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Author: alongim

Anak comelku Autistic Spectrum Disorder

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Post time 4-6-2008 03:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sasha at 4-6-2008 01:38 PM
Shidah.. U tampar pompuan cina tuh muda ker tua..? berani dia U lag berani.... bravo..bukan nak mengapikan tp tang anak2 ni sapa yg nak defend kalau bukan kita ..

I teringat ceta ka ...

Muda jer lagi orang tu Sasha. dalam 20-an, muka dia sampai skrg saya ingat, dan dia maybe ingat muka saya ..memang betul saya sgt brutal tapi hati teramatlah sedih bila kes aniaya anak OKU, anak normal pun sama kesiannya.
Masyrakat kita patut diberi pendedahan tentang kewujudan anak2 istimewa terutamanya autistik yg mmg sukar dilihat secara mata kasar sbb mrk nampak normal saja.
Kesian nyer kawan awak tu. sampai hati. My friend pun janda yg ditinggalkan sejak dia pregnant, skrg anak dah 7tahun, terserempak dgn bapa kat pasar malam pun bapak dia buat tak kenal saja. mak dia dan ex-suami kerja satu tempat saja. selalu bertembung tapi macam tak pernah kenal, so sad..anak tahu itu bapak dia

[ Last edited by  shidahameera at 4-6-2008 03:55 PM ]

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Post time 4-6-2008 04:46 PM | Show all posts

Reply #741 shidahameera's post

Saya setuju Shidah...anak OKU or anak normal kita tak patut cakap mcm tuh kan..
tp lepas U tampar dia ada lawan balik or dia diam ajer..?

sedih sedih..itu lagi la dia kenal ayah dia...yg kawan I tuh anak dia dah 8 tahun..mmg tak kenal langsung ayah dia sbb tak pernah menjelma atau call...mcm org cerai mati jer gamaknya. sbb lost contact terus...nasib2...

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Post time 4-6-2008 05:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sasha at 4-6-2008 04:46 PM
Saya setuju Shidah...anak OKU or anak normal kita tak patut cakap mcm tuh kan..
tp lepas U tampar dia ada lawan balik or dia diam ajer..?

sedih sedih..itu lagi la dia kenal ayah dia...yg kawa ...

Mata dia terkebil-kebil tak menjawab apa2 dan i terus keluar dari low class shoppe tu (panggil low class sbb itu kedai biasa2 ajer like mini market) tapi mmg i dengar dia cakap dalam bahasa cina macam maki hamun saya balik, lantaklah bukan nyer saya faham dia cakap apa. Awak tahu Sasha, saya biasa masuk kedai taraf 6 stars pun tak pernah orang marah anak saya macam kita tak pandai jaga anak, anak saya under control dgn ubat, jadi takder masalah pun, budak normal pun usik juga something yg dia suka.
Bukanlah saya nak menangkan anak, kalau anak buat salah walaupun dia macam tu, saya masih denda dia, bukan biarkan saja macam tu. Tapi saya sesekali takkan marah anak depan public, at least masuk kereta baru hentam sikit(cubit kot) , marah sikit dan expplain yg dia buat salah, samada dia faham tak shidah pun tak pasti

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Post time 5-6-2008 10:00 AM | Show all posts
acupuncture tu mula2 mmg anak I nangis tapi kejap je, masa nak cucuk tu. lepas cucuk dia ok, main2 balik mcm biasa walaupun jarum atas kepala. sekarang masih pegi acupuncture, tapi dia x nangis dah bila kena cucuk. Dah biasa kot. Weekend kami balik kampung ramai orang tegur anak saya makin banyak bercakap, padahal I x pernah bagi tau yg anak I dok pegi acupuncture treatment. Dia dah bersembang2 dgn nenek dia...semua nenek dia tanya dia jawap...cuma kadang2 tu apa yg dia cakapkan masih x clear. Bottom line, I puas hati dgn treatment, tapi masih kena teruskan sebab banyak benda lagi anak I perlu improve

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Post time 6-6-2008 05:10 PM | Show all posts

Reply #744 mami06's post

mami pegi buat acupunture kat mana and berapa cost dia?

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Post time 7-6-2008 09:30 AM | Show all posts

Balas #734 losyen\ catat

masalahnya anak saya dia tak nak ikut apa yang kita cakap..walaupun kita ckp satu2 pun dia buat tak tau jer..dia akan buat bunyi2 yang entah2 apa tah...tapi kalau bnyi iklan dlm tv dia boleh lak ikut..tapi yang kit ajar taknak lak ikut...dia akan tutup mulut dia..anak you umur braper?

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Post time 9-6-2008 10:08 AM | Show all posts

Reply #745 norsha's post

acupuncture treatment kat the tole, master leong @ menara promet. acupuncture RM35 sekali cucuk. I buat 2 kali sehari... pegi seminggu sekali je...

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Post time 9-6-2008 10:31 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by orange_lemon at 7-6-2008 09:30 AM
masalahnya anak saya dia tak nak ikut apa yang kita cakap..walaupun kita ckp satu2 pun dia buat tak tau jer..dia akan buat bunyi2 yang entah2 apa tah...tapi kalau bnyi iklan dlm tv dia boleh lak  ...

cik orange, pada saya umur 3thn tu boleh dikira "awal" lagi. kena amik masa gak. tak boleh nak paksa dia. saya dpt diagnose anak saya autisme pun dlm umur 3 thn gak. dia asik dok menjerit jer even nak sesuatu brg. cuba galakkan anak nyanyi lagu yg dia suka. (salah satu cara nak suh dia berckp)..

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Post time 9-6-2008 03:35 PM | Show all posts

Reply #748 losyen's post

anak saya bulan 8 ni 3 tahun.. kadang2 masa buat theraphy kalau dia x cooperate tu, wonder gak whether sebab autism ke or he's just being a stubborn 3-year old who would like to do what he wishes only.. . Umur berapa tahun ek budak2 dengar & follow instruction.. Sometimes during these type of situation lah bila dia x nak buat task therapist suruh rasa cam sia2 je datang theraphy session..

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Post time 9-6-2008 04:49 PM | Show all posts
cik ummi, pada umur 3thn..dia masih tahap "main2". umur 3-4 thn, memang kena byk bersabar dgn diorng. masa umur dlm 5 thn rasanya dia boleh bagi respond. (apa yg saya alamilah). bulan 8 nanti nak gi jumpa psycatric, nak gi test iq anak saya.

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Post time 10-6-2008 10:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by losyen at 9-6-2008 04:49 PM
cik ummi, pada umur 3thn..dia masih tahap "main2". umur 3-4 thn, memang kena byk bersabar dgn diorng. masa umur dlm 5 thn rasanya dia boleh bagi respond. (apa yg saya alamilah). bulan 8 nanti nak ...

sama gak....bulan lepas baru pandang mata. anak i bulan tujuh ni 5 tahun .bila panggil baru datang, dah pandai salam cium tangan.

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Post time 11-6-2008 10:58 AM | Show all posts

Reply #751 sayang_papa's post

Ya ka.. my son ada some eye-contact, la ni banyak skit lah dari dulu tapi tgk mood dia gak lah. Dia boleh ikut lagu old mcdonald yang part eya-eya ohh tu tapi kalau dia nak & same thing kalau nyanyi lagu body parts kalau dia nak baru dia point to his body part.. sangat le ikut mood dia. Kalau bukak, kadang2 dengarlah bila part huruf A tu, dia sebut "apple".

Dah start salam ngan orang few months back (when prompted) tapi x reti nak bye-bye lagi...

Yang paling merisaukan ku is his non-verbalness and his tak-makan-ness

And paling ku depress bila kami berada dengan budak2 yang sebaya ngan dia..

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Post time 11-6-2008 01:46 PM | Show all posts
[Anak shidah hari ni pergi main bowling. ...kordinasi tangan dia ok dah nampaknya, mampu buat jatuhan pin

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Post time 11-6-2008 05:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by shidahameera at 4-6-2008 05:04 PM

Mata dia terkebil-kebil tak menjawab apa2 dan i terus keluar dari low class shoppe tu (panggil low class sbb itu kedai biasa2 ajer like mini market) tapi mmg i dengar dia cakap dalam bahasa ...

aku sokong jer..........tampor jer kalau dah melampau sangat..........

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Post time 11-6-2008 05:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mder at 11-6-2008 05:33 PM

aku sokong jer..........tampor jer kalau dah melampau sangat..........

kan..kan skrg ni diplomasi dah tak byk boleh pakai

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Post time 11-6-2008 11:38 PM | Show all posts

Reply #755 shidahameera's post

my son pun lambat bercakap gak bila dia kecik, his way of communication is by touching other people....... dia suka sangat sentuh orang lain yang sebaya.......
problemnyer  one time kat mall.....selalunya i memang alert .....tengok-tengok ..dia sudah sentuh this girl ni.......bukannya kasar sangat pun.....and mother budak tu pun mengatala dalam hokkien.....something like macam budak gila.......
i pun pegi dekat mak budak tu and i terus speaking british and mintak maaf....... tahu-tahu jer muka terus bertukar tersengih-sengih "it's okay, it's okay"......... rasanya dia gabra tengok muka bapa budak ni, punyala bengis........
    i bukan nak defend kalau anak kita salah, in fact masa kecik-kecik kalau pegi mall i'm more like body guard...memang kena alert all the time......... tapi sometimes as parent, memang terasa bila orang kata kat anak kita.....

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Post time 12-6-2008 10:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mder at 11-6-2008 11:38 PM
my son pun lambat bercakap gak bila dia kecik, his way of communication is by touching other people....... dia suka sangat sentuh orang lain yang sebaya.......
problemnyer  one time ...

parents mana yg tak terasa bila anak dipersenda, lagi2 anak istimewa. Cubalah you tengok filem Korea " Running Boy" mmg terasa kita duduk di tempat dia. yang tak sama mak dia pernah cuba buang anak dia dgn tinggalkan di tempat yg jauh.

The Best Selling Films of 2005 (to April 20)

KoreanFilms Nationwide Seoul Release Weeks

1 Running Boy 5,131,000 1,550,347 Jan 27 9

2 Another Public Enemy 3,930,000 1,163,000 Jan 27 6
3 Mapado 2,661,000 813,000 Mar 10 5*
4 She's On Duty 1,770,556 421,772 Mar 17 4*
5 My Boyfriend is Type-B 1,452,658 330,402 Feb 3 3
6 Crying Fist 1,184,835 394,182 Apr 1 2*
7 Wet Dreams 2 1,160,500 267,000 Jan 13 3
8 Cracked Eggs & Noodles 1,110,605 285,655 Feb 18 3
9 The President's Last Bang 1,083,160 326,100 Feb 3 3
10 A Bittersweet Life 976,805 234,406 Apr 1 2*

As the hero is disabled, Running Boy - Marathon which deals with Bae Hyeong-jin and the Chuncheon Marathon, was an unlikely success story. But word of mouth appears to have helped propel the film into record figures, with viewers gripped by the moving drama of an autistic man who uses the Marathon to score a victory for the human spirit.

Among the film's many strong points is a powerful story that conveys the subtleties of the internal conflict suffered by Bae's mother, besides solid production values, fine acting by Cho Seung-woo and Kim Mi-Sook, and an impressive realism, with the film shot on location at the site of last year's Chuncheon Marathon. The film was unique in attracting moviegoers of all ages, from preschool children to the elderly - not unlike the 2002 film -The Way Home- which drew over 4 million viewers.

Seok Myeong-hong, president of Running Boy - Marathon- production company Cineline2, said many parents were taking young children to see the film, and mothers and fathers had left over 1,500 messages on the film's webpage praising the picture. I saw the film five times in five days, one message read, while another said, The movie made my daughter cry.

In one of the highlights of the Korean film "Running Boy" (the original Korean title is "Marathon"), there is a scene in which an autistic boy is surrounded by a crowd of adults on a subway platform. They're confronting the boy because he tried to touch a woman; they assume the worst, of course, but he only touched her because she was wearing a skirt with a zebra pattern, and zebras are his favorite animal. The camera circles the boy, who, though standing in a crowd, is clearly different from the others.

Toward the end of the film, the same boy is running in a Marathon. At first we only see the boy; then the camera slowly pulls back until the boy disappears into the crowd of hundreds of other runners.The contrast between these two scenes add up to a poignant statement about the meaning of disability in our society.

"Running Boy" is a movie about disability, and about the lack of tolerance society has for people who are different. Based on the true story of an autistic boy who completed the Chuncheon Marathon four years ago, the film's protagonist is 20-year old Cho-won (played by Jo Seung-woo), who was diagnosed with autism at the age of five. His mother, played by Kim Mi-Sook, is a major character in the film, vividly illustrating the hardships experienced by families living with autistic people.

Special Features:


- Audio Commentary by Director and Casts
- Audio Commentary by Director


- Making Of Film
- Director's 2 Short Films
- Interview with Real Character
- Production Notes
- Trailer
- Music Video
- Poster Shooting Scenes
- Photo Gallery
- Sound Track


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Post time 12-6-2008 11:43 AM | Show all posts
macam best jer citer nih shida. dah  ada main kat tv ke? vcd ada jual tak?

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Post time 12-6-2008 11:45 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by losyen at 12-6-2008 11:43 AM
macam best jer citer nih shida. dah  ada main kat tv ke? vcd ada jual tak?

dah lama main kat tv, vcd/dvd banyak jual kat mana2 kedai. saya ada vcd tapi plan nak beli special edition dvd lah pulak. just nak buat special koleksi.

bagi shidah mmg best cerita ni sebab ada kaitan dgn anak kita, satu lagi filem "Mercury Rising" lakonan Bruce Willis, juga ttg anak autistik. Mmg menyentuh hati.terasa sekali apa yg dia tunjuk. Kalau losyen dan sesiapa kat sini minat menonton, belilah cd filem ni.

[ Last edited by  shidahameera at 12-6-2008 11:47 AM ]

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Post time 13-6-2008 01:53 PM | Show all posts

Balas #748 losyen\ catat

ya ker...takder la paksa dia suh ckap..tapi nak ajar diaorang ni memang memerlukan kesabaran yang tinggi...mood dia elok ok ler...kalau mood tak elok...sepatah pun di tak nak ikut...tapi diaorang ni terlalu menyayangi barang-barang diaorang...dan suka susun mainan...losyen, ank u treatment kat ner?dh braper lame?

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