orait...aku g check skang gak...
yatt_takez Post at 17-7-2010 18:49
dh jumpe yg bkenan di hati blum?!!
masa nk pilih memula smlm aku naik juling sbb ada beribu2 design... huhu... aku x abis tgk pun... tp terus grab je mana yg bkenan di mata! Aku order t-shirt long sleeves yg harga USD25, pastu frame plate number keta yg USD15 tu... tmasuk shipping total semua RM168++
tp kite rase Edward dlm Eclipse xsebest Edward kt Twilight juge.. but better that Edward in New Moon
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
yeaayyy... akhirnyerr ahkak tgk jugak cite ni mlm tadi kat gsc mv...
x sangka akhirnyerr jacob dpt jugak comolot dgn bella eh...
dlm buku ade ke... ke ahkak yg x ingat...
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
Nk announce nih... sesiapa yg nk order koleksi Twilight Saga (imported from UK) drp Cafe Press, boleh PM aku selewat2nya Rabu ni (21/7/10) sblm kul 10 mlm. Pastu transfer cash (maybank) kena buat sblm kul 11 mlm hari yg sama.. sbb bila cukup je cash, aku akan terus proceed melalui paypal.
Bagi yg blum ada bajet, nnt aku bleh buat order utk 2nd batch kemudian... kalo dh ready, just inform aku melalui PM la ye. And utk pengetahuan kowang, aku x de amik untung apa2 taw... aku bantu dgn ikhlas je nih... Jgn nnt momod ingat aku wat bisnes plak kat sini! Ya ampun momod...harap jgn slh paham ye!
err... also Team Jacob ke, Team Bella ke, Team Emmet ke... semua boleh wat order... x terhad kpd Team Edward je yek!
Nk announce nih... sesiapa yg nk order koleksi Twilight Saga (imported from UK) drp Cafe Press, bole ...
leon_mclaren78 Post at 19-7-2010 12:47
leon....bila dah dpt T shirt tu..tempek la gambo tu sini ye...akak nak tgk..!
nanti 2 nd batch,nak mintak awak order kan..sebab next week baru gaji....!
Aku baru dpt e-mel pengesahan purchase drp Cafe Press ni... katanya:
"Woo-hoo! Your order just shipped.
Check the front porch, your package should arrive soon. The package includes:
1 - Long Sleeve T-Shirt
1 - I Drive Like A Cullen - License Plate Fr
Your package is sent via International Post. Tracking is not available for this shipping method.
Happy Shopping
The CafePress Team"
Tp kalo nk ikutkan brg2 tu sampai lagi 2-3 minggu lg... tgk la camne. Btw kowang yg start order dgn aku nk hold order dulu ke atau nk proceed? Pd pdpt aku plak, aku rasa better kita tunggu brg yg aku order sampai dgn slmtnya, then baru aku proceed order kowang... amacam, ok x? sbb kalo apa2 hal aku yg rugi sorang2 x pe lagi...
Aku baru dpt e-mel pengesahan purchase drp Cafe Press ni... katanya:
"Woo-hoo! Your order just s ...
leon_mclaren78 Post at 19-7-2010 02:35 PM
saya setuju...
ader barang dah kenan kat ati...
kopak la duit gaji...abih sumer aku berkenan...
tambah2 plate fr tuh...(lg teruja pas tgk akak opis aku pki depan Pooh...belakang Helo kitty...kat kete yer )
saya setuju...
ader barang dah kenan kat ati...
kopak la duit gaji...abih sumer aku berkena ...
yatt_takez Post at 20-7-2010 10:54
hehe...aku pun silap2 mau order sehelai lagi... ye la... sbb terasa nk pakai t-shirt Edward Team sokmo...
bkn apa... takut kalo lps basuh & sebaik2 kering je baju tu, mau aku terus pakai lagi sampai lunyai...ngehehe!!!
All the lives always tempted to trade
Will they hate me for all the choices I’ve made
Will they stop when they see me again?
I can’t stop now I know who I am
Now I’m all yours, I’m not afraid
I’m yours always anekatips say what they may
And all your love I’ll take to a grave
And all my life starts now
Tear me down they can take you out of my thoughts
Under every scar there’s a battle I’ve lost
Will they stop when they see us again?
I can’t stop now I know who I am
Now I’m all yours, I’m not afraid
I’m yours always, say what they may
And all your love I’ll take to a grave
And all my life starts
Now I’m all yours, I’m not afraid
I’m yours always say what they may
And all your love I’ll take to a grave
And all my life starts now