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Post time 16-8-2012 06:20 PM | Show all posts
Updates 160812 :

Running Into The Sun ‏@RITSmy
#BIGBANGMY VIPs! Gd news! RITS will b releasing mre tix for BIGBANG's concert so pls don't buy blackmkt tix. Ticketing details coming soon
Wooo....patut le Rits nak wat kat stadium outdoor...ada udang disebalik mee...
Last edited by stanum123 on 16-8-2012 06:22 PM


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Post time 16-8-2012 08:04 PM | Show all posts
o em gee...should i buy it?

form RITS fb...
Dear VIPs,

We've been working hard to provide more tickets to the BIGBANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012 Malaysia concert.

After checking safety requirements, we are happy to announce that we will be releasing more tickets in Cats 2, 3, 4, 6 & 7 via Ticketcharge and Red Tix tomorrow at 3pm.

demmmmmmmmmitttttt..pandailah diorg wat surprise..tak aci!..bukan main aku berperang online nk dptkan tiket yg downgraded..tup2 more ticket for CATs 2 & 3....cehhhhh :@ Last edited by honey_jelly on 16-8-2012 08:10 PM


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Post time 16-8-2012 08:05 PM | Show all posts
stanum123 posted on 16-8-2012 06:20 PM
Updates 160812 :

Running Into The Sun ‏@RITSmy

heart very pain bila bc news neh.. apekah yg perlu ku buat? krn aku betol2 mahukan cat2 punyer tix but terpaksa beli cat 3 tix ari tuh.. and now they're releasingmore Cat 2? walaweeeeehhhh sgt TIDAK ADIL!


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Post time 16-8-2012 08:24 PM | Show all posts
latest news dari RITS

bagi yg belum ada ticket...bole beli lagi skrg..
oleh tu jgn tunggu lagi..beli selagi ada ni..


Additional tickets to BIGBANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012 Malaysia will be available for sale tomorrow in a bid to prevent black market reselling 16 July 2012 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) – In a bid to prevent reselling of tickets in the black market for the incredibly popular BIGBANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012 Malaysia, concert organizer Running Into The Sun announced today that they will be adding more tickets for sale via ticketing agents Ticketcharge and Red Tix tomorrow.

Ticket categories available from tomorrow are:

Categories 2 (RM 588, Premiere Rockpit Freestanding),
Categories 3 (RM 488, Rockpit Freestanding),
Categories 4 (RM 388, Fixed Seating),
Categories 6 (RM 198, Freeseating) and
Categories 7 (RM 188, Freestanding).

“We want to encourage fans not to purchase tickets from unauthorized sources, and we are doing our very best to prevent this. We’ve relooked at the configuration of the stadium and added in more tickets within the safety regulations to ensure more fans will be able to purchase tickets at the acceptable prices” says Wendy Ng, Executive Producer of Running Into The Sun.

When tickets launched for sale on 28 Jul 2012, a total of 12,000 tickets sold out over the weekend; as well as over 3,000 people crowding at the ticket launch event. The immensely popular concert is set to be the concert of the year, with a massive RM 4 million production value, in a one-night only performance at Stadium Merdeka on 27 Oct 2012.

BIGBANG, consisting of five K-pop heroes G-Dragon, Taeyang, TOP, Seungri and Daesung, will perform the Malaysia leg of the BIGBANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012 in their very first concert in Malaysia. BIGBANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012 Malaysia will also be the first outdoor concert across Asia; a skyhigh
experience perfect for a night of high-energy partying, characteristic of global superstars BIGBANG’s unique hip-hop and freestyle dance moves and famous party tunes such as “Fantastic Baby” and “Tonight”.

BIGBANG is known for their unique urban-originated music and fashion style, often credited to have shaped the hip-hop, R&B and electronic music scene across Asia and now strongly influencing the world.

BIGBANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012 involves the powerful influence of internationally renowned creative director Laurieann Gibson, who has worked with a stellar list of artistes including Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Janet Jackson and Katy Perry. BIGBANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012 will also include a leading production team; including stage and lighting designer Leroy Bennett (Madonna, Paul McCartney, Eagles) and sound engineer Ken Van Druten (Eminem, Jay-Z, Linkin Park). BIGBANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012 Malaysia is sponsored by Samsung Galaxy and presented by YG Entertainment and Live Nation Entertainment, and organized by Running Into The Sun.

BIGBANG’s Official Facebook Page:

For more information, fans can contact concert organizer Running Into The Sun:

Twitter: @RITSmy
Weibo: @RITSconcerts

APPENDIX - Ticketing Details:

Hotline: +60 3 8775 4666
Outlets: For list of Red Tix outlets, please refer to the Red Tix website
Payment: Payment can be made via credit card (Visa, Mastercard), debit card and cash at all outlets

Hotline: +60 3 9222 8811
Outlets: For list of Ticketcharge outlets, please refer to the Ticketcharge website
Payment: Payment can be made via credit card (Visa, Mastercard), debit card and cash at all outlets

B. Ticketing Notes:

- For the category of tickets available via Ticketcharge and Red Tix, please refer to their respective websites.

- Ticketing booths will open at fahrenheit88 from 1030hrs to 1800hrs. Fans are advised not to queue overnight for safety reasons.

- Ticketing booths at Ticketcharge and Red Tix outlets will open at their listed operating hours from 1030hrs onwards.

- Overseas fans can purchase tickets online via Ticketcharge and Redtix via crédit card (Visa and Mastercard)

- For safety reasons, the age limit for tickets are 6 years old for all seated tickets, and 12 years old for rock pit tickets.

- Each transaction is capped at a maximum of 10 tickets to prevent any black market reselling of tickets and to ensure availability of tickets.


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Post time 16-8-2012 09:22 PM | Show all posts
crazy_mary posted on 16-8-2012 08:05 PM
heart very pain bila bc news neh.. apekah yg perlu ku buat? krn aku betol2 mahukan cat2 punyer tix ...

tau takper cik mary..sgt keji hokeh...kot ya pun Rits nak wat additional ticket, jgn la open lg seat yg cat 2-4 tuh! sgt x adil utk korg yg penat2 berperang nk dptkan tix aritu...:@ stanum tumpang x pueh ati...
Last edited by stanum123 on 16-8-2012 09:25 PM


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Post time 16-8-2012 11:43 PM | Show all posts
mencik! mencik!! Rits sgguh kejam!! if tmbh lgi,mau vips jdi mcm ikan sardin dlm tin..crowded gilerr! dah la diorg x stated brape juta tix lgi diorg akn jual..
kita blh accept if diorg add tix cat 6,7,8..but not cat 2,3,4.. yg dah fixed seating tu,if ditmbh,xkan nak duduk atas riba org lain plak kot!! cat 2 n 3 dah tntu kna squeeze kat tgh2..
ptutlah beria2 nk wat kat SM..Ptut ubah kat Stadium Nasional Bkt Jalil or Stadium Shah Alam je..80k org blh masuk,bru btul2 untung..then ubah tarikh wayyyy after raya haji..lgi tmbh2 untung..
sgguh bermotip Rits ini..

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Post time 17-8-2012 01:38 AM | Show all posts
tinggal yg standing je dia org buka utk tmbhn tiket
mesti nak padat2 tmpt/ruang yg ada


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Post time 17-8-2012 09:17 AM | Show all posts
stanum123 posted on 16-8-2012 09:22 PM
tau takper cik mary..sgt keji hokeh...kot ya pun Rits nak wat additional ticket, jgn l ...

What nonsense is this?? Tmbh cat 2 & 3?? Woi!!! aku berperang booking jauh jauh hari, durang sedap2 buka tambah baru?? Ini buat aku panas ati. Kurang ajar punya RITS. This is worse than keji.

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Post time 17-8-2012 09:55 AM | Show all posts
eddlisa_uyuk posted on 17-8-2012 01:38 AM
tinggal yg standing je dia org buka utk tmbhn tiket
mesti nak padat2 tmpt/ruang yg ada

nak padatkan ruang yg ada pun,org yg menonton ni perlu gak ruang utk berboom shakalaka n berhayun2 crown stick itu.. ni kang baru nk angkat tgn,dah ketuk kepala org sebelah..lgi plak if yg tggi lampai,dh tentu block our view..
space for breathing mmg la ok coz dah nma pun stadium terbuka tp still i think Rits are being ridiculous about this.. Dah stated 12k,dah la tu.. fikirkan keselamatan n health reason..
lagi satu,fikirkan juga psl crowd control..tahu2 aje lah,org msia ni ala2 ganas skit..kang dah ramai2 tu,watnya ada yg terhisteria merempuh pagar n reramai follow blkg,x psl2 abg2 BB kena cabul..huhu!
but,as we all know,business is business..keuntungan yg penting..
looking at the bright side..padan muka org yg beli byk2 tix n jual balik pd hrga yg mhl itu!!! skg takde sape nk beli tiket ko!!! hahaha!
dan,blh beri chance pd org yg tak beli lgi tix utk bersama memeriahkan aktiviti boom shakalaka di hari raya haji ckp,the more the merrier..


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Post time 17-8-2012 10:09 AM | Show all posts
Peterpan17 posted on 17-8-2012 09:17 AM
What nonsense is this?? Tmbh cat 2 & 3?? Woi!!! aku berperang booking jauh jauh hari, durang sedap ...

the funny thing about this,Rits blh plak tepek pix stadium yg penuh dgn Vips with crown stick.. Trying to proved yg a larger crowd won't bring any harm..Malah nmpk sgt beautiful bila dlm gelap..

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamai ... 927_452359807_n.jpg

ramai yg dah pissed off with this decision..Sepatutnya,if nk jual 20k,jual ajelah dr awal.. Masa kita gi concert 2PM ari tu,hnya 5k org yg tgk tp tu pun dh crowded mcm sardin msa beratur.. Just imagine if 20k crowds.. Jgn ada yg pengsan,sudahla..

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Post time 17-8-2012 11:11 AM | Show all posts
xaci tau pd org yg tpaksa downgrade tiket diorg sbb tiket yg diingini da abes...tup2 nk jual lg....da la tiket yg mhl2 tu...xaci xaci...da la xckp brape byk ptambahan tiket tu...kalau tmbh setakat 2 org utk setiap CAT, xpelah gk...huhuhu

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Post time 17-8-2012 11:27 AM | Show all posts
idadae posted on 17-8-2012 11:11 AM
xaci tau pd org yg tpaksa downgrade tiket diorg sbb tiket yg diingini da abes...tup2 nk jual lg....d ...

cik ida..lawak la ur statement..
  1. kalau tmbh setakat 2 org utk setiap CAT, xpelah gk...huhuhu
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mmg bg spoilt my excitement je Rits yg keji lgi kejam ni..

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Post time 17-8-2012 03:49 PM | Show all posts
hati bertambah panas hari neh.. walaupun cuaca sungguh sejuk.

mcm org muda aku pegi ke speedy bkt tinggi awal pg nak chop Cat2. siap berpoya-poya ngn org kt kaunter tu. hepi dah at first sbb aku sowang je kt situ bersemangat tinggi utk BB. aleh2 kol 2 diorg dpt fax kata xjual Cat 2. Cuma Cat3 dan seterusnyer jer yg ader.. waduh waduh saket banget ati ini. rse mau di bakar satu speedy tuh. dah la announcement sal extra tix  neh wat hati ku panas. tetiba tuka info tak jual Cat 2 umpama minyak gas di curah ke api :@

sekian sajer utk ketika ini. Last edited by crazy_mary on 17-8-2012 03:51 PM


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Post time 17-8-2012 10:46 PM | Show all posts
stanum123 posted on 16-8-2012 06:20 PM
Updates 160812 :

Running Into The Sun ‏@RITSmy

keji gler strateginyer!

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Post time 18-8-2012 01:29 AM | Show all posts
mmg keji strategi RITS any chance..ada tak sesapa yg still ada VIP tiket?

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Post time 18-8-2012 09:54 AM | Show all posts
Keji, hina. Sumalah title utk durang. hehehehe!! Tp sebab esok nak raya, aku sejukkan ati dulu. Lepas raya aku menyinga lagi. Selamat Hari Raya kekawan suma. Yg memandu pulang kampung, berhati hati di jalan raya. Byk2 bersabar. Ingat2 kan BB, TOP & Naga klu marah dgn keta depan/belakang/sebelah. Psg lagu BB buat penyejuk ati

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Post time 18-8-2012 07:00 PM | Show all posts
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all Vips!
To my new carianz friends..May Allah bless all of u! Slmt berboom shakalaka di kmpg masing2..Hihi!

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Post time 23-8-2012 01:57 AM | Show all posts

[WTS]big bang concert ticket

Big bang concert CAT 3 Rockpit B for sales. Please PM for more info. Can COD at PJ area.

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Post time 23-8-2012 01:56 PM | Show all posts
limau posted on 13-8-2012 03:21 AM
hahhahaha..sekali booo booo....bukan budak2 carian jugak ke?? ingat2 luper aaa

haku la yang kena booo.....bengop tokey cine jual lightstick kaler pepel

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Post time 23-8-2012 04:49 PM | Show all posts
Trunkk_ZZ posted on 23-8-2012 01:56 PM
haku la yang kena booo.....bengop tokey cine jual lightstick kaler pepel

laaaaaa ko ke....? tak pe bwk besaborr kira ada pengalaman ler ..........aku adamasa tu dok area 4++


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