All about Republic of Turkey (Istanbul etc...) PART 2
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Peterpan17 posted on 28-3-2013 02:59 PM 
Tapikan awak, apa beza dua airport ni ek?? Klu flight dari Malaysia landing kat Airport Atartuk ke ...
hahahaha .. location, location, location uolllssss .. hahahahaha ..
satu kat ngan city centre, lagi satu nunnn jauh di sana .. hahahahah ..
tapi yang i perasan lah kannnnn, yang sabiha itewww, coverage destination dia tak lah se-gempaks coverage istanbul ataturk, which is seantero !!! istanbul sabiha serves mostly yurop countries, london and sebelah2 tu jah ..
izmir pulak, yang iolls nampaks, serve mostly yang kat belah sinun, middle east, and some yurop counytries ..
kalau salah, mahap kan hamba .. huhu ..
hihi .. germany eks !!! welkomin, welkomin, jomlah kita bergeder2 ke yurop, dah dekat sangat uolls ..
turki ni, is transit jah ..
pas tu kan, dari munich tu kan, dah dekat tawwww, kalau nak ke swiss, zurich !!! aigooooo
boleh lah uolls lajak terus ke lauterbraunen .. !!! hee haaaa heee haaaaa ..
saja nak tambah lagi pak aji kat you kan, dari munich tu kan, kalau nak ke salzburg, 2 jam jer youuu, naik trennn !!!
boleh lah ber-lala-lala-land kat tanah tumpah sound of music, yang lagu kanak-kanak, do a deer tu..
lagi kan, dari munich tu, kalau nak ke venice, nak merasa be-romantika ber-gondola, naik tren is 8 hours jah .. naik flight lagi lah laju kannnn ... ekekekeke ..
uissshhh, banyak lagi citer, tapi pause dulu kat sini, kang uolls fenin, rambang mata, iolls tak bertanggungjawabbbb .. hahahaha
lupa lah pulak you, MAS landing kat ataturk taww !!!
Last edited by aishahahmad on 28-3-2013 03:23 PM
kawahapi posted on 28-3-2013 03:17 PM 
You nak sewa kereta ke nanti kat sana?
Since I'm going with my kids, I x boleh nak lompat sana si ...
Ah!! kita org sewa keta malas nak hop sana sini mcm u gak. Lg pun klu sewa keta byk benda blh tgk. Istanbul ke Cappodica jauh. 730km. So kami akan stop break in between kat Ankara. Klu tak nak driving jauh2, u all blh naik flight. Kita org plan drive dr Istanbul/Ankara/Cappodia pastu drop keta kat airport Cappodocia baru naik flight back to Istanbul. |
aishahahmad posted on 28-3-2013 03:22 PM 
hahahaha .. location, location, location uolllssss .. hahahahaha ..
satu kat ngan city centre, ...
oh!! itu mcm. heheheheeh!! huhuhu!!! mmg dah tergoda abis ni dgn cerita u. Klu ikutkan nafsu nak kutaram semuannya. Nak lg kisah Sound of Music tu. Time bebudak mmg itu makanan kita org. BTW, since dr Turkey nak eropah tu, kena lak kita apply visa dak dr Malaysia?? Ingat pasni nak gi terjah embassy2 jap cari info. Mgkn dlm minggu depan kot. Excited kemain lagi ni.
Yg I tau, pi Turkey Malaysia tak perlu visa tp negara2 europe tu kenalah chk. Last edited by Peterpan17 on 28-3-2013 03:31 PM
Peterpan17 posted on 28-3-2013 03:27 PM 
Ah!! kita org sewa keta malas nak hop sana sini mcm u gak. Lg pun klu sewa keta byk benda blh tgk. ...
Kat Cappadocia (how do you pronounce this anyway?) tu I ambik day tour jek ok x?
meaning I based kat Istanbul jek
Ke gila nak buat mcm tu? 
kawahapi posted on 28-3-2013 03:47 PM 
Kat Cappadocia (how do you pronounce this anyway?) tu I ambik day tour jek ok x?
meaning I based ...
Ntahlah mcm mana nak sebut. Sy sebut ikut ejaan. hehehehe! Klu naik plane gi Cappadocia, then smp sana blh join tour. I baca blog org, ramai gak yg buat camtu. Tp klu u drive, then stop kat Ankara mcm sy cakap tu, u ada kelebihan utk stop whenever,wherever you nak. Tp klu time u limited, baik fly je ke Cappadocia. Not sure klu u blh buat day trip coz kena cost in time u fly tu. I ingat nak susun balik my program psl Aishah dah hasut sy gi Europe lebih. Heheheh!! |
Peterpan17 posted on 28-3-2013 03:53 PM 
Ntahlah mcm mana nak sebut. Sy sebut ikut ejaan. hehehehe! Klu naik plane gi Cappadocia, then smp ...
We have to rule out driving because neither of us has international license
I rasa naik flight la senang then kat sana ambik tour kan?
Ish bnyk nak study ni!
Kitaorg nak round Turkey jek la
Next time baru gi negara2 Eropah yg lain
kawahapi posted on 28-3-2013 04:02 PM 
We have to rule out driving because neither of us has international license
I rasa naik flight la ...
Blh apply tu International Driving Permit kat JPJ. RM150 valid for 1 year. I dah guna 2x IDP tu. Sekali kat Korea & baru2 ni kat NZ. Dlm masa 1 tahun sy guna 2x. Taklah rugi.
You fly to Cappadocia pastu blh join tour. Ada yg tido 1 mlm, ada yg tido 2mlm depending type tour you join. You all plan nak gi Turki berapa ari?
Sy amik 20 hari & mgkn 1 minggu spend kat Europe, Munich/Zurich. Yg dua tmpt dah confirm tp yg Salzburg tu msh dlm pertimbangan. |
Peterpan17 posted on 28-3-2013 04:06 PM 
Blh apply tu International Driving Permit kat JPJ. RM150 valid for 1 year. I dah guna 2x IDP tu. S ...
Oh apply mcm tu jek ek?
Ingat kena ambik test ke apa
Kitaorg 10days kat sana
25hb tu touchdown at 6am but mesti melepek kepenatan nak gi jln ke apa kan 
I google tours ke Cappadocia ni, not bad gak la
Ada yg ambik dr hotel kat Ist & ada yg tunggu kat sana je
Peterpan17 posted on 28-3-2013 04:06 PM 
Blh apply tu International Driving Permit kat JPJ. RM150 valid for 1 year. I dah guna 2x IDP tu. S ...
zurich ??? munich ??? salzburg dalam pertimbangan ???
yeayyy , kite geng !!!
lets do homework togeder2, jangan lupa check in umah yurop, k .. umah germany, sunyi, iolls ala-ala kebuhsanan gitu ..
yuhuuuuuu @whiteberry .. korum dah bertambah ..
yuhuuuuuuu @LelaRentaka7 .. nantikan terjahan @Peterpan17 Last edited by aishahahmad on 28-3-2013 04:58 PM
kawahapi posted on 28-3-2013 04:13 PM 
Oh apply mcm tu jek ek?
Ingat kena ambik test ke apa
ah!! jap je apply tu. Isi borang, bawa 3 keping gambar passport size & copy of IC. Submit kat JPJ. Tak smp 10 minit siap. Byr RM150, selesai.
Amik dr hotel Istanbul u mean?? Atau u kena gi airport sendiri fly to Cappacodia & durang tunggu kat Cappadocia airport? |
aishahahmad posted on 28-3-2013 04:55 PM 
zurich ??? munich ??? salzburg dalam pertimbangan ???
yeayyy , kite geng !!!
hhahahaha!! sy dah termakan racun u. Ingat mula2 nak terjah Germany je, pastu dah termakan hasutan u, nak selitkan gak zurich. Yg Salzburg tu nak bincang2 dulu dgn hubby. Kirannya itinerary kami kena tukar sketlah.
Terjah, jgn tak terjah europe board. Ramai2 kita terjah tp u all jalan dlm thn ni. Sy awal thn depan, lama lg. Heheheh!! |
Peterpan17 posted on 28-3-2013 05:14 PM 
hhahahaha!! sy dah termakan racun u. Ingat mula2 nak terjah Germany je, pastu dah termakan hasutan ...
before i kol it a day, sila servei adria airlines !!!! kotssss lah mengancammmmssss uolsss ... ekekeke
Last edited by aishahahmad on 28-3-2013 05:49 PM
aishahahmad posted on 28-3-2013 05:21 PM 
before i kol it a day, sila servei adria airlines !!!! kotssss mengancammmmssss ... ekekeke
abislah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kena racun lagi. hahahhaha!!! |
jayn2u posted on 29-3-2013 01:11 AM 
Salam..I dah email...
Thank you! Hot air ballon tu budak2 boleh naik ke ek?
My kids are 7 & 4yo
Peterpan17 posted on 28-3-2013 12:51 PM 
aiseh!! bawa cooker?? Hahahahah!! tak naklah, malas nak memberat beg. Kita org travel light. Klu m ...
Beb ade byk gk self-catering apartment kat Istanbul (and also other parts of turkey)...itu hari pun I stayed kat Hagia Sophia Apartment..fully equipped kitchenette..stove, peti sejuk, microwave, utensils, rice cooker (is provided upon request) semua ada..kami pun masak gk hari tu...groceries pun sng nk dpt kt mini/hyper market..klo u browse accommodation dlm website u boleh narrow down ur preferences nk amik fully equipped apartment..gud luck beb...
Last edited by mypleasure on 29-3-2013 09:13 AM
Peterpan17 posted on 28-3-2013 02:31 PM 
Nak tanya ni, u ada experience naik flight dr Istanbul to any part of Europe tak?? I ingat nak pe ...
Trip baru2 ni I travelled KUL-IST-LONDON-PARIS-AMSTERDAM-BRUSSELS-FRANKFURT-IST..dr KLIA 1230 hrs n smpai IST +-6am...then jam 9.30am pd hr yg sama i smpai Ataturk Int. Airport, I amik connecting flight British Airways direct ke London (IST-LHR) n dlm 1.30pm I smpai Heathrow +- 3 jam stgh direct flight...dr pglman I travel ke Europe setakat ni Malaysian x perlu visa n even prjalanan I dr KL - IST - LHR boleh dikatakan lancar...cuma bila kita masuk UK biasalah kena go through immigration clearance yg agak hassle sikit...sikit tambahan to enter/exit UK dr ceruk mn sekalipun...kena go through immigration clearance yg agak leceh tu..masa I travel ke Paris (by train) kena the same occasion n balik ke London dr Paris pun kena perkara yg sama...to make it short, Malaysian x perlu visa to enter Europe tp nk masuk n keluar dr UK kena go through immigration clearance yg agak leceh which is u need to spare extra time for that matters...dr pengetahuan I, Sabiha Gokcen airport terletak di Asian site of turkey yg cater domestic n regional routes..regional routes kebanyakannya budget airlines dr UK, Germany n a few others...Ataturk Int. Airport kt sebelah Europe n cater kebanyakannya laluan antarabangsa n kebanyakan premium airlines take off n touch down @ Ataturk...my two cents beb
Last edited by mypleasure on 29-3-2013 09:16 AM
mypleasure posted on 29-3-2013 08:24 AM 
Beb ade byk gk self-catering apartment kat Istanbul (and also other parts of turkey)...itu hari pu ...
OK dear. I pun dah belek2 few apartment & Sophia Hagia yg u duduk tu. Blh dipertimbangkan.  |
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