Edisi Selatan: Padah taksub bomoh
[email protected]
JOHOR BAHRU: Terlalu taksub dengan kemampuan bomoh menyebabkan sepasang suami isteri kerugian lebih RM5,000 apabila menjadi mangsa lebih 30 tok bomoh di seluruh negara dalam usaha mencari seorang ahli keluarga yang hilang, sejak akhir tahun lalu.
Sepanjang tempoh itu, Muhattam Sumri, 49, dan Mas Adiah Surdi, 44, diberikan pelbagai ramalan mengenai anak gadis mereka, Muslima 18 yang hilang, namun kini mereka tertekan kerana semuanya palsu, sedangkan Muslima belum ditemui.
Muhattam berkata, Muslima hilang sejak 11 Disember tahun lalu, sejak itu pelbagai usaha dilakukan kecuali membuat laporan polis mengenai kehilangannya.
揝aya tidak membuat laporan polis dan meneruskan usaha mencari, sebelum cuba mendapatkan bantuan bomoh untuk mengesan anak saya. Bagaimanapun, selepas hampir tujuh bulan dan kehabisan lebih RM5,000, saya sedar kami sebenarnya ditipu lebih 30 bomoh, |
GCT tak buat salah apa2....
patut bini dia yang cakap......what she really feels....
ni GCT tukang cakap lak.... Aku nak bini dia yang apologize to all Sporeans yang donate hard earned money to NKF....and yet dia cakap $600K of that sum of million of dollars Sporean donate is peanuts.....
Siot, $60 pun most Sporeans fikir banyak kali ah nak keluar dari poket, even if they got that amount dalam wallet in the pes place.
Tapi hopefully she learnt from this la, GCT cakap kan? he educate his wife, tunjukkan surat2 dan email dia terima tentang " peanuts " tu kat bini dia.... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
state of emergency in southern thailand....front page of straits times |
Ni sokkabar hari Sabtu lepas :~
Bekas penduduk Seking ikuti perasmian kawasan pelupusan sampah Semakau sebagai pusat riadah
Khalid Khamis
DULU, saban hari Cik Siti Wahab meninggalkan rumahnya di Pulau Seking tepat 5 pagi untuk pergi ke tanah besar Singapura menghantar dua anaknya ke sekolah.
Dari pulau itu beliau menaiki bot ke Pulau Bukom, perjalanan yang mengambil masa setengah jam, dan kemudian menaiki feri ke Singapura.
Ia menjadi kegiatan harian Cik Siti sehinggalah beliau berpindah ke tanah besar Singapura pada 1993.
Hari ini, Cik Siti akan mengimbas detik nostalgia itu apabila beliau bersama 40 bekas jirannya yang pernah tinggal di Pulau Seking akan dibawa ke tempat kelahiran mereka sempena pembukaan pusat pelupusan sampah Semakau sebagai pusat riadah bagi orang ramai.
Mereka diundang Agensi Sekitaran Kebangsaan (NEA) ke majlis perasmian kawasan seluas 350 hektar itu oleh Menteri Sekitaran dan Sumber Air, Dr Yaacob Ibrahim.
Kawasan pelupusan itu dibentengi batu bata antara sebahagian Pulau Semakau dengan Pulau Seking.
Ketika dihubungi, Cik Siti, 53 tahun, berkata beliau ghairah untuk melawat tempat lahirnya.
'Saya tak pernah balik ke pulau itu selepas pindah. Saya ghairah juga nak tengok bagaimana keadaannya sekarang.
'Saya tak boleh nak gambarkan betapa bahagia saya semasa tinggal di sana dulu. Kalau boleh saya nak duduk di sana lagi. Semasa disuruh pindah dulu saya rasa sedih, lebih lebih lagi kerana tak dapat nak pergi pancing lagi,' katanya.
Menurut ibu dua anak itu, yang gemar meman cing, semasa arwah suaminya, Allahyarham Leman Latif, masih hidup beliau kerap mengajaknya memancing di pulau berdekatan dengan menaiki botnya.
Cik Siti dilahirkan di pulau itu tetapi menetap di Singapura buat seketika sebelum kembali tinggal di situ semasa berusia sekitar 10 tahun.
Beliau terpaksa berpindah ke Singapura kerana rancangan pemerintah membangunkan kawasan itu sebagai pusat pelupusan sampah.
Menurut Cik Siti, dulu terdapat sekitar 60 keluarga di pulau itu dan mereka rapat sehingga boleh dianggap seperti satu keluarga besar.
Oleh kerana tiada sumber air di pulau itu, penduduknya mendapatkan air bersih dari Pulau Bukom setiap dua atau tiga hari dengan sampan atau bot.
'Kalau kehabisan air, boleh minta jiran sebelah,' kata Cik Siti.
Kebanyakan penduduk pulau itu dulu sama ada bekerja di loji penapisan minyak di Pulau Bukom atau menjadi nelayan.
pssttttt...Siti Wahab tu lah MIL Aries :malu::malu:
[ Last edited by gadis_aries on 18-7-2005 at 01:28 PM ] |
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 18-7-2005 10:42 AM:
Ni sokkabar hari Sabtu lepas :~
Bekas penduduk Seking ikuti perasmian kawasan pelupusan sampah Semakau sebagai pusat riadah ...
ooo laki ko orang pulau la eh.....
mesti dia banyak story2 eh zaman dulu... |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 18-7-2005 08:41 PM:
ooo laki ko orang pulau la eh.....
mesti dia banyak story2 eh zaman dulu...
Ha'ah Dep dia mmg org pulau....
Dulu masa Aries kenal dgn dia kan, dia masih duduk di pulau tu....so semasa kami hendak bertunang pada hujung tahun 1993...dorang semua dah kena pindah ke singapura....sebelum Aries dapat tahu yg dorang kena berpindah ke s'pura dlm fikiran ni berfikir jugak lah...nanti nak sanding mcmana eh? Turun naik bot ke? :stp: Sanding kat pulau ke? :stp:
Mmg banyak story dia masa tinggal di pulau tu Dep....
Yang best ialah tiap |
Polis akan bentuk pangkalan data dalam usaha perangi kes kecurian telefon bimbit yang kian bertambah
Farid Hamzah
JANGAN terperanjat jika polis yang menjalankan rondaan meminta telefon bimbit anda untuk diperiksa.
Pemeriksaan itu melibatkan nombor Pengenalan Telefon Bimbit Antarabangsa (Imei) yang terdapat dalam setiap telefon bimbit.
Tujuannya: Bagi mengumpul maklumat mengenai nombor tersebut dan memasukkannya ke dalam pangkalan data.
Tetapi, yang lebih penting ialah pemeriksaan rambang itu merupakan satu senjata baru polis dalam mengurangkan kes kecurian telefon bimbit yang terus meningkat di sini.
Pada enam bulan pertama tahun ini, sebanyak 2,423 kes kecurian telefon bimbit dilaporkan berlaku berbanding 1,685 kes pada tempoh yang sama tahun lalu - satu kenaikan sebanyak 44 peratus atau 738 kes.
Mendedahkan pendekatan baru polis itu, Pengarah Operasi Polis, Penolong Pesuruhjaya Kanan (SAC) Aubeck Kam, berkata pangkalan data itu akan mula dibentuk tahun depan.
'Sementara menanti ia dibentuk, para pegawai polis yang menjalankan rondaan mungkin akan membuat pemeriksaan rambang ke atas telefon bimbit yang digunakan seseorang.
'Kami harap usaha ini dapat mengurangkan masalah kecurian telefon bimbit kerana dalam kebanyakan kes, kami sukar untuk pulangkan telefon bimbit kepada pemilik sebenar selepas ditemui,' kata beliau dalam satu sidang akhbar semalam.
Memberikan contoh, SAC Kam berkata kes kecurian telefon bimbit sering berlaku semasa seseorang meninggalkan alat itu di atas meja di pusat penjaja ketika mereka membeli makanan.
Beliau turut memberitahu bahawa seramai 485 belia, kebanyakannya berusia 18 tahun, telah diberkas kerana terlibat dalam kes curi telefon bimbit antara Januari dengan Jun lalu.
'Selain menjadi penjenayah dalam kes melibatkan telefon bimbit, golongan belia juga menjadi mangsa kes kecurian telefon bimbit,' tambah SAC Kam.
Dalam pada itu, polis juga menasihatkan para pemilik kedai telefon bimbit terpakai agar menyimpan rekod yang lengkap bagi memastikan perniagaan yang 'bersih'.
Orang ramai pula diingatkan agar menyimpan nombor Imei yang boleh diperolehi dengan menekan butang *#06# di telefon bimbit masing-masing. |
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 20-7-2005 09:16 AM:
yup...btol tu Dep...hb mmg banyak pengalaman....dulu pun dia hidup susah...
Hmm..arwah FIL mmg kulit dia dulu hitam manis....MIL she still look fair....heheh
pssttt Dep, ko tengok hb Aries ...
lol lol tak la ..
ni pasal dari masa kecik2 dulu kan, orang2 tua selalu ceta pasal dorang ulang alik pulau ubin la, pulau sekijang la....
so dorang cakap tiap2 hari naik sampan kulit semua terbakar....
tu la cakap putih jadi dark cokelet :bgrin: |
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 20-7-2005 11:48 AM:
Polis akan bentuk pangkalan data dalam usaha perangi kes kecurian telefon bimbit yang kian bertambah
Farid Hamzah
J ...
Aiyoyo..... Cam mana ah polis nak cek??
sedangkan nak cek NRIC nombor pun kadang2 lambat dorang tunggu giliran nak cakap ngan operator polis, apa lagi nak cek 15 nombor????
Agak dorang carry laptop kot dalam ada database..
Tapi nanti ada database kat internet kan? so alrite la peniaga sungei road....
Kalo tak abis ah, sungei road tutup kedai ah ni macam... |
puteri81 This user has been deleted
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 2005-7-18 10:42 AM:
Ni sokkabar hari Sabtu lepas :~
Bekas penduduk Seking ikuti perasmian kawasan pelupusan sampah Semakau sebagai pusat riadah ...
i luv dis kinda places.....:love:
klu ada masa nk kesana jugaklah ajak CL...:bgrin: |
puteri81 This user has been deleted
Originally posted by gadis_aries at 2005-7-20 11:48 AM:
Orang ramai pula diingatkan agar menyimpan nombor Imei yang boleh diperolehi dengan menekan butang *#06# di telefon bimbit masing-masing.
tanks for the info....dgr slalu org ckp psl imei ni tapi tk tau cemaner...;) |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
nihari maia pakai kebaya kat newpaper........ |
Originally posted by puteri81 at 21-7-2005 06:38 AM:
i luv dis kinda places.....:love:
klu ada masa nk kesana jugaklah ajak CL...:bgrin:
Put, last Saturday bekas penduduk |
Mum's painful sobs as horror unfolds
IT must have already been hard enough for her to be in the same room as her daughter's alleged killer.
But to have to view graphic reminders of the tragic death must have been especially painful for Madam Huang Shu Ying.
Twice yesterday, the 32-year-old was subjected to such torment. Both times she wept, at one point breaking into quiet sobs.
The first time, she was shown a photograph of her daughter's decomposed body.
The second time, she watched a video re-enactment of the alleged murder.
Malaysian Took Leng How, 23, is on trial for allegedly murdering Huang Na, 8, last October.
Madam Huang, from China's Fujian province, finally took the stand as a prosecution witness on the seventh day of the trial yesterday morning.
She had entered the crowded courtroom with her usual stoic expression. The court kaypohs, who had been eagerly anticipating her arrival, gawked and pointed.
When asked by Senior State Counsel Lawrence Ang from the prosecution team to identify Took, she took a quick glance at him in the dock and nodded. Took appeared nonchalant.
It didn't take long for Madam Huang to be reminded of her grief.
Mr Ang asked her to identify Huang Na by showing her a photograph of the girl's decomposed body.
She cracked up, and Mr Ang had to halt his questioning for a few minutes to let her regain her composure.
It was a heartrending sight as her sobs, slightly amplified by the microphone, were the only audible sound in the quiet courtroom.
Meanwhile, Took, who sat just 2m away, did not show any emotion. He simply bit his nails.
During her one-hour testimony, Madam Huang kept her head bowed most of the time.
Her head sank lower as Took's lawyer, Mr Subhas Anandan, grilled her on the stand.
After she stepped down, she looked annoyed.
In the afternoon, Madam Huang sat in the public gallery to listen to the proceedings.
Again, she kept her head down most of the time, looking up occasionally to see the photographs flashed on screen.
But several times, she stared long and hard at Took, mumbled under her breath and looked down again.
Then came the video footage.
It had Took demonstrating, on a mannequin, to the police how he had used the plastic bags to tie Huang Na up after he allegedly killed her.
Then he showed how he karate-chopped the back of her neck, strangled her, stomped on her neck, stripped her and finally molested her.
It was too much for Madam Huang to bear.
Once again, she choked up. Clutching pieces of tissue paper as she dabbed her eyes, her sniffles could be heard in the quiet public gallery.
In contrast, Took smiled to himself as he watched the footage. But his Indonesian-Chinese wife, Madam Yuli, 24, wept.
Minutes later, Madam Huang had to be escorted out of the courtroom by a female CID officer. She did not return.
When the day's session ended at 4.30pm, she emerged from the witness room, looking glum and with her head bowed as she walked out of the court.
She did not speak to the press.
Most of the 60-strong crowd had turned up in court to see her.
After she gave her testimony and returned to the witness room, a quarter of the courtroom was empty.
Mr Toh, a 56-year-old retiree, said in Mandarin: 'I'm going home now. There's nothing to watch anymore.' |
Thursday July 21, 10:17 PM
TT Durai's daughter appeals to PM Lee to help restore her father's honour
SINGAPORE : The daughter of TT Durai, the former CEO of the National Kidney Foundation, has appealed to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to help restore her father's honour and reputation if a review of the NKF shows there have not been any wrongdoings.
Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan disclosed this in Parliament on Thursday.
Mr Khaw, who was responding to points made by MPs over the two days of debate, had urged the House to also look at the issue from the perspective of Mr Durai's family.
He said Mr Durai's daughter, a junior college student who is mature for her age, had emailed the Prime Minister.
Saying she was adversely affected by the fiasco, she wrote: "Since I was young, my father had very little time to spend with us匢 always asked myself why my father had no time for us. Were we less important to him than his patients? Was his work more important than us?"
And she went on to ask Mr Lee, "After the review by the new board, you will help him to restore his reputation and honour, if no wrong doings were found?"
Mr Khaw said Mr Durai's achievements for the NKF were real and significant.
But ego and arrogance could have gone to his head, leading to poor judgement and insensitivity.
Mr Khaw cautioned, "I think there are lessons for us here. No matter how great our achievements are, we live for others. Look at the late Mr Hon Sui Sen. There was no ego in the man. He completely personified humility.
"Likewise the late President Wee Kim Wee and hence the huge outpouring of emotions at his funeral. President S.R. Nathan is another such humble man who has done great for society, but remains his past self."
Mr Khaw also had a word of caution for other players in the NKF saga.
He said, "I scanned through the local media today. I could not help noticing the different spin The Straits Times put to the MPs' speeches yesterday, compared to all the other local media, like TODAY and ZaoBao. Let us hope arrogance has not also gone to the head of the victor in the Court case." - CNA/de |
[quote]Originally posted by gadis_aries at 21-7-2005 08:52 AM:
Put, last Saturday bekas penduduk |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 21-7-2005 11:32 PM:
ya ni betul....memang bapak dia aku rasa takde bukti pun buat salah....
Perdana Menteri, Presiden, Lee Kuan Yew pun bleh umum bapak dia tak buat salah...
tapi kat mata rakyat, bapak dia ...
ya exactly,.. da la yaya.. den dengan peanuts dia, merz, gold tap  |
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Category: Negeri & Negara