Juwani = Menj ???
juwaini had very bad intention or bad faith to make this forum to be closed.
if you look at all the posting, he/she making so much unpleasant words.
maybe super duper moderator can bann him/her in this forum
Cari Forum ? Religion, Spirituality and Faith ? THREAD CLOSED - Suicide!!!
http://forum.cari.com.my/viewthr ... page%3D1&page=1
I agree with T8.
Menj re-incarnated to destroy CARI. |
Why must ban Juwani? She/he already removed the 'avitar'.What more do you want?
Get him/her killed? Seems to me that you are just being vindictive... |
I spend at least few wee hours
to change juvenile view on ugly avatar.
at last he or she was changed.
I know Menj's favourite was to make caricatures of things - life or dead. |
Sorry I don't get your Yoda-esque speak.
Nevermind though.I will try to decipher it slowly..hehe |
you need juvenile if not ban here
to help you to find the answer here. |
Who is Juwani? See you spell also spell wrong. Why must ban?
Mod --> I think this is consider personal attack against Juwaini |
1st of all, u're making a personal attack
2ndly, i changed my avatar because there are a good person here ask me to do so with decency...
3rd, u open an unproductive thread...
4th, why don't u just report me to mod, admin, super mod, police, fireman, lim kit siang etc?
5th, i think ur reaction is over the top
6th, i'm not Menj and i don't even know him
7th, please give ur reason to justify banning me... |
Originally posted by ayumi_asahi at 26-6-2006 10:33 PM
Who is Juwani? See you spell also spell wrong. Why must ban?
Mod --> I think this is consider personal attack against Juwaini
You're writing like 13Friday too. lol:lol I think we all shd write like him too from now onwards.  |
Whatever it's, I'll send a pm to Beandiesel & DivinePonytail to lock this "tak menjana minda" thread. In other word "tak berilmiah".
PS. To 13Friday, get a life & don't be too obsessed with Menj. Don't you have anything else on your mind? |
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 26-6-2006 11:00 PM
Whatever it's, I'll send a pm to Beandiesel & DivinePonytail to lock this "tak menjana minda" thread. In other word "tak berilmiah".
PS. To 13Friday, get a life & don ...
he had some kind of personal vendetta with Menj i supposed... |
Reply #10 juwaini's post
Nope, he's too obsessed with Menj that he has nothing else on his mind except MENJ MENJ MENJ.
Okaylah, I want to log-out or maybe lepak at Gossips Board & mengutuk your fav. singer, Siti Nurhaliza. :jeler: See you. Take good care. |
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 26-6-2006 11:08 PM
Nope, he's too obsessed with Menj that he has nothing else on his mind except MENJ MENJ MENJ.
Okaylah, I want to log-out or maybe lepak at Gossips Board & mengutuk your fav. singer, Siti Nur ...
maybe he can take me as replacement of menj...
siti nurhaliza, oh nooo :no: |
Whether or not Juwani = Menj, or Truth.8 = 13Friday etc don't matter to me. Why? In our debates, what one says matters more than who one actually is. In fact, I've never seen any rules against multiple nick for one person. Let me know if you've seen such rule. As far as I know, only mods are not allowed to have more than one nickname.
So, case closed. Is juwaini actually MENJ? No idea. It doesn't matter. It's not an issue of religion.
by Panglima Hitam in http://forum.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=221713
Eleh....kalau ada ungkapan lucah dan insults... apa susah, Mod blackouts aje..
Ini mau bising2.... bila Pang5 buka aje thread ni, belum apa2 lagi sudah mau predict arah tuju thread... sudah mau sound!
Ini yg Pang5 bengang... al maklum ler penyapu baru kot.... let the thread run first, if menyeleweng tegur ler... ini tidak, belum ada response dia dah mula nak tunjuk dia punya terrer... piiirahhh
[quote]Dah jadi open secret, mana ada forummer disini mau ikut arahan... hanya kaki bodek yg berkepentingan aje...
Bila nak hentam,depa memang hentam ikut suka.. Mod boleh tegur but it's our right to follow or not....
First of all, I did not predict the direction of the thread, I was looking for it. Many times here, people complain about 'spam'. And what's the common characteristic of such thread? The opening of the thread has no clear direction. People just copy and paste news, articles or links without providing sufficient introduction to the topic and specifying where it should go from there.
Dah jadi open secret, mana ada forummer disini mau ikut arahan... hanya kaki bodek yg berkepentingan aje...
Bila nak hentam,depa memang hentam ikut suka.. Mod boleh tegur but it's our right to follow or not....
I admit that there are people around here who just won't follow the rules. But there are many who has shown a lot of cooperation in maintaining the harmony here.
Let's say what you're saying is true, that nobody here follows the rule. Does that make it right for you to do the same? No (it's argumentum ad populum by the way). The majority isn't always right. Let's see, when Muhammad first came out the majority of Quraish was living in darkness. Many years ago in America slavery was widely accepted. Should those majority trends be continued?
Change starts with each one of us. If everybody waits for somebody else to do it first, it's never gonna start.
Look, here's the thing. In the thread, overall there are two separate things that happened as far as moderation is concerned. First, I was looking for direction of the thread, as I have done on a few other threads. It's not a violation of any rule or guideline, not yet. But I was looking to end the trend that many people have complained.
Second, in responding to me, you used profanity against me. Now that's a violation. But I did not punish you for that, I prefer to give you a chance to familiarize yourself with our standard.
All in all, I don't hate you, I am not looking to put you down. I just want what's best for all of us.
Thank you. |
Iman_6 This user has been deleted
Hello, any moderator online now??
Can anyone of you please take action to whats going on in most of the threads in this forum now, which is purely racial incite, the more someone put fuel on the existing fire, the more hell break loose!.
I see that that old man F13 had really make a success becoming the real "batu api" despite his monotone stupidity in this forum.
And Ive noticed too that everytime a newbie posted a thread it will be base on racial issues rather than on RSF.
Im not going to add more fires to the situation as each and everyone shall have more valid points to defend his/her race and all this are due to stupid provocations by senior forumners. Im not surprise if many more newbies shall register and worsen the situation.
[ Last edited by Iman_6 at 30-6-2006 02:44 PM ] |
see who complain so much here
we know the usual crowd like MENJ.
now we have another dubious 13Friday.
menj used to have close/near similar nicks to disrupt and disturb, even with curses before.
[ Last edited by 13Friday at 30-6-2006 07:46 PM ] |
Originally posted by Iman_6 at 6/29/06 10:42 PM
Hello, any moderator online now??
Can anyone of you please take action to whats going on in most of the threads in this forum now, which is purely racial incite, the more someone put fuel on the ...
Thank you Iman_6,
maybe you can specify the problematic threads to us since we may have missed them. We will weigh whether or not some action needs to be taken to those threads. Thank you.
Originally posted by 13Friday at 6/30/06 03:45 AM
we know the usual crowd like MENJ.
now we have another dubious 13Friday.
menj used to have close/near similar nicks to disrupt and disturb, even with curses before.
We understand our concern 13Friday, we're bringing it up to the admins. Hopefully it won't be long before it is settled.
However I advise you against accusing somebody of doing that against you. We don't know, we have no clear proof. |
bob This user has been deleted
i am refraining from posting until it gets a bit calmer. while i am not actually an angel, i know the limit. everytime you will see truth/13 using redherring tactics. there are also some islamic posters too. and then the christians get worked up too. its like a small israel/palestinian war here, where nobody backs down. you also see fh, by virtue of not having any faith, keeps attacking islam. however, he has never ever want to answer on atheism.
i beleive a good way to set things through is to freeze the rsf forum for a week as a punishment and also for all to ponder their actions. the forum has provided a "room" for discussion and since it has been abused, shut the door for a week. i am sure those who value the forum will come to terms with your authority and listen.
Alternatively, get the admin to provide you with banning power and ban those who break the rules. or recommend the admin to ban them. |
This is what happens when the Mods allowed spamming
Come on Mods,you guys should exercise your power to delete all unneccesary post and thread. |
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