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Author: sephia_liza

haiwan pelik\weird creature.....

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Post time 20-4-2006 02:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sephia_liza at 17-4-2006 15:13

Uh yang ni rasanya hoax, depa guna kepala monyet!

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 Author| Post time 20-4-2006 02:55 PM | Show all posts


eeee....comelnya kuda laut warna color....



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Post time 20-4-2006 09:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sephia_liza at 20-4-2006 02:55 PM
eeee....comelnya kuda laut warna color.... ... 0WOXsC%2Fr3rQukk%3D

Yang ini sesiapa yang biasa buat knitting atau crochet ke pasti kenal kraf tangan ni ...!

Nice try sephia! :lol

[ Last edited by  hamizao at 20-4-2006 09:26 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 22-4-2006 04:45 PM | Show all posts



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 Author| Post time 22-4-2006 04:46 PM | Show all posts



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 Author| Post time 22-4-2006 04:49 PM | Show all posts



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 Author| Post time 22-4-2006 04:50 PM | Show all posts



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 Author| Post time 23-4-2006 04:05 PM | Show all posts


Some people in Australia now prefer the bilby to the rabbit as a symbol of Easter. Although in most of the world the rabbit is seen as cute and cuddly, in Australia it is considered a nuisance because this introduced creature has contributed to the decline of some endemic Australian species. One of these species is the bilby, otherwise known as the rabbit-eared bandicoot.

The bilby is a desert-dwelling marsupial and was found throughout Australia not long ago but now can be found almost only in the northern Australian desert. As agricultural development has spread in the last one hundred years, the bilby's habitat has been reduced and introduced species--including not only rabbits but also domestic cattle and sheep--compete with it for food and space. It is now considered a threatened species, and programs are being developed to reintroduce the bilby to areas from which it has disappeared.

Like many species found only in Australia, the bilby is unusual in appearance. Its ears look very much like a rabbit's, but its tail is skinny, furry, and very long--the tail alone can be almost a foot long while the bilby's body is typically not be more than a foot and a half long. Its face has a long and pointy fur-covered snout, while its feet are clawed and used for digging spiral burrows as far as six feet deep into the ground. The bilby is nocturnal and spends most of its day in these burrows, which it digs at a deep angle that predators have a hard time negotiating. It feeds mostly on insects and fruits.

Two subspecies of the bilby exist today, the Western Bilby (Macrotis lagotis lagotis) and the Eastern Bilby (Macrotis lagotis sagitta). A separate, much smaller Bilby species known as the 'Lesser Bilby' (Macrotis leucura) used to be found in central Australia, but it has been presumed extinct since the 1930s.

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 Author| Post time 23-4-2006 04:07 PM | Show all posts


Nutria are large semi-aquatic rodents. These animals are called coypu in most of the world, but are called nutria in North America. Nutria are generally smaller than beavers but larger than muskrats. Unlike beavers or muskrats, however, Nutria have round, slightly haired tails. Nutria are capable of fast overland travel for considerable distances. They are much more at home in the water, and are also capable of swimming long distances underwater.

Nutria are native to South America, particularly Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uraguay. Nutria were first imported to North America for their fur in the early 1930s. Nutria fur is similar to beaver; it is often characterized by dense grayish underfur and long glossy guard hairs. Wild nutria vary in color from dark brown to yellowish brown.

Nutria weigh an average of 12.0 pounds (5.4 kg). Nutria breed year round, and in one year, an adult nutria can produce two litters and be pregnant for a third. The number of young in a litter ranges from 1-13 with an average of 4.5 young. The maximum length of life for nutria kept in captivity is 12 years, but the life span in the wild is considerably less. The main predator of an adult nutria is the alligator. Young nutria are also preyed upon by turtles, large snakes, and birds of prey.

Nutria are mostly vegetarian, feeding on the base of plant stems and digging for roots and rhizomes. Their natural food consists almost entirely of aquatic and semi-aquatic vegetation, but when these animals live along the coast they will also eat shellfish.

Nutria have been widely introduced in Texas as a solution for ponds choked with vegetation. They do reduce many kinds of aquatic plants, and at times they do the job too well. Once nutrias become established in a lake, their high reproductive capacity soon results in overpopulation. Where abundant, nutria may cause severe damage to vegetation. Nutria overgrazing removes vegetation from marsh surfaces, leaving soil vulnerable to erosion through tidal action. The root systems of these plants are also frequently damaged, making recovery through vegetative regeneration very slow. It is estimated that currently more than 60,000 acres of wetlands are impacted by nutria.

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 Author| Post time 23-4-2006 04:08 PM | Show all posts


An okapi is a rare giraffe-like animal native to the rainforests of Central Africa. Okapi and giraffes share similar facial features, such as long prehensile tongues for grooming and pulling leaves, and males of both species have small skin-covered horns. But okapi necks are not as elongated as giraffe necks and okapi are shorter than giraffes, reaching about five feet or one and a half meters tall. The legs of an okapi resemble those of a zebra, and their bodies are darkly colored and similar to that of an antelope.

Okapi are herbivores; their primary diet includes leaves, fruit, and berries. Okapi are nocturnal and mainly solitary in nature. They have excellent hearing, and can move very quickly. The okapi's unusual appearance helps it to blend in with its native jungle environment and elude predators. These qualities also helped the okapi to elude zoologists; although okapi had long been hunted by people in Africa, they were unknown to scientists until the early twentieth century.

Okapi predators include leopards and hunters. Today okapi are threatened by poaching and by population increases that have led to a reduction in the size of their natural habitat.

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 Author| Post time 23-4-2006 04:09 PM | Show all posts

Red Panda

Recently, photographs of a four-legged mammal, walking upright like a human at a Japanese zoo, caused a stir. The unusual animal may look like a raccoon, but it is actually a Red panda - taxonomic cousin to the well-known Giant panda. Red pandas are quadrupeds that do not typically walk upright, though we are still learning about Ailurus fulgens, or the "fire-colored cat," through field and zoo studies.

When it was added to the taxonomic classification system in 1821, the Red panda was the only panda known to Western researchers. The word "panda" is thought to be an Anglicization of the animal's local name "poonya." It wasn't until the discovery of the Giant panda fifty years later that the Red panda colloquially became known as the "lesser" panda.

The Red panda is native to the cool, misty, temperate forests that stretch thousands of miles from western Nepal to southwestern China. While their habitat is large and rich in biodiversity, much of it is threatened by human activities. For example, the temperate forests that shelter the pandas are often logged to be used as building material, fuel for cooking fires, or to clear land for livestock. The Red panda's diet also makes the animal especially vulnerable when environmental fluctuations endanger bamboo, its only food source. And despite stricter laws, poaching remains a problem. Popular "eco-tourist" destinations, such as the "real" Shangri-la in China's Yunnan Province and Kashmir in Nepal, are also within the Red panda's traditional territory and there are concerns the increasing tourist traffic adds further stress to an already endangered area.

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 Author| Post time 23-4-2006 04:11 PM | Show all posts

Strange Octopuses

Some octopus species are able to camouflage themselves to blend in with their background by changing their skin color or texture. But the mimic octopus can actually make itself appear to be other kinds of animals such as a sea snake, a lion fish, or a sole fish. There are other species that can mimic an animal that is dangerous or poisonous, but the mimic octopus is the only known species that can change its shape to a variety of species depending upon which predator is approaching.

The mimic octopus had not been identified as a species until 2001 when divers found specimens off of Sulawesi and Bali in Indonesia. It had never been noticed before largely because its barren, muddy habitat is not often explored by divers. The features of its habitat may explain why it has developed its particular defense mechanism: there are few rocks or coral formations for it to hide in or to blend in with. Little is currently known about the mimic octopus; the species has not yet been given a scientific name.

As scientists explore previously unstudied ocean ecosystems, they continue to make new discoveries. For example, while the blanket octopus (Tremoctopus violaceus) has long been known to exist, only recently has a live male been spotted in its natural habitat. This creature is known for one feature above all: while the male of the species is an inch or less in length, the female can be well over six feet. Males have been found weighing about a quarter of a gram or .008 ounces, while females can weight ten kilograms, or twenty-two pounds. In other words, the female is about one hundred times longer than the male, and can be 44,000 times heavier, which makes the blanket octopus the animal with the greatest known sexual dimorphism, or difference in size between the average male and average female.

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 Author| Post time 23-4-2006 04:12 PM | Show all posts


No, it's not Yoda in a fur coat. It is a tarsier, one of the smallest of the primates. The length of its head and body together is only around 10 cm (4 inches). But there is more to the tarsier than a head and a body. Its hind legs are actually about 20 cm. long, and its hairless tail is even longer than that. Its long hind legs, with their specially fused tibia and fibula, allow the 4-inch tarsier to jump up to 7 feet from limb to limb (the fused lower leg-bones act as a shock absorber in landing).

Tarsiers are native to the islands of Southeast Asia, including the Philippines and Indonesia. Though tiny, they are actually effective hunters, feeding on insects, small rodents, bats, and even snakes. To learn more on the tarsier, see this page from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology's Animal Diversity Web. Also see the Tarsier UK site's fascinating pictures of tarsiers, including the one above, which they graciously permitted us to use.

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 Author| Post time 23-4-2006 04:14 PM | Show all posts


The viperfish is a scary-looking creature, but it is no threat to humans. In the first place, humans have so rarely encountered a viperfish in its natural habitat that to date there are no photographs of one in its home in the deep ocean

If the viperfish is not a worry for humans, however, it is extremely curious in its appearance and its physical features. The viperfish, which typically grows to at least a foot long, has a very large mouth, which opens very widely but is not big enough to contain the fish's long teeth. The viperfish is also bioluminescent, with photophores--light-emitting organs--on its dorsal fin and along its body to lure its prey to it. The fish has been observed hovering in place in the water with its dorsal fin curved around so that its photophore is waving near its mouth, as a means of drawing prey. Because the viperfish's body is dark blue or black in color, it is thought that other fish can see no part of it other than its lights.

The viperfish is found at depths of 500-2500 meters during the day in the part of the ocean sometimes called the "twilight zone," because very little light penetrates to that depth. When it goes in search of the crustaceans and small fish that are its main sources of food at night, it rises as close as to the surface as perhaps 80 meters where food is more plentiful, making it what is called a "vertical migrator."

According to FishBase, the U.N. Food and Agricultural Agency's international databases of information on fish, there are at least four separate species commonly called viperfish. Various viperfish species are widely distributed throughout the Earth's oceans



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Post time 15-5-2006 01:30 PM | Show all posts
Binatang nei tak nak masuk category bnatang pelik ker.....nampak cute..tapi bunyi dan garang nak mampus...hehehe...

Tasmanian Devil

DENGAR BUNYI DIA NIE.. ... XB/$FILE/tasde.aiff

[ Last edited by  matmin77 at 15-5-2006 01:33 PM ]



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 Author| Post time 18-5-2006 11:47 AM | Show all posts


Originally posted by matmin77 at 15-5-2006 01:30 PM
Binatang nei tak nak masuk category bnatang pelik ker.....nampak cute..tapi bunyi dan garang nak mampus...hehehe...

Tasmanian Devil ...

cool information...thanks...

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Post time 19-5-2006 03:39 PM | Show all posts
tasmanian devil...mmg best dari segi name or secare fizikal.
  kalo tak salah aku dierang nih jenis omnivor mkn aper sajer.
and at time boleh gaks jadi pemkn bangkai.



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 Author| Post time 22-5-2006 03:17 PM | Show all posts


cuba anda bayangkan,seseorang keluar dari dalam perut...



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 Author| Post time 22-5-2006 03:23 PM | Show all posts

Strange Creature Skeletal Remains Found

The skeletal remains of a strange creature have been found on Albuquerque? West Mesa. A detailed skeleton of what appears to be a flying, or swimming creature, rather flat, and preserved very well.  News Channel 4

The creature belongs to Robert Wheeler. It was found out on the West Mesa,?says Wheeler.  friend of mine was out there shooting and kicked it out of the dirt.? looks like a gargoyle?said Wheeler friend Steve Garcia. I has these sponge-like lips.?Garcia and Wheeler say Hispanics seem most affected by the creature ?and what it might be.  people of Spanish heritage, it's the chupacabra,?says Wheeler.

When this News article aired, it created a stir.  No some are claiming it was fake, and only aired as a ratings boost report.  Although the creature is weird, some are saying it is a salt water skate, a flunder, or some other flat boned aquatic creature.  Perhaps this is the truth, and there is nothing abnormal about the find, But no factual evidence have emerged as of yet.



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