utk yg tak follow DC ni mmg tak kan tau Superman tu actually masih idup...
tengok director pun dah tau cerita ni akan sesendu macam batman vs superman. martha marthaaaaaa
layan teaser dulu sebelum trailer keluar..
full trailer dah keluar...
Team Wonder Woman.
sore_itam replied at 25-7-2016 01:45 PM
kalo ada green lantern lg best...
Apa beza ryan gosling dgn ryan reynold macam sama je
team SUperman
tengok trailer macam agak kacau bilau la filem ni... risau lak aku
quoted for Lois
ai cant wait tooooo
tak kisah lah if serabut macam mana..
been ages tunggu filem dc
dc ni trailer je gempak tapi movie nan hado jugak. selalunye la
i like batman vs superman
wonder woman is the best!!!
Jenuh ai cari thread nih. Cerita nih dah habis shooting ker. Cause ada terbaca Zack Synder is taking a break fm directing due to mourning of his daughter death
Bruce Wayne : I'm putting together a team of people with special abilities. See, I believe enemies are coming...
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mostly filem ni dah habis shooting...sekarang ni cuma editing, add cgi & minor reshoot je....joss wheldon director avenger akan take over habiskan kerja zack synder...
Best ke x ke lyan ajer... batman vs superman aku rasa best aje wlupun rmai yg x suke.
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