good movie
kalau disambung to version 2 best gak!
tp..lepas tgk citer ni..satu mlm teringat2 bab2 yg kijam2..tu |
Reply #60 philipinoe2's post
emmm...iyo le tuh..:jeler: :jeler:
best per spiderman 3 ni...kaler baju dia dah tukar kaler itam tau...
tuh yg teruja bebnor nk tgk ni...  |
Reply #63 philipinoe2's post
aa'ah ye la tuh...sesuka hati je...hang je la yg jadik pengarah..buleyy..??? :nerd: :nerd: |
Reply #64 mekjena's post
pino kalu diberi pluang, mmg tringin nk direct pilem, tp spoof film la, tajuk super heroes...
dlm citer tu pino nk combine sume superheroes iaitu supermen, spidermen, batman, cicakman, mulawin (citer pilipina), kluangman, captain america/canada, tundercat, fantastic 4, papai, justice league, saber rider, mr bean etc...
pino berani jamin film itu kelak akan mncipta record dunia, pilem paling laku menewaskan titanik... |
jeles la tu...  |
Reply #68 mekjena's post
nay, ako sa ala makuaw denna jenna baha ng it-it nya 12 at mala kayo dian ay tapagna...:jeler::jeler:
jenna, ilocos ayan titi ng mapanghi?.. |
alahai, kat sini pun korang berasmaradana ke? aku tengah download movie ni setelah sekian lama tak dapat menorrent. Tapi aku pasti sure cerita ni best sebab Mel Gibson kan peduli apa je masa buat movie  |
Reply #70 artgeex's post
alhamdulillah, kate org asmaradana di kalayak ramai lebih afdol...  |
Reply #70 artgeex's post
ellop akak...kamik cuma borak2 pasai pilem2, dvd ori...buleyy????
kalo ter on & off topicc tu biasa la beb...
ampun dipinta... |
Reply #73 philipinoe2's post
citer baru ke pino...sapa plakon dia...x penak dengaq le tajuk ni...
biaq betul nih.. |
Reply #74 mekjena's post
blah la x penah dengaq!
passion of the crist-directed by emel gibsen
sonopsis: ade sorg mamat tu, name die jesus, die ngaku die adelah Tuhan...so die cube la bwk ajaran suci die konon2 nyer la...1 hari, mase die tgh preaching manusia2 kt area umah die tu, x psl2 kuar...
sinopsis ni to be continued... :lol :lol |
Reply #75 philipinoe2's post
kalo dah rekaan semata-mata gini la jadinya... :@
buang karan je pino nih...:ketuk: :ketuk: |
testing, jenap pesal hang punya post x kuar/aku x nmpk? |
Reply #76 mekjena's post
weh, citer betulla, cuba hang check page2 blakang dlm bod ni, msti ada topic psl passion of christ... |
Reply #79 philipinoe2's post
malas ar...cakap je la page baper... |
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