Post time 22-12-2016 10:17 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
masih adakah cahaya dalam kegelapan, masih adakah sudi sambut tanganku di kala kelemasan. masih adakah bahagia dalam penderitaan. masih adakah tawa dalam tangisan. masihkah kau ingat segala bahagia yg kau berikan dulu.
pakai da jd barang terpakai..ok i duduk luar epot dulu sbb taknak epot ni banjir dgn tangisan i. sobss
Post time 22-12-2016 10:18 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
synaar replied at 22-12-2016 10:09 AM
Rsnye ni la yg paling worst yg die pnh rs thats why both of them cannot sleep
Dorg patut proceed kan appearance lofattah kat naelofar hijab today. Jadi tk mcm meng iyakan headlines berita berapa harini. Yg retak curang semua tu. Teruskan je kerja as kawan.
Post time 22-12-2016 10:20 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
pakailetakbalik replied at 22-12-2016 10:17 AM
masih adakah cahaya dalam kegelapan, masih adakah sudi sambut tanganku di kala kelemasan. masih adak ...
Pakai..kan br discharge..tak mau la sedih2 sgt..
*usap kepala dik pakai
Post time 22-12-2016 10:23 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
farfar replied at 22-12-2016 08:17 AM
Good morning ladies. I was already in la la la land when the turbulence hit again. And here's my pie ...
Iolss dah start cuti ari ni. Plan asal mmg nak ke NH boutique for retail therapy pagi ni. Tp skrg rase cam xde mood lak nak soping NH. I wish i can stay positive like u farfar. Harap ade good news from tmn tun dr wartawan lokasi hari ni..
Post time 22-12-2016 10:24 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
pakailetakbalik replied at 22-12-2016 10:17 AM
masih adakah cahaya dalam kegelapan, masih adakah sudi sambut tanganku di kala kelemasan. masih adak ...
Dik pakai...bukan insiden sebelum ni u bertabah ke orangnya?? mesti kesan emosi sebab u sakit..rehatlah dik..rehat...
Positif dik..maybe kejap lagi ok kot budak 2 ketul tu...dahhh...pi rehat
Post time 22-12-2016 10:27 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Korang....the pixs of them tgthr are stiil there, twitter pun belum unfolo, fam n bff pun still why worry, this is part n parcel of immature r/s or rather undeclared r/s. Stay positive, explore other possibilities and Jodoh Pasti Bertemu!! And I stil believe!!