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Author: fly_in_d_sky

The Apprentice 3 ~ Sunday TV3 Repeat Thursday 8TV ~ NO SPOILER!!

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Post time 16-7-2005 12:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by burung_pungguk at 7/16/05 of 10:19 AM:

setakat minggu (14/07/05 ) ni dah sampai episod AUDREY kena week JOHN plak...jgn lupa tgk...ok???

thanks burung_pungguk :tq: :tq: lepas john kena pecat baru dier tunjuk scene yang dier tak pernah tunjuk kan? kena tengok nie.. thanks again burung_pungguk...  :tq:  :tq: :tq:

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Post time 16-7-2005 03:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DaoMing_Si at 16-7-2005 12:48:

thanks burung_pungguk :tq: :tq: lepas john kena pecat baru dier tunjuk scene yang dier tak pernah tunjuk kan? kena tengok nie.. thanks again burung_pungguk...  :tq:  :tq: :tq:


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 Author| Post time 17-7-2005 07:50 PM | Show all posts

this week task ...


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Post time 17-7-2005 09:49 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 17/7/2005 19:50:

dari mana awak dpt ni?? :bgrin:

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Post time 17-7-2005 10:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Mieza at 17-7-2005 09:49 PM:

dari mana awak dpt ni?? :bgrin:

"Dari atas meja Donald J. Trump"

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Post time 17-7-2005 11:59 PM | Show all posts
rasa-rasanya kalau Erin tak menyampuk masa last-last tuh, dia kena fired tak?

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Post time 18-7-2005 12:23 AM | Show all posts
nyampah nyer nengok erin tadi... tak abis2 buat muke... pastu cam annoying jer aku tengok.. balik2 guner isu chris kunyah tembakau ngan gune bahasa lucah... bising arr... sib baik craig menang... kalau tak mesti dier kena attack... sian tengok craig buat keje sorang2...

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Post time 18-7-2005 05:56 AM | Show all posts
Erin nih tak serik

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Post time 18-7-2005 10:18 AM | Show all posts
padan muka erin...macam mencabar keputusan mr.trump jer...

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Post time 18-7-2005 10:22 AM | Show all posts
walaupun di 'FIRED' dek DT, tetap bangga ngan ERIN...

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Post time 18-7-2005 11:18 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by August1957 at 17-7-2005 23:59:
rasa-rasanya kalau Erin tak menyampuk masa last-last tuh, dia kena fired tak?

sure tak punye... tu la padah menyampuk...:nana:

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Post time 18-7-2005 11:51 AM | Show all posts
kalau dari segi keje, erin x salah..angie yg x bagi keje...

idea craig x sume x setuju tu rupa2 menjadi...
hehe..mesti diorg malu ngan craig...

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Post time 18-7-2005 02:23 PM | Show all posts
apa yg erin cakap sampai DT naik hangin tu?  padan muka erin coz dah mengada2 plak minah nie.. over confident la tu!!

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Post time 18-7-2005 02:38 PM | Show all posts
mlm tadi tertido :gantuk: terpaksa arr tunggu b'minggu-minggu lagi...

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Post time 18-7-2005 05:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by idase76 at 18-7-2005 02:23 PM:
apa yg erin cakap sampai DT naik hangin tu?  padan muka erin coz dah mengada2 plak minah nie.. over confident la tu!!

DT bagitau yg dia xnak fire Angie sebab dia dengar cakap George ngan Carolyn.

Yg si mangkuk tingkat sekor nih pi bantai tanyer plak "Do you have to?"

Berubah terus muka DT, tambah plak Carolyn cakap "A dumb statement"

Pastu aper lagik, "You know what? Erin, you're fired!"

"Berambus kau dari bilik aku nih!" (kata DT dalam hati)

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 Author| Post time 18-7-2005 08:08 PM | Show all posts

The Comments

Episode 9
Crown Princess Dethroned匸/b]

揂s a former beauty queen I know what a crown is, but I do not know what crown molding is.

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 Author| Post time 18-7-2005 08:24 PM | Show all posts

Episode 9 - 16th July 2005

Engaging in their favorite post-boardroom pastime, the candidates in the suite debated who would return and who would be fired. The door opened and all speculation was put to rest - Erin and Chris walked in and everyone realized that John had been fired. In an interview, Angie said she wasn't surprised that Erin had survived another boardroom. She said that Erin was smart, knew how to talk and, Angie added, "It doesn't hurt, that you know, every time you turn around you see her ass."

At a Magna team meeting, Craig reminded the others that he was the only one who hadn't been Project Manager. Craig said that his time to lead had come. Then Craig took the unique approach of reading something to the team that he had written called "The Company You Keep." Craig said it would help everyone understand him better. But in an interview, Tana admitted she had no idea what the essay meant. After his dramatic reading, Craig led the group in prayer as everyone held hands. In his own interview, Alex said that the team liked Craig, but just didn't understand him. He said that Craig didn't speak clearly or communicate ideas effectively and Alex warned that those issues could spell big trouble for the team.

Magna and Net Worth met Donald along with two executives from Home Depot, Jose Lopez and Christine McVeigh, and learned that for their next task they would put on their own do-it-yourself clinic at a Home Depot store. Their clinics would be judged by Jose and Christine based on product involvement, customer involvement and originality. The winners would be rewarded while the losers would take another trip to the boardroom where someone would be fired. As always, George and Carolyn would be along to observe.

Angie volunteered to be Project Manager for Net Worth, saying that she felt like the Home Depot was the happiest place on earth. But during their brainstorming session, all Erin did was apologize, saying that she didn't know anything about Home Depot. In an interview, Angie was not thrilled and said that you don't have to shop at Home Depot to contribute on the task. In her own interview, Erin had no problem admitting she was out of her depth: "As a former beauty queen, I know what a crown is - but I don't know what crown molding is."

Magna had its own brainstorming session and Craig suggested a clinic about building and decorating a storage trunk. He said you could involve both customers and their children. Tana voiced concern that many stores sell pre-made storage boxes. She worried that the idea just wasn't creative enough. In an interview, Alex echoed the same concerns and called the idea "boring". Tana told Craig that she couldn't get passionate about a box. Frustrated with his team, Craig made the executive decision that their clinic would be about the storage trunk. When Craig was gone, Tana, Alex, Bren and Kendra commiserated. Tana was sure that Net Worth had a more creative clinic idea and soon, she feared, someone on her team would be hearing the words, "You're fired."

At their Home Depot store, Net Worth continued to brainstorm. Stephanie suggested creating a mobile kitchen island for their clinic - basically several shelves on wheels. Angie liked the idea. But when Stephanie and Chris tried to actually build one, they ran into all kinds of problems. For her part, Erin played with a level. In an interview, Angie called her teammates "pathetic" and "morons". Finally, after giving it another shot, Chris and Stephanie managed to put a working model together. Angie said it was "cute" but thought that there was one problem: it took the team seven hours to build.

Craig had his own set of problems on Magna as his team wasn't behind the product he had chosen. The others mocked the project by calling it "the box." Bren said that if Craig didn't like "box" they could call it a "pet coffin." In an interview, Craig said he knew that his team wasn't happy with the project, but that it was time to move forward. When they were alone, Alex and Bren pulled no punches. Alex called the project "the dumbest idea" that he'd ever heard and slammed it as "uncreative." Kendra and Tana said they didn't understand what Craig was talking about most of the time. So, Craig began to prepare for the clinic by himself. Later, Craig pulled his team together and accused members of having bad attitudes. Eventually, he got everyone to recommitt to the task. Although they may not have liked the trunk idea, everyone agreed to make their clinic the best it could be.

On Net Worth, Angie said that Erin had not been involved on the creative side and that she didn't know how to use a hammer, so Angie put Erin in charge of promotions - which meant Erin tried to gather Home Depot shoppers to attend the clinic. Angie, Stephanie and Chris presented the project to the patrons as they built a mobile kitchen cabinet. Stephanie told the Home Depot shoppers that one of the great things about the project was that they could have it done in fifteen minutes. Unfortunately, it was taking the team much more than fifteen minutes to build the cabinet - especially after factoring in the problems, like when Chris put the base shelf on upside down. Jose noticed how long it was taking the team to build the project and a customer commented that it looked too complicated.

At Magna's clinic, Craig and the others set out trunks in various stages of completion. Kids decorated a few of the painted trunks on display while the adults learned how to build them from scratch. The clinic was hands on, literally, as Tana helped children put their painted handprints on one of the trunks. In an interview, Kendra admitted that Craig was right on the mark with the box - it was simple, engaging and involved the whole family. She admitted that they hadn't given the idea the respect it deserved. Bren said that while Craig was brilliant, he had a hard time getting ideas across.

Finally, with both clinics over, everyone met to learn who had won the task. Jose criticized Net Worth for not involving the customer enough. He said that the team missed the do-it-yourself aspect of the clinic. On the other hand, Christine showered Magna with praise. She said that she had never seen a clinic that involved parents along with children. Plus, she said, the clinic inspired customers to buy products. The clear winner was Magna! For its reward, Magna, whose members were walking on air, would literally walk on air. They would board a 727 and experience weightlessness during a special flight offered by a company called Zero-G. Net Worth would stay planted firmly on the ground and return to the boardroom where someone would be fired.

In the suite, Angie planned her boardroom strategy. Even though she was convinced that Erin would survive because she "created some kind of electricity with Trump" and because she was "flirtatious and pretty," Angie was determined to bring her in to face the firing. But Erin wasn't worried. She said that every time she enters the boardroom, she's "poignant" and "accurate," while her teammates "talk themselves into the grave."

Decked out in flight suits and shades, the members of Magna Corp strutted onto the tarmac and into the G-Force One, a specially-modified Boeing 727-200 cargo aircraft approved by the FAA to conduct weightless flight. And soon, the candidates were floating around onboard as if they were in outer space. Everyone had a great time and Kendra called it the "coolest reward." But Kendra also admitted that no one besides Craig really deserved to be enjoying it.

The members of Net Worth in their business suits entered the boardroom, ready to face the G-Forces offered by Donald Trump. Donald was all business and asked Angie why the team lost. Angie said that they were outnumbered. She said that the team had one less physical body, plus Erin had checked out before the task began - so really, they were down by two team members. Trump turned to Erin and said he heard that she was "terrible." Erin defended herself but admitted that she wasn't familiar with Home Depot. Angie shot back that she had never run a do-it-yourself clinic before but rolled up her sleeves and gave it a shot. Erin claimed that Angie was the reason the team lost. Trump then focused on Angie and said that she made many terrible decisions - including the key decision of the clinic project. Erin then took a shot at Chris, saying that he lacked professionalism and chewed tobacco all day long. Chris admitted he had "a dip in" during the task and Trump said that he would not hire a person who chews tobacco. Trump asked Stephanie who was at fault. Stephanie said that the Project Manager was, but before she could continue, Trump cut her off. Finally, Trump asked Angie who would be going up to the safety of the suite. Angie said that Stephanie would. Trump seemed surprised and asked, "Even though she just killed you?" Angie said yes, the two people who performed the worst were Erin and Chris.

After all of the candidates left the boardroom, Trump asked his advisors for their thoughts. George said that Angie was a good leader. Carolyn said that Angie was the only person on the team who made decisions. Trump countered that she may have made decisions but they were bad decisions. After the three candidates returned, Trump told Angie that, on the advice of George and Carolyn, he would not be firing her - unless she said something really stupid. Wisely, Angie was quiet as Erin and Chris began to battle it out. Chris said that he worked to the best of his ability during the task and Erin did not. Erin admitted that she was out of her element in Home Depot, but said that Chris had a hot temper and needed adult supervision. Trump asked Chris if he had an anger problem and Chris said that he did not. Then Trump came back to something that he just couldn't get past - he repeated that he could not hire someone who chewed tobacco. So, Chris declared that he would quit chewing, right then and there. Chris told Trump that if he chewed again, Trump could fire him. Then, George brought up the fact that Erin did not make the presentation and all of a sudden, Angie was vulnerable again. Trump asked Angie why Erin, the strongest presenter, did not present during the clinic. Trump reiterated that he was not thrilled with keeping Angie around, but he said that he had to listen to his advisors. With a wink, Erin chimed in with, "Do you have to?" Carolyn called that "a dumb statement" - and Trump told Erin, "You are a wise guy." Then, he said, "You know what?
Erin, you're fired."

source : The Apprentince 3 Official Site

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 Author| Post time 18-7-2005 08:27 PM | Show all posts

Lesson Learned ...

Involve Customers for Sales Success

"Satisfying customers is an organization's primary reason for being. And when we involve customers actively in the selling process, we have a better chance of turning prospects into buyers and occasional buyers into lifetime loyalists," said Edward T. Reilly, president and CEO of American Management Association. He offered the following advice:

# Get the prospective customer involved. From test-driving a car to trying on clothes, from sampling a seminar to choosing appliances, the more people are involved in the selling process, the more likely they are to buy-and buy with enthusiasm.

# Listen-and never interrupt. The more you learn from the customer, the more you will understand his or her needs and be able to tailor your demonstration or sales pitch. If a customer strays off the subject, you can always direct him or her back with a question. So, be patient, and listen more than you talk.

# Give verbal and visual signals. Continually let the buyer know that he or she is being listened to or the individual will stop talking. Nod your head, keep eye contact and provide verbal cues to let the buyer know you are aware of what is going on.

# Demonstrate the product or service. This lets the customer test or sample the product. The more familiar and comfortable with the product, the more likely he or she will buy it.

# Focus on benefits, not features. Ensure that the benefits have been clearly articulated and are linked to customer needs. The more measurable the benefits, the more compelling your sales appeal.

# Use testimonials. Statements from current customers about how efficient, effective or easy it is to use your product, can interest a prospective customer to hear more.

# Tell the buyer stories that back up your claims. Be sure that everything you say is true. Don't tell tall tales or make promises that you can't keep.

# Watch your language. People aren't always comfortable in the "buying and selling process." So switch to the term "own." People like to own something-it makes them feel secure.

# Don't rely on your brochures. People don't buy professional services or most products based on the content in handouts. They buy based on the appearance and demeanor of the salesperson, the interest he or she generates in the service or product, and their own personal needs and desires.

# Give options that all lead to closure. Say, "Which do you want-the red or the green?" "Shall we deliver in June or July?" "Will you be sending two or three people?"

# Demonstrate care. Follow-up to make sure expectations have been met. And call before bad news might reach the customer-before he or she calls you. Remember, you're looking to build a long-term relationship.

source : The Apprentince 3 Official Site

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Post time 18-7-2005 09:23 PM | Show all posts
tak ku sangka Erin tue cam tue...mmg terkejutlah tgk perangai dia semlm...agaknye dia pk DT x akan pecat dia kot..tu pasal dia jadi sombong semacam..

Team magna mesti malu ngan craig..tapi betul gak kata bren, si craig ni tak pandai bagitau org apa yg dia nak..tu pasal masa mula-mula dia cakap nak buat peti tue, semua tak setuju..pasal nampak cam tak menarik jer..tapi salute ngan Kendra coz mengaku sikap dia dan team magna yang lain tak baik buat camtu kat craig..

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Post time 18-7-2005 11:19 PM | Show all posts
nampak sgt erin da besar kepala semlm...

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