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Author: LelaRentaka7

Singapore Part 4

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Post time 7-8-2019 10:32 AM | Show all posts
bellaa replied at 31-7-2019 11:28 AM
singaporean okay ja.. x da pulak kiasu mcm yg digembar-gemburkan oleh media kita.

i p berdua je ...

Ya betul. Singaporeans are not that bad! Infact mostly very helpful lah. Tanya aje, sure dorang tolong. Takdalah dorang teruk naw as portrayed.

MRT is super efficient and senang aje nak naik. Bila rasa tak sure, tanya aje.....


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Post time 7-8-2019 02:00 PM | Show all posts
newrule5 replied at 7-8-2019 10:28 AM
Hotel 81 Heritage okay. I tak sure if kita hotel sama sbb 81 Heritage ni banyak. Yg I dok is at Jl ...

thank you for your review...tak sabar nak pegi..tapi kali ni mencabar sbb bawak anak anak kcik ...before this  dok pegi sbb keje..lenggang kangkung sorang je..senang..hihihi

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Post time 16-8-2019 11:26 PM | Show all posts
Hotel dekat zoo?

Ada sapa boleh share?

Kalau ambil hotel kat bugis Street sebagai contoh, jauh kan kalau pergi zoo terutama night zoo.

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Post time 22-9-2019 02:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hi otai2 semua, saya nak g spore dec ni , bole bg suggestion hotel2 near tren station walking distance ,hg dlm rm200 to 300 per night. Kami ber3. Tgk heritage 81 mahal 2 mlm rm 1k tq uols

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Post time 26-9-2019 11:58 AM | Show all posts
jongos replied at 22-9-2019 02:22 PM
Hi otai2 semua, saya nak g spore dec ni , bole bg suggestion hotel2 near tren station walking distan ...

gi singapore dengan family ke? kalau dengan kawan2 hostel area beach road ni boleh tahan..
dia ada Deluxe Queen Pod ada privacy utk 2 orang..location pun cantik dkt beach road...terkenal Sup tulang merah dia...;label=gog235jc-1FCAUoyQFCEWJ1Z2lzLW1ydC1zdGF0aW9uSDNYA2jJAYgBAZgBCbgBF8gBDNgBAegBAfgBDIgCAagCA7gC8eSw7AXAAgE;sid=8a100d30c4f39830d3572830b4d16831;all_sr_blocks=58111803_91934986_0_1_0;checkin=2019-12-02;checkout=2019-12-03;dest_id=20050;dest_type=landmark;dist=0;group_adults=2;group_children=0;hapos=7;highlighted_blocks=58111803_91934986_0_1_0;hpos=7;nflt=pri%3D1%3B;no_rooms=1;room1=A%2CA;sb_price_type=total;show_room=58111803;sr_order=popularity;srepoch=1569469430;srpvid=e0201a3a8f3c0007;type=total;ucfs=1&#RD58111803

cuba elak little india takut uols terserempak dengan pekerja2 bangla atau india time diaorang offday...pening nanti chouls..selalunya time cuti or weekend pekerja2 bangla/india akan lepak di little india..


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Post time 26-9-2019 12:15 PM | Show all posts
faraway1 replied at 16-8-2019 11:26 PM
Hotel dekat zoo?

Ada sapa boleh share?

dekat zoo takde hotel...jgn bimbang sbb singapore kecik paling jauh journey kurang dari 2 jam..
naik je public trasport...pakai app

ni contoh app dia..

PS kalau nak naik grab baik guna gojek...siap2 install app gojek atau grab sblm masuk singapore..
gojek utk perjalanan dekat lebih murah dari grab..
grab lebih murah utk perjalan jauh...grab share lebih murah dari grab biasa...tapi dibolehkan tak lebih dari 2 orang penumpang..
grab atau gojek lebih murah dari taxi kecuali waktu2 sibuk..


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Post time 26-9-2019 12:24 PM | Show all posts
hidet replied at 20-7-2018 01:31 PM
garden by the bay tu dekat jugak dgn marina sand bay..masa first time pegi..blur blur sikit..dari  ...

yes pertunjukkan air pancut dgn lampu waktu malam - PERCUMA...!

Spectra at Marina Bay Sands

The great thing about the light and sound show at Marina Bay is that it is visible from both sides of the water. If you are standing in front of the hotel looking towards the city you can hear the music and see the projected images on the water fountains. From the city side, looking towards the hotel, you see not only the water fountains but also a series of lasers which light up Marina Bay Sands and the ArtScience Museum.

Easily the most technologically advanced light and sound show in Singapore, we prefer the view from the hotel. Here, bubble machines create a shimmering cloud above your head and you can see the impressive images of Singaporean children projected onto the wall of water. The music is highly emotive, inspired by live orchestral compositions.

Location: 10 Bayfront Avenue, Singapore 018956
Open: Sunday to Thursday at 8pm and 9pm, Friday and Saturday at 8pm, 9pm and 11pm
OCBC Garden Rhapsody

The stunning forest of giant metal trees at Gardens by the Bay is even more mesmerising at night when the structures light up in a rhapsody of colours to the sound of music that fills the entire park. Almost 50 speakers are hidden around the park so you experience a surround-sound experience from wherever you stand.

It really is the size of the ‘Supertrees’ that make this sound and light performance so impressive, towering above you at up to 50 metres tall. The show lasts almost 15 minutes, and although the voiceover can be a little cheesy in points, the culmination of the show, when the trees seem to explode in a firework-like fashion, is excellent.

Location: Supertree Grove, Gardens by the Bay, 18 Marina Gardens Dr, Singapore 018953
Open: Daily from 7.45pm and 8.45pm
Crane Dance at Sentosa Resort

During the day there is simply a large, plain-looking box sitting in the water, but at night the birds wind out of their slumber to perform a courtly dance of love. The premise is simple, the blue crane and the pink crane fall for each other – but there is still something magical about this performance, which happens at 8pm every day.

Flashes of light and dramatic music accompany the performance as the large steel structures move gracefully through the night sky, and their chests are emblazoned with large screens that add an extra dimension to the story, which ends with the cranes flying away into the night. It makes a great end to a day at Sentosa theme park.

Location: 8 Sentosa Gateway, Singapore 098269
Open: Daily from 8pm
Phone: +65 6577 8888


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Post time 26-9-2019 10:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ira_229 replied at 26-9-2019 11:58 AM
gi singapore dengan family ke? kalau dengan kawan2 hostel area beach road ni boleh tahan..
dia ad ...

Tq ira, saya famili ber3. Uss tu wajib lps tu nak g singa mulot keluar ayor, mustafa mmm apa lg

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Post time 26-9-2019 10:56 PM | Show all posts
ira_229 replied at 26-9-2019 12:15 PM
dekat zoo takde hotel...jgn bimbang sbb singapore kecik paling jauh journey kurang dari 2 jam..
n ...

from Changi airport to Bugis street, naik apa lebih, husband. anak 4 org ( 2-12 y.o)..nak naik MRT/bas rasa payah la pulak dgn beg beg ni haa..igt nak take grab je ... kaau grab, can take normal sedan ke kami ber6 mcm ni..

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Post time 27-9-2019 03:00 AM | Show all posts
ira_229 replied at 25-9-2019 11:15 PM
dekat zoo takde hotel...jgn bimbang sbb singapore kecik paling jauh journey kurang dari 2 jam..
n ...

thanks, last pergi singapore cam 9 tahun lalu..

tulah, google asyik hotel paling dekat dengan zoo ialah kat johor.
takmaulah duk johor..

memang tak da hotel paling dekat, sebab pikir nak ambil buffet breakfast
kat zoo, kasi anak gayat sikit makan dengan monyet...


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Post time 27-9-2019 03:02 AM | Show all posts
Edited by faraway1 at 26-9-2019 02:09 PM
ira_229 replied at 25-9-2019 10:58 PM
gi singapore dengan family ke? kalau dengan kawan2 hostel area beach road ni boleh tahan..
dia ad ...

menarik tapi share toilet tu cam lemahnya

update, budak try juga tengok date tapi
Ooops! This is an adult-only property, so your children will have nowhere to sleep!


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Post time 27-9-2019 11:48 AM | Show all posts
hidet replied at 26-9-2019 10:56 PM
from Changi airport to Bugis street, naik apa lebih, husband. anak 4 org ( 2-12 y.o)..nak ...

baru teringat...
budak yg masih dipangku mmg tak dibenarkan menaiki grab atau gojek di singapura....mereka harus mengambil taxi..
for mrt (kalau nak berjimat) jika anak u tak lasak n yg 12 tahun tu dah boleh berdikari amat mudah sebab dari airport turun aja dari escalator da station mrt tak payah naik tangga...lepas tu turun kat tanah merah..cuma seberang je ke platform East West (EW) tak payah turun tangga lagi terus ke bugis mrt. dari sana mudah just ambil taxi ke hotel..
jika tidak kena naik taxi dari airport sbb budak yg dipangku mmg kena car seat kalau naik kereta biasa

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Post time 27-9-2019 11:52 AM | Show all posts
faraway1 replied at 27-9-2019 03:00 AM
thanks, last pergi singapore cam 9 tahun lalu..

tulah, google asyik hotel paling dekat dengan z ...

yg monyet ahmeng tu? dah meninggal dah... ada patung dia dijadikan ikon...hihi..
sekarang baru dibaik pulih zoo! dah lama tak pergi..agaknya makin baguslah..

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Post time 27-9-2019 03:53 PM | Show all posts
ira_229 replied at 27-9-2019 11:48 AM
baru teringat...
budak yg masih dipangku mmg tak dibenarkan menaiki grab atau gojek di singapura. ...

thx ira..
still considering nak masuk USS ke tak?
I think baloi kan bcoz my kids dah 6-12y.o.
yg kecik tu je 2y..
i said to them next time tunggu semua besar then datang balik..hihihih....


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Post time 27-9-2019 05:20 PM | Show all posts
faraway1 replied at 27-9-2019 03:00 AM
thanks, last pergi singapore cam 9 tahun lalu..

tulah, google asyik hotel paling dekat dengan z ...

Betul tu area tu tak ada hotel terdekat sebab dia kat kawasan reservior dan chinese cemetary.  Pekan paling dekat pun kalau tak silap area Ang Mo Kio.  Elok duduk tengah town je boleh check dengan pihak accomodation kadang mereka ada service shuttle bus utk gi Zoo nak2 kalau dari area Orchard.

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Post time 20-10-2019 03:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nak tanya.. From Bugis st. To Zoo boleh naik mrt kan.. From zoo tu if na masuk johor.. Macamana ek.. Zoo tu dah area woodlands kan. Ada mrt ke nak sampai ke tempat imi?

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Post time 20-10-2019 05:12 PM | Show all posts
ira_229 replied at 27-9-2019 11:48 AM
baru teringat...
budak yg masih dipangku mmg tak dibenarkan menaiki grab atau gojek di singapura. ...

sis Ira...nak tanya lagi... kalau I google and read budak bawah 135 cm kena pakai carseat son 9 tahun tapi rendah below 135cm pun kena ke..kalau mcm tu total anak anak i yang perlu carseat is like 3..igt nak hire private transfer...nak tambah3 carseat lagi.. tambah $$ lagi laa..huhuh..mmg strict gitu eh ? kalau i amik carseat for my 2 yrs old child je..yang 7 and 9 tu ,x dok atas carseat, ok ke ?

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Post time 20-10-2019 06:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hidet replied at 20-10-2019 05:12 PM
sis Ira...nak tanya lagi... kalau I google and read budak bawah 135 cm kena pakai carseat  ...

Sis..kalau naik grab n gojek kena pakai car seat tapi kalau naik taxi atau private car tak payah car seat..

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Post time 20-10-2019 06:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hidet replied at 20-10-2019 05:12 PM
sis Ira...nak tanya lagi... kalau I google and read budak bawah 135 cm kena pakai carseat  ...

Sis kalau naik gojek atau grab kena pakai car seat tapi kalau taxi atau private car tak payah.

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Post time 20-10-2019 07:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ira_229 replied at 20-10-2019 06:35 PM
Sis kalau naik gojek atau grab kena pakai car seat tapi kalau taxi atau private car tak payah.

Ooo.. Ok. Thanks sis ira

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