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Author: petola

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Post time 15-5-2008 12:43 AM | Show all posts
language is the representation of thoughts



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Post time 15-5-2008 01:21 PM | Show all posts
I've learned that hot words make a cool friendship.    

(teringat kat blek pulak...  tee hee )



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Post time 15-5-2008 10:23 PM | Show all posts

Reply #762 amazed's post

Hmmmmm...for example?

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Post time 15-5-2008 10:38 PM | Show all posts

Reply #761 mbhcsf's post

That's a good one. So language is the conduit for expanding thoughts to others such as verbal and non-verbal/body language.

But how does one get through thoughts?

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Post time 16-5-2008 11:38 AM | Show all posts

i learnt that

Hitler's idea of ethnic cleansing was actually a part of the making of a utopian ideal society.
what more perfect than throwing out bad apples when we just need the good ones.
cruel to be kind to humankind perhaps?

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Post time 16-5-2008 06:09 PM | Show all posts
Terlalu buruk sangka boleh merosakkan hari anda...

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Post time 16-5-2008 06:47 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by seribulan at 16-5-2008 06:09 PM
Terlalu buruk sangka boleh merosakkan hari anda...

agrred ... not even your day but your life too

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Post time 16-5-2008 06:49 PM | Show all posts
ask .. and you'll get it but don't ask too many la ... org menyampah nanti


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Post time 16-5-2008 08:23 PM | Show all posts

Today I've learnt that your best friend could be your worst enemy.....



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Post time 16-5-2008 08:29 PM | Show all posts

Reply #766 seribulan's post

concurred that without any doubts

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Post time 17-5-2008 01:06 AM | Show all posts

ahem ahem ..nearly coughed up nasi goreng

Originally posted by hamizao at 15-5-2008 10:38 PM
That's a good one. So language is the conduit for expanding thoughts to others such as verbal and non-verbal/body language.

But how does one get through thoughts?

for a question Hami , it takes a lot of a gal's mind to answer ....aiyaa.....( this gal is eating nasi goreng ni.... and editing her thesis prior to hard binding )
to address the  question,  we need to go layer by layer lah sweetie and i would started off by  tackling : -

a)  the definition of language.

so what is language?
well basically language is defined as some sort of codes or symbols that represent  ideas, experience, events and etc.It is an arbitrary and also ruled - governed abtract entity. The word language it self is basically derived from Latin -  lingua meaning - the tongue.
so, when language is termed as such,  a person would then realised that , taking the word "CAT" for example, it represents a four - legged , cute mammal and the way the C, A and T are combined to produce the sound ( phonemes) "CAT" in this particular language could be understood by those people who is familiar with  the language and the community of which the language is being widely spoken. It is also called an arbitrary entity as the word CAT in english can also be replaced by another word  used to reprenting the four legged , cute creature as well  like in  Malay - kucing.

okay then what is non - verbal language = well signing is one of them , gestures is also a non verbal language ....and is more accurate or the true refletion of ones communicative intent actually. 80% of the messages in communicative exchanges derived thru interpretation of non - verbal behaviour

so language also can be broken down into two main components

the first one is termed as the RECEPTIVE = the bit that has somethiung to do with comprehension of language
and the latter is called as expressive language - the bit that  all of us produced verbally.

so when you are talking thought and language , you are basically concerned with the receptive part the formulation of thoughts  ni.

so there are plenty of models  one could use to illustrate the process or the mechanism by which both language and thoughts are integrated.

but to most linguists or cognitivists or  cognitive neuropsychologists  ( ahem ahem ahem... my fave word / lexicon u 'd  say ) they will largely adopt the "information processing model' this  model basically  viewed the "mental process" as a series of "micro processors" arranged / embedded  within the "mental circuitary" . So, a particular component in a given  mental  system / circuitary/ strata / hierarchy  - is responsible in processing certain aspects of language and so on. With regards to " thought formulation" which are then realised ( expressed ) by a person via verbal  "LANGUAGE", u  would begin to imagine that there "exists some sort of the so called  "sub component" embeded within  the brain  which is responsible in accessing the abstract meaning of thought, which is then connected / to the mental storage of a given word for the "thought"/ idea before  the "ideas/ thoughts"  being expressed ( realised ) by the person, verbally.

in expresive language, the other two components  like the sound system ( phonology ) and the motor componets are said to be involved.

so..that 's the link between thought and language.

so u see the information processing model is quite  complicated than what i have briefly mentiond here.
The proposed model does not necessarily illustrate the ACTUAL process of what is happening in one's thought  though.

The understanding of  messages during  vebal exchanges is termed as auditory comprehension ( auditory = heard spoken language) and this  involves the ability of a person to decipher / decode the spoken / speech sound into meaningful bits as well as accessing  the meaning of  the spoken word in the mental lexicon.
(lexicon = mental disctionary of words)
So ...all in all language is complicated...

and  the debates between language and cognition are still pretty much controversiol though = the Piaget  vs Chomsky camp...

and if u 'd go by the model proposed by neuropsychologist...then hmm... it 'll be the next chapter.  Googling PALPA would help or these names Kay, Lesser  and Coulthart  (1992)?( 1994)

[ Last edited by  mbhcsf at 17-5-2008 04:39 PM ]



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Post time 17-5-2008 01:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by milli_mind at 16-5-2008 08:23 PM

Today I've learnt that your best friend could be your worst enemy.....

Julius Caesar said : YOU too Brutus?

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Post time 17-5-2008 01:08 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wisteria at 16-5-2008 06:49 PM
ask .. and you'll get it but don't ask too many la ... org menyampah nanti

kalau menyampah pun, adakah yg menyampah tu contribute tu budaya ilmu? lebih senang dapat pahala dgn share ilmu tetapi lebih suka menyampah dulu, kan?

[ Last edited by  mbhcsf at 17-5-2008 08:03 AM ]

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Post time 17-5-2008 02:34 PM | Show all posts

Reply #771 mbhcsf's post

Thanks, mbh..I know anything at cognitive level is your kind of food.  
:pompom: :pompom: :pompom: :pompom:

Heheheh I just managed to knock on Fodor's door

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Post time 17-5-2008 02:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #773 mbhcsf's post

Teringat kat guru ugama Hami dulu. Dia tak beri tanya bebanyak.

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Post time 17-5-2008 02:41 PM | Show all posts

Reply #775 hamizao's post

sack HER! apa punya cikgu ni...

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Post time 17-5-2008 02:42 PM | Show all posts
page o page

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Post time 17-5-2008 03:49 PM | Show all posts
Friedrich Nietzsche is in the no-man land between sanity and madness...Contempt for the Church's teaching and pieties as false and  enslaving the common people. God is he said. Man must resurrects as superhuman and individual and go beyond the simple Christian idea of GOOD and EVIL.



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Post time 17-5-2008 04:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by thamrong at 17-5-2008 03:49 PM
Friedrich Nietzsche is in the no-man land between sanity and madness...Contempt for the Church's teaching and pieties as false and  enslaving the common people. God is ...

well Rasputin on the contrary was enigmatic, u think?

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Post time 17-5-2008 04:08 PM | Show all posts

me copy and paste from another thread

Philosophies often started off on the right track, only to veer off into distortions, having been diverted by an incorrect idea springing from the author's own
storehouse of uncorrected feelings.

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