All about Republic of Turkey (Istanbul etc...) PART 2
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Peterpan17 posted on 26-3-2013 08:55 AM 
Tks dear. Saya dah dpt gambaran sikit2. Dah boleh plan ni. Nak pergi spring next year.
No worries beb...just go ahead with u plan...spring is recommended sbb pemandangan sure colourful n awesome n cuaca pun dah agak ok kurang sejuk..mudah rezeki insyaAllah I nk repeat turkey lg..
Peterpan17 posted on 25-3-2013 03:57 PM 
Siskebab, durang punya side driving sama dgn kat Malaysia atau pun sebelah kiri?
sebelah kiri... mula2 jek susah.. pastu dah ok..
kalau jalan jauh, spend sikit untuk keta yang berkuasa besar.. sbb kalau x, kena spend banyak on minyak..
but up to you...
my opinion is, safe drive kat Turkey... maybe Istanbul sesak macam KL, tambah2 kalau sesat kat Taksim, agak nightmare.. hahaha
tapi the rest of the country sangat relaks dan cool to drive..
good luck!!!
SisKebab posted on 26-3-2013 09:49 AM 
sebelah kiri... mula2 jek susah.. pastu dah ok..
kalau jalan jauh, spend sikit untuk keta yang b ...
Ah!! betul time sy kat Korea sewa kereta pun drive belah kiri. Mula2 agak kekok tp after 2 ke 3 hari dah ok.
Blh tak u bg route mana u drive?? I tengah drawing up my route & check around which part yg worth to drive. Klu ke Cappadocia tu jauh sgt nak drive. |
mypleasure posted on 26-3-2013 09:19 AM 
No worries beb...just go ahead with u plan...spring is recommended sbb pemandangan sure colourful ...
Yeah,sy klu melancong ke negara 4 musim saya akan elakkan melancong time Winter & summer. Sy akan travel autumn atau spring. Sy tak tahan sejuk. Dulu pernah ke China time winter & I was suffering from the coldness. Klu summer tak seronoklah mcm kat Malaysia gak. Tak blh pakai baju tebal2. hehehehehe! |
mypleasure posted on 26-3-2013 08:42 AM 
Yup..rm5k+ trmasuk airfare MAS + British Airways dr Istanbul - LHR...i travel bkn utk shopping sak ...
Wah, sangat kagum boleh travel dgn budget sebanyak tu ke beberapa negara!
cos i went to europe two times and budget setiap kali pergi around 8k for a few countries only.
Boleh mntk tips ni!
Yeah, teringin ke turki and thanks for the advice ;)
kawahapi posted on 26-3-2013 09:15 AM 
We are a family of 2 adults & 2 kids
So beli jek la ek?
Nov tu masih autumn kan?
Not really a big deal klo u nk proceed with the airfares..dr pglman masih lg autumn sehingga mid nov di Europe n begitu jugak di Turkey expect 15/11 onwards dh akan terasa angin winter of which akan terasa lebih sejuk..autumn u still need those winter clothing tp x perlu la bawa byk2 n temperature can be above 10 degrees..for sure autumn holiday pun sgt best dpt experience pemandangan yg menarik daun2 pokok yellowish yg gugur..nk pakai sneakers, boots, n loafers pun ok...just my two cents
Last edited by mypleasure on 27-3-2013 08:59 AM
Sayawanieta posted on 26-3-2013 08:23 PM 
Wah, sangat kagum boleh travel dgn budget sebanyak tu ke beberapa negara!
cos i went to europe tw ...
Boleh...x de masalah nk share...
ada tak sesape yang pernah stay kat area epot sabiha ..
kekdahnya flight iolss, ke munich sesubuh hening 6am ..
any suggestions ???
@babycha @SisKebab @farikica |
mypleasure posted on 27-3-2013 08:54 AM 
Not really a big deal klo u nk proceed with the airfares..dr pglman masih lg autumn sehingga mid n ...
Thank you! Seronok baca komen2 you.
I dah beli flight tix this morning sbb MAS harga turun jd 7.9k for the four of us.
I think it's a good bargain sbb Qatar 9.6k & Emirates about 11k.
Now I kena carik hotel & buat ittenary plak.
Trip kitaorg 25 Nov - 4 Dec
Ada cadangan x places to go yg sesuai dgn anak2 dara kenit I ni? |
wahhhh...tak sabar..lagi 16 hari fly ke Turkey....hehehehe   |
My iti : 2 malam istanbul -> 1 malam busra ->2H1M Goreme -> Pamukalle-Selcuk-Kusadasi (1malam di Selcuk) -> 2malam lagi Istanbul.
I skipped Ankara and Bolu cus tak cukup masa.... |
I tak sabar dengan turkish bath tu hehehehe   |
jayn2u posted on 27-3-2013 03:02 PM 
wahhhh...tak sabar..lagi 16 hari fly ke Turkey....hehehehe
hihi .. lama lagi tu you, siap parlimen boleh bubar , terbubar dan dibubarkan ,... hahahahah ..
baper hari uolls kat turki ?
btw kan, iolls ni, bila baca nama uolls, jayn, terus teringat satu citer koya ni, .. ni memang nick u ker or bersempena ngan citer koya itew >??? sibok sangat lah iolls ni kannnn !!! deng !!! ..
Last edited by aishahahmad on 27-3-2013 05:11 PM
kawahapi posted on 27-3-2013 09:58 AM 
Thank you! Seronok baca komen2 you.
I dah beli flight tix this morning sbb MAS harga turun jd 7.9 ...
It's my pleasure to share with others...I pun study n dpt byk info dr otai2 yg dh experience jugak sblm pergj n tied up dgn trip yg I planned...Wahh...x lengah lagi n terus grab tix ke IST..tahniah..tahniah..harga u beli tu reasonable dah..utk Turkey trips it self I x travel ke byk tempat...i spent the full 5 days of vacation in istanbul n sempat la buat a day trip ke Bursa je utk snowing..ikutkn mmg i nk travel smpai outskirts turkey tp apakn daya 5 days r not enough to explore majestic turkey ..tp I x ralat sgt sbb sblm tu I travelled other parts of Europe..next time insyaAllah ade ade rezeki boleh repeat the only turkey lg..anyway, turkey is a tourist friendly country n almost kebanyakan tmpt sesuai dgn your lil girls..cuma tgl lg kita as parents nk entertain dorg spjg prjalanan tu sbb mcm2 'colour' dorg akan tunjuk...frankly, I am happy brcuti dgn my lil ones....ikutkn itinerary u ada 10 hari n rasanya boleh klo u nk cover further up ke cappadocia, pamukkale, Ephesus (n diingatkan kena spare extra 2 or 3 days di istanbul sbb byk historical sites n hotspots kt sana)...rugi juga rasanya if u x ke sana since dh spent that much on the airfares...u cuba la study turkey map n tgk routes mn yg u boleh ambik klo nk self driving car...klo nk amik domestic flight pegasus airlines (http://www.flypgs.com/en/default.aspx) pun ok just only klo u nk jimat masa.. lps u finalized then u come back n ask for help insyaAllah otai2 ramai akan tolong on this.. Last edited by mypleasure on 27-3-2013 05:30 PM
jayn2u posted on 27-3-2013 03:06 PM 
My iti : 2 malam istanbul -> 1 malam busra ->2H1M Goreme -> Pamukalle-Selcuk-Kusadasi (1malam di Sel ...
Istanbul - Bursa you naik apa ek?
I dok blur lg 9 nights tu nak kemana & buat apa
mypleasure posted on 27-3-2013 05:00 PM 
It's my pleasure to share with others...I pun study n dpt byk info dr otai2 yg dh experience jugak ...
Tu la I x sure lg on where to go & what to do
Skrg tgh busy kat office, lepas April kang baru lega skit boleh la study sampai lebam 
kawahapi posted on 27-3-2013 05:19 PM 
Tu la I x sure lg on where to go & what to do
Skrg tgh busy kat office, lepas April kang baru leg ...
I ke bursa naik IDO seabus http://www.ido.com.tr/en mcm I bg tau kt previous post...depending on your options...klo u plan nk travel dgn kereta..u boleh drive ke bursa dr Istanbul n overnight kt sana...then the next days boleh teruskan prjalanan ke Ankara - cappadocia - Konya dan seterusnya tmpt2 menarik yg lain...setiap tmpt byk attractions n it depends on what do you want to experience in particular..maybe u minat nk naik hot air ballon kt cappadocia n nk rasa pglman hidup mcm flintstones, kt pamukkale pun menarik u boleh experience hierapolis ( ancient roman city) n kolam brtingkat travertine hot springs yg famous tu...I suggest u study trip otai2 yg explored the whole turkey cthnya mcm trip faraway n farikica...I byk tny n refer kt entry dorg n they r very helpful..x pe x pe cool down jer....u kasi settle semua your hectic life kt opis tu ada masa skit u start off your trip sikit2 dr sekarang n towards nov nnt sure dh lengkap...sampai nov plak...berjimba la u gn family puas2 kt sana...turkey here I come..huhuhu
Last edited by mypleasure on 27-3-2013 06:14 PM
kawahapi posted on 27-3-2013 05:15 PM 
Istanbul - Bursa you naik apa ek?
I dok blur lg 9 nights tu nak kemana & buat apa
I naik fast ferry tu dari Yenikapi... I dah beli tiket online dari IDO
kawahapi posted on 27-3-2013 05:15 PM 
Istanbul - Bursa you naik apa ek?
I dok blur lg 9 nights tu nak kemana & buat apa
kalau nak contoh iti I boleh emailkan..hehehehe
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