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Author: sueism


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Post time 23-10-2017 12:48 PM | Show all posts
hidet replied at 23-10-2017 04:45 AM
my fren pun inform smlm..dok ajak membeli..huwaaaaaa..not this time,,why la why....

tu i tgh kuatkan diri jgn terikut nafsu

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Post time 26-10-2017 09:13 AM | Show all posts
damage done. huhuuhuhhuuh

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Post time 26-10-2017 09:28 AM | Show all posts
iloveyou replied at 26-10-2017 09:13 AM
damage done. huhuuhuhhuuh

u beli apa mlm td?sampai 900 above?mlm td i try tp sgt2 menyakitkan hati...last2 i xjd beli apa2...huhuhu

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Post time 26-10-2017 09:46 AM | Show all posts
wanta replied at 26-10-2017 09:28 AM
u beli apa mlm td?sampai 900 above?mlm td i try tp sgt2 menyakitkan hati...last2 i xjd beli apa2.. ...

yup, above rm900.
i share ngn kwn i
i just beli kvd lolita II & kvd ink liner trooper. sume ni repurchase. xmampu nk tmbh yg lain dh, huhu
around 12.00-12.15 cmtu, apps mmg prob. i tnggal nak checkout, tgk2 dh kosong cart i, kene search & add balik huhu.
dlm 12.40 cmtu, dh settle payment suma, alhamdulillah.

apps glitch so ada yg sephora salah kira, org tu dh byk bru perasan. kene email sephora balik huhu. nasib i xjd cmtu.


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Post time 26-10-2017 09:49 AM | Show all posts
i pesan kat org je tu pun sbb nak beli palette jadi murah gila...benci betul sephora time2 ni buat sale...

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Post time 26-10-2017 09:55 AM | Show all posts
iloveyou replied at 26-10-2017 09:46 AM
yup, above rm900.
i share ngn kwn i
i just beli kvd lolita II & kvd ink liner trooper. sume ni r ...

i mmg xsabar nk tgu lama2...hahaha...padan muka i sbb apa yg i nk beli mmg OOS...actually i xde apa pun nk saja je nk menambah collection...hihihi

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Post time 26-10-2017 09:58 AM | Show all posts
wanta replied at 26-10-2017 09:55 AM
i mmg xsabar nk tgu lama2...hahaha...padan muka i sbb apa yg i nk beli mmg OOS...actually i xde ap ...

hehehe, u nk beli ape tuuuu??
kali ni ramai target zoeva brush set. good bargain kotttt.
before pukul 1, mmg byk dh brg dh oos.


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Post time 26-10-2017 09:59 AM | Show all posts
carlalily replied at 26-10-2017 09:49 AM
i pesan kat org je tu pun sbb nak beli palette jadi murah gila...benci betul sephora time2 ni buat s ...

bulan ni 2x kali ok dia buat sale

i dpt conclude, sephora member sale tu bulan 5 & 10 tiap tahun.
sblm ni x penah buat halloween sale.


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Post time 26-10-2017 10:02 AM | Show all posts
iloveyou replied at 26-10-2017 09:58 AM
hehehe, u nk beli ape tuuuu??
kali ni ramai target zoeva brush set. good bargain kotttt.
before  ...

hahahha...berus jugak...and cover fx drop dan benefit brow set tu dan eyeshadow zoeva blanc...apps hang..pstu problem ms nk bayar..pstu i pun mls nk tgu...pkl 3 pg i bangun igt nk continue semua dh oos..

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Post time 26-10-2017 10:10 AM | Show all posts
iloveyou replied at 26-10-2017 09:59 AM
bulan ni 2x kali ok dia buat sale

i dpt conclude, sephora member sale tu bulan 5 & 10 tia ...

kan...tetiba halloween sale.tapi rasanya dia mcm nak test apps je tu. pasni mungkin boleh buat boxing day ke...

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Post time 26-10-2017 10:24 AM | Show all posts
carlalily replied at 26-10-2017 10:10 AM
kan...tetiba halloween sale.tapi rasanya dia mcm nak test apps je tu. pasni mungkin boleh buat box ...

boxing day ada sale tp sale yg x best (brg2 yg terlibat x best) compared ngn halloween sale ni.
sikit2 holiday set masuk store,  org pun dh xde duit huhuuh , pandai permainan sephora


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Post time 26-10-2017 10:25 AM | Show all posts
wanta replied at 26-10-2017 10:02 AM
hahahha...berus jugak...and cover fx drop dan benefit brow set tu dan eyeshadow zoeva blanc...apps ...

alahai sian u, klu u tnggu sikit je lagi dh dpt dh brg2 tu.


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Post time 1-11-2017 01:32 PM | Show all posts
next taget
eye primer
face primer

abes duit tabung

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Post time 2-11-2017 10:05 AM | Show all posts
intan_smsb replied at 1-11-2017 05:32 AM
next taget
eye primer
face primer

nnt nk buat black friday sale bole la u beli seme tu.

i beli eye primer murah je tp face primer i baru order becca backlight and dpt sample veil hourglass primer. hope both ok. pakai TO primer tu i x suka bau dia so not gonna repurchase that one again.

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Post time 4-11-2017 06:00 PM | Show all posts
holiday set tarte dengan too faced sgt mengujakan...cantik  tengah kering poket

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Post time 5-11-2017 11:00 AM | Show all posts
saje nak share review..masa sale 20% black and gold card aritu i beli alpha h liquid gold,dah 2 minggu pakai,1-2 kali seminggu, bila bangun tido kulit memang rasa smooth,whitehead pun clear. worth the hype.

Tarte maracuja oil pulak,very moisturizing,tapi bila i apply kat tepi hidung,naik whitehead pastu jadi jerawat waaaaa. bila pakai kat pipi and dahi ok je.

ok sekian review barangan dari sephora

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Post time 7-11-2017 08:24 PM | Show all posts
intan_smsb replied at 1-11-2017 01:32 PM
next taget
eye primer
face primer

wowww! dah siap list! hhaha!

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Post time 8-11-2017 08:39 AM | Show all posts
when is the next sale ya? nak shopping shopping.. bila ada budget takde sale la pulok...sabor je la...grrrr...

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Post time 8-11-2017 08:40 AM | Show all posts
agydeyn replied at 5-11-2017 11:00 AM
saje nak share review..masa sale 20% black and gold card aritu i beli alpha h liquid gold,dah 2 ming ...

yeay nice review.... puas hati beli skincare bila berkesan kan..

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Post time 8-11-2017 08:43 AM | Show all posts
hanniko replied at 4-10-2017 10:27 AM
use mine
ai nye black card dah nk exp
kalo x guna mmg bye2 bye la black card ku

hanniko punya blackcard aktif lagi tak? kalau nak tumpang card macam mana eh..

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