Twilight highlight
By Lai Swee Wei
12 Jul β Twi-hards in Malaysia flocked to cinemasover World Cup Finals weekend (8-11 July) to catch the third instalmentof the hit vampire series, "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" as it openednationwide last Thursday. The film overshadowed all movies includingother anticipated debuts namely "Predators", "Despicable Me", and"Flirting Scholar 2".
Based on Cinema Online's "Hot Movie Checks", "The Twilight Saga:Eclipse" bares its fangs in top position over the weekend, followed byRobert Rodriguez's "Predators", Universal Pictures' 3D feature"Despicable Me", Tom Cruise-Cameron Diaz's "Knight & Day", andStephen Chow's scholar spoof prequel "Flirting Scholar 2".

Queue stretched all the way out of the cinema. | 
Twi-hards came dressed in their best pajamas. |
In conjunction with the "Eclipse" release, a special "Twilight"movie marathon which took place last Friday night at Cathay Cineplexe@Curve turned awry when about 100 frustrated Twilighters with validtickets were turned away due to a slip-up. It was apparent that the onehall dedicated to the marathon was not enough to house everyone anddistributor Nusantara Edaran Filem (NEF) apologised to those who werestranded and assured that compensation will be made. Meanwhile, therest of the crowd watched "Twilight", "New Moon" and "Eclipse" from9.30pm to 5.00am, punctuated by lucky draws and prize-giving sessionsto an enthusiastic audience who came in sleepwear theme.

"Vampires Suck" opens 26 August. |
On a related note, 20th Century Fox confirms the release of"Vampires Suck", a vampire spoof movie that combines the Twilight filmsinto one long parody - complete with actors impersonating KristenStewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner in their roles as theclumsy Bella Swan, brooding Edward Cullen and shirtless Jacob Black.Deemed from "the guys who didn't want to sit through another vampiremovie", "Vampires Suck" is slated for 26 August 2010 release.Box office takings for the weekend just gone
(8 JUL β 11 JUL) | Malaysia
1) The Twilight Sage: Eclipse
2) Predators
3) Despicable Me
4) Flirting Scholar 2
5) Zoo
6) Toy Story 3
7) Knight & Day
8) The Back-Up Plan
9) Triple Tap
10) The Legend Is Born: Ip Man | Singapore
1) Despicable Me
2) Predators
3) The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
4) Toy Story 3
5) Knight and Day
6) Ip Man: The Legend Is Born
7) Triple Tap
8) Shanghai
9) The Karate Kid
10) Chloe |
bila tgk marathon kan... aku ada rasa yg jadi victoria dlm eclipse tak meyakinkan la.... victoria dlm new moon w/pun muncul sekejap2... ada rasa gerun gak.... |
Add aku skalik ek eyka...
nanti senang nak jimba2 next Twilight movie...
yatt_takez Post at 13-7-2010 18:25 
pm ler aku email ko.. |
Reply leon_mclaren78
I pun nak beli Tshirt - Team Edward. PM I yer pasal Tshirt tu.
So far, ...
bspotgurl Post at 13-7-2010 13:13 
aku still survey2 lg ni, nk cari quotation yg paling murah!
Ada yg aku bkenan tp London mari... kalo convert pound diaorg, mahal la pulak RM nye...
Aku nk try cari made in USA dulu... nnt kalo bjaya beli, aku habaq kat ko eh! |
dah tgok eclipse siang tadi. tapi rasenye movie kali ni ade kureng la...tapi x tau kt part mana, pada aku best lagi new moon...
agree dgn kekure yg kata lakonan KS agak kekayuannya...
kureng eksperi kot. lagi best lakonan alice tu.
aku agree yg jasper mmg hot & macho dlm movie... |
jd ke nak tgk sekali 25th ni?
date kite sabtu pg kt mane? or else, kalau nak tgk Eclipse lg kite kuar ahad la.. nak??? 
xmo join je 25th - watch Eclipse with TwiMY@Mid Valley
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
Reply 704# yatt_takez
Vampire Suck
lawak nya...a must see  |
Reply 673# leon_mclaren78
makna nye edward tukar kan jugak lar bella jadi vampire
be4 kawin ke atau lepas dy peknen??
tp x sabar nak tegok jacob terpikat gan anak bella... |
dah tgk jgk..
mmg rasa lagi kureng dr new moon (NM)...
lakonan KS dr 1st movie kayu..
byk sgt part cium2 dlm NM..
part victoria lawan dgn edward tu,tergesa sgt endingnya..
punyala beria victoria nak balas dendam tp kejap sgt dh mati... |
Reply 708# pavlova
cam nak join ....tp der hal ler plak arituh |
Reply 713# leon_mclaren78
thanx 4 sinopsis leon_mclaren..
mmg best sgt tak sabar nak tegok movie dy.. |
Reply 717# leon_mclaren78
ala leon.... ko penah bukak 1 thread pasal ko jumpa leon lai... aku antara forumer lama yg berjumpa thread ko tu.... wakakkaka
dan aku pun selalu join fanmeet ni...  |
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