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Author: RatuDunia94


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Post time 18-11-2017 07:24 AM | Show all posts
sape sini rasa miss south africa tu ada iras ala ala fazura?  cuma fazura muka bujur, si demi tu muka bulat...

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Post time 18-11-2017 07:43 AM | Show all posts
guys....xperlu layan and reply kot diorg tu dah. xbest. makin gaduh pulak. lets just focus to our dear sammy..xsalah klu nk discuss pasal contestant klu dah macam overshadow, dah x best pulak. expect kita akan puji ke? kalau cantik sentiasa and sesangat cam miss thailand tu xpe la.suka la jugak tgk. kang kutuk, sentap pulakkk

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Post time 18-11-2017 09:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
princess_mia replied at 18-11-2017 07:13 AM
i looooovve sgt2 how sammy carry herself.i pun jd smgt tgk sammy selamba badak camni. she's very c ...

Hope she did her best. I tak rasa pun dia kisah sgt kalau dia kalah kot.
Mengenali sammy di ig sebelum ni she just a fun girl yg sgt yakin hahaha. I rasa dia betul2 enjoy dikelilingi ramai gadis cantik like her. Yg penting sheols dpt berkawan ramai2.

Pasal org annoying tu tak mustahil la.. but its ok.. at least kita da penah ada macam2 wakil sebelum ni yg pendiam.. yg pemalu.. yg sweet je.. now kita ada yg outgoing.. kita tgkla camne hasilnya.

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Post time 18-11-2017 09:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by eddysheddy at 18-11-2017 10:48 AM
Rori replied at 18-11-2017 03:37 AM
Bonngok indonesia sering kena bencana karena terletak di Pasifik ring of fire, sama macam Philli ...

Eh.. maybe it can make u stop to be so proud with your pageant things sampai korang sanggup cerca2 negara lain.. walaupun sash kami weak.. biarlah kami ngan cara kami.. yg kalian dengki sangat dgn negara kami yang weak sash ni pasal apa.. pertikai wakil kami la.. pertikai natcos kami la.. tak perlu rasa tergugat.. Kalian powerhouse. Go for the crown!
Stop ask us why we dont send malay.
Weols tak dengki pun sgt dgn negara2 lain yg hebat2 atau merasakan yg negara kami takde yg cantik2 atau berbakat.. sebab weols know that pertandingan pageant bukan dibuka utk semua org di malaysia.  Ada raaaaamai lagi cantik2, vazz2 dan meletop catwalk di malaysia. Is like u see macam mana tuti dan shikin mengubah fenomena di asia next top model.

I think some countries surprise with us when they watch asia next top model....negara yg selama ni di pentas pageant lemah, sendu dan tidak pernah menyerlah really have so much killers!

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Post time 18-11-2017 09:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by eddysheddy at 18-11-2017 09:58 AM
pembisikmaut replied at 18-11-2017 12:59 AM
Mudah-mudahan harapan anda dikabulkan agar Malaysia menjadi pemenang Miss Uiverse tahun 2017 ... ...

To be honest.. i dont dream that big.. tak pernah mengimpikan sammy or Malaysia to menang that crown.. hahaha
Yg penting dapat lepas semi pun its just enough. At least dapat menamatkan kemarau atau takde la nampak teruk sgt kami ni hahaha

Maybe top 5 will be amazing dah haha

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Post time 18-11-2017 10:15 AM | Show all posts
Edited by pembisikmaut at 18-11-2017 10:20 AM
eddysheddy replied at 18-11-2017 09:25 AM
Eh.. maybe it can make u stop to be so proud with your pageant things sampai korang sanggup cerca2 negara lain.. walaupun sash kami weak.. biarlah kami ngan cara kami.. yg kalian dengki sangat dgn negara kami yang weak sash ni pasal apa.. tak perlu rasa tergugat.. Kalian powerhouse. Go for the crown!
Stop ask us why we dont send malay.
Weols tak dengki pun sgt dgn negara2 lain yg hebat2 atau merasakan yg negara kami takde yg cantik2 atau berbakat.. sebab weols know that pertandingan pageant bukan dibuka utk semua org di malaysia.  Ada raaaaamai lagi cantik2, vazz2 dan meletop catwalk di malaysia. Is like u see macam mana tuti dan shikin mengubah fenomena di asia next top model.

Woow ... peliknya mendengan arguemtasi anda .. bukankah melakukan pembiaran atas bermacam-macam kontes-kontes kecantikan yang selama ini dianggap HARAM oleh majority umat kerana dilarang dan bertentangan oleh akidah agama islam .. sama saja dosanya dengan melakukan perbuatan itu ...

Bila pihak kerajaa Malaysia dan umat dengan tegas dan lantang berkata ... NO ... agar tidak dikatakan sebagai "munafik"  ..Contohlah Arab Saudik yang hingga kini secara konsisten melarang semua kontes-kontes itu di negaranya ....

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Post time 18-11-2017 10:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pembisikmaut replied at 18-11-2017 10:15 AM
Woow ... peliknya mendengan arguemtasi anda .. bukankah melakukan pembiaran atas bermacam-macam ko ...

Kami di malaysia konsepnya hanya org islam je tak boleh masuk. Kami takdelah rigid sgt sampai halang org bukan islam masuk pulak

Di malaysia secara keseluruhannya kami sebenarnya modest country.. kami tidak ekstrem seperti di indonesia misalnya di aceh. Saje keluarkan fakta ini memandangkan ada sesetengah kalian menyifatkan kami lebih ekstremis sampai kami pulak tergelak.

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Post time 18-11-2017 10:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dah la chuols. Jgn layan provokasi lagi. Kita nak happy2 je kat sini ...cuci mata tengok gelagat Sammy yg bubbly


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Post time 18-11-2017 10:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eddysheddy replied at 18-11-2017 09:25 AM
Eh.. maybe it can make u stop to be so proud with your pageant things sampai korang sanggup cerc ...

Agree ! Wakil anda memang jelita & sangat outstanding. Wakil anda memang hebat. Semoga crown MU 2017 jadi milik Bunga.

Jadi, tak perlu rasa tergugat dgn wakil kami yg sekian lama terlihat lemah di mata dunia.

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Post time 18-11-2017 10:58 AM | Show all posts
haznor replied at 18-11-2017 10:39 AM
Dah la chuols. Jgn layan provokasi lagi. Kita nak happy2 je kat sini ...cuci mata tengok gelagat Sam ...

yup. xyah je under provocation. senang. sensitif okay bila ada warganegara lain sebok nk provoke...x aman kita nk mengutuk ke memuji ke...xbest

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Post time 18-11-2017 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Rori replied at 18-11-2017 03:37 AM
Bonngok indonesia sering kena bencana karena terletak di Pasifik ring of fire, sama macam Philli ...

sorry, I dont entertain stupidity...this is our queen's house, so would you mind please?

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Post time 18-11-2017 11:50 AM | Show all posts
eddysheddy replied at 17-11-2017 09:50 PM
Gila berani pompuan ni.. kalau perasan baju ni baru hari kedua sampai tapi seems like everyone love  ...

my god....i am so proud of her..this is the first time ever miss kita yg xkontrol cantik sebab dh mmg sedia cantik!....yg dedulu tu acah2 ratu sgt...thanks Sammy!!..

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Post time 18-11-2017 11:51 AM | Show all posts
eddysheddy replied at 18-11-2017 09:25 AM
Eh.. maybe it can make u stop to be so proud with your pageant things sampai korang sanggup cerc ...

Agree. I pun feel the same pasal Asia NTM model yg most countries dah start terbuka mata dgn talent2 modelling drp negara kita. Samalah jugak dgn I yg follow ASNTM tu and notice Vietnam pun actually sebenarnya banyak talent in modelling and they are so serious about it.

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Post time 18-11-2017 11:52 AM | Show all posts
pembisikmaut replied at 18-11-2017 12:59 AM
Mudah-mudahan harapan anda dikabulkan agar Malaysia menjadi pemenang Miss Uiverse tahun 2017 ... ...

SEE when a no brainer types...excuse us, we dont entertain stupidity here....

just scroll to Instagram and do your sashy-so-called thing right there

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Post time 18-11-2017 11:56 AM | Show all posts
eddysheddy replied at 18-11-2017 09:25 AM
Eh.. maybe it can make u stop to be so proud with your pageant things sampai korang sanggup cerc ...

kan..aku rasa kita hantar tuti tp versi rambut panjang pun konfirm2 la top 5 uols...memandangkan skang ni mmg zaman exotic...dan latina as always

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Post time 18-11-2017 11:58 AM | Show all posts
sam_survivor replied at 18-11-2017 11:51 AM
Agree. I pun feel the same pasal Asia NTM model yg most countries dah start terbuka mata dgn talen ...

sebab tu kita tgk model kt Malaysia esp top model semua Melayu kan...
sebab dorg tak perlu nak kena berbogel mcm Flowerinj


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Post time 18-11-2017 12:12 PM | Show all posts
dazzlingDentist replied at 17-11-2017 07:37 PM
Ehhh.. momod mana momod? Bt keje please.. Tlg la block acik indo ni. Setakat nk provoke2...cari gadu ...

Hmm, Indo people tak tahu nak komen macam mana. Diorang ni mana-mana sosial media asal ada yg melibatkan Malaysia je komen tak pernah nak elok-elok, suka nak cemuh Malaysia. Kat FB ke kat Insta ke even FB tu or Insta tu bukan own by Malaysian or Malaysian yg handle penuhlah komen orang-orang ni esp kalau ada post gambar Malaysian punya peserta.

Tak pelik lah dgn perangai orang seberang tu sebab kalau diorang tak puas hati je pasal satu-satu issue terus pergi embassy Malaysia buat demo, even kalau bukan pasal Malaysia pun, isu-isu dalam negara je kalau tak puas hati buat demo, macam dah jadi satu budaya. Apa yg I nampak memang diorg ni macam dulu lagi perangai memberontak kuat sangat, and diorg sangat proud sebab merdeka dgn cara pertumpahan darah dgn Belanda. And cakap negara Malaysia ni tak struggle macam diorg masa nak merdeka sebab kita ni diberi merdeka percuma je drp British. Walhal punyalah orang dulu-dulu susah nak dapatkan merdeka ulang alik London berbincang secara diplomasi yg bukannya dapat sehari semalam. Belum lagi cerita zaman Jepun yg atuk nenek kita semua kena dera pancung bagai dgn tentera Jepun tu.


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Post time 18-11-2017 12:14 PM | Show all posts
AppropriateNick replied at 18-11-2017 11:58 AM
sebab tu kita tgk model kt Malaysia esp top model semua Melayu kan...
sebab dorg tak perlu nak ke ...

Kan, semuanya start with Tuti, then Shikin. Lepas ni harap-harap dapat best candidate Melayu lagi.

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Post time 18-11-2017 12:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Baru nk masuk benang..time kiran haritu i berkuntum hari2 kt benang ni. Mcm biasa selalu je ada provokasi..boring btol!

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Post time 18-11-2017 12:32 PM | Show all posts
A quote I took from Missosology forum.  I believe this is from Phillipne fan to Indo fan.

"LISTEN YOU KAMPUNG AYAM: Indonesian girls in Miss Universe have long been cellar dwellers in ALL beauty pageants, major and minor ones, so DO NOT and NEVER discount the fact that their training in the Philippines is a MAJOR FACTOR in their placements. You and all pageant fans in your country NEED TO RECOGNIZE this FACT because this TRUTH is as clear as sunlight.

YOUR TEAM DOES NOT HAVE THE EXPERTISE that the Filipino camps have developed here over the years. One simply has to look at the achievements of the Indonesian girls who were trained here. Filipino fans were not ingrates when our girls trained in Venezuela and Colombia a decade ago. Fans here recognized the valuable training these countries provided to our girls, especially in their pasarelas. We GIVE CREDIT TO WHERE IT IS DUE! For you to say that training is 0.000000001% out of 100% of a girl's chances to win in pageants is BULLSHIT! Cos if that is the case then Indonesia should have long been a powerhouse in pageants. But no, cos your girls got SHITTY TRAINING if there is at all since you decided to join pageants. If their training is of no value, THEN WHY THE HELL BOTHER SENDING YOUR GIRLS TO THE PHILIPPINES?! You think your girls are all that just because you won that SHITTY MGI and got your FIRST AND ONLY MI CROWN?? Well you Kampung Ayam should think again, and think hard, because it would take your country EONS OF YEARS to surpass what the Philippines has achieved in the field of pageants.

And even if Bunga wins Miss Universe, that will still not make Indonesia a powerhouse! NO, NOT IN YOUR OR MY LIFETIME! Truth to be told, Indonesian fans like you are acting as if your girls are nature's gift to the world, when in fact they are but POOR REPLICAS of the Filipina queens they wish they were and you fans are foolish to think that your girls this year would bring your country to the pageant powerhouse status, NO KAMPUNG AYAM, a powerhouse country is not made in one year, not by one pageant, and certainly not by training camps. POWERHOUSES ARE MADE BY A LONG LIST OF ACTUAL WINNERS AND RUNNERS UP IN MULTIPLE PAGEANTS, which obviously Indonesia or any other Southeast Asian country have yet to achieve. So to you Kampung Ayam, and all you bitter fans in that part of the world, LISTEN AND LISTEN WELL: IT WILL TAKE A FRIGGIN LIFETIME FOR YOU TO REACH THE LEVEL OF THE PHILIPPINES IN Miss Universe AND MANY TIMES A TURTLE'S LIFETIME TO ACHIEVE THE COUNTRY'S LONG WINNING STREAK IN ALL PAGEANTS.

If you do not recognize that then you might as well go live inside Borobudur and talk to its walls until it gets convinced by your DELUSIONS! MAKASIH!!!"

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