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Author: amka

From Thailand With Love ~YADECH~ Nadech ♥♥♥ Yaya

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Post time 3-12-2018 05:05 PM | Show all posts
Edited by masdiana-ana at 3-12-2018 05:20 PM

so kesimpulan masa diorg sentiasa ada untuk each other tak ada ruang untuk pihak ketiga keempat nk menyelit..dan kalau uols nak tahu actress dan actor channel 3 tak kan nak caras nadech atau yaya pasal diorg dah tahu diorg tue couple dan hubungan actress /actor channel 3 rapat.hero yg berlakon dgn yaya mcm mark print ,james ma adalah kawan2 nadech nickkhun yg hero yaya dlm BOTY pun kawan nadech,,

uols klau tahu BTS nadech nie layan yaya dgn heroin2 yg berlakon dgn dia bertiang2 jauh beza. nadech nie playfull kt set shooting tapi dia layan heroin2 dia sama mcm kawan2 dia tak ada nk teasing atau usik2 iols tgk bts nadech dan matt peranee heroin lakorn baru dia MLFS ..yup dia bergurau juga dgn matt peranee tapi tak ada sweet dan extra caring mcm dgn yaya,,.dgn yaya dia ambil terus air dan makanan untuk yaya..

masa BTS nakke 2 diorg shoot kt kawasan perdalaman south thai yaya nie teringin nak makan south thai food nadech nie sanggup kayuh basikal semata2 untuk beli makanan untuk yaya..

iols tak jumpa pic yg dia beli makanan untuk yaya..


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Post time 3-12-2018 05:25 PM | Show all posts

caption :- nadech nie game boys tapi bila dia sanngup tinggalkan game dia semata2 untuk chit chat dgn teeruk yaya ( daling )how much he loves you

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Post time 3-12-2018 06:33 PM | Show all posts
Edited by masdiana-ana at 4-12-2018 01:53 PM

iols suka bila yaya nie menghitung hari detik2 demi detik untuk pulang ke bangkok.. dah habis yaya shooting drama dia selama 12 hari .someone is miss pbear her teeeruk..nampak sangat dia rindu sweet

hahaha kan betul iols kata yaya nie rindu kt nadech baru jer dia post trowback pic kt paris..

Yaya's caption: I'vebeen busy with work so there haven't been any photos posted. Here's an old filminstead.

yg best tue nadech yg guna acc wishforkisdthai pun ada komen kt situ

im dancing ...amboi masing2 sama2 rindu nie...

hari nie nadech pakai seluar yg sama masa kt paris..


ok baru iols faham knp nadech komen '' im dacing kt post gambar yaya.. rupanya yaya dah habis shoot drama tue .yeah bolehlah balik.happylah dia

yaya nie siap tag ig wishforthaikids ig charity nadech lg..


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Post time 4-12-2018 05:14 PM | Show all posts
Edited by masdiana-ana at 4-12-2018 05:47 PM

diorg nie dah comfortable antara satu sama lain...kadang2 naughty juga nadech -yaya nie..

masa show 3 zaap yaya nie tarik underwear nadech depan public televisyen hahaha..naughty girls..

dan masa BTS Photoshoot calender channel3 diorg kena buat phose sexy ..tangan nadech very naughty okay


tapi tak boleh salahkan diorg juga..pasal diorg memang hot kot.. okay iols blushing okay



nie lagi lawak masa reheasal konsert channel 3 ..yaya nampak betul in love nak kiss nadech masa nie..

rasanya diorg pun kadang2 tak tahan juga kot pasal dah lama kot couple..nie kt public diorg nautghy agak2 private mcm mana ye..hahaha oh my innocent mind


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Post time 4-12-2018 06:09 PM | Show all posts

yaya dapat masuk dpt antara senarai list percalonan.artis/karyawan industri ET yg paling berjaya tahun 2018..pasal tue iols suka diorg berdua nie ..karier bergerak seimbang dgn gossip dan kisah cinta/

Ya got nominated for The Standard's 'The Person of theYear' (I think its some kind of award). And she's the only actor/actress on thelist file:///C:\Users\Dell\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001.png Ithought 2017 was her biggest year yet but damn was I wrong, she's still the ITgirl after all these years in the industry
The hottest actress of the year; she swept manyawards this year, for example the TV Gold Award for the Best Actress, from thelakorn Kleun Cheewit, and the Siam Dara Star Awards for the Best Actress(Movie) from Nong Pee Tee Rak. Additionally, she is a lead in the film Nakee 2,the highest grossing Thai movie of the year. Other than that you (referring to Ya) still got 2nd place out of 100 for themost beautiful women in the world (100 Most Beautiful Women 2018) as well.


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Post time 5-12-2018 12:00 PM | Show all posts
iols tak sabar nak nadech atau yaya  konsert solo  NY kalau ada tahun depan..diorg good performen antara byk2 actor /actress nadech dan yaya ada nice voice dan good stage presence boleh menari menyanyi
atau buat single sendiri ala lagu pop rancak ..selama nie nadech /yaya byk  nyanyi lagu2 ost jer..

nie antara performen diorg yg best..iols kalau tgk consert channel 3 iols tak tgk koo jin2 lain pasal tak semua boleh menyanyi dgn baik..tapi nadech-yaya dua2 performen yg bagus..stage present diorg terbaik..

yaya ada satu single dgn maybelline make it happen..knp tak buat single duet lagu rancak pop dgn nadech..


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Post time 9-12-2018 01:06 AM | Show all posts
Edited by masdiana-ana at 9-12-2018 01:21 AM

iols tak sabar nak tgk calender singture 12 haribulan nie pasal calender singture channel 3 setiap tahun ada byk moment2 sweet nadech-yaya

mcm last years calender singture 2018 pasal MC host memang suka usik2 nadech -yaya..

diorg nie nakal plus sweet  yaya tulis kt meja nama dia lepas tue si nadech tulis lambang betul hati anak panah ke nama yaya..nie pun MC host yg reveal diorg tulis sembunyi2 walaupun si nadech cuba sorok bentuk anak panah hati tue dgn pen..hahaha

Anybody who is next to NY will be a "third wheel"haha, Mark was the witness of their sweetness.
hahaha kesian mark print tgk jerlah kesweetan nadech- yaya ..yaya nie kalau ada nadech kt sebelah dia sapa2 bekas2 leading actor yg pernah jadi hero drama dia haha dia buat tak layan mark- yaya shipper sedarlah2 usah bermimpi ..

jelous girls yaya..hahaha


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Post time 9-12-2018 01:40 AM | Show all posts
11 haribulan nie ada event shoppe ..event shoppe memang menarik untuk nadech-yaya shipper pasal event nie suka buat quiz dan game untuk pasangan nie.jadi shoppee nie suruh fan2 untuk undi kuiz/game mana yg jadi pilihan untuk diorg tgk yaya-nadech nie buat..

event shopee memang byk2 moment2 best thn nie mcm luahan hati cinta nadech untuk yaya depan media..the best interview ever ..suka tgk reaksi malu2 yaya bila nadech bgtahu dia cintakan yaya walaupun lepas tue coverline..

nie pun best ..kuiz nie patutnya diorg jawap secara individu tapi diorg jwab secara couple..nampak sangat dah ada plan untuk hidup bersama pasal yaya padam jawapan nadech bila nadech nie kata dia nak bela kucing..dia suruh diorg bela anjing pasal anjing lg manja dari kucing..lepas tue terangkan sebab2 knp diorg kena bela anjing..lepas tue jawapan yaya sunguh2 dia terangkan panjang lebar why diorg boleh get along together..

nie pun best pasal nampak sangat diorg sangat faham each other terutama nadech..yaya baru nak tulis minuman pilihan dia nadech dgn pantas dah sebut dulu ..nadech nie tak perlu fikir pun jawapan dia pantas dan semuanya betul pulak..nampak sangat dia betul2 memahami dan prihatin..yaya pun sama.


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Post time 9-12-2018 01:52 AM | Show all posts
Edited by masdiana-ana at 9-12-2018 01:58 AM

nie interview baru akhirnya diorg ngaku juga diorg panggil each other dgn panggilan "teeruk" dalam bahasa melayu lebih kurang ''sayang " bahasa inggeris "daling " honey .. nasib baik ada fans yg terakam video dioirg kt merit temple ..nadech panggil "" sayang basuh tangan" video diorg panggil teeruk pun boleh jadi berita/news hangat kt sana.. wow popular couple nie..

and yg best nadech /yaya dah bg kebenaran untuk wartawan gelar diorg the real couple..dlm istilah BF/GF

walaupun awal2 diorg nie tak ngaku..konon2 silap sebut atau org silap dengar tapi last sekali yes'' nadech ngaku juga..yelah private couple itu lah nadech-yaya..diorg memang jaga privasi life hubungan diorg..

opkoslah yaya suka nadech panggil dia
" teeeruk" sapa tak suka buah hati panggil sayang..haha

dan yaya pun panggil nadech "teeruk" sayang  kt nadech dan ada org dengar dia selalu panggil nadech "baby " dlm bahasa inggeris tapi bila dia duorg org jer depan public diorg panggil nama masing2..

walaupun yaya nie tak ngaku dia panggil nadech "teeruk" ..merah padam muka dia malu kena usik.yaya..yaya


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Post time 9-12-2018 02:04 AM | Show all posts
Edited by masdiana-ana at 9-12-2018 02:05 AM

iols suka kalau tgk interview yaya nie seorg2 berbanding interview dia dgn nadech pasal bila wartawan tanya pasal nadech boleh nampak kt mata yaya nie spaks happy bila wartawan tanya pasal nadech..

lepas tue dia selalu semyum bila wartawan tanya everthing pasal nadech boleh buat dia happy..boleh nampak kt mata dia kot org yg tgh fall in love..

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Post time 10-12-2018 12:23 AM | Show all posts
Edited by masdiana-ana at 11-12-2018 12:27 AM

iols ada masalah sikt dgn minoriti tapi tak semua fans NY yg  overprotective dgn nadech.kalau keaw jung mak nadech nie post gambar nadech dgn actress lain atau heroin yg minoriti  nie akan comment negatif diorg pulak yg cemburu lebih  pulak dari yaya..well benda nie bukan kali pertama heroin2 nadech yg lain pun kena mcm meaw,taew ,patricia semua kena bash dgn fans yg majoriti overprotective nie

iols suka visual couple nie..nadech- matt peranee tapi baca komen kt ig bawah pic nie agak annoying ..knp diorg tak over kalau yaya berlakon dgn actor lain tapi kalau nadech diorg punya overprotective tue kadang2 menyampah pulak baca..percayalah tak ada heroin yg boleh caras tempat yaya dlm hati nadech tue..iols pernah post kt atas mcm mana nadech layan heroin dia2 kt BTS jauh beza mcm dia layan awek dia yaya..

matt peranee nie jauh lagi tua dari nadech umur dia dah 29 tahun dan dia dah ada BF ..

nadech nie jauh beza dgn hero2 lakorn yg lain dia tak buat real kiss dgn heroin yg berlakon dgn dia salah satu sebab nya dia sangat hormat pada wanita kiss scane yg dia buat dgn heroin lain semuanya camera trick..ok nadech nie dibesarkan oleh ibu saudara ,mak angkat dia dlm family dia cuma ada 3 org lelaki ayah angkat dia,adik lelaki ,dan dia..yg lain kebanyakkan perempuan jadi dia dibesarkan dgn good manner yg tinggi dgn kaum hawa.

real kiss yg dia buat semuanya dgn yaya dlm first kiss dia dlm DJA,(duang jang akanee) ,game rak game rai dan LSLS dan opkos dlm the crown princess yg heroin2 lain semua camera trick atau setakat kiss kt dahi jer., tapi dgn matt peranee nie dia akan buat real kiss yg banyak kot..pasal drama my love for stars nie remake yg korea punya dan diorg kena buat sama mcm original version..yg original ada byk kiss scane opkos dia profesional dah namanya perlakon yaya pun buat real kiss dgn mark print dlm KC ..knp tak nadech..

bak kata yaya..


yaya pun boleh faham ..diorg okay jer diorg faham tuntutan watak dan tanggujawab diorg sebagai perlakon..dan nadech nie kalau tgk dia tak pernah flirting dgn heroin2 yg berlakon dgn dia bukan mcm mark print ,james ji pope yg kadang2 selalu flirting dgn heroin untuk promo drama lakorn diorg.nadech dia tak pernah flirting atau bg fan servise dgn heroin semata2 untuk lariskan drama lakorn dia..

nie interview nadech dan meaw salah seorg heroin dia.. tgk cara dia jauh beza dgn interview dia dgn yaya..mata pandang camera kalau dgn yaya asyik pandang yaya jer so bila dia layan heroin2 dia lebih kurang tak ada fan service so org tak ada peluang nak shipp dia dgn mana2 heroin ..dia bg org nampak hubungan dia dgn heroin hanya sekadar rakan sekerja tak lebih dari itu ..sebab tue nadech tak ada shipper org hanya shipper dia dgn yaya jer pasal fans service dia bg untuk yaya tue depan2 host dia boleh flirting dgn yaya..

tapi lain pulak dgn yaya ..yaya byk shipper..shipper yaya-mark print penangan KC.,shipper yaya dgn nick chung ,sunny kadang2 iols tak suka shipper pasal shipper nie wujudkan war fans antara NYFC dan shipper  nie delusional yg terlampau .

nie interview 2011 zaman game rai game rak .zaman nak mengorat yaya..haha..umur dia masa nie 19 tahun yaya 18 tahun..

uols kena tgk interview kt atas pasal drama GRGR tue genre slapp kiss so ada byk scane yg hero kena kasar dgn heroin so setiap kali dia buat scane2 yg perlu kekasaran rape scane setiap kali itulah dia akan mintak maaf dulu dari yaya dan mommy yaya..nampak tak mcm mana dia hormat kt perempuan.

drama GRGR nie ada byk scane yg lepas hero dia nie tukar karekter jadi jahat memang byk scane yg hero kena berkasar dgn heroin..dah namanya genre slapp kiss tapi drama nie best ..iols tak suka genre slapp kiss tapi iols suka drama nie..


walaupun diorg real couple tapi nadech nie still tunduk mintak maaf lepas buat kiss scane dgn yaya..nampak tak mcm mana dia respek perempuan

nie pulak masa konsert i am mai ..mai nie salah seorg diva thai pop legend kt thai dan nadech nie dijemput jadi guest artis untuk konsert mai

dan masa konsert nie ada beberapa tarian yg kena mengoda ..mai tanya "" yaya jangan marah dia " nadech kata " yaya tak marah pasal dia terlebih dulu mintak kebenaran kt yaya untuk buat tarian2 mengoda dgn mai..dan sebelum start tarian tue nadech tunduk tanda hormat kt mai ..

boleh tgk sini

so iols tak hairan kalau dia buat real kiss dgn matt peranee nanti dlm MLFS dia akan mintak kebenaran yaya dulu..


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Post time 10-12-2018 02:46 AM | Show all posts
Edited by masdiana-ana at 10-12-2018 02:58 AM

the flirting nadech /yaya

whoever is next to NY will be the 3rd wheel because theyare used to being in their "own world" haha

diorg selalu berada dlm dunia diorg sendiri walaupun ada ramai org..dan diorg kena promo tv lakorn..mata tue memang tak lepas pandang satu sama lain.


yaya nie obviously pasal kalau dgn nadech suka sangat sentuh nadech..kt tangan lah kt pahalah ..tapi kalau dgn actor lain..tak ada pun dia buat mcm tue..nadech pun sama..mata tue asyik pandang yaya jer..sebab tue host suka usik2 diorg sebab diorg nie nampak  ketara sangat..



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Post time 10-12-2018 10:16 PM | Show all posts

wah hairstylist diorg tag nama yaya kt hati nadech..haha

yaya nie suka bg hit hati yellow tue untuk sapa... jeng..jeng..jeng..

ok..terang dan jelas..

someone miss her teerak ..tapi bukan yaya jer kot ...

her teerak pun miss kt buah hati dia..Ig story nadech (wishforthaikisd) selalu yaya yg counting days tapi nadech pun counting untuk jumpa kt event esok hahaha..


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Post time 10-12-2018 10:23 PM | Show all posts
Edited by masdiana-ana at 10-12-2018 10:37 PM

contoh role model terbaik :


From Nadech 's uncle (seng_khonkaen):

"P'Sengwould like to secretly come & say something. Once, this man had the opportunityto listen to the Chief of Justice talk about children & the youth that havegone astray in today's society. This man listened intently & one day,whilst sitting in the car together he began to speak with me, saying"P'Seng krap, when will the juvenile detention centre arrange an activity?I want to go & join in and encourage the children na krap." From thatsentence that he said on that day until today, this man did really go &participate in the activity, talk with the children about their experiences (?), give encouragement, sing, play, dance &give out lunch to the children in the juvenile detention centre in Khon Kaen.During the activity, whatever the children did, this man did it as well. And hemade the children swear that "We won't come back here again". Thissentence was really memorable for every adult at the event because it is thefinal reply that everyone wants. As a result, the director general & thechief justice mentioned to this man that they would have really liked to hire himto be a magistrate if he was 35 years old(?), because he understands children the most. Atthat event on that day, this man still told the children that "Iunderstand that today we can't take a normal photo (I think he's referring to how they have to hide the children'sidentities, so their faces are blurred in most pics) but I will always be happy to take a photooutside with you all. If you meet me when you are outside, come and tell methat we once met here and I will take a picture with all of you. Ipromise." As a result, the children smiled & clapped at once.

And do the children knowthat while this man was singing "Foon"
(means 'dust'); in the car on the wayback, he said "I was almost unable to hold back my tears when singing thissong & seeing the children's faces" (...the word 'love' has becomedust, everything I hoped for has been destroyed long ago. But I don't know whyI still can't move on with my life. There can never be a day that I won'tremember... {these are the lyrics of the song}). I believe that this mandidn't go there with only his body, he also took his whole heart with him tovisit the children. I hope that the children will be able to go out & takea photo with this man soon, and I would like to give a loud round of applauseto this man that is named "Nadech Kugimiya"



Filming inChiang Mai for 12 days was tiring right? But P'Ya & Mae Pla still insistedthat they would travel to Baan Mae Tor La by themselves, in order to give outwarm shirts, sweets & medicine, though they were sent over beforehand (?). Apart from this, there is still a good projecton education that will happen soon, with the school as well. (In the clip) thatis the road which we travelled on yesterday & it's the only main road.After this we boarded a boat to cross the Salawin river. We spent almost 3hours travelling by a pick-up truck/4x4; I can tell you that when getting outof the car, you would still stagger when taking a step, be tired & have abackache (I was secretly worried about Mae Pla, that her symptom/conditionwould intensify but our Mae Pla is strong, a real fighting spirit). Your headshakes & sometimes knocks into the mirror (I don't have to tell you who itis file:///C:\Users\Dell\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001.pngfile:///C:\Users\Dell\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001.png) {she's referring tothe car journey}. But when we arrived & were able to see thewelcoming & cute liveliness of the children living a villager's simple& easy going life, it made the whole group forget that we travelled far andfor how long. As she said "I fell in love and can't wait to beback".

couple nie memang contoh role model yg baik kan..lepas yaya habis shoot kt chang mai dia masih tak balik kt bangkok dia buat charity amal kt budak2 nie ..nadech pun sama dia tolong budak2 kt market untuk jual buahan dan sayuran..

actually nadech/yaya nie memang suka budak2.. kebanyakkan charity atau merit yg diorg buat donation tue byk disalurkan untuk pembinaan sekolah..dan kadang2 nadech/yaya nie ajar budak2 yg kt perdalaman bahasa inggeris..di thailand education untuk pelajar2 yg kt perdalaman masih lagi mundur..baguskan diorg gunakan popularity dan fame untuk bagi kepada yg memerlukan tak hairan couple nie selama 8 tahun masih lagi jadi sweetheart rakyat thailand.


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Post time 11-12-2018 12:17 AM | Show all posts
hahaha..diorg date mlm nie kt private patty nakee 2..



amboi nadech tahulah tak jumpa 10 hari dgn buah hati tapi tangan tue....tak boleh sweet lagi ke..

video nadech/yaya

iols nak tgk nakee 2..bila nak tayang kt malaysia weeeiiii..


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Post time 12-12-2018 01:57 AM | Show all posts
Edited by masdiana-ana at 12-12-2018 02:04 AM

update terkini 11/12/2018

shopee memang tak rugi ambil nadech/yaya jadi duta diorg ..hari nie nadech/yaya ada event shoppee..dan seperti biasa event shoppee

#shoppeexnadechyaya  jadi treading no 1 di twitter di thailand..hebatkan penangan couple nie.everthing about diorg akan jadi buzzz dimedia sosial


terjemahan :-

Question from SHOPEE: Ifthe world explodes within 12 minutes, what would you want to say to each other?

Yaya said (open your ears and your eyes):kt nadech

jawapan yaya:

What a spontaneous & romantic answer from Yaya!!!! AndNadech was shook until he was so shy and his voice broke when he said "Tarmnan krap" (= the same thing krap).
nadech sendiri pun nampak terkejut dgn jawapan yaya  lepas tue mcm malu2 jer acah2 tikam dada..dia tak expact yaya akan bg jawapan tue..dan dia pun bg jawapan yg sama mcm sweet diorg nie..

We know you are fated to be together in this life and nextlives (NY kathins shouldn't wonder why they do it together sincethe beginning .

no wonder diorg selalu pergi merit couple sama2 sejak 8 tahun dari diorg kenal..pasal kepecayaan budha couple yg selalu buat merit bersama akan kekal sampai bila2  walaupun dilahirkan semula diorg akan tetap jadi pasangan.

yaya pun tak suka org panggil diorg koo jin pasal koo jin tue imaginasi couple yg tak kekal ..dia lg suka org panggil diorg merit couple
pasal tue dari awal 2011-2018 ( 8 tahun) diorg selalu buat merit couple bersama ..selain dari diorg buat donation kepada badan2 amal,pembinaan sekolah ,temple ..salah satu alasan pasal diorg nak hubungan diorg diberkati ikut kepercayaan budha untuk hubungan kekal sampai bila2..   


We call this feeling "MADLY , DEEPLY IN LOVE"

bear dan bunny

tag kt hati..


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Post time 12-12-2018 02:27 AM | Show all posts
oh i love shoppee ..

I love her""2 kids then""We'll meet in the next world""Jeg elsker deg"

apa lagi ye moment2 sweet nadech/yaya masa event shoppe

yaya sebut perkattan jeg elsker deg ..maksudnya i love you dlm bahasa nosway ..nadech kata seem familiar adakah yaya selalu ucap perkataan nie kt nadech waktu private life diorg.. haha kantoiiii yaya..


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Post time 14-12-2018 05:05 PM | Show all posts
Edited by masdiana-ana at 14-12-2018 05:49 PM


Sending LOVE to everybody

Since 19sec
Pok: How well did you prepare yourself? Nong Yaya?

Yaya: Oy just seeing his chest(she pointed and touched Na's shirt) is enough HAHAHA..

nakal yaya..

Pokasked Na why does he wear this kind of shirt, then Yaya gave herself themicrophone to Na.
Nadech: this shirt, the one who is next to mechose it for me
SCREAM! Yaya who was shy, hit Nadech's right arm lol
Pok:OH That's why...she gave him the mic
Jack:That's why....
Pok: Suppose...
Yaya:But his buttoms...he chose himself
SCREAM! Because Nadech was a little bit shirtless lol
Pok:Oh...Suppose she chooses for you and you don't wear it, what will happen?
Yayamade a face like nothing
Pok: Don't look at her and reply!

Nadech: Nothing...she will notsay anything
Pok: let's be chilled

Nadech: quiet
Everybody laugh
Pok:she's quiet or you're quiet?
Nadech:she'll be the one who is quiet
Pok: Quiet means?
Nadech:Quiet means she'll not talk like she will not say anything at all lol   

Everybody laughs...hahaha..

oh..yaya yg bg nadech pakai baju tue tapi yg unbotton butang tue nadech yg buat sendiri..haha..tapi nadech look hot dan sexy dgn bulu dada tue..

NYare in their own world and since 38sec...
Pok: What are they doing? (talking about NY)

Everybody screams
Pok:they don't care about people who are here
JamesMa: it doesn't matter, let them sign first. I will be the one who talk with thehosts
Pok: Of course, they are already a couple!
Jack:You have this feeling like you are the 3rd wheel right?
James Ma: it doesn't matterkrap. I never had this feeling. I'm always happy that these two have compassionfor me and love me since the beginning
Nadech: Oyyy
JamesMa: No matter how many years, they always teach me and are cute with me.

hahaha...kesian james ma ( james ma nie hero drama lakorn terbaru yaya) dia nie kira pangkat adik kepada yaya-nadech.jarak yaya duduk jauh benar dgn james ma nie haha..makin dekat kerusi tue dgn nadech..yaya nie memang mcm nie dia kalau ada nadech .hero2 yg pernah berlakon dgn dia tak ambil kisah sangat ..diorg berdua memang always mabuk bercinta memang mcm tue..

"Just two of us" file:///C:\Users\Dell\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001.png. That sexy starefrom Yaya to Nadech with his sexy chest haha!

Love by staring, love by touching, love is all around theworld


NY and their 3rd wheel ..

These twins

actually yaya nie memang suka chest hair nadech..masa dulu bts DJA dia suka cabut chest hair nadech ..hahaha..sekarang tak tahu yaya tue ada habit mcm tue lagi atau tak..sebab kadang2 yaya nie naughty juga tapi dgn nadech jer dia naughty pasal diorg dah comfortable antara satu sama lain..
tgk dia boleh buat muka innocent pulak lepas cabut bulu dada nadech..nakal yaya nie..


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Post time 14-12-2018 06:09 PM | Show all posts


He can't take his eyes off her eyes n lips… she can't take her eyes off his chest n she chose this shirt for her Teerak..amboi yaya


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Post time 21-12-2018 12:27 AM | Show all posts

yaya dah habis kerja kt new york city untuk LV pasal dia duta LV ..maybe dia terus fly sambut kristmas kt norway dgn mommy dia..ada spekuan dari NY fans kata maybe nadech akan join trip kt norway untuk holiday tahun baru dan kristmas kt sana..pasal diorg dah tak jumpa dah lebih seminggu ..klau nak tunggu tahun baru dah 3 minggu tak jumpa..alangkah yaya shoot kt chaing mai 15 hari tue pun nadech dah rindu sanggup fly nak jumpa..inikah pulak 3 minggu tak jumpa..

nadech pun masih ada shoot lagi drama MLFS kena tunggu dan lihat ..tapi yg buat iols tersentuh diorg punya relatioship tue memang kuat walau x jumpa

Kissing the couple ring?OMG,I'm touched It's impossible to get close to this man's life,&see what has he done for his relatives&other people&the way he loves Ya,&not to love him."To know you,is to Love you"

masa birthday nadech ..pic nie ditangkap..cincin couple dia dgn yaya..nampak dia rindu kt yaya tapi tak boleh nk jumpa pasal dia masih ada shoot drama MLFS.


Saying goodbye to New York..I believe she's flying straight to's time for some rest with the familyit's Xmas timeI love her ring, I know how special it isshe wears it everytime she's away from him

yaya pakai cincin bentuk reben tue ..cincin tue hadiah daripada nadech..

Someone make her 💗 grow as if it's going to burst.😄😄
He's the one.
KidTueng meaning is thinking of (😁😁 her khon narak)- ( perkataan kt t-shirt yg yaya pkai tue.dan bentuk love

yaya dia selalu berkomunikasi luahkan rasa cinta dia kt nadech melalui iG..

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