Neelofa Bakal Lancar Jenama Beg Sendiri, Lofarbag Dan Ini Reaksi Netizen...
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gajahkelabu69 replied at 30-8-2018 05:13 PM
sama je.. cuma bahasa tu.. i rasa ada fans lofa guna perkataan bahasa yg melampau.. for example: l ...
huh? yg fanataik fattzura tulis lofa as hajjah birah tu x melampau? fitnah dia berbikini kat kapal tak melampau? siap fitnah stay dlm room yg sama pastu baju sini sana kat lantai tak melampau?
fact is both also melampau so xyah la side fattzura sana acah2 baik.
at least segala fitnah2 kat lofa tu xdenya bukti, just hearsay. Pasal fazura..hikhiks.
yg pasal dia ngan suami marion pun who initiated it? fazura la ngan twit dia.
i have nothing against faz now since i mmg suka she changes for the better tapi pls la jgn asyik nak salahkan fans lofa je.
Tengok la thread ni, pasal lofa keluarkan bag je pun dah almost 1k komens. Konon LadyShera tu fanataiks first fattzura, yg selalu stalked ladyshera tu lagi la teruk, fanataiks ladyshera ke?
just accept the fact is fattzura ni mostly hatersnya now is fanataiks si fattah. yg doa2kan mereka meremput tu crazyfans fattah sbb mereka nak fattah tau without them, fattah xdenya berjaya cam now. Tgk je sampai fans club yg bertahun lamanya sebelum dia meletops dibubarkan sbb kecik hati layanan fattah dah lain sejak kahwin faz. Kakak2 makciks2 yg crazy support fattah pun mengadu faz asyik berkepit ngan fattah sampai mereka nak minta faz ke tepi sbb nak ambil pic ngan fattah je. N nak boikot product faz sbb yes to them, bukan takat fattah tapi faz punya letops2 pun sbb mereka, kalau x, bisnes faz x happening. Gossip2 negatip pasal fattzura ni mmg dari crazyfans fattah pun-faz control queen faz insecure bla3, haters fattah (dulu2 punya lofattah) cuma tambah perisa sambil makan popcorn.
Walaupun me tak suka lopak
Cantik jer beg dia niii |
LauraRichis replied at 30-8-2018 05:21 PM
udoh2 lettew bitter hajjah neelofake kempunan nak merasa 2b si patah aming
sheols pown da ...
kalau dia kempunan, dah lama fattah tu milik dia. Fattah tu kena reject ngan lofa.
Fattah kahwin ngan Fazura, semuanya puji ooo bestnya faz dpt fattah ooo bertuahnya faz dpt fattah, tgk je la komen2 kat thread2 pasal fattzura.
U review balik pula komens2 pasal lofattah, time lofa ngan fattah, rata2 puji bertuahnya fattah dpt lofa! Pastu ramai yg minta lofa to think carefully as she deserves better.
Hahhhh! Nampak tak?
For fazura, dpt suami like fattah, ooooo bertuahhhnyaaa blaa3
For Lofa, ewwww please! not fattah! Lofa deserves so much better!
Plus u all yg sibuk canang konon lofa two-timing fattah n just gunakan fattah for publicity then ishh u all ni pula yg claimed lofa kempunan ngan fattah. =.=||
hello...artist mana yg tidak di kutuk di fitnah....? kalau di forum macam2 nama artist di beri....tapi bila di bacul baculkan & lacur lacurkan di insta....i think thats too much.
And the worst things .... those people yg maki hamun.....bacul pelacur is from fans that is very very close to Hajjah and family.
Lu dapat lihat beza fans pajura & hajjah??
hajjah tak heran abdul untok jadi suami dia. semua org tau. keluarga abdul orang kampung....too simple for hajjah.Also macam lobenak say ....abdul punya hanya 2B aje.... ![](static/image/smiley/default/KETUK.gif)
Tapi wa purcaya hajjah missed the attention she get when she was with abdul.
Tup tup sekarang pajura dapat. Look at their wedding....the crowds yg nak ambil gambar dgn mereka.
Bukan kah itu yg terjadi pada hajjah masa era drama pilot tu...wa lupa nama cerita itu.
Ini pendapat bg mat ..... ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Edited by esteryen at 2-9-2018 07:45 AM
tadi ada terbaca komen pasal faz seru fans xyah upload pic/video korban2 time haji tu, this I applaud her alot. i love the fact she stood up for her believes which she is an animal lover. especially time dia upload pic Mr.Kuning; anjing, the survivor hero from pulau ketam.
Yg puak bongok asyik la tak boleh sentuh anjing haraammmmm bla3. X pula mereka ambil tau kenapa Mr.Kuning tu famous in the animal/strays/furkids world.
yg beria2 up pics/videos korban2 tu, bayangkan nanti ada la vietnamese n so on up pic2/videos mereka "korban" kucing.
It is from the way u treat animals, yg cerminkan the inner self of yours.
Faz ni sejak dulu walaupun i xsuka her bitchy side tapi i have a soft spot for her for her love for the animals, especially strays.
Oppss supaya x off topic, xminat sgt ngan bag lofa ni, nampak besar. Segiempat sesgt.
Juga jgn lupa .... jualan tudung hajah terus meletop . Lepas itu sales was never like before.....![](static/image/smiley/default/KETUK.gif)
MatDeghem replied at 2-9-2018 07:33 AM
hello...artist mana yg tidak di kutuk di fitnah....? kalau di forum macam2 nama artist di beri... ...
mat oh mat, ni bukan first time i follow both threads pasal faz n lofa pun.
like i mentioned, both sides pun sama je.
xdenya side fattzura tu lebih elok or side lofa tu teruk sgt sbb both side pun sama je cercaan n nicknames lucah2. both sides sama saja.
dia panggil dia fakezura, dia panggil neelofake. dia kata dia seks sini sana dia pula kata dia seks ngan anak raja. dia gelar dia touch+go dia gelar dia birah xde dara bla3.
Nampak tak? Sama je.
For me simple, bash je ikut suka hati tapi x perlulah kekonon this side "holier" this side "wicked" sbb both sides pun bitchy2.
hoi bosannyah..igt ka benang naik sbb beg lopah ni da sold out..mana mod ni p campak benang kat lopaland sinun..biar puji pujian jah utk jahbubis nih |
MatDeghem replied at 2-9-2018 07:41 AM
hajjah tak heran abdul untok jadi suami dia. semua org tau. keluarga abdul orang kampung....too si ...
to be frank, i start minat n get to know about lofa pun mmg sejak meletops letops drama lofattah tu.
dulu i nampak la juga thread dia yg berlambak kat gossip2 especially pasal dia mengacara meletops, tgk komen byk tapi bila i clicked to baca, hmmm, x menarik minat i utk follow pasal lofa.
yes, it was after lofattah yg buat i stalked lofa, one of the reason sbb i rasa dia lawa. i suka tgk dia wear so decently yet she looks so nice. n yes later of her achievements. i mmg proud sgt.
Yup, lately mmg x berkenan ngan her attire, especially turban2 tu. but some days she pulls if off some days she dont.
entah le, i mmg tried to avoid thread2 pasal lofa now sbb x sampai hati baca kecaman2 towards her. but hikhiks some days jari x tahan pula nak mengomen.
mcm mana org x kata peminat lofa ni bitter ngan fattzura kalau everything yg fans fattzura buat cth mcm birthdayshout ni ada je peminat lofa keluar ayat pelik2 contoh budak besen kata dkt
live ig dia "batak"... mmg x blh move on la puak2 lofa ni... and i like how classy fans fattzura in IG... buat hal sendiri sudah... stkt budak besen tu apa sgt lah |
Peluru berpandu Aka sudah maiiii .....
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HepiBooster replied at 1-9-2018 04:20 PM
Aku nak nasihat , kahwin xsampai setahun jgn dipuji sangat
sama mcm katek terencat , xde siapa k ...
Mcm missfake missanjalna..group showoff ksh syg tu.bgabung sbb tau lofa xseteru mrk.tp bgus lg lofa sbb bjaya btol smpai luar ngara,bkn acah2 g oversea tp habuk tarakk bwk balik gigi gusi yg dok posing kat tiang eiffel tu je .abg pon blh posing |
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that's what i meant. thanks for clearing it..
penggunaan perkataan, bahasa..
contoh 1: fazura tu control laki dia
contoh 2: fakezura bitch tu control fattaik..
nampak beza?
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