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Author: EJALTI

[Tempatan] Penurunan harga minimum rumah untuk warga asing bukan cadangan KPKT, kata Zuraid

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Post time 14-10-2019 02:57 PM | Show all posts
Malaysia.Doom replied at 14-10-2019 02:35 AM
Kalau Tak Tolong developers siapa nak buat rumah Kos rendah flat pprt tu?

Developer jugak Kan.. ...


sokong yang padu mcm ni yang PH perlukan.....

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Post time 14-10-2019 03:02 PM | Show all posts
sebelum ...... budget lagi ko dah gebang nak open for jualan untuk warga asing ....
habis tu xde group wassap ke

PH ni kan .... selalu mcm ni ... buat kenyataan ... pastu sorang lagi xnak mengaku salah .. last2 dua2 buat bodoh ....

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Post time 14-10-2019 03:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dap mesti mau tolong bangsa dap..paham2 je laa.. menteri kewangan dari dap.. ape laa yg bole diharapkan sgt..

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Post time 14-10-2019 03:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lonelymd replied at 14-10-2019 02:37 PM
Aku rasa hang yg silap bgi article ni or hang yg tak paham english..... kena baca overall bukan am ...

Banyak news pasal harga dah Jatuh

Ko Tak baca berita online ke?

Tu la banyak sangat baca Utusan Malaysia Dan Mastika

HOUSE prices have plummeted as much as 40% from their peak in Iskandar Puteri and the lavishly marketed posh development is turning into an attractive hunting ground for bargain seekers, but a financial bane for speculators.

The continuous glut and a very low demand from locals are turning many completed developments, especially high-rise condominium and apartment blocks, into an almost ghost town.

Overdevelopment, high prices and excessive focus on foreign buyers have caused many residential units in Iskandar Puteri, Johor, unoccupied. Speculators of the properties are beginning to see them as a possible financial ruin.

VPC Realtors (JB) Sdn Bhd Asia Pacific property consultant Bruce Lee said it is currently a buyer’s haven for those looking for properties in Iskandar Puteri and buyers can bargain for good deals.

“The house prices in Iskandar Puteri have been declining 20% to 30% compared to the mean price at its peak.

“Developers’ projects will take three to five years to complete. So the prices from the first phase at the peak would be around RM800 to RM1,200 per sq ft, and average price of RM1,000 per sq ft.

“From the mean price of RM1,000 per sq ft, the house prices have gone down 20% to RM800 per sq ft — back to the level when the first phase was launched,” he told The Malaysian Reserve recently.

National Property Information Centre’s first six months of 2019 report showed overhang in residential units rose by 1.5%, shops added 13.9%, small office and home offices increased 24.3%, and serviced apartments jumped 59.9%.

Figures for the January through June 2019 period also showed the total value of all unsold properties in the country rose to a stunning RM41.72 billion.

The total unsold properties in the first six months of 2018 was RM35.75 billion, Residential and serviced apartments were the largest contributors to the glut, accounting for RM19.76 billion and RM14.57 billion in total value respectively.

Johor registered the highest overhang for residential properties. There are a total of 6,195 of unsold residential units in the state, accounting for 18.8% of the national overhang.

The situation is worst for serviced apartments as 11,371 unsold units were registered during the January-June 2019 period, accounting for 70% of the country’s total unsold units in that category.

Lee said the price drop would be higher if the current price was compared against the peak price of RM1,200 per sq ft, pushing the value of the houses by 40%.

“It is easier for the general public to understand the comparison against the mean price. It is true that house prices in Iskandar Puteri have declined, but not too bad.

“If you compare 40% from the mean price, then the house price would have fallen to RM600 per sq ft which is not happening in Iskandar Puteri. If it happens, it is already like selling at a loss,” Lee added.

He also said developers in the southern region are making very tiny margins in today’s market.

The situation, Lee said, had resulted in new launches in Iskandar Puteri.

“The scenario is the same even for the special international zone Medini Iskandar Malaysia, a suburb in Iskandar Puteri, in which rules like Bumiputera quota do not apply,” he said.

Lee said the Iskandar Puteri’s developments comprise 60% high-rise properties including serviced apartments and condominiums, and 30% landed homes.

Despite the glut, Lee said the rental market in Iskandar Puteri is not very encouraging as well.

“Rental demand in the area is very soft due to a lack of population. Out of 100% of rentable area, demand is only 20%.

“That is why some owners are giving free rental for six months to one year to get tenants, hoping for the next one year, the population will increase and the rental will go back to the normal level,” he said.

Lee said Iskandar Puteri needs a lot of government’s assistance as the private sector will take a longer time to develop the city.

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Post time 14-10-2019 03:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Apa solution yang Melayu BN ni nak sebenarnya?

Ko suruh turun harga rumah Mewah tu sampai korang YG ppr Tak reti buang sampah betul2 ni boleh beli properties Mewah tu???

Kalau rumah Mewah tu dijual pada harga pprt...tu bukan rumah Mewah dah.. tu rumah pprt

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Post time 14-10-2019 04:37 PM | Show all posts
siapa kata foreginer tak mampu beli rumah berharga 1 mil?
kebanyakkan yg masuk sini diaorang bukan saja dihire dgn gaji besar, diaorang ni pun ada sykt sendiri.
jgn ingat diorang tak reti memanipulasi sistem  kita
ada bberapa org luar yg aku tahu owned beberapa biji rumah kat KL ni.
daftar atas nama sykt , staff sendiri jd director/shareholder.
ada yg kerja based kat kl, tak de work permit,  tapi gaji dibayar dari negera seberang.
tiap bulan keluar masuk malaysia semata2 nak renew visa.
aku tak paham kenapa imigresen masih tak dpt detect pergerakan org luar yg duduk dlm malaysia lg lama dari negara yg dia dpt PR.
aku tahu mereka ni takkan balik ke negara asal sebab di sini semua murah.
kalu bertahun2 diorang beranak pinak( tak payah kawin pun) masih lepas bebas, tak mustahil diaorang akan stay dan takkan jual harta2 di sini.

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Post time 14-10-2019 04:40 PM | Show all posts
Dah elok2 ada program perumahan PR1MA untuk M40,
mak lampir pergi batal pulak

kan dah jahanam segala perancangan baik kerajaan
sebelum ni

patut jadi makcik cleaner je zuraida tu

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Post time 14-10-2019 04:52 PM | Show all posts
Melorqe replied at 14-10-2019 04:37 PM
siapa kata foreginer tak mampu beli rumah berharga 1 mil?
kebanyakkan yg masuk sini diaorang bukan  ...

makkk aiiiii dasatnya malaysia dgn kebanjiran pendatang educated & pendatang buruh

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Post time 14-10-2019 05:09 PM | Show all posts
Meiizu replied at 14-10-2019 04:52 PM
makkk aiiiii dasatnya malaysia dgn kebanjiran pendatang educated & pendatang buruh

ramai beb,  kat area opis aku ni ramai orang putih, lunch time aku selalu nampak diaorang dgn seluar sekerat keluar cari makan.hari2 okay.  tak pernah aku nampak pakai proper mcm org pegi kerja.
siap ada maid filipina.  apa kerja diaorang? bisness online?
ada yg aku tau buat bisness review produk kat ig.
ada yg aku pernah nampak sedang pos brg2 kosmetik. home made barangkali.
lokasi mereka berkampung biasanya service apartment yg ada tight security.

ada juga yg bagi info,  jenis setup company, pakai nama budak2 bumi utk dptkan lesen.
bayar gaji lumayan, CNY kasi angpau kaw kaw, tiap tahun boleh holiday ke mana suka.
boss sekali sekala dtg melawat opis dari pulau seberang.
kalau tokey mampu beli kereta cash ratus ribu $, apa la sgt dgn dedak angpau 4-5 ratus tu.


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 Author| Post time 14-10-2019 05:10 PM | Show all posts
Zuraida: K'jaan negeri boleh tetapkan sendiri had harga rumah untuk warga asing


Diterbitkan Hari ini 5:01 petang

Setiap kerajaan negeri masih boleh menetapkan had harga kediaman yang boleh dijual kepada pembeli warga asing berdasarkan keadaan semasa di negeri masing-masing, kata Menteri Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan, Zuraida Kamaruddin hari ini.

Katanya cadangan penurunan had harga kondominium dan pangsapuri di bandar yang boleh dibeli warga asing daripada RM1 juta kepada RM600,000 yang diumumkan dalam Belanjawan 2020 minggu lepas masih boleh diteliti semula mengikut keperluan sesebuah negeri.

"Dalam Belanjawan 2020 yang dibentangkan, Menteri Kewangan Lim Guan Eng menyebut untuk rumah-rumah yang diberikan (harga) jualan RM600,000 itu kerana ada lambakan kediaman sebanyak RM8.3 bilion dan juga untuk dihabiskan stok dan akan dilaksanakan pada tahun (hadapan) mulai 1 Jan 2020 hingga Dis 2020.

"Saya percaya jika kita melihat kepada statistik Pulau Pinang umpamanya, negeri ini mempunyai satu gambaran analisis statistik yang berbeza dengan Johor, Kedah dan sebagainya," katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan Konvensyen Pemerkasaan Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan Kedua di George Town hari ini.

Beliau turut mengalu-alukan hasrat Kerajaan Pulau Pinang yang mahu mengkaji dan meneliti terlebih dahulu berhubung penurunan had harga daripada RM1 juta kepada RM600,000 seperti mana yang diumumkan Lim pada pembentangan Belanjawan 2020, Jumaat lepas.

"Saya menyokong hasrat kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang untuk mengkaji dan melihat perkara ini sekiranya tidak bersesuaian dengan keadaan di negeri Pulau Pinang, ini kerana negeri ini adalah sebuah negeri yang lebih maju maka sudut keperluannya berbeza, pencapaiannya juga berbeza,” katanya.

Terdahulu Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Perumahan, Kerajaan Tempatan dan Perancangan Bandar dan Desa negeri, Jagdeep Singh Deo yang turut hadir pada majlis itu berkata mesyuarat exco yang akan berlangsung Jumaat ini akan membuat keputusan berhubung had harga baru itu.


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Post time 14-10-2019 06:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Malaysia.Doom replied at 14-10-2019 10:51 AM
Memang la dah turun harga....Kan below 1 juta....sebab tu Kerajaan longgar polisi MM2H tu.

Kalau dah turun tapi rumah tu masih tak terjual, maknanya tak cukup diturunkan lah.

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Post time 14-10-2019 07:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Celaka menteri2 Pee H ... Korang xde wasap grup ke??

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Post time 14-10-2019 07:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
axl_bach replied at 14-10-2019 02:28 AM
The problem is, for now apa2 jaminan dari kerajaan mmg x meyakinkan.....tu masalah dia....

Kera ...

DAP = Developer Action Party

Taikun cina funder PH yg kata askar makan tidor tu developer terkenal di msia.  

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Post time 14-10-2019 07:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sotongbakar replied at 14-10-2019 06:29 PM
Kalau dah turun tapi rumah tu masih tak terjual, maknanya tak cukup diturunkan lah.

Apa bodoh la...NI semua teori Supply n Demand....bukan Kerajaan YG turunkan.

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Post time 14-10-2019 07:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ramai Melayu Tak faham Ayat bawah ni.

Bukan Kerajaan turunkan harga rumah utk warga asing...tapi Kerajaan turunkan range harga minimum utk pemilikan rumah Mewah utk warga asing.

Warga asing Kat Malaysia boleh beli rumah Mewah he bawah program Malaysia My Second Home

Katanya cadangan penurunan had harga kondominium dan pangsapuri di bandar yang boleh dibeli warga asing daripada RM1 juta kepada RM600,000 yang diumumkan dalam Belanjawan 2020 minggu lepas masih boleh diteliti semula mengikut keperluan sesebuah negeri.

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Post time 14-10-2019 08:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Malaysia.Doom replied at 14-10-2019 07:15 PM
Ramai Melayu Tak faham Ayat bawah ni.

Bukan Kerajaan turunkan harga rumah utk warga asing...tapi  ...

Yang org malaysia tak puas hati sbb kerajaan nk bantu developer2 tamak yang sibuk bina rumah mewah smpi oversupply. Kenapa perlu bantu, biarlah dia rugi sbb bisnes tak pakai otak dan tamak.

Kalau dah tau ramai org malaysia yang miskin, buatlah lebih banyak rumah murah/mampu milik. Buat rumah dengan reasonable price yg bileh dibeli M40.

Isu sekarang kenapa taikun2 keras kepala nak dibantu? Apa jaminan dlm black n white yg lepas semua rumah mewah dibeli foreigner habis, developer2 sial ni akan bina rumah mampu milik? Ada black n white? Setakat sembang buih dlm tv Bang Non pun dh banyak sembang tak jugak jd PM... hahaha

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Post time 14-10-2019 08:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Malaysia.Doom replied at 14-10-2019 07:15 PM
Ramai Melayu Tak faham Ayat bawah ni.

Bukan Kerajaan turunkan harga rumah utk warga asing...tapi  ...

Iye kami paham... net effect dia makin ramai warga asing boleh beli rumah kt mesia ni... tak gitu?

Padahal kerajaan patutnya turunkan harga rumah make sure jadi mampu milik.. bukan mampu tgk ja..


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Post time 14-10-2019 08:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ph ni nak ratib nama umno ni smpai bila.. why ph suka nak tolong developer? Hari tu idea sume developer.. yang rakyat m40 ni mcm ne?

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Post time 14-10-2019 09:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Level menteri2 ph mmg macam ni lah

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Post time 14-10-2019 09:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalau kat rakyat kemain lagi cakap malas la manja la
Kalau dah macam gini ni nak kata apa kat developer

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