7 Wonders of The World [merged: MOONkerBULAN,Alphawolf,Jelma,hetrek]
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my all-time peberet...7 wonders of the world!!!
meh aku tambah gambar2xnyer lagi....(tgh rajin lak malam ni).

timbuktu, mali.

taj mahal, india |

stonehedge, UK

petra, jordan |

kremlin, russia

kiyomizu temple, japan |

Alhambra, Spain

Chitchan Itza, Mexico |

machupichu, peru

christ redeemer, brazil. |
and i vote for....
1) giza pyramid, mesir
2) great wall of china
3) angkor wat
4) timbuktu, mali
5) petra jordan
6) hagia sofya, turki
7) macchu pichu, peru
tapi sayang takleh nak vote via internet. |
more clear pics of timbuktu....

ini pulak some pics of michupicu....

piramid giza..

Contrary to the common belief, only the Great Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops), not all three Great Pyramids, is on top of the list of Wonders. The monument was built by the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu of the Fourth Dynasty around the year 2560 BC to serve as a tomb when he dies. The tradition of pyramid building started in Ancient Egypt as a sophistication of the idea of a mastaba or "platform" covering the royal tomb. Later, several stacked mastabas were used. Early pyramids, such as the Step Pyramid of King Zoser (Djoser) at Saqqara by the famous Egyptian architect, Imhotep, illustrate this connection.
The great pyramid is believed to have been built over a 20 year period. The site was first prepared, and blocks of stone were transported and placed. An outer casing (which disappeared over the years) was then used to smooth the surface. Although it is not known how the blocks were put in place, several theories have been proposed. One theory involves the construction of a straight or spiral ramp that was raised as the construction proceeded. This ramp, coated with mud and water, eased the displacement of the blocks which were pushed (or pulled) into place. A second theory suggests that the blocks were placed using long levers with a short angled foot.
Throughout their history, the pyramids of Giza have stimulated human imagination. They were referred to as "The Granaries of Joseph" and "The Mountains of Pharaoh". When Napoleon invaded Egypt in 1798, his pride was expressed through his famous quote: "Soldats! Du haut de ces Pyramides, 40 si鑓les nous contemplent". (Soldiers! From the top of these Pyramids, 40 centuries are looking at us)
Today, the Great Pyramid is enclosed, together with the other pyramids and the Sphinx, in the touristic region of the Giza Plateau. Also in the area is the museum housing the mysterious Sun Boat, only discovered in 1954 near the south side of the pyramid. The boat is believed to have been used to carry the body of Khufu in his last journey on earth before being buried inside the pyramid. It may also serve him as a means of transportation in his afterlife journey according to Ancient Egyptian beliefs.
When it was built, the Great pyramid was 145.75 m (481 ft) high. Over the years, it lost 10 m (30 ft) off its top. It ranked as the tallest structure on Earth for more than 43 centuries, only to be surpassed in height in the nineteenth century AD. It was covered with a casing of stones to smooth its surface (some of the casing can still be seen near the top of Khefre's pyramid). The sloping angle of its sides is 51 degrees and 51 minutes. Each side is carefully oriented with one of the cardinal points of the compass, that is, north, south, east, and west. The horizontal cross section of the pyramid is square at any level, with each side measuring 229 m (751 ft) in length. The maximum error between side lengths is astonishingly less than 0.1%.
The structure consists of approximately 2 million blocks of stone, each weighing more than two tons. It has been suggested that there are enough blocks in the three pyramids to build a 3 m (10 ft) high, 0.3 m (1 ft) thick wall around France. The area covered by the Great pyramid can accommodate St Peter's in Rome, the cathedrals of Florence and Milan, and Westminster and St Paul's in London combined.
On the north face, is the pyramid's entrance. A number of corridors, galleries, and escape shafts either lead to the King's burial chamber, or were intended to serve other functions. The King's chamber is located at the heart of the pyramid, only accessible through the Great Gallery and an ascending corridor. The King's sarcophagus is made of red granite, as are the interior walls of the King's Chamber. Most impressive is the sharp-edged stone over the doorway which is over 3 m (10 ft) long, 2.4 m (8 feet) high and 1.3 m (4 ft) thick. All of the interior stones fit so well, a card won't fit between them. The sarcophagus is oriented in accordance with the compass directions, and is only about 1 cm smaller in dimensions than the chamber entrance. It might have been introduced as the structure was progressing.
New theories concerning the origin and purpose of the Pyramids of Giza have been proposed... Astronomic observatories... Places of cult worship... Geometric structures constructed by a long-gone civilization... Even extraterrestrial-related theories have been proposed with little evidence in support... The overwhelming scientific and historic evidence still supports the conclusion that, like many smaller pyramids in the region, the Great Pyramids were built by the great Ancient Egyptian civilization off the West bank of the Nile as tombs for their magnificent Kings... Tombs where Khufu, Khefre, and Menkaure could start their mystic journey to the afterlife. |
cukup ler yg nih dulu..
nanti carik lagik..
tp cantik betul lah machu pichu tu.. |
New wonders in the world
Media Release
New 7 Wonders of the World campaign announces the 21 finalist candidates
Z黵ich/Switzerland, 1 January 2006
With an official announcement, the Chairman of a panel of leading architectural experts has today revealed the 21 world's landmark sites which will take part in the final stage of the race to become one of the New 7 Wonders of the World.
The 21 finalists were selected by the New7Wonders Panel of Experts from a longlist of hundreds of nominations proposed by over 19 million votes worldwide. In alphabetical order, the official finalist candidates for the New 7 Wonders of the World are:
01 Acropolis, Athens, Greece
02 Alhambra, Granada, Spain
03 Angkor, Cambodia
04 Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico
05 Christ Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
06 Colosseum, Rome, Italy
07 Easter Island Statues, Chile
08 Eiffel Tower, Paris, France
09 Great Wall, China
10 Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey
11 Kyomizu Temple, Kyoto, Japan
12 Kremlin/St.Basil, Moscow, Russia
13 Machu Picchu, Peru
14 Neuschwanstein Castle, F黶sen, Germany
15 Petra, Jordan
16 Pyramids of Giza, Egypt
17 Statue of Liberty, New York, USA
18 Stonehenge, Amesbury, United Kingdom
19 Sydney Opera House, Australia
20 Taj Mahal, Agra, India
21 Timbuktu, Mali
These 21 finalist candidate sites will now go forward for a final year of public voting via the internet and via the New7Wonders telephone Global Voting Platform, and will feature in live events and an international television series produced by the world's no.1 television company Endemol.
On 1 January 2007, the Official Declaration of the New 7 Wonders of the World will take place during a live globally televised event.
The New 7 Wonders of the World campaign was launched in 2000, and is the world's first and largest global voting campaign. Please visit www.new7wonders.com for more information. .
jom sama-sama kita vote!!!!! |
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Tujuh benda ajaib didunia..(kalo dah ade delete la yer)
7 benda ajaib didunia,sering kita sebut-sebut sebagai hadiah terbaik tamadun lalu kepada manusia dimasa kini.Namun apa dia sebenarnya ketujuh-tujuh benda ajaib tersebut.
Sebahagian daripada kita langsung tidak mengetahui apakah sebenarnya atau lokasi benda-benda ajaib tersebut.mengikut sejarah yang telah ditulis,dimulakan susunannya oleh seorang penulis bernama Antipater dari Sidon,pengaruh pertama dari empayar Greek kuno pada tahun 100's B.C.Sejarah ditulis,diubah, serta direka.Namun Bukti tetap ada pada kesan runtuhannya sebagai peringatan kepada umat yang akan datang.so check it out!
Ajaib yang pertama
Piramid Giza:keajaiban dari bangsa mesir kuno.
Dibina sebagai simbol/makam kepada para firaun,pemerintah mesir ketika itu.Ianya disifatkan binaan yang tertua yang masih terpelihara sehingga kini.3 buah piramid yang paling terkenal telah dibina sekitar 2600 dan 2500 B.C.Yang terbesar,dipanggil "The Great Pyramid,berdiri teguh pada ketinggian 135 meter dan mencakupi ruang sehingga 15 hektar.Rome dan Greek amat cemburu terhadap kehalusan senibina kaum mesir ini.
Ajaib yang kedua
Taman Tergantung Babylon:hancur ditelan zaman
Didakwa oleh sesetengah pihak,ianya dibuna oleh pemerintahan ketika itu untuk salah seorang isteri baginda.Nebuchadnezzar,pemerintah agong babylon(berkuasa 605 hingga 562 B.C) yang mengarahkan pembinaan Taman tersebut.Babylon dikatakan terletak berdekatan bandar moden baghdad di Iraq.Namun sehingga kini kedudkan asal Taman tersebut masih lagi menjadi tanda-tanya.Mengikut catatan seorang sejarahwan,Berossus(hidup tahun 200's B.C),Babylon berdiri dengan bangganya antara 120 meter persegi serta 23 meter dari atas tanah.Teknologi pengaliran air yang moden ketika itu mebolehkan Taman-taman didalamnya mekar dengan keharuman bunga berguguran cewahh!.
Ajaib yang ketiga
Kuil Artemis:Sembahan bangsa Ephesus kepada tuhan Greek
Dibina pada sekitar 550 B.C,ianya adalah salah satu daripada kuil yang terbesar serta yang rumit pembuatannya pernah dibina ketika itu.Berdiri teguh di Ephesus,kota Greek yang terletak di Asia minor Turki.Dibina sepenuhnya dari marmar berkualiti(kecuali pada bumbungnya dari ukiran kayu berkualiti).Persembahan binaan kuil ini adalah diuntukkan pada salah satu tuhan mereka,Dewi Artemis direka oleh arkitek pada masa itu,Chersiphron dan anaknya,Metagenes.Keteguhan binaanya disokong pada asas berukuran 115 x 55 meter.106 ruangan,pada ketinggian 12 meter yang sebahagiannya didermakan oleh pemerintah Lydia,King Croesus.Sayangnya,yang berdiri pasti jatuh juga.Kuil ini telah terbakar pada 356 b.C namun dibina semula sebelum dibakar semula oleh penjarah-penjarah kaum GOTH pada 262 A.D.Kini hanya kesan runtuhan sahaja yang dapat dilihat untuk tontonan tamadun kini.Bandar Ephesus juga terkenal dengan kisah 7 Orang pemuda yang tidur ribuan tahun disebuah gua.Kisah pemuda-pemuda ini juga diterangkan dalam surah al-kahfi..
Kejaiban yang keempat
Patung Zeus:Monumen senibina bangsa Greek kuno pada dewa.
Terletak di Olympia,Greek mungkin tergolong antara salah satu monumen terkenal dizaman kuno.Pengukir Greek, Phidias mengukir monumen ini pada 435 B.C.Khas Untuk Zeus bermakna mestilah dari bahan-bahan yang berkualiti.Permata digunakan untuk bahagian badannya,pakaian dan jubah daripada Emas,apa yang harus dikatakan lagi.Namun,monumen ini telah pun hilang ditelan zaman.Tiada apa yang kekal,bukankah begitu?
Keajaiban yang kelima
Makam Halicarnassus:kota pemerintah bangsa Parsi
Terletak di Turki,ianya adalah binaan menakjubkan dibina pada 353 B.C. bertatahkan marmar putih.Ketinggian binaan ini,40 meter dengan ruang segiempat sama dibawah tanah yang membentuk 36 ruang.emm terlalu banyak yang patut diceritakan tapi yang pentingnya ukiran berbentuk patung tidak pernah dilupakan dalam setiap monumen kuno.Patung pemerintah masa itu,Mausolus berdiri tegak diatas binaan bumbung yang berbentuk piramid diatasnya.Pembinanya?kaum Greek,dengan arkitek-arkitek mereka,Satyros dan pythios dibahagian makam,manakala pengukir seperti Bryaxis, Leochares, Scopas, dan Timotheus,ditugaskan dibahagian ukiran patung/dinding bangunan.Seperti biasa,tiada apa yang mampu berdiri dengan bangga.Makam ini musnah akibat gempa bumi yang melanda hingga tinggal runtuhan sahaja.Kini sebahagian daripada tinggalan itu boleh dilihat di British Museum,London.
Keajaiban yang keenam
The Colossus Of Rhodes-monumen besar kepulauan Rhodes
Diperbuat dari pada gangsa,ianya merupakan suatu hadiah buat dewa mereka,Dewa Matahari Helios.Terletak di Rhodes,gugusan pulau-pulau di laut Aegean.Berdiri tegak,bangga dengan ketinggian 37 meter-setinggi Statue Of Liberty.Pengukir Greek,Chares mengambil masa 12 tahun untuk menyiapkannya bermula dari 200's B.C.Tahun 224 B.C ianya musnah akibat daripada gempa bumi.653 A.D?ya tahun dimana kesan-kesan runtuhan dijual sebagai barangan terbuang(scrap)..sungguh memalukan.
Keajaiban yang ketujuh
Rumah Api Alexandria-Kenangan buat Alexander Yang Hebat
122 meter,berdiri teguh ditepi pulau Pharos berdekatan pelabuhan alexandria,Mesir.Juga dikenali sebagai Pharos of Alexandria.Pembinaan dimulakan pada zaman Ptolemy II (283-246 B.C) berdasarkan nukilan arkitek Sostratos.Terdapat 3 seksyen utama menyokong binaan ini:bahagian bawah,segiempat.bahagian tengah,8 penjuru.serta bahagian atas berbentuk bulatan.Nyalaan api diletakkan pada bahagian atas untuk membantuk para pelayar.Monumen ini sempat berdiri teguh selama 1,500 tahun sebelum menghempas kebumi pada 1300's A.D akibat dari gempa bumi.Rumahaapi sendiri memberi makna Pharos(firaun) dari segi bahasa.
rujukan dari "1999 Worldbook International |
7 wonder of K.Lumpur Metropolitan
7 wonder of K.Lumpur Metropolitan
Apa pendapat anda ???
mari kita senaraikan. jgn ambil serius sangat. cuma fikirkan yg mana sesuai ??? |
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1. jalan yg sentiasa berlobang walaupun baru semalam repair..
2. pengemis bersepah, pihak berkuasa buat dunno jek..
bule gitu? :hmm: |
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# Istana Budaya
# Tugu Negara
# Stadium Merdeka
# Istana Negara
# Menara Kuala Lumpur,
# Menara KLCC
dll.... |
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Originally posted by d34n at 22-8-2006 05:31 PM
1. jalan yg sentiasa berlobang walaupun baru semalam repair..
2. pengemis bersepah, pihak berkuasa buat dunno jek..
bule gitu? :hmm:
maksud aku, bangunanlah, mana tahu pd pandangan korang ada yg ajaib ke???:hatdown: |
1. trafffic jam x tentu masa
2.keta still byk kat jln even at midnite
3.lubang kat jln
4.mesti slow kat tmpt eksiden(nak tgk)
5.x suka kongsi keta(x caya?try tgk keta2 masa traffic jam,sure dlm 1 keta ada 1 org je...)
6.kalau ujan yg bwk keta pun berebut nak cepat2 balik padahal bukannya xde bumbung
7.mat rempit yg maha hebat skill mereka |
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