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Author: blastoff

[Tempatan] Banjir sudah merebak ke 6 negeri ....Johor, pahang , terengganu , selangor , kel

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Post time 5-1-2021 12:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ina_na replied at 4-1-2021 11:19 PM
Dl ms kecik2 dgr org tua2 ckp.. Kalo air  Pahang bah.. Abis semenanjung Malaysia akan bah..


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 Author| Post time 5-1-2021 12:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
slavehunter replied at 5-1-2021 12:13 AM
Lahhh kau ni...aku doakan yang baik2 untuk yang terkesan. Kau muslim ker tak? Kalau non muslim mem ...

aku kata kat penduduk2 negeri disekitar pahang yg air lani tengah dok tuju ke arah2 sungai2 sekitar tempat tinggal depa lah agar tak hanya berdoa dan berharap surut.... sebab kau sebut camtu yg aku reply kat kau tapi bukan tuju kat kau lah kalau kau tak tinggal kat area yg sungai bakal dinaiki tu kelak.

'Sekarang nih air tengah naik mendadak ...semua negeri2 di sekitar pahang patutnya bersiap2 sedia utk pindahkan brg2 ke tempat tinggi... bukan masanya dok simply harap surut dan reda ..... its time to act fast to save belongings'

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 Author| Post time 5-1-2021 12:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
JunkMail replied at 5-1-2021 12:15 AM
Gilalah banjir tahun ni. Mau habis tenggelam Pahang ni kang...

itu lah.... malam ni air makin naik dah tenggelam mcm2..... esok? tak leh bayang

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Post time 5-1-2021 12:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
blastoff replied at 5-1-2021 12:21 AM
aku kata kat penduduk2 negeri disekitar pahang yg air lani tengah dok tuju ke arah2 sungai2 se ...

Ok your oppinion and warning kepada penduduk Pahang loud and clear. Harap mereka bertindak cepat. Semoga semuanye selamat dan jaga kesihatan selalu.

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Post time 5-1-2021 12:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
blastoff replied at 4-1-2021 10:00 PM
Bandar kota tinggi lumpuh ...... tak pernah berlaku lagi sejak 15 tahun lepas.

Kota Tinggi uwey..  Bukan niece ko dah jadi benggali ke?  Tenggelam teros..

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Post time 5-1-2021 12:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Harap mangsa banjir kuatkan diri tabahkan ati.. iols phm sgt mcm mane rasa banjir ni wlaupun ad org kata setahun sekali je..

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Post time 5-1-2021 01:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Semoga kesemua mangsa banjir dipermudahkan segala urusan dan tabah dalam menghadapi dugaan ini

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Post time 5-1-2021 01:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Banjir teruk mcm ni sebab hujan kat kwsn tadahan air iaitu kwsn banjaran titiiwangsa tu nonstop dan lebat. Klau nak tau pasal kwsn yg mungkin banjir elok masuk site

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 Author| Post time 5-1-2021 01:11 AM | Show all posts
Edited by blastoff at 5-1-2021 01:23 AM

Selalunya selama nih air naik kat jalan tepi rumah je .....
kali ni dlm masa beberapa jam je , dari tengahari hingga 5 ptg naik mendadak sampai nak cecah bumbung jadinya , terpaksa tunggu atas bumbung selama 10 jam utk di selamatkan ...makna kedalaman air AMAT luar biasa kali ni lah ...yg bermakna banjir besar bakal menimpa banyak negeri2 lain pun sama lah nanti apabila air di sungai pahang nih mengalir ke sungai2 di negeri2 lain plak esok dan hari seterusnya.

''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ... sweep-across-pahang

Family spends 10 hours on roof beam as floods sweep across Pahang[size=0.8]By Bernama - January 4, 2021 @ 6:07am

A bridge is unusable due to floods following more than three days of heavy rain in Lipis. - Bernama pic

KUANTAN: After spending 10 hours on the roof beam of her house, student Nur Aleeya Maisarah Mansor considers herself lucky to have survived the floods that inundated her home on Sunday.
Relating her experience, she said she had not expected to face such a situation although her house had been flooded previously.
"Usually, although the area is prone to floods, the water would not rise to the front of the house, only to the road beside the house. We did not expect such a big flood to happen. For the first time ever, the water nearly reached the roof," she said when contacted by Bernama today.
According to her, the floodwaters had risen so fast that her house in Kampung Ajai in Dong, Raub, which was under renovation, began to be flooded at noon.

"By 2pm, the water level had exceeded the hip, and we decided to climb onto the scaffolding used for the renovation. The situation worsened by 5pm, as the water had engulfed the staging, so we had to climb higher to the roof beam of the house.
"We did not have anything to eat since the morning, only some candy I had in my bag," she said.
Due to swift currents, Nur Aleeya Maisarah said she, her father Mansor Omar, 50, and mother Ayusyeila Zulaikha Subari, 44, were only evacuated by rescue personnel at 2.56am before being placed at the evacuation centre at Dewan Serbaguna Kampung Pia.
"The security team tried repeatedly to save us but due to the heavy currents they were afraid the boat would overturn. But I am grateful that they finally managed to save us and I would like to thank everyone who sought help for us," she said.
Although they were saved, the family lost nearly all their possessions, including their car, clothes and electrical appliances.
"We couldn't save anything, not books or even clothes... I hope the situation will improve soon," she added.
Raub district recorded 1,616 evacuees from 459 families at 46 relief centres as of 4pm today. - Bernama


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Post time 5-1-2021 01:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
FOTHER-MUCKER replied at 4-1-2021 11:26 PM
Selamat datang ke tahun pertama 2020s yang penuh cabaran dan musibah!

Zaman gomen tebuk atap mmg zaman malapetaka.

banjir lumpur pekat kat ulu kelantan tu petanda xtvt pembalakan yg x terkawal so x perlu nk kesian.mmg Cash!

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 Author| Post time 5-1-2021 01:31 AM | Show all posts
grouper replied at 5-1-2021 01:06 AM
Banjir teruk mcm ni sebab hujan kat kwsn tadahan air iaitu kwsn banjaran titiiwangsa tu nonstop dan  ...

Aras air 69.29mtelah melebihi tahap BAHAYA (68m) sebanyak 1.29m
Trend: Tiada Perubahan (Tarikh: 05/01/2021 01:15)
Hujan: 1mmberada pada tahap Renyai
(Tarikh: 05/01/2021 01:15)
Aras air 4.21mtelah melebihi tahap BAHAYA (3.5m) sebanyak 0.71m
Trend: Tiada Perubahan (Tarikh: 05/01/2021 01:15)
Hujan: 0mm
(Tarikh: 05/01/2021 01:15)
Aras air 74.03mtelah melebihi tahap BAHAYA (72m) sebanyak 2.03m
Trend: Tiada Perubahan (Tarikh: 05/01/2021 01:15)
Hujan: 0mm
(Tarikh: 05/01/2021 01:15)
Aras air 64.46mtelah melebihi tahap BAHAYA (62m) sebanyak 2.46m
Trend: Tiada Perubahan (Tarikh: 05/01/2021 01:15)
Hujan: 0mm
(Tarikh: 05/01/2021 01:15)
Aras air 19.65mtelah melebihi tahap BAHAYA (19m) sebanyak 0.65m
Trend: Tiada Perubahan (Tarikh: 05/01/2021 01:15)
Hujan: 0mm
(Tarikh: 05/01/2021 01:15)
Aras air 31.66mtelah melebihi tahap BAHAYA (30m) sebanyak 1.66m
Trend: Tiada Perubahan (Tarikh: 05/01/2021 01:00)
Hujan: 0mm
(Tarikh: 05/01/2021 01:00)
Aras air 22.89mtelah melebihi tahap AMARAN (22.1m) sebanyak 0.79m
Trend: Tiada Perubahan (Tarikh: 05/01/2021 01:00)
Hujan: 0mm
(Tarikh: 05/01/2021 01:00)
Aras air 82.94mtelah melebihi tahap WASPADA (82.5m) sebanyak 0.44m
Trend: Tiada Perubahan (Tarikh: 05/01/2021 01:15)
Hujan: 0mm
(Tarikh: 05/01/2021 01:15)
Aras air 24.57mtelah melebihi tahap WASPADA (24m) sebanyak 0.57m
Trend: Tiada Perubahan (Tarikh: 05/01/2021 01:00)
Hujan: 0mm
(Tarikh: 05/01/2021 01:00)
Aras air 82.78mtelah melebihi tahap WASPADA (82.5m) sebanyak 0.28m
Trend: Tiada Perubahan (Tarikh: 05/01/2021 00:45)


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Post time 5-1-2021 01:32 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
blastoff replied at 4-1-2021 11:25 PM
Nampak negeri2 sekitar pahang tuh ..... hati2 ler ok ...perlu kerah bot2 penyelamat bersiap sedia da ...

Awak janganlah nimbulkan rasa panik.
Negeri2 lain yg berjiran dgn pahang, kalaupun banjir xde kena mengena dgn sg pahang.

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Post time 5-1-2021 01:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sape dekat johor dan pahang boleh update? Sana masih hujan lagi tak?

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 Author| Post time 5-1-2021 01:35 AM | Show all posts
edoraixora replied at 5-1-2021 01:32 AM
Awak janganlah nimbulkan rasa panik.
Negeri2 lain yg berjiran dgn pahang, kalaupun banjir xde ke ...

kenapa plak air sungai pahang yg tengah TERLAMPAU banyak tuh tak leh mengalir gi ke sungai2 di negeri2 sekitarnya ?

Kau ingat sungai mcm air kolam ka yg cuma boleh berkumpul satu area je tak mengalir ?

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Post time 5-1-2021 01:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dudaberhias replied at 5-1-2021 01:34 AM
Sape dekat johor dan pahang boleh update? Sana masih hujan lagi tak?

Install apps rain alarm . Boleh tengok cuaca di negeri seluruh msia. Minggu ni memang tebal awan dijohor.

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 Author| Post time 5-1-2021 01:38 AM | Show all posts
yg TAK perlu panik mcm covid tuh boleh plak satu malaya sesaja di biarkan panik ntah hapa2,
yg perlu panik sesgt utk bertindak segera menyelamatkan hartamende macam banjir luar biasa dalamnya nih tak mau panik lah plakkkk


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Post time 5-1-2021 01:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
blastoff replied at 5-1-2021 01:35 AM
kenapa plak air sungai pahang yg tengah TERLAMPAU banyak tuh tak leh mengalir gi ke sungai2 di neg ...

So dekat sungai negeri mana yg boleh menyebabkan air sg pahang tu mengalir. Cer info sikit

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Post time 5-1-2021 01:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Matakilat replied at 5-1-2021 01:37 AM
Install apps rain alarm . Boleh tengok cuaca di negeri seluruh msia. Minggu ni memang tebal awan d ...

Thank u kaka, memang tercari2 kot2 ada webaite ke app nak tengok cuaca terkini, banyak jumpa ramalan cuaca je, choiii orang nak terkini. Mujur kaka share.

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Post time 5-1-2021 01:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kluang dan pahang nampaknya masih awan tebal, macam ada tanda bakal hujan tak henti lagi. Entah la harap2 hujan sekejap je reda.

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Post time 5-1-2021 01:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
blastoff replied at 5-1-2021 01:38 AM
yg TAK perlu panik mcm covid tuh boleh plak satu malaya sesaja di biarkan panik ntah hapa2,
yg per ...

Maksud PANIK haku di komen terdahulu, bila ko menyebarkan dakyah, negeri2 sekitar pahang kena berjaga2 sebab air sungai pahang akan melimpah ke negeri2 tersebut.

Banjir di negeri2 sekitar xde kena mengena dgn air sungai pahang. Ngertik???

Tiberrr nak kaitkan covid pulak, jadahhhhh

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