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Author: Sephiroth

Hindu Scriptures

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Post time 9-12-2015 06:37 PM | Show all posts
swimswim replied at 9-12-2015 05:15 PM
Seems like the thousand mile scriptures all guiding the them to the right path..

Is my senten ...
Seems like the thousand mile scriptures all guiding the them to the right path..

Is my sentence correct now guru kali?

The scriptures or the hindus holy book is not to be peoples....indian hindus are materials and this leads them to corrupt.....and 'kaki botol" ..
hindusim teaches good moral but it is them       screw it up....
thats why the malay says " if you see the snake, killed the indians" sound racist to me but I do agreed with them because base on my experience....
of course indian hindus was highly respected during golden ? no more....
we have one example here...cursing -bad mouth and all kind of negative talk....thats explained....


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 Author| Post time 10-12-2015 08:53 AM | Show all posts
swimswim replied at 9-12-2015 05:15 PM
Seems like the thousand mile scriptures all guiding the them to the right path..

Is my senten ...

Thousands of mile scriptures don't guide anyone. What it could provide is ideals and thoughts on how to approach God, each other and how to treat the World. There is nothing in this World which not discussed in Hinduism as those scriptures have shown. Everything is debateable - including Arts, Sex, Women's Rights, Environment etc.

But one things for sure - a single scripture (like the Bible or Al Quran) do not lead anyone anywhere. At best, all it does is showcase what a false religion looks like.

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Post time 10-12-2015 10:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 10-12-2015 08:53 AM
Thousands of mile scriptures don't guide anyone. What it could provide is ideals and thoughts on h ...

Yup,and thats why islam believers are now the biggest at 1.8billion all over the world.its just one book to refer to

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 Author| Post time 10-12-2015 01:19 PM | Show all posts
swimswim replied at 10-12-2015 10:04 AM
Yup,and thats why islam believers are now the biggest at 1.8billion all over the world.its just on ...

And yet, are all those 1.8 billion Muslims living happily or peacefully? Majority of them lives in Middle East and Africa and those regions are damned with war, strife, chaos and disease. Where ever Muslims go, they bring these (war, strife, chaos and disease) to their new places, to the point that non-Muslims are fed up and angry with them. They don't progress Spiritually and don't know what they are following to the point that many willing to commit suicide. There are clear separation between secular and fanatics in your religion, each ready to kill the other for their belief.

Bottomline - ISLAM is a FAILURE. It cannot progress in Modernized World, and Muslims will NEVER find God.

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Post time 10-12-2015 06:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Those living in middle east can defend themselves from your accusations . I can see malaysia still havent got killing. Our 1.8bill still can allow people india practices their hinduism peacefully. No one is china is having guns pointed at their head to be forced converts to islam.

Bottomlines,hinduism is getting smaller and im interested to know if have u decided to which god u will u pray today, which scriptures to study today. Not my problem right?i already know your answer.

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 Author| Post time 11-12-2015 11:46 AM | Show all posts
by swimswim

I can see malaysia still havent got killing.

Read the damn newspapers. Muslims killing themselves and each other everyday. Just yesterday, Yahoo News reported a young (Muslim) woman 35 of age killed her TWO children aged 3 and 5 yrs old. Mental sickness is also part of Islamic society and it seems that Muslims are more prone to mental illness than any other religious group.

Our 1.8bill still can allow people india practices their hinduism peacefully.

Stupid B!tch. You got it wrong. It is Hindus who are still allowing non-Hindus (especially Muslims) to live in India. And what saves your pathetic race is not Islam or (fear of) Allah, but Constitution of India and Common Laws. IF (and WHEN) Hindus decide enough is enough, they will hunt each and everyone of Muslims in India and slit their throats.

No one is china is having guns pointed at their head to be forced converts to islam.

China is a Communist nation. To them religion is just another tool to use, which was why they insisted China Churches to have locally appointed Bishop (which they can control). It is obvious you don't know politics either.

Bottomlines,hinduism is getting smaller ...

Quantity is important ONLY to Muslims because empty tins always make a lot of noise. We prefer small groups which consists of devoted followers, intellects and other people who are best of what they are. You can keep the useless ones.

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 Author| Post time 12-12-2015 12:43 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Sephiroth at 13-12-2015 09:11 AM

Yoga (Continue from above ...)

When one hears the word "Yoga", many has this misconception that Yoga strictly means those exercises which Hindus perform for sake of health (such as Hartha Yoga). There is another, more truer meaning for the word "Yoga". I believe "Yoga" have the same meaning to Chinese word "To" or Japanese word "Do" which both can be translated as "The Way of ..."

For example, Japanese word "Kendo" could be translated as "The Way of the Sword" (or in English - Swordmanship). Tae Kwon Do, Judo, and a few more which has "Do" at the end have similar meaning. In the same context, Yoga is the word for "The way of ..." in Hinduism. Which means that Yoga was originally a Way for one to live his life and not simply an exercise alone.

In Bhavagad Gita (which is older that any Yoga (Exercise) schools) have three sub-system within its teaching which are Bhakti Yoga (The Way of Faith (Bhakti can be translated as Faith), Jnana Yoga and Dharma Yoga (The Way of Dharma). When Shri Krishna gave the teaching of Bhavagad Gita to human beings 5,000 years ago, He must have formulated the teaching to compose all the three aspects of Humanity - Faith, Lifestyle and Dharma.

Now, does this means that anyone can claim that they took follows "Yoga" simply by following an exercise methods? I don't believe so.
Everyone lives, but not everyone lives according to Dharma. One cannot claim to be living just because one can eat, drink, sleep, procreate and work for a living. This is not "Yoga" as even animals does this (except maybe the Work part).

Take Christians and Muslims for example. Are they followers of Dharma and Yoga? THey are not. Christians lives a materistics way of living, indulging in pleasures of flesh and sin without any care in the World, all because they believe that all humans are born with Sin and incapable of escaping from committing Sin (and therefore, acceptable to commit Sin as long as they have Jesus to wash their rear ends). This is not a Spiritual way of living. This is animalistic way of existence, which is why they are plagued with all sort of mental, spiritual and physicial problems.

Muslims on the other hand pride themselves with following a stricter set of rules (if compared to Christians). Are they followers of Yoga? Answer is No, they are not. This is because Muslims are forcing themselves to follow these rules which were set by an Arab 1,400 years ago. They are fearful of committing Sins (as described by their Master, Muhammad) and remained as an animal within a cage of gold. They pretend they love the shiny gold cage which protects them from every bad things outside the cage but in reality, they envy the freedom others outside the System are enjoying. They are no better than farmed animals, waiting for the hands of their owners to sell them to a butcher.

So what is Yoga? Yoga is the Way of Life, by absorbing the strict laws of Dharma out of one's own free will. If one were to force himself to follow something or merely follow something out of name alone, that is not Dharma. A hindu who drink alcholol, commit adultery, steals and gambles and perform other vices (by his own accord) cannot call himself a Hindu as he does not follow Yoga or Dharma.

A Hindu must exercise his own free will and be committed to live a Spiritual life by Laws of Dharma for Dharma (and his own Spiritual) sake. That is Yoga. Finally, Praying alone do not make one a follower of Dharma but conduct of daily life in accordance to Dharma is what will make a person a Yogi.


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 Author| Post time 20-12-2015 11:24 AM | Show all posts
Purva and Uttara Mimasa

Finally we are at the end of the narrations of the Darshana chapter. And at the end are the Purva and Uttara Mimasa schools of thoughts. Mimasa is a Sanksrit words which can be translated as "reflection" or "critical investigation".

The school of Mīmāṃsā consists of both atheistic and theistic doctrines and the school showed little interest in systematic examination of the existence of God. Rather, it held that the soul is an eternal, omnipresent, inherently active spiritual essence, then focussed on the epistemology and metaphysics of dharma.[4][8][9] To them, dharma meant rituals and social duties, not devas (gods) because gods existed only in name.[4] The Mīmāṃsakas held that Vedas are "eternal authorless infallible", that Vedic vidhi (injunctions) and mantras in rituals are prescriptive kārya (actions), and the rituals are of primary importance and merit. They considered the Upaniṣads (later portions of Vedas) and other self-knowledge, spirituality-related texts as subsidiary, a philosophical view that Vedānta school of Hinduism disagreed with.[3][4]
Mīmāṃsā theorists decided that the evidence allegedly proving the existence of God was insufficient. They argue that there was no need to postulate a maker for the world, just as there was no need for an author to compose the Vedas or a God to validate the rituals.[41] Mīmāṃsā argues that the Gods named in the Vedas have no existence apart from the mantras that speak their names. To that regard, the power of the mantras is what is seen as the power of Gods.[42]

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