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Author: 0001

Kongsi Gambar2 Artwork Korang Version 2

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Post time 5-9-2008 06:28 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 6-9-2008 12:24 AM | Show all posts

[ Last edited by  angriani at 6-9-2008 12:25 AM ]



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Post time 6-9-2008 10:27 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by 0001 at 5-9-2008 11:03 AM

Thanks... hehe... aku rasa macam pernah tengok jer gambar budak mata sepet tu... tapi di mana ek?

sama sama

pernah ker tgk ??? ada sowang porumer nie kasi pada amoi lor...tapi id dia dirahsiakan nnt mod kenal ar

bro ada org CARI?panggil bro kat sini ... &extra=page%3D1  

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Post time 6-9-2008 10:29 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cinta_ungu at 5-9-2008 05:46 PM


effect tue gune outer glow saje amoi...
yang dekat blending option tue...

sbb kite potong tak cantek..terpakselah kaver sket kan....

wokeh cin...nnt amoi cuba   

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 Author| Post time 6-9-2008 11:18 AM | Show all posts

Reply #624 aamoi's post

Err... bukan ke aku yg bagi tu dulu?

There's a good ebook aku nak bagi ko... pasal PS ni... nanti aku carikan dulu.

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Post time 6-9-2008 12:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #626 0001's post

nak jgk boleh?

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Post time 6-9-2008 12:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by

0001 at 6-9-2008 11:18 AM
Err... bukan ke aku yg bagi tu dulu?

There's a good ebook aku nak bagi ko... pasal PS ni... nanti aku carikan dulu.

alarr..................bro nie...pecahkan rahsia tu nape
thanks bro. amoi tunggu ya

busan takde kerja, maka terhasil ler

[ Last edited by  aamoi at 6-9-2008 12:55 PM ]



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Post time 6-9-2008 05:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aamoi at 6-9-2008 12:33 PM

alarr..................bro nie...pecahkan rahsia tu nape
thanks bro. amoi tunggu ya

busan takde kerja, maka terhasil ler ...

kucen yang ngantuk kew amoi yang ngantuk...

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Post time 6-9-2008 06:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cinta_ungu at 6-9-2008 05:22 PM

kucen yang ngantuk kew amoi yang ngantuk...

kucen arr...

memandangkan cin yg pes amoi jumpa.....ekkeeke...
jemput rasa kuih raya baru kuar dari oven bebaik panas lagi tu



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Post time 6-9-2008 06:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aamoi at 6-9-2008 06:09 PM

kucen arr...

memandangkan cin yg pes amoi jumpa.....ekkeeke...
jemput rasa kuih raya baru kuar dari oven bebaik panas lagi tu ...

yeaayyy...shedapppnyeee nampak kueh tue...

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Post time 6-9-2008 10:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by MrsOney at 1-9-2008 01:44 PM

hi aamoi,
oney tlg jwp soklan aamoi cay..
tp oney bknla expert sgt guna cs3 ni..
oney jwp based on ape yg oney tau jek..

1.font leh masuk effect --> gi kat style..kat ctu ade byk effect utkfont or aamoi leh guna blending option cam ms_chrome mention
2.frame pon ade --> kat custom shape tool or aamoi leh wat sendrik then modify guna style or blending option
3.cute2 img? mean kat cs3 ke? kalo nak senang aamoi carik jek kat tenetcute2 img tue or aamoi guna brushes or guna custom shape tool kat cs3

no. 1-style- amoinyer cuma ada regular je...yg lain takde pong. arrow box tu mcm mati, tak leh klik.<arrow box tu klu jenis font kita klik kan kuar listing jenis font>

klu ikut side bar yg box sebelah kanan<yg mod 0001 ajar> pun hanya ada regular gak

no-2- custom shape langsung amoi tak dpt kesan...kat mana diamnya...

Originally posted by 0001 at 2-9-2008 10:37 AM

1. Font leh letak effects... tapi kena Rasterise dia dulu... LAYER >RASTERIZE TYPE. Kemudian leh guna Filters etc... Photoshop takde Texteffects yg dah sedia ada... senang kalau install plugin macam LokasArtistic Effects atau guna Actions.
2. No frames
3. takde cute2 images cam kat software2 cam PhotoImpact dll.

no.1- ok dah pass....tapi tang Filters tu..tak chantek ar effect dia
dah install Lokas Artistic tu..pastu mcm mana nak guna dia.amoi klik takde menda pun yg kuar..balik2 installation  successful

Originally posted by 0001 at 2-9-2008 10:50 AM

1. Buka image background tu.
2. Select all (CTRL + A).
3. Copy (CTRL + C)
4. Bukak new document... ikut default settings.
5. Pastekan kat new document tu CTRL + V).
6. Now leh gerak2 kan background image tu.

yg nie pun pass    

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Post time 7-9-2008 04:58 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 7-9-2008 06:37 PM | Show all posts

Balas #632 aamoi\ catat

Lokas Artistic Tools tu dia kena guna ikut dalam PS... gi kat menu... Filters > Lokas Artistic Tools > Pilih effect mana ko nak... try AQUA first. Dia akan buka effects tu nyer window and ko boleh adjust2 lagi. Pastikan serial di letakkan masa first time buka Window tu.

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Post time 7-9-2008 07:01 PM | Show all posts

Balas #634 0001\ catat

wokeh boss...nnt cuba

selamat berbuka :time:   

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Post time 7-9-2008 09:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by 0001 at 7-9-2008 06:37 PM
Lokas Artistic Tools tu dia kena guna ikut dalam PS... gi kat menu... Filters > Lokas Artistic Tools > Pilih effect mana ko nak... try AQUA first. Dia akan buka effects tu nyer window and ko bole ...

lokas artistic tools tue untuk ape..
ade dlm ps3 je kew...

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 Author| Post time 8-9-2008 10:14 AM | Show all posts

Reply #636 cinta_ungu's post

No... tu extra plugin utk Photoshop:

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Post time 8-9-2008 01:08 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 8-9-2008 08:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by 0001 at 4-7-2008 08:49 PM
Nak tayang sket... ... tengah rehat2 antara buat kerja, aku buat new search page aku based on codes dari tred ni:

Google Page Gune Nama Korang ...

link nie tak leh bukak pun <pg 10>   

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Post time 8-9-2008 09:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by 0001 at 8-9-2008 10:14 AM
No... tu extra plugin utk Photoshop:

yg nie ler amoi download aritu...nmpk mcm chantek2 je..nnt test.

lagi satu nak tanya, amoi selalu nmpk mod 0001 ngan oobi yg guna, background yg kerawang2 tu..mana nak dpt???


cin punya nie yg bunga tu amik mana? yg lalang bawah tu amoinyer ada lerr..   

yg nie lak, butterfly amik dari man??   

penat selak dari page 1, jwpan amoi sumer ada dlm link nie tak?? dah bukak link nie tapi lum sempat explore lagi    
Originally posted by 0001 at 10-7-2008 10:12 PM

Sementara ko tunggu reply dari cinta_ungu, cuba ko gi buat search kat - search for 'photoshop brushes'.

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 Author| Post time 8-9-2008 09:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aamoi at 8-9-2008 08:09 PM

link nie tak leh bukak pun      

Ada link tu:

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