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Author: tyco78

Transformers 2 (2009)

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Post time 1-7-2009 12:27 PM | Show all posts
679# naqies

aku plak tgh2 malam buta punye show
apa nak buat

waktu lain dah ponuhhhhh

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Post time 1-7-2009 01:00 PM | Show all posts
678# ra5101
ridiculous kan? banyak plothole dlm fisrt movie, yg kedua ni lg la, tp ridiculousity ni la yg menjadikan transformers ni heabt, alaaaa robot bertukar jadi keta pun dah tak logik hehe

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Post time 1-7-2009 01:23 PM | Show all posts
679# naqies

aku plak tgh2 malam buta punye show
apa nak buat

waktu lain dah ponuhhhhh
Syd Post at 1-7-2009 12:27

alah qies pun mujur beli tiket ari isnin lepas...
idak nampak gaya mggu depan lak ler kena beli...

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Post time 1-7-2009 03:53 PM | Show all posts
transformers rockz..aku nk tgk utk kali ke 3..

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Post time 1-7-2009 04:30 PM | Show all posts
alah qies pun mujur beli tiket ari isnin lepas...
idak nampak gaya mggu depan lak ler kena beli...
naqies Post at 1-7-2009 13:23

sat ni hubby call gtau..." parent on d way now kat temerloh dah"
udah ler nak dpt tiket bukan senang....parent lak dari perak tu....why? why? why?

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Post time 1-7-2009 04:39 PM | Show all posts
678# ra5101

klaka gile bile aku baca yg ni..tapi aku pelik cume yg no 1,2, ngan 8 je arr

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Post time 1-7-2009 04:50 PM | Show all posts
yg aku paling pelik...camne blackout bleh idop lagi

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Post time 1-7-2009 05:53 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by aku_figo at 1-7-2009 17:55

689# MetalFire

grindor la...blackout kn dah mati...cuma die bertukar dgn heli yg sama....

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Post time 1-7-2009 08:50 PM | Show all posts
kalau sapa nak tau apa berlaku di antara TF1 dan TF2, boleh baca novel komik ini.


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Post time 1-7-2009 08:59 PM | Show all posts
1. In "Transformers," there was this giant battle in the middle of downtown Los Angeles -- excuse me, Mission City -- that was witnessed by thousands of people at the very least. But somehow the government was able to cover up the whole thing, and now the existence of alien robots is just an internet rumor? How did they do it? Pay off everyone who was there and quickly fix millions of dollars in damage? Also, didn't Keller (Jon Voight) go on TV and tell everyone we were being attacked by "a technological civilization far superior to our own"? How did they spin that?ra5101 Post at 1-7-2009 09:08

depa guna khidmat MIB @ agent K dan J

2. There are two pieces of the Allspark cube left: the military has one under lock and key, and Sam discovers another. The Decepticons steal one and bring Megatron back to life. But when Sam (Shia LaBeouf) wants to bring back Optimus, he has to find the Matrix of Leadership on the other side of the globe. Why not use the other piece? Mikaela (Megan Fox) has it in her backpack the whole time. It brought his kitchen appliances to life, why can't it do the same for Optimus?ra5101 Post at 1-7-2009 09:08

sebab yang satu lagi tu "ditakdirkan" utk digunakan bagi menghidupkan Jetfire.

6. The Fallen is the last of the Primes, since they all sacrificed themselves to stop him from destroying the sun. But then he says that Optimus is a descendant of the Primes. First, Transformers have kids? And second, how could he descend from them if they were all dead? And if the Fallen could only be destroyed by a Prime, why didn't the originals just gang up on him back in the day? And what makes Optimus so special, anyway? Megatron beat him earlier, but all it takes is a few spare parts from creaky old Jetfire for him to take out the Fallen?
ra5101 Post at 1-7-2009 09:08

kalau yang ni..kenapa tak pertikaikan wujudnya robot berbeza jantina...contoh ada robot feminin. jadi kalau dah ada robot jantan dan betina..mungkin ada la kemungkinan ada anak kan...mungkin la.....

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Post time 1-7-2009 09:01 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by aku_figo at 1-7-2009 17:55

689# MetalFire

grindor la...blackout kn dah mati...cuma die bertukar dgn heli yg sama....
aku_figo Post at 1-7-2009 17:53

aku pun ingat blackout...tu yang pelik sebab dah memang sah-sah nampak blackout mati...yang depa pun satu...p guna heli yang sama....

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Post time 1-7-2009 09:05 PM | Show all posts
betul2, ironhide tu van mcm vanette, tp dlm movie dia tu trak gmc, aku silap
sekngucing Post at 30-6-2009 23:01

GMC topkick.

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Post time 1-7-2009 09:56 PM | Show all posts
cmne rupa geng2 constructicon?

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Post time 1-7-2009 10:14 PM | Show all posts
693# CharlieDale

blackout kaler itam...grindor kaler grey..

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Post time 2-7-2009 12:09 AM | Show all posts
pening rrr waaaa:geram::geram:

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Post time 2-7-2009 12:25 AM | Show all posts
693# CharlieDale

blackout kaler itam...grindor kaler grey..
aku_figo Post at 1-7-2009 22:14

ye ker....setahu aku dua dua heli tersebut di dalam kedua-dua movie adalah MH-53 pave low warna grey...standard military ghost grey  punya colour.

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Post time 2-7-2009 12:29 AM | Show all posts
heli tu guna yg sama je cuma nama laijn, kru2 bay agaknya malas design robot baru sebab banyak sangat dah robot dlm movie ni
-apa2 hal pun aku blum tgok lagi movie ni, insya allah aku akan ke KL dlm 2 hari lagi nak tgok ROTF ni, first time masuk panggung tu! haha apa perasaan aku nanti agaknya

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Post time 2-7-2009 01:25 AM | Show all posts
aku, sbg penonton yg x tahu menahu pasal komik serta animasi transformer nih... so aku x nampak la aper yg x kena selari dgn animasi/komik citer nih.. yg pasti aku enjoy tengok filem nih... hampir menaglir gak la air mata aku masa optimus prime mati tuh... cara lawan dia pun aku rasa best..

cam biasa.. citer omputih nih kalo pak lawak jerk mesti negro.. si kembar autobots tuh saper erk jadik pelakon suara dia? kompom2 negro kan dgn accent dorg.. kesian aku tengok negro2 kat hollywood nih.. slalu dorg jer watak sampingan/utama tuk melawak... cam shrek, madagascar, rush hour dll...

~ aku pun tertanya2 pasal terang2 decepticons yg serang shanghai tuh ramai dah tahu.. x kan lah dorg leh rahsia kan mender tuh dari dunia? x paham aku... roomate si Sam tuh pun aku rasa cam x byk membantu.. juz temukan sam ngan simmons jerk.. aku ingatkan org yg terror but IT dan godam2 sbg roommate Sam tuh dapatlah bantu dia dari segi IT sesumer.. huh!! useless rupernyer mamat tuh..

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Post time 2-7-2009 01:45 AM | Show all posts
tak silap aku tom kenny, suara spongebob yg jadi suara utk si kembar tu (the twin)

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Post time 2-7-2009 02:34 AM | Show all posts
bay cuba masukkan banyak cerita yg boleh dikembangkan lagi sebenarnya, aku rasa pretender muncul terlalu awal, mungkin utk no-3 bleh masuk, pretender mati kejap je dan watak dia tak dikembangkan sangat, smpai penonton keliru ada juga robot mcm t-x terminator dlm transformers, the fallen muncul kejap je, megatron dan the fallen dua2 disumabt dlm film ni, patut la kan, megatron tak dihidupkan lagi, biar the fallen jadi ibu kejahatan movie ni
-lagi kan, megatron tunduk pada fallen ni, megatron bows to nobody laaa
-watak2 twin agak racist, sideswipe dan arcee sisters tak dikembangkan dgn baik
-ratchet dan ironhide sikit je penglibatan
-autibot jolt tu takde pun bagus
-jetfire! ok dia ni tp mcm terlalu banyak watak robot yg tak dikembangkan dlm sekuel ni

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