.

Tetapi para sarjana dan ilmuwan Islam terkemuka dunia yang mengkaji sejarah kapal itu menemui hasilnya yang amat mengejutkan.Baca balik Surah Yaasin ayat ke 41 hingga ayat ke 44,AllahuAkhabar!!:

لَا الشَّمْسُ يَنبَغِي لَهَا أَن تُدْرِكَ الْقَمَرَ وَلَا اللَّيْلُ سَابِقُ النَّهَارِ وَكُلٌّ فِي فَلَكٍ يَسْبَحُونَ
41. Dan suatu tanda (kebesaran Allah yang besar) bagi mereka adalah bahwa Kami angkut keturunan mereka dalam bahtera yang penuh muatan.

وَآيَةٌ لَّهُمْ أَنَّا حَمَلْنَا ذُرِّيَّتَهُمْ فِي الْفُلْكِ الْمَشْحُونِ
42. dan Kami ciptakan untuk mereka yang akan mereka kendarai seperti bahtera itu [1269]. [1269] Maksudnya : binatang-binatang tunggangan, dan alat-alat pengangkutan umumnya.

وَخَلَقْنَا لَهُم مِّن مِّثْلِهِ مَا يَرْكَبُونَ
43. Dan jika Kami menghendaki niscaya Kami tenggelamkan mereka, maka tiadalah bagi mereka penolong dan tidak pula mereka diselamatkan.
وَإِن نَّشَأْ نُغْرِقْهُمْ فَلَا صَرِيخَ لَهُمْ وَلَا هُمْ يُنقَذُونَ
44. Tetapi (Kami selamatkan mereka) karena rahmat yang besar dari Kami dan untuk memberikan kesenangan hidup sampai kepada suatu ketika.

Dan mereka turut menyatakan bahawa maksud dari potongan itu bahawa berdasarkan kenyataan bongkak kapten kapal Titanic iaitu Kapten Edward J.Smith
”Tuhan sendiri tidak dapat menenggelamkan kapal ini.Dengan pengalaman lebih 40 tahun,tidak ada satu pelayaran di bawah sayapun yang pernah gagal saya kendalikan walau dalam apa jua keadaan laut yang menggila..”. Kenyataan beliau itu cukup menunjukkan mereka telah lupa ada kuasa yang jauh lebih hebat iaitu Tuhan.”Hasil” dari kenyataan bongkak itu,Tuhan mentakdirkan kapal itu belayar hanya 3 hari saja dan lautan Atlantik Utara menjadi perkuburan besar bagi hampir 1500 orang ”mangsa” Titanic.Subhanallah..



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Post time 10-3-2014 01:10 PM | Show all posts
BelovedTaeyeon posted on 10-3-2014 01:08 PM



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Post time 10-3-2014 01:12 PM | Show all posts
BurningTimes posted on 10-3-2014 12:36 PM
rasanya penulis ni mesti nervous ya amat, sampai typo.
iyelah, pesawat s ...

Biasanya polis yang taip laporan tu...


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Post time 10-3-2014 01:15 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 10-3-2014 01:15 PM | Show all posts
Family of Chinese passenger on missing MAS flight says mobile phone working

Desperate family members of passengers onboard the missing Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370 have urged MAS to use satellite technology to pick up signals from mobile phones on the aircraft before they run out of batteries, Singapore's The Sunday Times reported yesterday.
A Chinese family claimed they had successfully reached the mobile phone of a passenger on board the flight, which is still missing after it lost contact with air traffic controllers on Saturday.
A video clip of a man dialling the number of his elder brother was shown on a Beijing Television's news bulletin. The call got connected, but no one picked up.
The man, who did not give his name, spoke to reporters at a Malaysia Airlines briefing in Beijing, and claimed that he made a total of three calls, but no one answered.
An extensive air and sea search resumed for the third day this morning for the missing Boeing 777-200ER aircraft, as more questions arose over its last known location and the identity of some of its passengers on board.
Vietnamese authorities had found fragments believed to be the composite inner door and tail section of the 11-year-old passenger jet, 50 miles south-southwest of Tho Chu island.
Malaysian authorities also found oil slicks some 20 nautical miles from MH370's last known position when it disappeared from radar screens without even a distress call or signal.

-The Malaysian Insider (About 4 hours ago)



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Post time 10-3-2014 01:19 PM | Show all posts
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Post time 10-3-2014 01:23 PM | Show all posts
Jabatan Imigresen Disiasat Isu Pasport Curi
Diterbitkan: Ahad, 9 Mac 2014 6:05 PM

Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi

PETALING JAYA: Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi pada Ahad mengarahkan siasatan terpeinci dijalankan ke atas Jabatan Imigresen berikutan penggunaan pasport curi oleh penumpang misteri bagi menaiki pesawat MH370 yang hilang awal pagi Sabtu.
Sebelum ini dilaporkan bahawa dua individu masing-masing dari Itali dan Austria yang tersenarai sebagai mangsa yang menaiki pesawat MH370 milik Malaysia Airlines (MAS) yang didapati hilang dipercayai masih hidup dan tidak menaiki pesawat berkenaan.
Menurut jurucakap Kementerian Luar Itali, tiada rakyatnya menaiki pesawat itu, sebaliknya Luigi Maraldi, 37, disahkan tidak berada di dalam pesawat penumpang tersebut.
Sebuah akhbar Itali, Corriere Della melaporkan bahawa pasport milik Maraldi dipercayai hilang di Thailand pada Ogos lalu.
Sementara itu, seorang warga Austria, Christian Kozel, 30, yang turut dilaporkan menaiki pesawat tersebut, dilaporkan selamat.
Kementerian Luar Austria berkata, Kozel selamat dan mendakwa pasportnya hilang dua tahun lalu di Thailand.



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Post time 10-3-2014 01:25 PM | Show all posts
MH370: Australia Hantar Pesawat Kedua Bantu Usaha Pencarian
Isnin, 10 Mac 2014 10:27 AM

Pesawat RAAF AP-3C Orion yang akan membantu mengesan kehilangan pesawat milik MAS, MH370.

MELBOURNE: Australia pada pagi Isnin menghantar pesawat RAAF kedua dari Darwin untuk mencari pesawat Malaysia Arlines (MAS) Boeing 777-200ER yang hilang sejak awal Sabtu.

Australia menghantar RAAF AP-3C Orion pada malam Ahad dan pesawat kedua berlepas dari Darwin pada 8.30 pagi (AEDT) pada Isnin, menurut Australian Associated Press.

Marshal Udara Mark Binskin berkata pesawat mengawal maritim dan pemantauan jarak jauh dilengkapi dengan alat pengesan yang sesuai dengan operasi.
Terdapat 18 anak kapal Australia di setiap jet RAAF.

Enam rakyat Australia dan dua New Zealand, seorang yang tinggal di Perth berada di dalam pesawat MAS yang hilang di Laut China Selatan awal pagi Sabtu, sejam selepas penerbangan yang sepatutnya mengambil masa enam jam dari Kuala Lumpur ke Beijing.

Pihak berkuasa menyiasat hubungan dengan keganasan, berikutan dua penumpang pesawat itu yang membawa 227 penumpang disyaki menggunakan pasport curi.
Menteri Luar Australia, Julie Bishop telah menghubungi rakan sejawatannya dari Malaysia untuk memberi sokongan.
Beliau berkata laporan kehilangan pasport menjadi tumpuan.

"Mungkin tidak terdapat kaitan langsung tetapi ia merupakan perkembangan membimbangkan," Bishop memberitahu radio ABC pada Isnin.
"Para pegawai kami sentiasa menghubungi pihak berkuasa di Malaysia."

Malaysia telah menubuhkan pusat penyelarasan menyelamat dengan puluhan kapal dan pesawat sedang mencari pesawat yang hilang, katanya.
Vietnam, Filipina, Amerika Syarikat, Singapura dan China turut menghantar bantuan untuk menyertai usaha mencari.

Keluarga rakyat Australia yang berada di atas pesawat itu menerima bantuan kaunselor, kata Bishop.



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Post time 10-3-2014 01:27 PM | Show all posts
the star - pintu tu bukan dari MH 370

Missing MAS flight: DCA not ruling out mid-air explosion theory




SEPANG: The authorities are exploring all angles in investigating the missing MH370 flight, including the possibility the plane might have experienced mid-air disintegration or explosion.

Department of Civil Aviation director-general Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman (pic) said such possibilities were not being discounted as authorities were investing at all angles.

"We are not ruling out the possibility but the main focus is to find the plane.

"Such theories are being explored but we have to avoid from speculating on the matter," he told a press conference Monday.

He was responding on a whether the authorities were narrowing down investigation to focus on the two possibilities.

In the third day of operations, Azharuddin said the search and rescue area have been expanded to the straits of Malacca, in line with air turn-back theory.

"All agencies are coordinating efforts as we speak.

"A total of 34 aircrafts and 40 vessels from different nations are part of the search and rescue operation," he said.

He also quashed reports that a door of the aircraft was spotted near Vietnam waters.

"We already checked with our Vietnamese counterparts...the report is not true," he said.
Last edited by atira on 10-3-2014 01:28 PM



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Post time 10-3-2014 01:28 PM | Show all posts ... -airliner-analysis/

Quest: Malaysia Airlines jet was 'at safest point' in flight

(CNN) -- As mystery surrounds the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 370, which was en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing early Saturday, CNN's aviation expert Richard Quest said the airliner would have been at the safest point in the flight.

"It was two hours into the flight -- this would have been classed as the 'cruise portion of the flight,'" he said. "You break down the flight into taxi, take-off, climb out and then cruise.

"So in that particular point of the flight, this is the safest part, nothing is supposed to go wrong. The aircraft is at altitude on auto-pilot, the pilots are making minor corrections and changes for height as the plane burns off fuel -- the plane will be going higher and higher -- so this is extremely serious that something happened at this point in the flight."

Quest, who coincidentally had been working on a story with the carrier recently, said the aircraft -- a Boeing 777-200 -- would have been around 11 years old, powered by two British-made Rolls-Royce Trent engines.

Stolen passports raise terror concerns U.S.-based firm: 20 employees on plane At least 3 Americans aboard missing plane Plane loses contact with airline
"So it's not a particularly old aircraft. Malaysia has 15 777-200s in its fleet, it's an extremely experienced operator of this type of aircraft. It's a very reputable airline with a very good safety record."

It takes three or four minutes for an airliner to fall out of the sky when it is at cruising altitude, Quest said. He added, "we don't know and won't know for some time whether the plane broke up in the air or entered the water in one piece."

Once that is discovered, investigators can analyze if a crash was due to mechanical or structural failure, a fire, or terrorism, he noted.

Back-up power
Greg Feith, a former investigator with the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) in the United States, suggested the pilots should have been able to report in, even if power on the aircraft had failed.

"The airplane by certification has to have battery back-up power -- they still have to be able to utilize certain flight instruments and communication tools to complete the flight safely.

"So you could lose all the generators, you could have both engines out, but the battery back-up -- which will only work for a certain time -- is intended for emergency situations."

Feith also pointed to the possibility of an issue with the pressurization of the aircraft.

"If you have a high-altitude pressurization problem, catastrophic decompression, the time of useful consciousness (the time a pilot can operate with an insufficient oxygen supply) in the 30,000-40,000-feet range is a matter of seconds."

Asked whether it was likely the airliner could have made an emergency landing, Quest said it was possible but unlikely.

"You're not talking about a Cessna here. You're talking about a long-haul, wide-bodied aircraft and that puts it into a completely different league."

Search for aircraft
The lack of communication suggests that something most unfortunate has happened -- though that does not suggest there are not any persons that need to be rescued and secured.

But with speculation mounting over whether Flight MH 370, which was carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew, went down on land -- perhaps in Vietnam -- or in the South China Sea, one aviation expert says it's essential to find the plane as soon as possible in case there are survivors.

"Given the modern communications and the truly modern equipped (Boeing) 777, it's highly unlikely this plane would have landed somewhere not contactable," Mary Schiavo, the former Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Transportation, told CNN. "Depending on how the plane has gone down, there could be many survivors in need of aid.

"That plane has many different ways to locate it: Automatic beacons that tell you where it is; there are several ways to contact it both with radios and GPS, as well as computer communications within the cockpit.

"But the lack of communication suggests that something most unfortunate has happened -- though that does not suggest there are not any persons that need to be rescued and secured."
Schiavo warned that if for some reason the transmitters on the airliner are not operating, then the search will obviously become far more complex and time-consuming.

"If they are not working then sadly there are similarities with the Air France plane, which was traveling from Brazil to Paris, France and was lost in the ocean. That was very difficult to locate because of the depth of the ocean," she said.

Air France Flight 447 -- an Airbus A330-203 -- plunged into the Atlantic Ocean on June 1, 2009, killing all 228 people on board. It took four searches over the course of nearly two years to locate the bulk of the wreckage and the majority of the bodies in a mountain range deep under the ocean.

The incident report detailed how the pilots failed to respond effectively to problems with the plane's speed sensors or to correct its trajectory when things first started to go wrong.

Aviation expert Jim Tilmon said the Boeing 777-200 was as sophisticated an aircraft as they come with an excellent safety record.

"The only fatality has been from the Asiana crash in San Francisco (last year)," he told CNN's Anderson Cooper. "There's been one other 777 that had some problems but no-one was hurt. This is really a shock in lots of ways."
Last edited by alinone78 on 10-3-2014 01:35 PM



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Post time 10-3-2014 01:29 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 10-3-2014 01:31 PM | Show all posts

Vietnamese aircraft spotted what they suspected was one of the doors of a missing Boeing 777 on Sunday



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Post time 10-3-2014 01:32 PM | Show all posts ... -officer/index.html

First officer on missing jet was transitioning to 777-200s

(CNN) -- The first officer aboard Malaysia Airlines MH370 when it disappeared early Saturday from radar was transitioning to work on the Boeing 777-200.

Fariq Ab Hamid, a 27-year-old Malaysian, helped fly the plane from Hong Kong to Kuala Lumpur, where he landed it under the supervision of a senior pilot as well as a safety captain, according to CNN aviation correspondent Richard Quest, who was also in the cockpit.

The network was shooting video of the landing for use in a "CNN Business Traveler" program.

"It was interesting to watch the way he brought the aircraft in to land," Quest recalled about the February 19 landing, which the captain described as textbook-perfect.

Questions swirl after airliner vanishes Are flight recorders 'antiquated?' International crews search for plane
Hamid, who has 2,763 flying hours, joined Malaysia Airlines in 2007. He had been flying another jet and was transitioning to the Boeing 777-200 after having completed training in a flight simulator.

The airline's first officers are trained to the same standards as the captains, Quest said he was told by airline officials. "The captain was very much in control, but the first officer was flying the aircraft."

The missing plane was piloted by Capt. Zaharie Ahmad Shah, a 53-year-old Malaysian with 18,365 flying hours who joined the airline in 1981.



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Post time 10-3-2014 01:34 PM | Show all posts
Alhamdulillah akhirnya ada juga 1 thread yg betul khas utk update MH370...
senang nak catch up!


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Post time 10-3-2014 01:40 PM | Show all posts
Plane bore painters, pilgrims, others from around the world ... iid=article_sidebar

(CNN) -- A delegation of painters and calligraphers, a group of Buddhists returning from a religious gathering in Kuala Lumpur, a three-generation family, nine senior travelers and five toddlers.

Most of the 227 passengers on board missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 were Chinese, according to the airline's flight manifest. The 12 missing crew members on the flight that disappeared early Saturday were Malaysian.

Other passengers were from India, Indonesia, Australia, the United States, France, New Zealand, Ukraine, Canada, Russia and the Netherlands, the airline said.

The airline's list showed the passengers hailed from 14 countries, but later it was learned that two people named on the manifest -- an Austrian and an Italian -- whose passports had been stolen were not aboard the plane. The plane was carrying five children under 5 years old, the airline said.

On Saturday, Texas-based Freescale Semiconductor confirmed that 20 employees were passengers on Flight 370. Twelve are from Malaysia and eight from China, the company said.

"At present, we are solely focused on our employees and their families," Gregg Lowe, Freescale's president and CEO, said in the statement. "Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by this tragic event."

Officials to families: Prepare for worst Official: Lost jet 'may have turned back' Airline: Passengers from 14 countries Stolen passports raise terror concerns

Later, the company tweeted: "Your thoughtful words and prayers for Freescale families and friends affected by MH370 give comfort."

The company was making counselors available with around-the-clock support for employees affected by the tragedy, the statement said.

The 154 passengers from China (including Taiwan) included a group of painters and calligraphers and Buddhists returning from a religious gathering, Chinese state media reported.

Relatives of the Chinese citizens aboard gathered Saturday at a hotel complex in the Lido district of Beijing as a crowd of reporters gathered outside.

"My son was only 40 years old," one woman wailed as she was led inside. "My son, my son. What am I going to do?"

Family members were kept in a hotel conference room, where media outlets had no access. Most of the family members have so far refused to talk to reporters.

An Austrian Foreign Ministry spokesman said a man listed on the airline's manifest is safe and was never aboard the aircraft. The Austrian national's passport was stolen two years ago, Austrian Foreign Ministry spokesman Martin Weiss said.

Italian Foreign Ministry spokesman Aldo Amati also said no one from his country was on the plane, even though an Italian was on the manifest. Malaysian officials said they were aware of reports the Italian's passport had been stolen, but had not confirmed that.

U.S. nationals on the plane's manifest were identified by the airline as Philip Wood, 51; Nicole Meng, 4; and Yan Zhang, 2.

A senior U.S. State Department official confirmed Saturday that three U.S. citizens were aboard the aircraft. Embassy officials were trying to determine whether additional U.S. citizens were on the flight.

"We extend our deepest condolences to the loved ones of those on board Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370," U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said. "Officials from the U.S. Embassies in Kuala Lumpur and

Beijing are in contact with the individuals' families. Out of respect for them, we are not providing additional information at this time."

Among them is Philip Wood, who graduated from Oklahoma Christian University in 1985 according to school spokeswoman Risa Forrester. He earned a bachelor of science degree, concentrating in math and computer science, and belonged to the Delta Gamma Sigma service organization, Forrester said.

On Oklahoma Christian's Facebook page, one woman lamented the "heartbreaking news" while a man remembered Wood as "gentle, kind, had great taste in music and was a wonderful artist."

"Philip Wood was a man of God, a man of honor and integrity. His word was gold," his family said in a statement. "Incredibly generous, creative and intelligent, Phil cared about people, his family, and above all, Christ.

"Though our hearts are hurting, we know so many families around the world are affected just as much as us by this terrible tragedy."



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Post time 10-3-2014 01:44 PM | Show all posts
Investigators: Malaysian airliner may have 'disintegrated mid-flight'

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Post time 10-3-2014 01:46 PM | Show all posts
Reports on debris of missing aircraft not true, says civil aviation chief

        The search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has not yielded any results, said the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA), dismissing reports that parts of the aircraft had been located by the Vietnamese authorities.
        DCA director-general, Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, said they verified the reports of the "finds" with the Vietnames authorities who denied it.
        Despite an extensive search and rescue operation by an international team, there is still no sign of flight MH370 which had 12 crew members and 227 passengers on board.
        It was reported that there had been unverified reports of sightings of aircraft parts and oil slicks in the South China Sea.
        "This unprecedented disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines aircraft is both perplexing and puzzling," said Azharuddin.
        "More than 1,000 hours have been spent searching for the missing MH370 in both the South China Sea and the Straits of Malacca," he told a press conference at KLIA today.
        He acknowledged that there had been widespread speculation about what had happened to MH370, including hijacking and terrorism links.
        "We do not discount any possibilities or angles, but until MH370 is located, we will not be able to discover the truth," Azharuddin said.
        "I understand that the media wants answers, just like the next-of-kin of the crew members and passengers.
        "But authorities will not be able to provide any answers until the aircraft has been located and investigations have been carried out," he said.
        Azharuddin (pic, right) said the probe had not been narrowed down to any particular angle as the investigating team was still carrying out its work.
        "Various sightings have been reported by numerous media organisations but nothing concrete has been found," he said, adding that claims that Vietnamese search and rescue forces had found an aircraft door had not been verified.
        "We contacted Vietnamese authorities and they have denied any such finding by their SAR forces," Azharuddin said.
        He said the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (APMM) had also spotted oil slicks in the South China Sea and taken samples.
        "The samples have been taken to the laboratory and hopefully, the test results will be released soon."
        Azharuddin said aviation and aircraft experts from around the world had contributed their opinions and expertise.
        "However, nothing concrete can be concluded until we actually locate MH370," he added.
        He insisted that both MAS and the DCA have properly handled the case of the missing aircraft.
        On the subject of two passengers who boarded the flight using stolen passports, Azharuddin said nothing had been reported by investigators yet.
        "We cannot release closed-circuit television video footage of the two individuals yet until we have consulted the investigating team."
        Azharuddin also declined to elaborate when asked about security procedures at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA).
        The missing Boeing 777-200 aircraft left KLIA for Beijing at 12.41am on Saturday, but contact with the plane was lost at 1.20am when it was flying over airspace manned by air traffic control in Ho Chi Minh City.
        The aircraft was carrying 239 people, according to MAS's flight manifest, the bulk of whom are Chinese passengers, and 12 crew members. – March 10, 2014.

-The Malaysian Insider (About 1 hour 20 minutes ago)


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