{ALL ABOUT ZUL ARIFFIN} : ZA's current project - Misteri Dilaila, Sangkar &
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harumanis replied at 4-4-2018 08:42 AM
But to us yg kejung tu laa best....macam2 boleh ajar....oooopss!
Kalau both virgin, sama2 belajar. Kalau kawin ngan janda/duda, yg pandai yg ajar. |
harumanis replied at 4-4-2018 08:44 AM
Kejammm.....but she looked much older than her age...vs Ayda who looked so young and free.....
Agree..., AJ looks so much younger than FN. nak gedik2 pun kene jer ngan notti face dia. |
uols...i tgh tgk TC episod gesel hidung...i imejin...msa gesel hidung tu kan...mesti terbau mulut ZA bau rokok. org kuat merokok...kite beckp depan dia pn bau rokok kan? tp badan dia sure bau perfume... |
cheesepastry replied at 4-4-2018 02:04 PM
uols...i tgh tgk TC episod gesel hidung...i imejin...msa gesel hidung tu kan...mesti terbau mulut ZA ...
Kalau i heroin diva, i suruh zul pakai mouthwash dulu. Dah pakai nk french kiss pun i relakan. |
iols tak pedulilah kaka2 anti FN...sbb iols nak sgt jd FN msa kna dukung2 dgn ZA tu...nak sgt... mesti bau heols sgt arousing msa tu
cheesepastry replied at 4-4-2018 02:23 PM
iols tak pedulilah kaka2 anti FN...sbb iols nak sgt jd FN msa kna dukung2 dgn ZA tu...nak sgt...:' ...
Not the bau only, dia nyer smile tu, omg!!! Sgt lah tempting.. asal camera tak focus muke zul btl2. Damn it, FN is so lucky..
Semua pompuan nk mintak zul dukung tau..
Tat dukung scene i tgk rewind play rewind play masa 1st time tgk. |
Misteri Dilaila bts day 11.. |
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i cant wait to watch his kabir bhatia movie...i bole tgk 3 kali kt cinema. |
I terjumpe my dotter nyer school teacher yg tinggi mcm ZA, yg cute mcm ZA, yg colour blind mcm ZA jgk.. and i can't stop smiling now.... |
can u snap his picture and share it here....
cheesepastry replied at 4-4-2018 04:54 PM
can u snap his picture and share it here....
Taknk lah.. privacy org awan kene respek..haha.. i pun tak sempat nk snap.
U imagine izzat hilman nyer image..badan tegap,tinggi,putih mcm ZA,wearing glasses mcm izzat hilman...and of course gd command of english.
And i noe him colour blind pun masa ari tu my dotter ckp her teacher cannot see red and green.
cheesepastry replied at 4-4-2018 04:25 PM
i cant wait to watch his kabir bhatia movie...i bole tgk 3 kali kt cinema.
3 kali ckp ke?? |
cheesepastry replied at 4-4-2018 11:20 AM
learn from movie maaa...50 shades of grey...hahah
50 shades of grey is so kinky ganaz nya..takut ngeri kan. |
cheesepastry replied at 4-4-2018 02:04 PM
uols...i tgh tgk TC episod gesel hidung...i imejin...msa gesel hidung tu kan...mesti terbau mulut ZA ...
Some guys takde bau pun although after smoking maybe clean type.Always sweets or mouthwash..fresh breath. |
Nana_Man replied at 4-4-2018 12:06 AM
Haha.. u make it sound mcm fawaa tu kepochi gitu.. semua nk ikut2 ape ZA buat..
Baca fans fawa komen now zul pun ckp suka pegang2 tgn sama cam fawaa.Senyum sama pic dlm.ig sama. |
harumanis replied at 3-4-2018 10:52 PM
Testinggg my new profile......
Kaka likes you clean shaven adik joi......
Looks like a spaniard,greek,danish or dutch.Caucasian habis zul ni..complexion tan kalau travel ni mmg ramai toleh berkali2. |
brums08 replied at 4-4-2018 07:16 PM
Baca fans fawa komen now zul pun ckp suka pegang2 tgn sama cam fawaa.Senyum sama pic dlm.ig sama.
Somehow i rasa zul tgh single.. pasal i prasan his aunt pun like those zulfawaa related posts. |
I love this smile.. but he looks 5 years older than his real age...again i say "SHAVE PLS!!!!".. |
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harumanis replied at 4-4-2018 08:44 AM
Kejammm.....but she looked much older than her age...vs Ayda who looked so young and free.....
Mmg nature fawa lain ayda young n carefree.Of course kita suka yg feminine ayu sopan but ayda yg gedik2 lagi menceriakan hidup. |
Nana_Man replied at 4-4-2018 07:34 PM
I love this smile.. but he looks 5 years older than his real age...again i say "SHAVE PLS!!!!"..
Kaki gym mmg nampak tua sikit sbb very lean n muka cepat berkedut,laughing lines nenek i ckp hahahahaha |
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