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Author: dauswq

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Post time 8-2-2010 03:16 PM | Show all posts
dauswq Post at 6-2-2010 13:21

ni yg excited ni....
sape ntah momod itu 

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Post time 8-2-2010 03:17 PM | Show all posts
minggu ini saya offline smpi 12feb due to 3 exams{:2_67:}....

kalau nak ape2 sila pm my co-mod
dauswq Post at 8-2-2010 13:25

gud larkkk daussss 

:pompom: :pompom: :pompom:

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 Author| Post time 8-2-2010 04:14 PM | Show all posts
ni yg excited ni....
sape ntah momod itu
jie_kumiko Post at 8-2-2010 15:16

hint: one of the tutor......

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 Author| Post time 8-2-2010 04:14 PM | Show all posts
gud larkkk daussss

:pompom: :pompom: :pompom:
jie_kumiko Post at 8-2-2010 15:17

tenkiu jie
good luck 2 to you for ODE exam

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Post time 8-2-2010 05:32 PM | Show all posts
hint: one of the tutor......
dauswq Post at 8-2-2010 16:14

cam kenal jerrr.....
hint 2 : yg jadi lectrer kat US kaa??? 

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Post time 8-2-2010 05:33 PM | Show all posts
tenkiu jie
good luck 2 to you for ODE exam
dauswq Post at 8-2-2010 16:14

hahahahaaha.....kiu mu ditrima... 
abs exm ode...esk mlmnya trus fly blik kg...
ai laikkkkk :pompom:
cuti mid sem semgu 

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Post time 9-2-2010 01:10 PM | Show all posts
motip malu nk jwb kuiz kimia

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Post time 10-2-2010 01:03 AM | Show all posts
motip malu nk jwb kuiz kimia
chewan Post at 9-2-2010 13:10

jie smgu ni bz ngat ng midterm.....
baru je beh statistic.....
khmis ni ODE lakss..nnti fre2 jie jenguk..okkay???
da lama tgl chemy nie.....
last masa thn 2oo8.... 
time kat mtrik

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Post time 11-2-2010 10:44 PM | Show all posts
mud minggu ni sibuk ngan plot the data onto the map~~~

da tak tahan...tak tahan sgt...SGT TERTEKAN...(motip aku lepaskan tekanan kat sini)...

mata jadi hitam pun da tak nampak..
nampaknye..malam ni sendal ngn KOPI KAPAL API..

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Post time 11-2-2010 10:52 PM | Show all posts
bek la mud nak kongsi satu functions maths...
mud ada belajar fuzzy mathematics...
fuzzy maths ni diperkenalkan oleh Prof Zadeh...orang Islam kalo tak salah...
fuzzy ni adalah kekaburan...means...kita tak boleh decide on something and they do not have any rigid numbers...bnyk application of fuzzy ni sbb bidang ni baru lagi..
bnyk research dlm bidang nih...contohnya...tahun 2008..ada seminar on fuzzy theory and application...

antara application:
1) tahap air dlm mesin basuh..based on the weight of laundry...
2) periuk nasi...tahap berapa lama nasi kita masak...
3) admission system..dLL

mud kongsikan menda nih sbb mud nak rehatkan otak ni jap..hehehe...

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Post time 11-2-2010 11:01 PM | Show all posts
bek la mud nak kongsi satu functions maths...
mud ada belajar fuzzy mathematics...
fuzzy maths ni diperkenalkan oleh Prof Zadeh...orang Islam kalo tak salah...
fuzzy ni adalah kekaburan. ...
kelapamuda Post at 11-2-2010 22:52

fuzzy math???
aahahah...mcm slh satu nm washing machine lerr..fuzzy 2...
panasonic pny ek...

so fuzzy ni kabur sbb dia depend on other situation utk kita determine equation 2 ke sbb pe dia kabur 2???ehehehe...
excited lak nk taw

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Post time 11-2-2010 11:01 PM | Show all posts
esk da nk blik kg...
ai laikkkk :pompom:

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Post time 12-2-2010 06:57 PM | Show all posts
fuzzy math???
aahahah...mcm slh satu nm washing machine lerr..fuzzy 2...
panasonic pny ek...

so fuzzy ni kabur sbb dia depend on other situation utk kita determine equation 2 ke sbb pe dia ka ...
jie_kumiko Post at 11-2-2010 23:01

yup..mmg ada washing mashine yg pakai menda nih...
sbb mesin tu ada function tuk bentikan tahap air kalo da ngn mesin manual..

dlm fuzzy mmg ada calculation to determine the fuzziness..ada formulation and ada theorem also the lemma for modeling the function...kwn mud wat ranking fuzzy numbers...tatau pe dia..sbb da too deep...sgt difficult...

jie ley la blaja menda applied maths...bukan topo ke...analysis ke...mende maths concrete ni boring (pada mud le)...lebih bek blaja application..sbb application more on real-life...

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Post time 12-2-2010 08:24 PM | Show all posts
minggu ini saya offline smpi 12feb due to 3 exams{:2_67:}....

kalau nak ape2 sila pm my co-mod
dauswq Post at 8-2-2010 13:25

good luck daus....:pompom:

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Post time 12-2-2010 08:24 PM | Show all posts
cam kenal jerrr.....
hint 2 : yg jadi lectrer kat US kaa???
jie_kumiko Post at 8-2-2010 17:32

US ka UK.....

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 Author| Post time 15-2-2010 05:56 PM | Show all posts
cam kenal jerrr.....
hint 2 : yg jadi lectrer kat US kaa???
jie_kumiko Post at 8-2-2010 17:32

salah satu calon

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 Author| Post time 15-2-2010 05:57 PM | Show all posts
US ka UK.....
airwickss Post at 12-2-2010 20:24

agaknye kt nusantara kot

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Post time 16-2-2010 10:56 PM | Show all posts
yup..mmg ada washing mashine yg pakai menda nih...
sbb mesin tu ada function tuk bentikan tahap air kalo da ngn mesin manual..

dlm fuzzy mmg ada calculation to determine the fu ...
kelapamuda Post at 12-2-2010 18:57

mud sebut lemma theorem n bla2 2 tringat discrete math sem lepas...
eh..jie lagik xsuka pure math... 
sgt2 xsuka bab2 nk proof bla2 2....
baek applied math cam mud ckp 2....sbb dia more 2 real life..
tp jie prefer more on statistic la... 

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Post time 17-2-2010 08:35 PM | Show all posts
mud sebut lemma theorem n bla2 2 tringat discrete math sem lepas...
eh..jie lagik xsuka pure math...
sgt2 xsuka bab2 nk proof bla2 2....
baek applied math cam mud c ...
jie_kumiko Post at 16-2-2010 22:56

statistics?? hmm..kawan2 mud ramai budak stats nie..
dorang sgt excellent...sgt kewl...time study...pencil kat atas tinge...hahaha...

stats ramai dapat keje cepat...tapi to be in stats jobs..
sgt boring kot..(tatau la)...keje mika menganalisis quite boring kot..

hahaha....kawan mud wat theorem baru for fuzzy...
guess what...da sebulan lebih berkerja ngn lemma bagai..

sian tgok dia...berhempas pulas...skrang nih dok kerjakan theorem baru...

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Post time 18-2-2010 06:00 PM | Show all posts
statistics?? hmm..kawan2 mud ramai budak stats nie..
dorang sgt excellent...sgt kewl...time study...pencil kat atas tinge...hahaha...

stats ramai dapat keje cepat...tapi to be in stats jobs..
kelapamuda Post at 17-2-2010 20:35

erkkkk...dak stats skema kah ?? 
ntah ler....skunk ni compare ng sumer...jie lagik suka stats xbyk lagik blaja..tataw ler leh carry ke x....
sem5 nnti baru amik fokus...smda pure math ke stats ke applied....
dhla u yg tentukan...tataw dpt yg mn.. 

erkkk....last2 theorem slh ek??
alahai..ciannye nk ubah blik.....

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